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Discussion on the possibility of tulpas altering brain chemistry

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  When we started to look into the possibilities of using tulpamancy to give ourselves unique abilities and skills, one of my ideas was that perhaps a tulpa could be useful to cause a change in chemical production/release. I had Dawn try to manipulate the amount of adrenaline within the body, and we've had mixed results so far. We plan on further experimentation and devising a form of measurement to make sure any supposed change is indeed real. Eventually we want to try this with every major brain and body chemical possible. This made me think though, has anyone else attempted feats similar to this or have knowledge on the subject that could improve our tinkering? I'm no biologist or neuroscientist, and I don't even know the scientific potential for my idea to work, but I figured trying it is the only real way to know for sure. 


If I make any progress with this project I'll post it here for others to see. In the meantime discuss the possibilities or call me a fool if you believe it impossible. 

Hi, I'm Michael, I'm the original member of the Candlelight Society. We're a system of 17 including myself.

I'm Shade, the first tulpa. I'm fairly reserved but love philosophy, reading, teas, and experiencing what life has to offer <3

I'm Dawn, one of the most active tulpas in thr system and also the most fun loving/party girl type. I'll see you all around!

In our system there is also Spark and Ember, Cinderella, Astra, Scarlet, Jade, Rarity, Aqua, Ignis, Tony, Majima, Sera, and just Monika~


 Our progress report and experiments thread

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I don't believe it's impossible but I'm still going to call you a fool. You are messing with your brain's chemistry when you do not understand it yourself. If I'm not mistaken, a very similar case has happened on .info before, though I don't recall whom in particular it was. I strongly advise you against this. 

Hey there, the name's Bryan. In system Re:Body(In order of the rainbow): 

Sean, Esper, Blinky, Compact, Janey, Kyle, Gwen'd, Gwen, Emily, Rollin, Waynin, Trease, Layy, Justin, Chloe, Zachery, and Elliot. 

I've been here a while. Much longer than I thought I'd be. Our system was founded October 2nd, 2018. In early 2020, we decided that due to our systems exponential growth, we'd limit who would be active. Now, every month, we do a check to see who wishes to be in dormancy and who wishes to be active. Currently, for the month of April, 2023, we've got myself(Bryan), Janey(Co-host), Emily, Layy, Chloe, and Esper(sub-rep). After over 2 long years, we can finally switch :) 


Bryan is currently swapped in as host, Esper is sub-rep. 


"There used to be 7 wonders of the world, but now there's 8, as everyone wonders how much of a fool you are."


Ice909#0065 -- Always down for a chat 


https://discord.gg/89qN59SbRp Plural safe-space 

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Uh yea study that stuff before diving in blindly. Don't mess with the health risks unnecessarily. 

Darron: Host 💍 

Jaina: Tulpa 💍 

(Raccoon Queen 🦝👸)

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Dain and Nova

Aggrok: Tulpa Void Dragon

Viktor: 🐺


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When it comes to stuff like this, tulpas can't do anything that a single person couldn't already do, usually with meditation. So this is just the concept of humans manipulating their bodies with the power of their minds.


There are results, but (usually) nothing too crazy. You'll never be able to avoid going into diabetic shock by willing your way into producing more insulin. You also can't target specific chemicals just by knowing their names. But on a much wider scale than "adrenaline", like increasing your heartrate, mental alertness and so on - probably possible, to some extent?

It's actually stuff you can look up since it's not a uniquely tulpa-related phenomenon, tulpas can just help their hosts accomplish things the hosts didn't know they could do sometimes. But again, you're not going to see anything too incredibly life-changing or useful, or else humans would've figured out how to do and teach it to each other thousands of years ago, you know?


But we have seen some amazing feats accomplished through meditation and the like, so possible results are somewhere between placebo and fairly interesting.

Hi. I'm one of Luminesce's tulpas. Unlike the others, I don't think I stand out too much from him personality wise.

