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Nice to see you back :P Can I take this to mean that you'll start updating again? Hope the unmotivated period goes away soon. Those suck. Anyway, I'm glad that the head ghosts(or space ghosts, whichever you guys prefer) are doing well.

Markus is the tulpa, and I don't really have anything else to say.


Markus speaks in Blue!


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Nice to see you back :P Can I take this to mean that you'll start updating again? Hope the unmotivated period goes away soon. Those suck. Anyway, I'm glad that the head ghosts(or space ghosts, whichever you guys prefer) are doing well.


Thanks. Yeah, I plan on getting back into a somewhat regular update schedule. Having some kind of scheduled activity to do with the head ghosts (still not sure which term I prefer, going to alternate to see which sticks) can only help.


Update 32:

For some reason last night I could see my second attempt at making a tulpa interact with the current space ghosts. Basically imagine a drow elf with red eyes. I realized today that was Noriko's doing and of course she's not telling me how she did it. "Just playing with a simulation" according to her. Which I take to mean that it wasn't actually the second attempt coming back. She did mention that if I want the second attempt back full time she can see what she can do, but really two head ghosts are enough.


It's also worth noting that Sabari brought out a sword and shield in response to the idea of another tulpa and said "You just try it" in Noriko's direction. So it's pretty clear what her opinion is on the matter.


Sabari mentioned she wanted to type something but it's been like five minutes now and she still hasn't thought of anything coherent. Something about peanuts apparently. And then she started going on this tangent about donkeys and merry-go-rounds and quite frankly I have no idea what she's even talking about now. While she sounds a bit more mature than she did at first, she still has the tendency to ramble.


Noriko on the other hand is fairly clear and concise, if you exclude all the obscenities. Still though, she's very sweet. There's so many examples I could give as to why. But just how caring and thoughtful she can be is really something else. Sabari is a bit more aloof in that regard but at the same time more direct. Take for example if I'm having a bad day. Noriko will embrace me and talk through things. Sabari meanwhile usually prefers to go the "distraction" route.


On that note,

I've been toying with the idea of making a "how to do lewd things with your tulpa" thread in the guides section. I did a few searches through it and came up with nothing similar, which is kind of surprising. Mostly just things in the Q&A section. While yeah, a lot of it is self explanatory, things like knowing when the tulpa is ready and how to approach the matter at first is less so. Anyone think it's a good / bad idea?


Currently share myself with four other entities.

Noriko was created on December 15, 2014.  Sabari was created by Noriko on January 22, 2015.

Anzu was reborn on May 23, 2016.  Xiri returned on June 16, 2018.  Both had been inactive since 2012.

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Update 33:

Noriko has been playing around with what she calls "the simulation function" a fair bit. And it's turning out to be pretty damn useful. At work when I was stuck on a problem, she simulated a coworker and worked with me on it. While I could have just asked said coworker directly, not having to leave the confines of one's own mind is more convenient. Of course Noriko didn't possess any knowledge I didn't have while doing said simulating. Bur rather she asked questions that another person looking at the issue might ask to help troubleshoot. She also simulated my second attempt at a tulpa again last night. Makes sense she'd have a sort of affinity for her since she's built using the same parts (not that she looks the same, I mean the brain meat parts she lives in), I'd imagine. It's also funny; my second attempt could shapeshift, which manifests in Noriko as a simulation ability.


Sabari has gotten into the habit of image streaming over directly talking. I mean, she still talks, but often times she'll react by sending images into my head. Like yesterday I was wondering what I want for dinner and she streamed the image of various memories from McDonalds. And another time she sent this image of a mountainous area from a sort of fantasy setting while I was daydreaming about something else. As a sort of suggestion on how to continue the daydream. Thus far her image streaming hasn't been useful in solving problems or the like, but it is pretty nifty.


