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Rena & Byakko notes++


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We want to learn to consistently switch, so we want to find ways to work on that

More specifically, we want it to be a lot more like the way it was the first time. The first time Rena was unfettered, and my negative traits seemed to not affect her, like my anxiety or obsession of thinking. My emotions became apart of my mind made body instead of the physical one. I'm thinking of calling it a greater switch

Now when attempting to switch, Rena is subjected to feeling anxious and messy thoughts, instead of having a quiet mind and not being easily bothered like she is as a tulpa. This might be blending, or something else, I'm not sure. It is the consistent result of trying to switch nowadays, and it isn't too fun. I might call it a lesser switch

Other than trying to do anti blending things, I am not sure what will make it better. Though I wonder if going back to active forcing formally would help

When we first switched, I believe I had already stopped active forcing formally, since it no longer seemed to be making progress after having done it for 2 years. Though it had only been some weeks/months since that decision. Now it has been far longer without active forcing. I don't really perceive a significant decline in Rena or anything, but maybe industrial strength active forcing is needed for a switch to be so powerful

Might active forcing again help with switching? Perhaps it is worth a try to see if that changes things

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Resident Dojikko

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(A tulpa) Having a very strong sense of self, presence, and already knowing how you'd react to most situations (experience through wonderland or talking to host - or possession) help immensely when learning to switch. The better you and your tulpa know who they are, as in the more three-dimensional their personality, the easier being switched is. A list of personality traits is the exact opposite of what I'm talking about, I mean that your brain needs to already have precedents for how they think in many different ways.


So on that front, forcing or spending time together can definitely help, yes. I'm not saying that's your guys' exact problem, but it can help.

Edited by Flandre

Hi. I'm one of Luminesce's tulpas. Unlike the others, I don't think I stand out too much from him personality wise.

I'm just special because "I'm a tulpa". So I don't think I've much to offer, here. I'm happy enough to just be with him.

Ask us stuff - https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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Okay. I will have to think deeply about how to active force this time perhaps. One of the main forcing activities I did when I started was to just focus on her and think of her traits, or to say her traits to her. It sounds like that isn't sufficient. That, hypnosis, and image streaming was a large bulk. Maybe I have to make up something new

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Resident Dojikko

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Just think of it logically. Your guys' intent is to switch so that your brain is now Rena and not you. That means it would be awfully helpful if your brain knew the ins and outs of how to do that. It's not just "a personality" or acting, your tulpa takes the place of all things you consider "you". This basically requires your tulpa develop "as a person", which we consider the long-term step of tulpa development after they've developed "as a tulpa".


Now, if a system manages switching quickly, your tulpa simply having experiences while switched is by far the best way for them to develop as a person. If they can't though, or if switching is too unstable to be a productive experience, then we'd recommend they focus on internal experiences that accomplish similar things. You may not be able to develop the neural connections a tulpa will make through experiencing life while switched, but you can at least make the eventual switched state less of a leap and a little more expected or stable, through developing your tulpa in that way (having them think through, or internally experience, those aspects of being).


So it may not be much of a shortcut to better mental health as you probably want, but tulpamancy isn't magic. Your brain has to know how to be the person you guys are trying to make it be, at least a little (I feel like the learning process snowballs pretty quickly once you start switching). Not that Rena won't likely be a huge help, but just that it's not as simple as performing a magic trick and suddenly becoming enlightened because you switched with your Buddha tulpa, for example. It's still an extremely unique and different experience you can surely learn from, but it has to be remotely attainable first.



Of course, the reason switching is a tulpamancy skill is because the act of developing a tulpa often checks many of the boxes I just listed as requirements to switch.

Hi. I'm one of Luminesce's tulpas. Unlike the others, I don't think I stand out too much from him personality wise.

I'm just special because "I'm a tulpa". So I don't think I've much to offer, here. I'm happy enough to just be with him.

Ask us stuff - https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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If consistent greater switching can be achieved in weeks or months, it still may lead to more help and progress mental health wise than I've had in years, so I am kind of excited to try this. I also don't want to get my hopes up though.