I'm just special because "I'm a tulpa". So I don't think I've much to offer, here. I'm happy enough to just be with him.

Ask us stuff - https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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I started to type a response before deleting it several times. I feel really uncomfortable giving people advice on what they should do with their bodies. It's your body after all, not mine. But I agree with everything Flandre just said.

Tulpa Wife & Mother! 💚 

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If Flan says it's okay, I'm more inclined to believe it. Exercise caution and do your research. Be realistic and don't expect it to be a fix-all solution. Stay safe. 

Hey there, the name's Bryan. In system Re:Body(In order of the rainbow): 

Sean, Esper, Blinky, Compact, Janey, Kyle, Gwen'd, Gwen, Emily, Rollin, Waynin, Trease, Layy, Justin, Chloe, Zachery, and Elliot. 

I've been here a while. Much longer than I thought I'd be. Our system was founded October 2nd, 2018. In early 2020, we decided that due to our systems exponential growth, we'd limit who would be active. Now, every month, we do a check to see who wishes to be in dormancy and who wishes to be active. Currently, for the month of April, 2023, we've got myself(Bryan), Janey(Co-host), Emily, Layy, Chloe, and Esper(sub-rep). After over 2 long years, we can finally switch :) 


Bryan is currently swapped in as host, Esper is sub-rep. 


"There used to be 7 wonders of the world, but now there's 8, as everyone wonders how much of a fool you are."


Ice909#0065 -- Always down for a chat 


https://discord.gg/89qN59SbRp Plural safe-space 

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Oh, you're all worried because the talking about "brain chemistry" and "chemicals" sounded scary, I guess.


Helps that you literally cannot control such things just because you think you know those chemicals exist in your imagination. Maybe I could've been clearer about that - you can't do anything too special to your body just by thinking really hard. Like I said, increasing heartrate and mental alertness is along the lines of the most you can expect as far as physiology goes, although the mental effects you can achieve in such ways are far more interesting and potentially very impactful. But you do rarely hear about some Buddhist monk who can maintain their body temperature through extreme focus and meditation while in ice water or something, so I didn't want to say there's literally nothing you can do with your body through purely mental means. But you can look into the science behind such things if you're interested in seeing what humans have accomplished. Make sure to take bold claims with a grain of salt though, the internet likes to sensationalize. Always think "If this is possible, shouldn't society have tons of people catching on and doing this?", and remember that you are never going to discover the cutting edge of human spirituality & mental tricks, lol. Humans had very little to do for tens of thousands of years other than to get very in touch with their bodies. You're not going to have some supernatural spiritual awakening browsing the internet.


But seriously, you can achieve extremely impressive mental effects through meditation, introspection, and also general placebo. They may not give you superhuman strength or intelligence, but they might just change how you see or interact with the world, and accomplish very real results through realistic but previously unconsidered actions. Or you could just like, think more clearly and be less stressed out by life. That's one's our favorite.

Hi. I'm one of Luminesce's tulpas. Unlike the others, I don't think I stand out too much from him personality wise.

I'm just special because "I'm a tulpa". So I don't think I've much to offer, here. I'm happy enough to just be with him.

Ask us stuff - https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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I always find the old humans would have done it already reasoning a bit weak, because there are plenty of things in life that people don't do even though it's possible simply because it's really hard and for most not worth it. Perfect example that Buddhist monk and the heat control, possible, but not worth the discipline for 99.99999% of people.


Beyond that thanks for the advice and I'm not expecting superpowers, but I find that idea fun enough to mess with, and I plan on doing alot of research into neuroscience to help with my idea. 

Hi, I'm Michael, I'm the original member of the Candlelight Society. We're a system of 17 including myself.

I'm Shade, the first tulpa. I'm fairly reserved but love philosophy, reading, teas, and experiencing what life has to offer <3

I'm Dawn, one of the most active tulpas in thr system and also the most fun loving/party girl type. I'll see you all around!

