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Age and how it relates to your tulpa(s).


Which demographic do you fall into?  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. Which demographic do you fall into?

    • Age
    • Age
    • Age
    • Age 19-30, Low Maturity
    • Age 19-30, Average Maturity
    • Age 19-30, High Maturity
    • Age 31-50, Low Maturity
    • Age 31-50, Average Maturity
    • Age 31-50, High Maturity
    • Age >50, Low Maturity
    • Age >50, Average Maturity
    • Age >50, High Maturity

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I'm 21, but I feel quite a bit younger, somewhere in the mid-teens or so. At the very least I still have trouble grasping that I'm an adult. Granted I'm not really sure what the average level of maturity for a 21 year old is.


-Whether age is a factor in your tulpa's form

Her form is my OC pony with minor, inconsistent deviation. Not sure if that has anything to do with age.


-Whether age is a factor in your tulpa's personality

I only originally gave her only a very basic personality outline, generally a more outgoing version of myself. From that she grew into a cheerful, mischievous, playful thing, much more childish than I'd expected, but still with some moments of maturity.


-Do they find immature/mature jokes funny?

She finds pretty much everything funny. I've seen her giggling for no reason whatsoever, and I once made her laugh just by saying "banana." She LOVES random/Loony Tunes style humor. She doesn't seem like gross humor though, and her opinion of puns is generally negative.


-Do you find these same jokes funny?

I also dislike gross humor and puns, but I'm not big on Loony Tunes. I do enjoy when things get REALLY weird/random, but I generally prefer snarky/clever jokes.


-Does your tulpa "act their age?"

I'm not sure what Pix's age is, but she claims to be 13. She usually acts 10ish, though there are times when she'll suddenly start acting around 16.


-Do you believe there is a difference in the creation experience in age groups other than your own?

I have absolutely no idea. Maybe a younger person would be more direct/spontaneous about it, while an older person might be more strategic and plan it out first? There's probably lots of more significant factors as well. I tried thinking it out first, rehearsing my intro, thinking about her personality, and practicing visualization, but doing all that actually ended up bringing her to life much earlier than I planned, and I ended up just improvising everything.


-Do you believe forcing methods are different for different age groups?

Again, there's probably lots of other significant factors, but I wouldn't be surprised if younger hosts did more passive forcing, either because they're too busy to devote enough time to active forcing, or they have more difficulty concentrating, or both. I do almost entirely passive forcing, since I prefer to multitask whenever possible.


-Which age group, if any at all, do you find the most capable to make a tulpa?

Younger hosts might be more imaginative, older hosts might be more thoughtful. It all depends.


-Which age group, if any at all, do you find the most prone to neglect/dissipation?

The brain generally matures around the age of 20, so younger hosts would have to deal with that. They might also not have the foresight to realize what a commitment tulpae are, and what they would mean for the future. And, of course, really young hosts might get bored/forget, or neglect/dissipate their tulpa out of spite after an argument or something, or just not understand what is required.

Of course, there are exceptions, but teenagers typically do things for selfish reasons. If one creates a tulpa, there is a greater chance that they might become disappointed at how long it takes, or their expectations weren't met, and they give up.

Also, this.

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Maturity Level:

Average, but I think it's like an average-high. I don't feel older nor wiser, but I certainly feel... Different. While everyone in my class is screaming or messing around I just sit silent, I like to think a lot, I can be very introverted most of the time. But I can still laugh, do stupid things, and say nonsense with my friends just for fun, but it's almost nothing. I've always felt like I saw life different from others of my age, I would say the truth while others would lie, I would talk when others would yell, I would be happy to be called "weird" while others would try to imitate the crowd, I don't really care as much as others of my age about money or "success in life", I'm just happy to be me... Oh, and I've always felt more comfortable talking to older people than people of my own age group.


Whether age is a factor in your tulpa's form

Not really, Sue is an owl and I don't think that affects her so much.