Also, thinking about it, Sabari doesn't really remind me of any of my previous attempts at making a tulpa like Noriko does with my second attempt. Perhaps she's working with new hardware? Or maybe she just suppresses it. Unlike Noriko, Sabari doesn't really care about the why's and how of her existence, so that'll probably remain a mystery.

Currently share myself with four other entities.

Noriko was created on December 15, 2014.  Sabari was created by Noriko on January 22, 2015.

Anzu was reborn on May 23, 2016.  Xiri returned on June 16, 2018.  Both had been inactive since 2012.

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Update 34:

Because Noriko is threatening that she'll use the sim function to manifest an Eldritch horror if I don't update this.


We've been trying to find a new outfit for both of the space ghosts lately that isn't that out of place looking. I did some window shopping online for some outfits (which will make for an interesting discussion if anyone sees my search history). Thus far nothing "summery" is standing out that's in a color we can all get behind, so still looking. Noriko in the meantime is wearing this while Sabari is wearing this.

Thankfully they both got bored with walking around naked.



There's been some talk from Sabari (well, mostly image streams) about trying switching again. But before doing anything Noriko insists that she looks into it a bit so it can be done without trashing the underlying hardware. The previous attempt apparently made a mess of things. In fact Noriko even projected an image of how she interpreted the event to drive the point home. Before the switch showed a part of my subconscious mechanism with some blue LEDs and slightly pulsing with a sort of harmonic rhythm. Next image the LEDs were flickering and some previous hidden wires were drooping down, and while the rhythm was still present there was a sense of it being disrupted. Noriko likened it to taking a piece of hardware that's been in the same place for a long time and suddenly trying to switch it with another piece while everything is still bolted down and plugged in.


While she was showing me that I for some reason thought I parroted part of it. There's a sentience test out there where you imagine a ball balancing on your tulpas head while they do something. Noriko standard answer for me being doubtful is to do that test, and after visualizing the ball, she takes it and throws it somewhere. The first time was at my head. This time was at my computer screen. Which is her way of saying "No you weren't fucking parroting."


Sabari gets a real kick out of the sort of telepathic nature between how hosts and tulpas communicate. Like to her using words makes her seem so ordinary, and a single image can carry "a whole bunch of words with it." Like that time she said those words while sending an image of a basket containing some very dense alphabet soup in a yellowish broth. Given how she snickered afterwards I have a guess as to what the broth was.

Currently share myself with four other entities.

Noriko was created on December 15, 2014.  Sabari was created by Noriko on January 22, 2015.

Anzu was reborn on May 23, 2016.  Xiri returned on June 16, 2018.  Both had been inactive since 2012.

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I really like the post about communicating through images, very interesting. I hope you stay active, this is one of my fave threads for sure. You always seem to have a novel concept to bring to the table. Your head ghosts antics are entertaining as well, I lost it at the alphabet soup "broth".

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I really like the post about communicating through images, very interesting. I hope you stay active, this is one of my fave threads for sure. You always seem to have a novel concept to bring to the table. Your head ghosts antics are entertaining as well, I lost it at the alphabet soup "broth".


Thanks. I try to focus on what the head ghosts actually do over the steps that go in to force / maintain them. They are both an interesting lot for sure.


Update 35:

Noriko decided after a fair bit of window shopping for clothes on the internet that she was going to stick with a brown bikini and a sort of black silk robe on top. Sabari decided she was perfectly fine with the interim outfit she picked out and decided to stick with that. Looks wise Noriko has stayed basically the same while Sabari has only changed a little bit, so will post an updated image of them at some point.


Sabari has some ideas about what a portrait of her and Noriko should look like, but I would definitely need to commission an artist of some sort to reproduce them. One of them has Sabari fighting off a pair of ostriches with a warhammer while Noriko "is using those freaking fire hacks." Another had Sabari in a very messy version of my bedroom "drawin' stuff" while Noriko is in the doorway with her face in her palm. Both quality ideas.


