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Can Tulpas control or take away their Host's ability to feel anger without permission?

Marcus Lee

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Duplicate threads made by the OP's alternate accounts have been merged with this one. Marcus Lee, Bart Lee, Bart Lewiston, and CupcakeCookies are the OP. -Ranger

I ask this because the last few days I've been feeling depressed, because I couldn't express my anger, and then I assumed that something was possessing me to not feel emotion! So I looked online only to discover the definition of a tulpa. Then I realized that I created something similar a few years back when at the time I didn't even knew the definition of a tulpa. And assumed that It was controling me, because I forgot about it!

Edited by Ranger
Added clarification for merged threads and identities of alternate accounts
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5 hours ago, Marcus Lee said:

I ask this because the last few days I've been feeling depressed, because I couldn't express my anger, and then I assumed that something was possessing me to not feel emotion!


I have never heard of a tulpa somehow preventing their host from feeling something, at least not in this way. While possession can change the mood of the body and sometimes improve the host's mood, it's because the host let their tulpa control the body and do all of the thinking, not because the tulpa can secretly block a host's ability to have emotions.


In our experience with depression, the depression itself causes feelings of anger and even sadness to disappear. While depression can feel like another force or something supernatural even, I wouldn't call that a tulpa.


However, we're not doctors. I recommend you talk to a professional about how you feel and how your depression is impacting your mood.


5 hours ago, Marcus Lee said:

Then I realized that I created something similar a few years back when at the time I didn't even knew the definition of a tulpa. And assumed that It was controling me, because I forgot about it!


Any tulpas you possibly have or forgot about have likely naturally dissipated. A dissipated tulpa is essentially gone, they wouldn't have any effect on you.


If you're interested in looking into tulpamancy and reviving any potential tulpas, I highly recommend reading guides, PRs, and asking questions before choosing to do so. Tulpamancy is a big, life changing decision, and it's difficult to back out of tulpamancy because practicing can permanently change how your brain works.

Note: I am very inactive on this account. I may not read/see DMs for multiple weeks.


I'm Ranger, GrayTheCat's cobud (tulpa), and I love hippos! I also like cake and chatting about stuff. I go by Rosalin or Ronan sometimes. You can call me Roz but please don't call me Ron.

My other headmates have their own account now.


If I missed seeing your art, please PM/DM me!

Blog | Not So Temporary Log | Switching Log | Yay! | Bre Translator | Art Thread

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We can do this even without the other's permission. Be it through passive influence or fronting against the other's will. But I doubt a tulpa that was forgotten could do it out of nowhere.

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It just happens. If someone is very close to the front, then they can influence me, not like 'oh, I am gonna influence Mirichu and make her sad' but rather, 'I am sad, if I get close to the front, Mirichu will feel sad too because she's feeling my emotions', even if I don't want to be sad. That was for passive influence. By possessing against will, it's self-explanatory.

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The closest we have had to passive influence aside from an emotionally charged fronter is when I'm trying to go inactive, my ghost is really loud processing something I'm dealing with (the brain is simulating me and my thoughts), and then Cat starts to process what I'm thinking when the brain decides my ghost isn't enough.


It was really weird, Cat being sort of obsessed like I was but that obsession wasn't a natural feeling. Cat paced to herself for awhile and felt irritated about it.


However, I am definitely active enough to get angry at something on the first place, it wasn't in secrecy.

Note: I am very inactive on this account. I may not read/see DMs for multiple weeks.


I'm Ranger, GrayTheCat's cobud (tulpa), and I love hippos! I also like cake and chatting about stuff. I go by Rosalin or Ronan sometimes. You can call me Roz but please don't call me Ron.

My other headmates have their own account now.


If I missed seeing your art, please PM/DM me!

Blog | Not So Temporary Log | Switching Log | Yay! | Bre Translator | Art Thread

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6 hours ago, Mirichu said:

We can do this even without the other's permission. Be it through passive influence or fronting against the other's will. But I doubt a tulpa that was forgotten could do it out of nowhere.

Okay, So what you're saying is that a tulpa can take away their host's ability to feel any emotion either it's through passive influence or fronting against the host's will. But I'm concerned and worried about if they can do this permanently, meaning the host will never gain the ability to feel emotions again.

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I don't think it's possible for them to stop the host from feeling emotions forever without permaswitching. Even so, the host should still be able to regain the front.

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1 hour ago, Mirichu said:

I don't think it's possible for them to stop the host from feeling emotions forever without permaswitching. Even so, the host should still be able to regain the front.


13 hours ago, Ranger said:


I have never heard of a tulpa somehow preventing their host from feeling something, at least not in this way. While possession can change the mood of the body and sometimes improve the host's mood, it's because the host let their tulpa control the body and do all of the thinking, not because the tulpa can secretly block a host's ability to have emotions.


In our experience with depression, the depression itself causes feelings of anger and even sadness to disappear. While depression can feel like another force or something supernatural even, I wouldn't call that a tulpa.


However, we're not doctors. I recommend you talk to a professional about how you feel and how your depression is impacting your mood.



Any tulpas you possibly have or forgot about have likely naturally dissipated. A dissipated tulpa is essentially gone, they wouldn't have any effect on you.


If you're interested in looking into tulpamancy and reviving any potential tulpas, I highly recommend reading guides, PRs, and asking questions before choosing to do so. Tulpamancy is a big, life changing decision, and it's difficult to back out of tulpamancy because practicing can permanently change how your brain works.

Well I kept changing up my character's personality over time and changing it's physical appearance from time to time as well.

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If you forgot about whatever you created years ago, it's not controlling you now. Don't blame depression on non-existent thoughtforms, get actual help/treatment (especially if you're hung up on the idea of being possessed/controlled by something). If the depression has only lasted a few days, just make sure you're taking care of yourself--eat some proper meals, drink water, sleep 7-9 hours a night, exercise, keep in touch with friends/family. Those basics are important for mental and physical wellbeing.

Host: YukariTelepath

Tulpas: Aya, Ruki


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