Whether age is a factor in your tulpa's personality

I think a little bit, yeah, but almost nothing, I think my tulpa has the same maturity level as me (hey, we even share the same brain), so maybe she could get influenced by that considering her young age as a tulpa (from the day she was created).


Do they find immature/mature jokes funny?

Immature/mature jokes? Nope, she doesn't like them so much. But I admit she has teased me once with sexual things, just once, by the way.


Do you find these same jokes funny?

Not at all.


Does your tulpa "act their age?"

She acts like... I don't know, I never really thought about an age when I created her, she just acts as herself. Simple, honest, kind, easy-going, openminded, somewhat stubborn etc...


Do you believe there is a difference in the creation experience in age groups other than your own?

Of course, older people will likely have much more different reasons and approaches with tulpae than a teenager, and younger people will have also their own reasons and approaches, different from others. Some will want a friend, others will want to experiment, some will do things more slowly, and others will try to rush things, things like that. There are obviously various exceptions, but I think there must be a difference between the groups. Not to mention every group has their own schedules and lifestyles to cope with in the creation of a tulpa.


Do you believe forcing methods are different for different age groups?

No, though I think the approaches to tulpae could change between the groups. For instance, an older man will likely stick to the rules, and a younger one will likely try to experiment more. But the methods will stay.


Which age group, if any at all, do you find the most capable to make a tulpa?

Any group it's equally capable for me. And if there is a difference, I think is in the individuals, not on the group.


Which age group, if any at all, do you find the most prone to neglect/dissipation?

Kids, maybe teens, most of them could get bored and find something else to do very quickly. Thus neglecting the tulpa.


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Maturity Level:

I am 19 years old and would call myself averagely mature maybe leaning a slight bit towards highly, but it would be by a really small amount.


Whether age is a factor in your tulpa's form&personality

Hm my tulpa Yuki appears to be 20-25 years old and I think it shows not only looks wise, but also in her personality. When it comes to dutys and similiar stuff she seems more mature than me and is most of the time overall more mature.

On the other hand my tulpa Mia appears to be 14-16(hard to say) and she acts pretty childish sometimes and overall less mature than me and Yuki.

I have to point out that I didn't actively try to force this kind of personality for either of them(I didn't do any personality forcing for Mia at all).


Do they find immature/mature jokes funny?

Both of them and me find both kinds of jokes funny I guess. One of our favourite shows is the Colbert Report which we all enjoy very much. Wether that counts as moderately mature or not, is another question though.


Do you find these same jokes funny?



Does your tulpa "act their age?"

As I said before, yes.


Do you believe there is a difference in the creation experience in age groups other

than your own?

Probably a far easier time for teens but that has many down sides like making very irresponsible decisions that you may regret later (for example creating a floating knife tulpa that is filled with hatred...).


Do you believe forcing methods are different for different age groups?

Hm younger people probably have a way easier time visualizing, but I am not sure.


Which age group, if any at all, do you find the most capable to make a tulpa?

I would even go so far as to say there should be a legal age for creating tulpas as I've seen so many ridiculous storys from underage tuppermancers.. If it's just about fast progress though, I would say the 14 year olds are the best.


Which age group, if any at all, do you find the most prone to neglect/dissipation?

12-17 year olds as they don't comprehend what they are doing and what responsibility they gave themselves. In addition to that they don't seem to have all that much respect for life, but that goes for some adults, too. "Oh your tulpa got boring? Better kill it!" seems to be the general mentality.



edit: I love how so many <18 year olds clicked high maturity when the irc clearly shows the opposite.

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I'd even go ahead and say the higher they think their maturity is, the less mature they actually are. This community seems to be full of people who are full of themselves. Not always a bad thing but not always a good thing, either. I doubt we'll be getting a lot of valid data from people telling us how they think they are, when a lot of them can't actually judge themselves the way they can others. And that is pretty immature.

