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Tulpa Neuroimaging Research Study: Preliminary Search for Study Applicants


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Hey guys, most of you probably don't recognize me around here, since I tend to stick to reddit and their discord. I have some exciting news for people. Dr. Samuel Veissiere  has finally gotten the go ahead for a neuroimaging study of tulpas! This is more than 4 years in the making, happening this summer at Stanford University. He's having me act as a liaison to try and find as many people who fit the research subject requirements throughout the tulpa community. If you're interested in participating, please fill out the form below, and if you know people who might be interested too, pass it to them as well. Depending on how many thousands of people fill it out, we may have to do more passes after this preliminary one to narrow it down. 


Hope you're all enjoying your week so far, thanks!


Tulpa Nueroimaging Study Interest Form


Update: Form is now closed, thanks for your interest everyone!

Tulpa: Alyson

Form: Human Female, slender body, Auburn hair, Emerald green eyes.


Tulpa: Lillian

Form: Human Female, slender, blonde, dark blue eyes




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I'm so excited about this! (Even though my odds of going are minimal at best :( )  


I have no idea how I can get to California. Unless Stanford sends me a scholarship or requests for me to go on some kind of tour, there's no way I can get there. Even if I did have an excuse for going to Stanford University, I have no idea how it is going to work or what this looks like down the road.

I'm like never going to check this account. If you want to ask me something, you should check our status on Ranger's account instead.


Meow. You may see my headmates call me Gray or sometimes Cat.

I used to speak in pink and Ranger used to speak in blue (if it's unmarked and colored assume it's Ranger). She loves to chat.


Our system account

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I never ever thought that this would happen while I am able to witness this... but here this thread is.


Not even sure if I fit the "has a tulpa" requirement at all, but if I could, I would like to participate in this. Not that I have any chance of getting to California at all since I do not live in the states, and I am not legally an adult, at least in my country of residence. Still, if there is any way for me to participate in this research at all, I probably would... if I had the time.


Oh well, I should just hope that I could see the findings in the end.

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We're looking forward to hearing back about this project, and we really hope we're selected.

I feel like the dealbreaker is whether or not we have the travel/living expenses paid off, ie a plane ride over and apartment rent.


do you know if they are doing this for eveyrone at once? it would be really cool to meet some tulpamancers in person, maine isnt the best place to be when practicing something barely anyone really knows about.

claire:[plus it'd be cool to meet people like meee]

The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste- Jordan Peele

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do you know if they are doing this for eveyrone at once? it would be really cool to meet some tulpamancers in person, maine isnt the best place to be when practicing something barely anyone really knows about.

claire:[plus it'd be cool to meet people like meee]


I'm not sure, though it would make sense to fly everyone out at once to get the research done quickly and efficiently. It would be neat to meet other tulpamancers.

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I'm not sure, though it would make sense to fly everyone out at once to get the research done quickly and efficiently. It would be neat to meet other tulpamancers.


well if we both get in i look forward to meeting you XD

The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste- Jordan Peele

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I filled out the form, but I'm wondering about the question of vocality. Like, that seems like a question where a "no" answer might become a "yes" by the time the imaging is performed.

Maggie David (she or they, birthday June 4)


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I filled out the form, but I'm wondering about the question of vocality. Like, that seems like a question where a "no" answer might become a "yes" by the time the imaging is performed.


With how fast things are moving, we're just planning counting current answers as permanent.

Tulpa: Alyson

Form: Human Female, slender body, Auburn hair, Emerald green eyes.


Tulpa: Lillian

Form: Human Female, slender, blonde, dark blue eyes




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Wish there was a question like "can you possess/front" instead of just "can you switch." Even though we can be really strong fronts, feel like we wouldn't qualify because we can't switch our host out, since no other option was provided.

 💡 The Felights 💡 https://felight.carrd.co/  💡

🪐 Cosmicals: 🔥 Apollo Fire the Sun God (12/3/16) Piano Soul the Star Man (1/26/17)

🐉 Mythicals: ☁️ Indigo Blue the Sky Dragon (10/2/17), 🦑 Gelato Sweet the Sea Monster (12/11/22)

🦇 Nycticals:  Dynamo Lux the Shock Rocker (3/3/17), 🎸 Radio Hiss the Song Demon (2/8/00)

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