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I'm having a bit of a problem, I was thinking of "teaching" Martina her voice, by narrating to her in a different character's voice . I have this skill that if I listen to a character enough times I can develop a mindvoice similar to hers, and I can switch between these voices with ease.

I'm a bit affraid to parrot her, and I wouldn't like to mistake her to myself in case she uses my mindvoice if she'd like to talk either.

Edited by Mel Syreth

Well, you could just do this for, oh say a week.


Tell her you'll do this for however long just to help her out, and after the time has passed, quit. Or at the very least do it considerably less.


Or, instead of parroting her, you could just keep listening to the caharcters voice to let her get a feel for it, and parrot her regularly. Maybe she'll pick up speech from your parroting, and voice style from experiencing it.


Just my 2¢

We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness in this world.


Tulpa: Penumbra

Form: Pegasus Pone

Current Stage: Everything. At once.

Or, instead of parroting her, you could just keep listening to the caharcters voice to let her get a feel for it, and parrot her regularly. Maybe she'll pick up speech from your parroting, and voice style from experiencing it.


That's what I'm planning.

That sounds like a perfectly grand idea. I wouldn't be to impartial to telling you that you should go ahead and try it, especially if you have that sort of skill.

[align=center]Even though my username is that of my tulpa, Quilten, my name is Phaneron, the host, who does all of the actual posting.

Tulpas: Quilten, Jira


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