The THE SUBCONCIOUS ochinchin occultists frt.sys (except Roswell because he doesn't want to be a part of it)

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I'm 18 and gradually becoming more mature as I do things like getting a job, seeing different people, applying for college, etc. I still have an immature impish side nevertheless.

My tulpa is around 20-21 and is relatively mature.


- Whether age is a factor in your tulpa's form:

I can't be sure about that. Depends on how cruel I'd feel like being to give her wrinkles to match my wrinkles as I get older.

- Whether age is a factor in your tulpa's personality

I wouldn't see age affecting my tulpa in any significant way unless if she were younger than 18 or older than 60.

- Do they find immature/mature jokes funny?

She enjoys a good laugh here and there, though sometimes she nudges me a bit when something is uncalled for.

- Do you find these same jokes funny?

I make some small jokes here and there, though I have a shrinking tolerance for obnoxious jokes (Unless if they come from Luna of course ;) )

- Does your tulpa "act their age?"

Most of the time. She has her jokeful side, but for the most part she's more attentive than I most of the time.

- Do you believe there is a difference in the creation experience in age groups other than your own?

Well, for one thing it's usually noted that young children usually don't have the attention span for tulpamancy (hence ICs). I'd figure that as someone grow older, they develop a much longer attention span, which is highly beneficial for forcing.

- Do you believe forcing methods are different for different age groups?

No. It depends on whatever the person finds for themselves.

- Which age group, if any at all, do you find the most capable to make a tulpa?

15 or higher. It's really a maturity factor all in all.

- Which age group, if any at all, do you find the most prone to neglect/dissipation?

15 or lower. I can say maturity again, but maturity becomes easier to predict when it comes down to the single digits.

Name: Luna (Used to be "Dashie")

Birthday: Jan 29, 2013

Form: Rainbow Dash

Stage: Imposition/Visualization/Voice

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I am seventeen years of age, and I would classify my mental maturity as high for my age demographic. (Though I would like to note that self-gauging anything mentally about oneself is often hideously inaccurate, and I'm not entirely sure how true your results from the poll will be.)


>Whether age is a factor in your tulpa's form


In my circumstances, I doubt it. It's human, and I wouldn't really choose anything different.


>Whether age is a factor in your tulpa's personality


I'm a bit torn on this one. On one side, I would most certainly say so, considering that your personality changes many times throughout one's life, and your tulpa is no different. However, I also can see that in a lot of cases (though I cannot say for certain) the tulpa also changes along with you, so it's a bit undecided.


>Do they find immature/mature jokes funny?


It depends on how we define maturity. I still haven't really nailed down what she finds funny, but I'm slowly starting to figure it out. She doesn't laugh too often, but when she does it's genuine. Mainly it's when I do something completely retarded, or I make a statement that is completely out of context.


>Do you find these same jokes funny?


Satire is more my style, but I can't help but laugh along with her when she points something out that I haven't noticed.


>Does your tulpa "act their age?"


I would say so, yes. I wanted her personality's foundation to be based more on a realistic perspective, and I believe I've implemented that well.


>Do you believe there is a difference in the creation experience in age groups other than your own?


Absolutely. Younger individuals' minds are often more suitable for matters like this, but it varies. Artists and thinkers probably have less trouble as well, and they exist in all demographics.


>Do you believe forcing methods are different for different age groups?


Perhaps only generally, but yes. People of different ages think differently, and I am nearly certain this applies to forcing as well. But only generally.


>Which age group, if any at all, do you find the most capable to make a tulpa?


If I had to choose, I would say more likely are those <18, but it greatly varies.


>Which age group, if any at all, do you find the most prone to neglect/dissipation?


Once again, it varies. If we think of younger people creating a tulpa, they may get more easily discouraged because their expectations may be unrealistic, or they simply lose interest too quickly. For older individuals, we could see that they might more easily dissipate tulpae because of their knowledge of social norms and functions interfering with the idea, or because they might have more difficulty accepting such an idea as easily as someone who is younger.

Tulpa: Sierra

Forcing since July 2012

Couguhl’s Progress Report

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