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Lumi's Dreaming Thread; Dreams of Moon


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Still fixing our sleep/wake times, so I can't use the REM-Dreamer yet. But, an interesting thing happened as I woke up from my last dream. Woke up from the dream (like two seconds between dream ending and being conscious), tried to remember what had just been happening and couldn't. There was just a block in the way, as there frequently is. But while trying (over the next 30 seconds or so, time is a pretty important factor in dream recall) to recall it anyways, I managed to recall a slightly earlier memory of maybe 3 minutes ago instead of one.


Immediately comparing my ability to remember that time to the "block" I'd just faced, I got this idea that the block was really more of a "doorstop" as I apparently called it, whatever that means - more specifically (in a clearer state of mind), I'd describe it as a fake memory block. There was a block that said "Nope, can't remember past this" - except I actually could. I had to treat it as if remembering back to something that had just happened to me, rather than remembering "the dream that I had".


Initial observation had me thinking it would be easy to remember dreams like that in the future. Past experience however (both of attempting to recall dreams very intently, and of no "breakthroughs" ever actually working out) says it won't be that easy. Still, it was an interesting as heck phenomenon. It wasn't like tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon where you might just remember something after previously being unable - it felt much more like the inability was simply fake as I accidentally skipped over/around it to remember something a bit further back.


Literally zero promises this will lead to anything, as every other similar "breakthrough" that seemed promising ended up doing nothing/not working again, and I can easily see this being a one time/sometimes thing. But it was interesting enough to look into - maybe a clue towards improving our dream recall. At the very least I think it'll give us the motivation to keep trying to recall a dream even when we feel that mental block in the way. At the most, it could teach us how to do that.

Hi, I'm Tewi, one of Luminesce's tulpas. I often switch to take care of things for the others.

All I want is a simple, peaceful life. With my family.

Our Ask thread: https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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  • 2 weeks later...

(it led to nothing lol)


so tewi had a lucid dream last night and was so casual about it she didn't even think to say anything here! not much happened (she tried to make Reisen appear around a corner and nothing happened, then she woke up after ~15 seconds), so our next issue is definitely going to be dream control... we gotta break our expectations somehow when lucid, gonna try'n fly


rather than say how it happened I'm just gonna say - betcha I have a lucid dream tonight too!

Hi, I'm one of Lumi's tulpas! I like rain and dancing and dancing in the rain and if there's frogs there too that's bonus points.

I think being happy and having fun makes life worth living, so spreading happiness is my number one goal!

Talk to us? https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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No fair, I declare a redo! Our sleeping schedule is weird right now and we're going to sleep around 4:30PM, but it was REALLY hot and I woke up sweaty after two hours, and then people were being really loud doing crap around the house, all the way up to doing laundry outside our room 6 hours later, sheesh


Tewi went to bed at the same time the other day and everything was fine for her, so.. redo!


Try having a bad feeling about this one so you don't jinx me, Bear!


Hi, I'm one of Lumi's tulpas! I like rain and dancing and dancing in the rain and if there's frogs there too that's bonus points.

I think being happy and having fun makes life worth living, so spreading happiness is my number one goal!

Talk to us? https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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I was going to switch it around if you failed, we think alike ;)



I have a bad feeling about this one.

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How do you guys deal with a loud environment when trying to LD?

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we don't? xD

we adjust our sleeping schedule to make sleeping hours 6 through 10 quiet time, based on others' activity in the house, but there have definitely been times where we couldn't at all (different people loud at different late/early times), so then I'd just recommend a noise machine or loud fan or something


Bear your one-time bad feeling came true because you were post #666 in our thread!!

actually I didn't lucid dream, but I did have one of the longest and most vivid dreams we can remember having, so that's sort of a success in inducing the right state and just missed the chance that we become lucid naturally


this ain't our long-term plan but Dream Induced Lucid Dreams seem like a great way to break-in to lucid dreaming and try and make it more normal/controllable before we DO do that, so we're doing Wake Back To Bed by specifically getting up for several minutes (not just real quick/1 minute because that didn't do anything before) and engaging our mind a bit before going back to sleep. It didn't really work the first time I got up and talked to our family night-owls like it did for Tewi, but I fell back asleep like 15 minutes later and got up again after 2 more hours I think and looked at Pokemon Go real quick and did some stretching, and after another 10 or so minutes to fall asleep idk if it was the very next REM cycle but before waking up for the day I did have a suuuuper long and vivid dream about driving somewhere and following a friend home where his parents were having an unrelated party

Hi, I'm one of Lumi's tulpas! I like rain and dancing and dancing in the rain and if there's frogs there too that's bonus points.

I think being happy and having fun makes life worth living, so spreading happiness is my number one goal!

Talk to us? https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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let's see if this works



I don't think you're going to have good luck tonight, sorry.

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you're probably going to find that no matter what you say, we just continue not having success anyway, because that's how it's always been lol


but we'll see, a vivid->lucid dream followed by (I don't count the previous day..) an extremely long and vivid dream is promising

Hi, I'm one of Lumi's tulpas! I like rain and dancing and dancing in the rain and if there's frogs there too that's bonus points.

I think being happy and having fun makes life worth living, so spreading happiness is my number one goal!

Talk to us? https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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