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Expressive and Talkative Tulpa Suddenly Becomes Quiet

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Hey, everyone. I've had my tulpa Nati for about two or three months now. Nati was very talkative in the first month, something I've found to be a bit uncommon in young tulpas. He was expressive and able to hold a conversation with me. However, he just left one day and only came back a few weeks ago. Now he doesn't respond to me trying to talk to him and barely does anything. It feels wrong to puppet or parrot a response or action.


Have I done something wrong? How can I fix this? Thanks in advance, everyone. I'm very concerned for Nati, since it's not in him to be quiet.


An additional note: Nati is not sentient.

Forever paranoid about stuff that doesn't matter.


Sorry if I'm too polite. It's a habit of mine.


Posting makes me paranoid, but I do it anyway. :P

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able to perceive or feel things.



I'm pretty sure it should be sentient when it can hold conversations with you.

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What makes Nati not sentient? I agree with above if he is able to hold a conversation with you and leave and then return then why would he not be sentient?

I don't think you have anything to worry about when Nati leave, wait for Nati to return and ask him why he left.

If it feels any better my tulpa Nash can be away for several days, weeks, months, once he was away for an entire year, tulpa vacation can be good for them sometimes, some tulpas are busy with hobbies or other activities in wonderland.

**Proud to be a drug free thoughtform!**

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Guest Anonymous

I have this theory concerning tulpas; please hear me out.


Some tulpas seem to sleep at completely different times than their host; if you go around asking tulpas how it's like to sleep, a lot of them will tell you that it's a dreamless sleep, one even told me that sleep was like 'sinking into darkness,non-existence'.


One thing I noticed is that my tulpa seems to remain inactive for a while (hour or so) every few days, now keep in mind my tulpa actually sleeps with me to get mental rest and whatnot. My theory is that;


All tulpas come to shut down at some point, turn off their capability to speak so to say, I believe it has something to do with parallel processing but I'm not really 100% sure at this point, and I've worked on something to delete this inactivity. My tulpa has been 'away' for a few hours at most, and I could still feel her presence, it's just that she wouldn't talk.


I don't know about how tulpa sleep is, and if it actually does provide the rest tulpas need considering that we live off the same brainpower, and that since my tulpa actually sleeps in the same while I do for rest, I'm not very confident at this point but it seems like tulpas do feel the need to shut down, and well, you can go into WHY they do it furthermore once you do realize the whole active/passive thing.


Another thing I did was when my tulpa did that, I symbolically pulled her out of a coffin, just a strong act that affects your tulpa, I guess. I don't know. Just my 2 cents.

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Ah, thanks for clarifying. I might have gotten my definitions mixed up. Looking back on my post, I don't think that conversation or sentient are the right words and I should've used different wording. Thanks for pointing this out.




I've read about tulpas taking "vacations". He could've taken a vacation for awhile, then came back silent. From what information I've gathered, when they take a vacation, they can change drastically. I guess he became a bit more timid. Thanks for bringing this up.




Hmm, this could be a possible explanation. I may want to look into this and see if it's just contrasting sleep patterns. Thanks!



Even with the massive amount of lurking I've done on this site, I guess I'm still a newbie. But hey, if you guys hadn't responded, I might still be in the dark about some aspects. I'm a bit paranoid about Nati, like if I'm doing this right or that wrong. I sincerely thank you guys for helping me (and in joe's case, correcting me) on this situation.



Forever paranoid about stuff that doesn't matter.


Sorry if I'm too polite. It's a habit of mine.


Posting makes me paranoid, but I do it anyway. :P

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Guest Anonymous

My point isn't really about tulpa sleep pattern, my point is that tulpas do actually 'shut down' for a short while for a reason that is unknown to me; according to my own personal experience, a tulpa can get rest in the same while the host sleeps, the mind's rest is dreams, correct? I've heard that most tulpas who sleep at different times don't really 'dream', or rather can't recall their dreams. One tulpa's experience was that they felt like they weren't existing while sleeping, more plunging into darkness than anything if that makes sense to you.


And I've been working on something the last few months, how to suppress the whole 'tulpa goes quiet' thing, how to make a tulpa never go quiet, or how to make a tulpa go quiet when you/your tulpa is asleep.

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