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Yeah, but I was implying no one would push hard... unless Dane tells otherwise. If so, then nevermind.

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I've had a site shutdown by their host in the past for reposing copyrighted articles, it's really not that hard to do, tbh.


An image in a signature behind a hidden tag! 



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I was thinking more along the lines of,

COPYRIGHT 2012 © Dane/FAQ Man



No offense, but this would be equal to digging your own grave. Do you think people will use your guide if they can only view your guide on this site? They will not even be able to quote or share your texts freely. (They probably will anyways, but nobody wants to be afraid of being sued all the time)


The time will come, when users will come up with their own improved guides, which will be openly shared. With the only requirement of being mentioned for their time spent working. As long as this is not professional nor credible nobody will be making any detours for your works.


I haven't seen this before. There already are people who claim their ownership over certain terms. Either you work for the community or your work for yourself, choose one.

What is a Tulpa? Blog

Rainbow 'Alyx' Dash


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[*]imaginary friend/imaginary companion: the broad class of mental entities which include tulpa and servitors

I absolutely love the definitions you made, but I'm not too keen on this particular one. This definition might lead people to believe that tulpas/servitors are the exact same as, say, an imaginary friend a person might have had in their childhood. As we know, they obviously aren't the same thing, but some people (seriously, if you've looked through those threads on 4chan, how many people have asked "So a tulpa is an imaginary friend?") might believe the contrary.

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Just to comment On this guide ordeal: I am fine with with people using my guide off site as long as they say my name and it's made clear that the information is to bendistrubuted bearig my name. I don't think it's much to ask for someone to say its by me. I would like text based guides.


A tulpa is am imaginary companion but not every imaginary companion is a tulpa. We had a thread bout this.

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Oh, whoops. The definition is probably fine then. Sorry about that.


Also, "thoughtform" might be worth including.

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Edited a definition of emotional response into the first post.

Ah we gotta edit that, it's in alphabetical order.

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