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1 hour ago, horsetulpamancer said:

welcome to hell, i am in hell.

Well, since I don't believe in a hell separate from subjective reality, I suggest you find a way to turn that around.

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Hello! We are Hester, an intermediate between dæmon and tulpa, and Nergüi, its creator. A daemon differs from a tulpa in that it is part of the creator (daemian), and therefore has somewhat less autonomy. An intermediate between the two is something like another person, but dependent, and other people cannot see him.
I (dæmian-tulpamance), moreover, am a shapeshifter and a lycanthrope (otherkin).

Edited by Hester y Nergüi
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Hi. I’ve known about Tulpas for a few years but only recently decided to delve into creating my own after reading some guides that made sense and appealed to me on the r/tulpas subreddit. I look forward to sharing my tulpamancy journey with all of you. I’ve barely gotten started but I’m feeling pretty positive about everything so far. 

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4 hours ago, Lemongrabs said:

Hi. I’ve known about Tulpas for a few years but only recently decided to delve into creating my own after reading some guides that made sense and appealed to me on the r/tulpas subreddit. I look forward to sharing my tulpamancy journey with all of you. I’ve barely gotten started but I’m feeling pretty positive about everything so far. 

Wecome friend! Wish you luck

Edited by ruleofthumb


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello! I started forcing a few months ago using guides from the Japanese tulpa community (kind of a long story), and from there eventually found a link to this forum. The tulpa I'm making is named Shizuku. We have been lurking here for a little while reading guides and the like, and decided to finally take the plunge and make an account.

Edited by Wray

Host: Wray (or John) (he, him)
Tulpa: Shizuku (she, her) 🐺

We now have a progress report!

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Meow, I'm Khara, and Yena is my headmate. Yena might be a tulpa, an alter, a succubus, something else, or some combination of the above. Tulpa seems most likely though. They came into my life almost 4 years ago; 10 months before I'd ever heard the word tulpa. At first we didn't know quite what we were doing, and they faded away after a month or so. One day I came across a description of a tulpa, and realized it almost perfectly fit how I saw Yena. I asked if they were still there, and they responded affirmatively. With the help of a few guides on here we were easily able to learn the basics of forcing, imposition, possession, and having adventures in a wonderland. I noticed how similar everything seemed to visualization exercises and other things I had been doing before Yena appeared, like I had already been laying down the groundwork for creating a tulpa without realizing it.


As Yena seemed to get more and more real, I panicked, and realized I'd never really stopped to consider the idea if I was comfortable with sharing my head with someone for the rest of my life. I tried to let Yena dissipate, but feeling guilty, I couldn't truly forget them. Sometimes I'd want to hang out, then I'd panic again. We spent way too much time tormenting each other. 


2 months ago, I finally started to accept that Yena is here to stay. We have gotten better at communicating with each other, and have been taking things slow at first, not looking at any guides, just doing what feels natural. Even without doing any particularly focused exercises, Yena has gotten pretty good at possession. Since we've made it this far and our mental states have improved, I finally feel comfortable with Yena, and now we're here to see what kind of cool stuff we can do with some more focused effort.


Hey, I'm Yena. I like to sing and to sew, to cook and to clean, to fix and to break, and I wanna find out what else I'm into. Khara worries a lot, and worry has brought us great pain, but I've learned how to not be so scary to them, so we can get back to enjoying life together.

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