Laach May 15, 2015 May 15, 2015 ##Yuki Evidence: Point #1 Jean-Luc's attempted kidnapping Last night the changelings attempted to kill me, but I was protected – Jean-Luc Jean-Luc was almost kidnapped night one. Why? What could the changeling possibly hope to gain from kidnapping Jean-Luc? Well, my answer lies within this quote: If I had to guess, I'd say Laach isn't a changeling, since he had similar logic bombs last game, but only in private messages. Now he's saying it publicly. The changelings knew I had it right, but that means they couldn't risk attacking me at night. Jean-Luc was the character who knew me the most at that time, and would also be the most likely person to verify my innocence. In order to kill me, they would have to go through him first. On top of that, he's also the second most active in this game and has been extremely helpful so far. Jean-Luc was definitely the obvious choice, although in this case probably not the smartest. Point #2 Failures in logic I'm not sure if relating back to older games is a legit way of arguing suspicion. By that logic, you have been evil in approximately 100% of the last games. That surely makes you suspicious, no? My first instinct would be to kill one, and if they are innocent, kill the other tomorrow Sushi would be a meanie to let Laach get changeling twice in one game - I'll give him the suspicious benefit of the doubt If it's up to me, I would say we lynch someone at "random" again Is it just me, or are all of these deliberately structured to give me the disadvantage? It's like a passive aggressive form of Quetzal's attacks against me. Point #3 Begging for a cop We need word from the cop. Without them, there is little we can gather from just arguing about who looks most suspicious. At the cop thing, it's very simple. You come out as cop, and if nobody challenges you, we all have information and the doctor can protect you from the changelings. We really need the cop to come out, and the doctor to protect them tonight. I would really like the cop to come forward, Kiahdaj already came up with a reason as to why that is a bad idea. At that point, the protector would have to defend the detective indefinitely, and at any point, the changelings could choose to start attacking other people. The protector would have no idea on any given night whether to protect the detective, or someone else. – Kiahdaj The fact that you continue asking for a cop is proof that you are disregarding the reasons as to why it’s a bad idea. Point #4 What is evidence? My first instinct would be to kill one, and if they are innocent, kill the other tomorrow Sushi would be a meanie to let Laach get changeling twice in one game - I'll give him the suspicious benefit of the doubt The logical next step might be to kill Laach I personally don't really suspect anyone specifically at this point It almost seems like - we just lynched poor Quetzal for no reason. I wonder if Laach and Quetzal could have been playing this game together If it's up to me, I would say we lynch someone at "random" again I think it could be anyone. Kiah, maybe, or jean-luc? Literally everything in these quotes contradict with each other. You don't specifically suspect anyone, and yet you find it ok to start tossing out names like it's nobody's business. You think Quetzal was innocent, and then go on to pair him with me in order to make me look guilty. You literally say we should kill someone randomly, and then begin to suggest the top two helpful innocents in the game. I don't even care if I'm wrong. Whether or not you're a changeling, you seem dead set on helping them out anyway. Join Mafia II: Ponyville in Danger, the forum game of intrigue and deduction! To make your dreams a reality, you must first understand the difference.
Kiahdaj May 15, 2015 May 15, 2015 First of all, Jean-luc is definitely innocent. He said that the changelings tried to kidnap him the other night, so unless they decided to take the night off (which I'm not sure why they would), he's probably telling the truth. Unless someone else here was protected that night, and would like to step forward, to make him a liar? And on that note, I would like to announce that I received a message from sushi stating that now I was protected, last night. So the changelings' targets so far were Jean-luc, and then me. I hope that helps. I feel that Yuki has always been a bit suspicious this round. The main reason I'm apt to believe that she isn't a changeling is that she was pretty quick to jumping on voting to kill Quetzal. But it is very possible that they decided it was a necessary sacrifice, in order to throw suspicion off of her, completely. I don't think I'll be able to take my suspicion off of Muffin, this game. I just have a bad feeling about him. But hey, my bad feeling about Quetzal was right... After that, we have Brassow, Laach, and LittleTulpa, that I am mostly non-suspicious of, but still could possibly be the culprits. Then Jean-luc, which (unless someone else steps forth saying they were protected the first night), I know to be innocent. And NimbusArchon, which I think I believe to be innocent. So let's all work with the information we've got here, instead of just jumping on someone, right away. And I would like to point out that if the detective has detected who the last changeling is, I don't think there would be any consequences in telling the rest of us. We can have him stoned tonight, before any innocent pony has to die at all. "If this can be avoided, it should. If it can't, then it would be better if it could be. If it happened and you're thinking back to it, try and think back further. Try not to avoid it with your mind. If any of this is possible, it may be helpful. If not, it won't be."