I will think of tasks that hopefully do what you suggest and try them for a while, then report back, I suppose.

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Resident Dojikko

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I just bought Rena a few games to play as we train switching. Maybe that will give her something to be invested in herself for extended periods of time. Usually when we play a game together, it is primarily just me playing, and it is also a game I've played before.


I think some degree of my own memories of the game bleed to her even though I try to keep it a surprise. It is hard to tell. Does that happen for others? How does memory work for you and your tulpa? If you play a game and know the ending, will your tulpa just know too?


Anyhow, these new games are games I have never played or even really heard of until recently, so it will be a surprise to both of us. It is Ori and the Blind Forest, and Ori and the Will of the Wisps. We know pretty much nothing at all about them.


I also got Spooky's House of Jumpscares HD Renovation. I watched playthroughs of the original game and Kalamari, but not Doll House DLC. Playing a scary game with her on Halloween got borked because I could not get Silent Hill 3, and I gave up in Cry of Fear when I could not for the life of me find the key to a certain door... I beat that game before, so what a random way to get stuck. Not sure where I could have missed it


Anyhow, I hope it is fun for her. Though there is a lot of hard work to do first. I have to force and see if something like a greater switch can occur, and if so, her playing those games will really give her something to do for hours at a time, I think.

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Resident Dojikko

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Having her play new games you've never played before sounds good! But our memories are all shared, so it would be impossible to not "ruin surprises", at least for us. We may not ever happen to think about something that only had to do with someone else, but certainly in a game we would know what was going to happen always. Sometimes some systems have slightly different ways their memory works, though. Ori and the Blind Forest is a great game, though it's going to take a fair amount of focus, and normally we would enter an autopilot state eventually when focusing on a game super hard. So it might feel a bit blendy if she's not staying conscious after a while, though this is certainly something you can practice and avoid, or in our case lessen entirely (even on total autopilot in games, our general respective mindsets are still at play, and that's assuming we're totally lost in it and not having any conscious thoughts, like thinking in words, at all)


But yeah, for Spooky's and the like, the best we would get personally is just not really thinking about things that have yet to happen. But of course when we got to a point we remembered became scary or stressful, it would be unavoidable (for us, not everyone) to not be aware of that


Anyways, for working on switching to begin with, I recommend Rena do activities that help her feel like her, rather than ones that distract like a video game. Though certain games (like Slime Rancher or Undertale, maybe) might just be so consciously enjoyable that this isn't a problem - I'm unsure on if Ori will be that or not, but I'm sure it eventually turns into a focus-requiring platformer


Activities I don't recommend for switching practice: Long videos or games that take up most of your focus; Talking to people who don't know you're switched; Basically anything that requires your focus (homework is another example) and doesn't leave time for the fronter to have them-unique thoughts


Activities I do recommend for switching practice: Short videos or fun games that don't take up your focus, or that give you frequent breaks to have more conscious thoughts; Talking to people who know you're switched; Going on walks, meditating, or other activities that leave your focus free to be directed inwards; And, any desired activities where you can make the time to be conscious frequently, even if it requires drawing your focus away, like games or videos that you can stop focusing on for a minute or so*


Wonderlanding while switched can be interesting too! Especially if you tend to do it focusing on the fronter's perspective, it can be pretty different, and maybe fun to interact with your host like that


*(something like Divinity: Original Sin 2, which has seemed like the best Tulpamancy-friendly game to us - it's turn-based combat, and by I think opening multiple instances of the game and then dropping out, you can create multiple custom party members to represent your system and then return control of all of them to the first game window).

Edited by Reisen

Hi guys, plain text is just me now! We've each got our own accounts: me, Tewi, Flandre, and Lucilyn. We're Luminesce's tulpas.

