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About Me





  1. Hello everyone! I'm Renée and I'm from the UK. I found out about tulpas on Tuesday 2nd November and since then have been reading a lot about tulpamancy and creation. The past two days have been my journey to forming my tulpa named Marla. I've been narrating to her and trying to visualise her in my wonderland. Most of it has been passive forcing as I haven't had much time to sit down and solely focus on her. (I really want to though.) Last night (4th Nov) I wrote down 10 personality traits and about 3-4 likes and dislikes. However I know these may change overtime. It's a little difficult for me to visualise her while narrating as I can't focus on both at once. I struggle to visualise her when passive forcing too, however I'm hoping this will get better over time. I've been visualising her and sometimes I see her tilt her head slightly or make very faint, slight facial expressions. I even heard a little "hm" from her. At first I was a little apprehensive at thinking it was her but I'm going to believe it's her. I also thought I heard a little "night" before I went to sleep when visualising us in our wonderland. Im going to keep working on forcing and develop her form and personality. I'll keep you updated! >:)
  2. Hello! and welcome to tulpa toons here im just gonna post things like comics of what me and my tulpas did in wonderland, maps of places we've found/ created in wonderland, and little doodles of them. Feel free to post too!! have a nice day!! This is the start of my wonder land the lil place in the middle is town hall were me and my tulpas live I haven't worked on any rooms yet but i will pretty soon anyways..... Mayor.Spinkle
  3. So far, I've been doing passive forcing, and endure the slightly painful head pressures. But I do enjoy when I get them. They remind me that my Tulpa is listening. Have written down somewhat on a daily basis on the processes for about 2/3 months on a old composition book, look forward to looking back at my notes with my Tulpa, and getting hit with nostalgia! One of the first things I worked on was the form. I did some doodles, till I got something that I enjoyed. Next I spent some time finding a name for her. Preferably, I would like her to name herself. But I've been using Tulpa as a placeholder, later in life, caller her Petunia. Have been spending time with her, mostly narrating on games, music, and general day to day stuff. And on the rare occasion, active force her sitting on a recliner chair. The most comfy thing a wonderland can have. Wonderland is a pretty simple place, just a yellow room, lamp, an old fashioned TV, and a green recliner chair. Pretty comfy. Picture is of Petunia's form, and how it evolved.
  4. What do you think "belief" means, in terms of tulpamancers, especially new ones, in regards to their tulpa? When a tulpamancer goes to establish belief in the creation process, what do they believe? What are they trying to do?
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