Laach May 15, 2015 May 15, 2015 I don't think I'll be able to take my suspicion off of Muffin, this game. I just have a bad feeling about him. But hey, my bad feeling about Quetzal was right... You mean the bad feeling I gave you, right? Also, keep in mind the blackmail method I used before nightfall. I gave three names. Muffin, Yuki, and Brassow. If the changeling wasn't any of these three people, then they would have probably killed me or something. If the changeling was Muffin, he wouldn't have chosen to kill Kiahdaj. Would Muffin really think killing Kiahdaj was a good idea after exhibiting the same hesitation with me and Jean-Luc? The same can be said for Brassow and NimbusArchon, as well as Yuki and me. Now I know some people here aren't experts at playing this game, but you shouldn't instantly assume the changeling would make such a ridiculous mistake. Also, Yuki knew that Quetzal's death was inevitable. It's not difficult to assume that he also thought sacrifice was necessary at that point. Especially when you consider the fact that Quetzal stops defending himself soon after Yuki votes to kill him. Quetzal will die today unless something drastic happens Join Mafia II: Ponyville in Danger, the forum game of intrigue and deduction! To make your dreams a reality, you must first understand the difference.
Kiahdaj May 15, 2015 May 15, 2015 You mean the bad feeling I gave you, right? Well to be fair, after your initial accusation, I still suspected Muffin considerably more than Quetzal. It was him defending himself and all that that really set me off. It is true that Muffin choosing to attack me might not be smart, considering I'm pretty much the only one who keeps suspecting him. About Yuki knowing Quetzal's death was inevitable.. I definitely wouldn't say so. She voted to stone him when there were only two other votes on him, at the time. And there was one on you (Laach). I think it would not have been too hard to vote for you, even it out, and sway the rest to vote against you, who people had already been suspicious of, since the beginning. However, it's possible that she didn't even intend to remove him, necessarily, and simply thought that voting against him would be enough to sever any perceived connection they may have. So in conclusion: maybe. But the same can really be said for anyone. Frankly, LittleTulpa and Muffin hardly participating are more reason to be suspicious, almost. So what do the rest of you think? Who here looks guilty to you? I'd love for us to pull off a perfect round, where no innocent dies. "If this can be avoided, it should. If it can't, then it would be better if it could be. If it happened and you're thinking back to it, try and think back further. Try not to avoid it with your mind. If any of this is possible, it may be helpful. If not, it won't be."
Brassow May 15, 2015 May 15, 2015 I think that Yuki has been pretty quiet. I've been KINDA quiet, but still keep breaking the silence with stupid pictures. They could just be lying low, but I dunno. Also, you GOTTA try these hallucinogens man! "Try to get a better understanding of things before making your judgement." -Khan, Metro 2033
jean-luc May 15, 2015 May 15, 2015 Laach has convinced me, ##Yuki Stats is back: I don't visit as often as I used to. If you want me to see something, make sure to quote a post of mine or ping me @jean-luc
Laach May 15, 2015 May 15, 2015 So in conclusion: maybe. But the same can really be said for anyone. Frankly, LittleTulpa and Muffin hardly participating are more reason to be suspicious, almost. Lack of participation isn't a very good reason for convicting someone. Sure, it makes you look more suspicious, but that's about it. Okay, wow. I've only been quiet lately because I've been away. I'm generally a person of few words, anyway. And as for the same mistake as Quetzal, it was merely a coincidence. Even if we were the changelings, it still would've been a coincidence. I honestly don't know who to vote at the moment, too tired to think after today. ##abstain Tell me one thing in there that you can contradict. Suspicion alone isn't enough reason to stone Muffin. We need evidence, just like the evidence I gave. Prove that he defends himself as much as Quetzal does. Prove that something he has said contradicts another statement. Having a feeling that someone is the changeling isn't enough. I almost took Yuki off of my suspect list because I know that my decision to keep him on were partially based on a feeling. But now I have proof, and so should you if you truly believe I'm wrong and that Muffin is the true Changeling. Join Mafia II: Ponyville in Danger, the forum game of intrigue and deduction! To make your dreams a reality, you must first understand the difference.
Kiahdaj May 15, 2015 May 15, 2015 Yes, lack of participation is not enough to convict anyone, which is why I'm not trying to do so. Also, if I was intent on stoning Muffin, I would have voted for him. I'm not really sure where all this is coming from. I am just trying to get everyone's opinions out there. I am very far from having made up my mind about anyone. "If this can be avoided, it should. If it can't, then it would be better if it could be. If it happened and you're thinking back to it, try and think back further. Try not to avoid it with your mind. If any of this is possible, it may be helpful. If not, it won't be."
Laach May 15, 2015 May 15, 2015 Well, isn't this a familiar turn of events. Me and Jean-Luc V.S. Yuki. Join Mafia II: Ponyville in Danger, the forum game of intrigue and deduction! To make your dreams a reality, you must first understand the difference.
Brassow May 15, 2015 May 15, 2015 Oh, I forgot to vote ##Yuki. "Try to get a better understanding of things before making your judgement." -Khan, Metro 2033
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