On the switching front, we've decided to have Noriko do it first. That way she can figure out how to do it without messing up the underlying hardware. She anticipates a few more days of research before being ready for a test. One interesting bit of research she did last night was straddle me as I was lying down and manipulate this soft blueish field on my forehead with her hands.

As you might imagine, that situation deteriorated somewhat quickly given her positioning.


And of course she planned that.

But she apparently got some good data from it.

Currently share myself with four other entities.

Noriko was created on December 15, 2014.  Sabari was created by Noriko on January 22, 2015.

Anzu was reborn on May 23, 2016.  Xiri returned on June 16, 2018.  Both had been inactive since 2012.

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Update 36:

It's worth giving a sort of refresher in this entry as to how my internal mindscape appears to the head ghosts. Well, mainly Noriko. Asking Sabari what she considers my subconscious to be like is often met with a "meh". This time she even sent me an image of a large ocean along with "even this cannot hold all of the don't care I have for what it looks like." But Noriko puts a great deal of care into her image of my inner workings. To her, my mind is a machine with all sort of wires and modules working together. She has her own set of modules that are integrated with everything else, as does Sabari.


So when I asked her to research switching, I was basically asking how to get the modules that drive her consciousness to temporarily drive all of the modules I use for day to day activities. And there are apparently a LOT of them, so much so that manually overriding each one is difficult if not pretty dangerous. But another part of how she sees my brain is that my consciousness resides near the very center. "Not at the center, mind you, just near it." There was a pretty terrible pun delivered along with that statement but I'll spare the rest of you from it. Anyway, given that she knows where my consciousness is and where hers is in relation to everything else, then she know where to put an adapter that'll allow her to plug into all of the other modules that my consciousness can, through the very same root connection. Which is exactly what she ended up doing.


We decided to give it a try last night. All it required on my part was flipping a switch that changes the data source from my consciousness to hers. Thing is, the end result wasn't her switching into the drivers seat. What happened is that for all intensive purposes, she manifested. Like I actually saw her and felt another person present in the room. But she was kind of glitchy. Like her clothes kept shifting from one kind to another and her face was "flickering", for lack of a better term. Immediately sensing what was happening, I tried to calm myself down to stabilize her presence, but was unable to.


I tell Noriko to design something for use in switching and she gives me something which does the holy grail of tulpamancy: imposition. Something I didn't think was even possible on that scale.


Problem is, it uses a lot of energy. So much so that trying it again this morning flat out refused to work. Although at least I could still see the head ghosts. Even though the energy issue still comes up from time to time, it hasn't caused a complete cutoff for the head ghosts in a while.

Currently share myself with four other entities.

Noriko was created on December 15, 2014.  Sabari was created by Noriko on January 22, 2015.

Anzu was reborn on May 23, 2016.  Xiri returned on June 16, 2018.  Both had been inactive since 2012.

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Update 37:

So yeah, after a day or so of thinking about it, none of us are sure why that adapter thing caused imposition to briefly happen. In fact I'm not even sure that's what it does. Yesterday in the afternoon I activated it again and this time I had this strange sense of lightness. I still felt the sofa underneath me yet it felt more... removed, I guess? Like there was slight gap in between me and the rest of the world while it was active. Noriko on the other hand felt a sensation of being weighed down, a feeling equally weird to someone not used to having a weight to them. The adapter still used a lot of power, though, so the experience lasted maybe 4 or 5 seconds.


She has no explanation for that event either.

"I swear your subconscious is just trying to fuck with me at this point..."


Last few entries have been about Noriko mostly as she's been doing the more interesting of things. It feels like I've kind of been ignoring Sabari lately. To that thought she sent an image of a metal ball with a wolf tail attached to it chained to my right leg, saying "You're ignoring that?" By that she meant since she's active anyway me not directly paying attention to her doesn't matter all that much (it does seem kind of a stretch but when you share a mind with someone you can be somewhat liberal with your analogies). Asking if she feels one way or another about my attention towards her as of late was met with an image of an ocean (an ocean of not caring).