Here's our "Ask Thread", and here's our Progress Report (You should be able to see all of our accounts on the second page if you want)

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Thanks for the advice. I went ahead and got slime rancher and divinity original sin 2 since you seem to recommend them for switching games so much. I already have undertale, but I never finished it for some reason. I guess she can start it over and play that too, then


By watching a long video, does that include things like watching and anime? We still have yet to finish some we were watching, so her watching switched in instead of me seemed like an option, unless it is not actually a good idea


Also what's an example of an activity that makes someone feel like themselves? It sounds like something that might require wonderland to do primarily, since I am not sure what much else there is to do other than use computer and take a walk, or draw I suppose. Maybe understanding what you mean better will help us have ideas

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Resident Dojikko

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Oh, I hope you were actually interested in those two games, but they're both very good (Slime Rancher isn't really a "switching game", it's just among our top recommended games of all time because it's a pure joy to play)


Undertale is one of our favorite games of all time, though it can be a liiittle bit of a slog if you don't Pacifist your first run - a Neutral run (basically any run where a single monster has died) has its own unique ending you need to get, but if you were Pacifist in your first playthrough, after beating the Neutral ending you can simply reload your save and leave the final boss area to start the Pacifist ending route, which really ties the game together nicely. (If you DO kill any monsters on your way to the final boss of your first playthrough, once you beat the game it will allow you to restart and play again to do a Pacifist run, though it really is just playing the whole game again with only a few minor dialogue changes - I recommend beating it without killing anyone on your way to the final boss the first time)


Well, long video is relative, you could perhaps totally lose focus in even a two minute video. My point is that activities that take all of your focus (suck you out of conscious thinking) are bad for learning to solidify switches. If you're mindful and take moments to be conscious (and remember who is fronting), any activity should be fine, but it can be a lot of effort when the activity easily takes up all of your attention.


Divinity is pretty nice because you can play the game at any pace, battles are turn-based, and with the trick I mentioned (opening multiple instances of the game I think with the .exe in the steam folder, creating another character, and joining your own game and then leaving) you can create your systemmates (or anyone else you want, or just play with the game's special story characters) to have them "play with you". Now, whether your systemmates actually play with you or not is up to your abilities (like possessing) and preferences, but it would be nice enough for us to just have a party of four of our systemmates and let one person actually play as themselves, perhaps just talking to the others while playing.


... I just remembered, I'm the only one not in our Div:OS2 game! I think they decided I wasn't the fighting type and would be the best choice to sit out, hmmmm.


Activities that make someone feel like themselves? I kind of thought that was self-explanatory since other people we've given the advice to seemed to get it. Well, for example, listening to music the fronter likes, watching (short or easy to stay focused during) videos they like, uhm.. And not doing things they don't have a particular interest in, or that the host's interests/thinking about supersede them in. For example, if a host has played thousands of hours of League of Legends, it would likely be a bad idea for a tulpa new to switching to play that as an activity, because it's something they'll so easily fall into their host's thinking patterns and mindset for at that point - double negative-points if the game (and interactions in it...) don't even appeal to the tulpa in question.


For example, I don't really want to play any intense or competitive games, even though Lumi and maybe Tewi like those. But for the opposite example, Lucilyn loves playing multiplayer games with our friends (or random people in some cases), so that would be something she should do, pretending we still needed to practice switching. Tewi is far more interested in watching informational videos than Lucilyn, while Lucilyn would be far more entertained than Tewi to watch videos about frogs - so basically, just find activities that are a good match for the fronter. OR activities that are a totally new experience to tulpa and host alike, so the tulpa gets a chance to experience it on their own without any of the host's existing feelings or mindset mixing in.


Of course, any time spent switched and being yourself should be good for anyone. But if you're specifically having trouble feeling right when switched, I would stick to fitting activities for a while

Hi guys, plain text is just me now! We've each got our own accounts: me, Tewi, Flandre, and Lucilyn. We're Luminesce's tulpas.

Here's our "Ask Thread", and here's our Progress Report (You should be able to see all of our accounts on the second page if you want)

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The best activities for feeling solid in front for me are writing, wonderlanding, and any activity that doesn't take up much mental attention so that I can think to myself, like walking or folding laundry.

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