In our system there is also Spark and Ember, Cinderella, Astra, Scarlet, Jade, Rarity, Aqua, Ignis, Tony, Majima, Sera, and just Monika~


 Our progress report and experiments thread

Our memory experimentation thread

Our system website for different projects and posts

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Having had extensive experience on this front, I have to concur with others who have posted. Do your research, you can't target specific chemicals, you can do some frankly impressive stuff but nothing truly groundbreaking, etc.

Luna is in charge of all the biohacking-type stuff in our system, and she created a sort of test environment where she can simulate changes before implementing them, which has helped us to go about the whole mental poking and prodding thing more safely. She says that it's possible to track things in terms of somatic sensations, but telling the body to do something precise like secrete 15cc's of adrenaline isn't possible. So to that end, we have Enigma (our big fancy servitor that runs different background-type things for us) keeping track of sensory telemetry and other stuff like that that most people tend to take for granted.


As far as possible benefits, we've discovered a range of enhacements over the years, including faster reaction times, a weak time dilation effect, improved perception, so on and so forth. Nothing amazing, but it can and has made a difference in the past. One thing OP should also research is the dorsal and vagal nervous systems; the basic idea is your vagal nervous system is like the gas on a car and the dorsal nervous system is like a brake. They both have applications in the sort of applied biohacking Luna engages in, but one thing she's learned is that the vagus nerve has a maximum load that one should take care not to exceed with too many "enhancements", or subroutines as we call them in our system, active at the same time. I suppose it's one of those hard biological limits you would have to find for yourself, since every body is different and everyone relies on different symbolism in their systems. For instance, Luna maps all of this stuff out in what we call the "Black Layer" which seems to be much closer to the unconscious than to conscious experience or even to one's experience of the wonderland. But we've seen other systems achieve a similar dynamic in a completely different framework, which is part of the reason why I've refrained from writing a more in-depth guide about this stuff. That, and the GAT doesn't seem to like my writing very much 😂

"Science isn't about why, science is about why not?" -Cave Johnson

Tulpae: Luna, Elise, Naomi

My progress report


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16 hours ago, Flandre said:

But again, you're not going to see anything too incredibly life-changing or useful


I have to disagree, though apologetically due to the respect I have for your system.


Autoreset was life-changing and incredibly useful.


The culmination of that is that I am able to kill any emotion instantly.


Kind of the opposite of what OP suggests, I can stop the production and sustaining of brain chemistry such as adrenaline and learned this with Ashley's help.


It was made clear to me that emotions, moods, triggers and the like are tied to the headmate(s) who have underlying conditioning. So emotions may be manufactured by the body functions but the persona in control of those functions is the control or source signal. 


Emotional bleed is one of the first early signs of a headmate or at least can safely be interpreted as that even in very early stages, and those emotions can feel out of place or alien as was my experience.


Given the control of any emotion is originated in one or more personas the renoval of that persona (synonymous with headmate) will often also remove that emotion. This is corroborated through many discussions with those who switch out for the temporary remission of depression related symptoms. Though the ethics and safety of that are questionable, it does work. In my case it was to relieve stress, anxiety, anger, and other craziness on my part much of which was delt with since. 


The cessation of certain brain chemistry can likely be reversed in an analogous manor, i.e. through intentional triggers or conditioning of one or more headmates to induce adrenaline or other chemistries of choice.


I would additionally argue that this process would be safer than alternative chemical methods to affect brain chemistry such as taking psychedelics.


This conditioning would be a clear and purposeful, methodical and time intensive process to add certain trained responses. It clearly doesn't need headmates to accomplish it but headmates help a lot in many significant ways.


One last thought, I don't lend any credence to anyone who says "you can't" when it comes to brain/mind alteration because there are far too many cases where you can. In terms of why doesn't everyone do this? Most people find introspection and meditation unsavory or uncomfortable, asking them to do it for a few months to a few years to make a significant change is asking a lot. You really have to want it.

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