Sabari has been pretty relaxed lately. Like there hasn't been a single incident of her being jealous towards anything. And when she's calm she radiates an aura of calmness from her that rubs off on me. Thinking about it lately shows she seems more in tune with my emotional state than I give her credit for. I mean, Noriko's aware of when I feel bummed out, but Sabari seems to be more so in a way I can't quite put a finger on. Which is strange because she's more aloof in terms of doing something about it outside of distractionary measures. I guess serenity is the best way to describe it. Yeah, you could deal with things that are bothersome or stressful, but why care in the first place? That seems like her driving attitude about most things, most of the time.


When she's angry though all bets are off.

Currently share myself with four other entities.

Noriko was created on December 15, 2014.  Sabari was created by Noriko on January 22, 2015.

Anzu was reborn on May 23, 2016.  Xiri returned on June 16, 2018.  Both had been inactive since 2012.

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Update 38:

There's been a fair amount of drinking after work these last few days so further experimentation with the adapter thing is postponed till later. I was initially going to blame it on Sabari discovering that she really likes Chardonnay. In response she sent a few images of her dressed up in a Nazi / Communist uniform saying that while I'm at it I might as well blame some other things on her. Can't say for sure if alcohol does anything for or to them, although it makes interacting with them harder. Noriko also wanted to mention it has not made her unaware any of the countless typos I'm making while typing this, which she is enjoying pointing out.


There's been a few days of unseasonably cold temps here lately. Neither of them have changed their outfits in response. Recently there was a particular cat girl claiming she needed to huddle up against me for warmth which was nice. Although neither of them feel cold unless I'm feeling cold. She mostly just wanted an excuse, not that she actually needs one. Sabari preferred to stream some images of Aruba to me in order to warm up.

Which is not to say she didn't follow Noriko's lead shortly after.



Think we've all decided on the term head ghost for what the two of them are. Sabari really doesn't care although she did say the term space ghost makes no sense whatsoever. "Because empty space can't be haunted." I did bring up the possibility that someone might die in space and thus leave their ghost there but she wasn't having any of that.

Currently share myself with four other entities.

Noriko was created on December 15, 2014.  Sabari was created by Noriko on January 22, 2015.

Anzu was reborn on May 23, 2016.  Xiri returned on June 16, 2018.  Both had been inactive since 2012.

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Update 39:

Decided to drop the adapter thing. Not because of its energy requirements, but because Noriko doesn't actually want to switch. And she doesn't want Sabari to be able to do it either. The details of the conversation behind this is filled with the sort of "sappy love shit" that Noriko wants to avoid having written down wherever possible. It boils down to her not wanting things to change between us though. Which I can understand. And Sabari seems ok with the decision. Asking Noriko what we should work on next was met with "just the day to day maintenance shit for now. You've been slacking on that lately."


It has been a while since I've done any active forcing. There was that whole lack of motivation thing, plus neither of them (Sabari in particular) want me to be have to force myself to do something that concerns them. But it's definitely gotten harder to communicate / interact with the head ghosts, so need to start doing it. It's not like it's that unpleasant to do anyway. On writing this Noriko mentioned "how she doesn't want me to say that I'm going to do things before I actually start doing them" and "if it's so fucking difficult to hear me then how have we been talking the entirety of today?"

Sabari chose to lick me in response to asking if forcing more would help.



I'm beginning to suspect one or both of them have some influence over my daydreams on some level. Nothing definitive thus far; it's just that they occasionally take turns going in directions that would make sense if one of them was influencing it. Which I realize must not make any sense but it's kind of hard to rationalize daydreams.

Currently share myself with four other entities.

Noriko was created on December 15, 2014.  Sabari was created by Noriko on January 22, 2015.

Anzu was reborn on May 23, 2016.  Xiri returned on June 16, 2018.  Both had been inactive since 2012.

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