Akinkinit February 28, 2019 Author Share February 28, 2019 Thanks for the tips Angry Bear. I'll be sure to keep them in mind. So I've been doing mechanical drawing exercises for the whole practicing thing. Drawing circles, trying to make straight lines at different angles. That sort of things. During today's practice I drew some kind of fish thing by accident and while I hate at least ten different things about it, it's kind of cool so I'm putting it here. I've been inviting the head ghosts to join me in drawing practice. Sabari has been joining in, and because she doesn't have to deal with what I've been calling "Hand RNG", they've been really impressive. One example, she drew this animated jellyfish thing and used her Sabari powers to cheat and make it look all animated and stuff. Xiri has also been doing drawing things, but she's been all about them c o l o r s over drawing anything that looks like anything. Noriko claims she's "helping my focusing abilities" by kneeling in front of my chair and doing things with her mouth during the whole drawing practice. But yeah, I have the drawing program thing on one monitor and have a stream up in the other monitor, so it's been kinda fun so far. Alcohol usage makes it even more fun. And it doesn't seem to affect my meager abilities too much. Although, spoiler alert, I'm still pretty hammered. As for tulpa things, Sabari and I had a fairly in depth conversation yesterday about making the act of parking cars an art form. Like many things Sabari related, it makes no sense trying to describe it in retrospect, but it had something to with the ratio of the space between the parking space lines and the car, and optimizing it for both efficiency and aesthetics. There were also a whole bunch of lewd things that happened. As per usual. Currently share myself with four other entities. Noriko was created on December 15, 2014. Sabari was created by Noriko on January 22, 2015. Anzu was reborn on May 23, 2016. Xiri returned on June 16, 2018. Both had been inactive since 2012. Progress Report | Ask a Question Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest February 28, 2019 Share February 28, 2019 Interesting, so imagine an aesthetically laid out parking lot that also maximizes efficiency. I'm thinking high parking structure surrounded by a park with a park on the top level, or that whole thing underground if the nature of the area can support it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akinkinit March 3, 2019 Author Share March 3, 2019 IIRC, it was more so on how to arrange a car in a parking space in such a way that the empty space around the car in the space was aesthetically pleasing. Plus the minimal number of movements required given an arbitrary starting position on how to achieve it. I'll include some updates to my drawing practice here because no one's stopping me. I can pretty confidently draw circles and squares, and rhombi to a lesser extent. So now I've been really working on drawing straight lines. That and drawing intersecting lines that are perpendicular. As it turns out, that's a lot tougher than drawing a shape for whatever reason. Although I can draw diagonal lines really well. The guide I've been using has mentioned that's a thing though. It also mentioned that I can rotate the canvas in the drawing program I'm using, so I can just draw diagonals for straight up and down lines. But Xiri called me basic in response to me doing that. And I'll be damned if anybody in my organism gets away with calling me basic. The guide mentioned that I'll know I'm done practicing this when drawing lines becomes boring and accurate. And it's neither at this point, thankfully so on the boring front. I thought about keeping track of hours spent doing practice for documentation purposes. However, documenting hour counts with regards to tulpas immediately came to mind. And while it's good if you find that useful, I've always rolled my eyes at that sort of thing. But onto tulpa things. There's still four of them. They are all still weirdos to varying extents. So that's been unchanged. I suppose the whole drawing practice thing has been an adventure into parallel processing as I try to keep one or more of them in the forefront while doing so. And since making a drawing of them is my main reason for this whole endeavor, it's been motivating to have them around. Not like they have anywhere else better to be though. Currently share myself with four other entities. Noriko was created on December 15, 2014. Sabari was created by Noriko on January 22, 2015. Anzu was reborn on May 23, 2016. Xiri returned on June 16, 2018. Both had been inactive since 2012. Progress Report | Ask a Question Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akinkinit March 7, 2019 Author Share March 7, 2019 Currently still in Line Hell when it comes to drawing practice. I was originally using the Windows Sketchpad app and thought my line ability was good. But then I switched over to GIMP, and since that has better line resolution or something, I can see they still need work. So I've been filling pages and pages full of "straight" lines in order to get a handle on them. Xiri wanted me to make a terrible line related pun to go along with that keeping on the straight and narrow but I made the conscious effort to spare you all from it. For the most part anyway. There was something I noticed about Xiri lately. All of my other head ghosts have changed their forms more than I can count. Or they'll temporarily change their form to try something out. But as far as I can tell, Xiri hasn't ever changed her form. Like, when I first saw her, she was a bird. And then she picked a human form and kept it. She may have been taller back in the day. But the hairstyle, skin tone, build, that's all stayed the same. Not that there's a problem with that. Just interesting is all. I've been spending a lot of time with Xiri lately. Well, her and Noriko. And I've been realizing more and more that she's just as much of a potty mouth as Noriko. I was going to say that she's not as much of a smart ass as well but she's been proving me wrong while trying to think of examples. She's definitely more expressive than Noriko though. Although I can't really think of any specific examples. And it's not like she talks more than Noriko. It's more so that I sense a reaction coming from her side of things more. Which like Sabari is all over my body because neither of them can just pick somewhere. Currently share myself with four other entities. Noriko was created on December 15, 2014. Sabari was created by Noriko on January 22, 2015. Anzu was reborn on May 23, 2016. Xiri returned on June 16, 2018. Both had been inactive since 2012. Progress Report | Ask a Question Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akinkinit March 14, 2019 Author Share March 14, 2019 Turns out there is a meaningful difference between the pencil and the paintbrush tools in GIMP... I'm still working on the whole drawing thing. Right now it's all about drawing lines and drawing lines over lines. If I had to guess, it'll be several months before I start attempting figure drawing. But that's ok. Xiri has said that it's better to do all of the fucking up in the beginning so my actual drawings will have less fuck ups in them. And seeing the modicum of improvement in my line abilities is very motivating. As part of the whole drawing thing, I bought a desk and an actual computer chair to put my keyboard and tablet on. It's been somewhat more difficult having the head ghosts near me with this arrangement over my old setup with the big poofy recliner. Noriko brought up the idea of imposing several other computer chairs and desks next to me for them all to sit at. And that's worked with varying degrees of success. The main issue is that the computer chair is less comfortable than the recliner, so it's harder to lean back and focus on them. But it DOES help with the whole drawing thing so we're all just going to have to learn and deal with it. Anzu has taken to sitting on my lap as I draw and it's really the cutest thing ever. And unlike some OTHER PEOPLE I share my organism with, she doesn't distract me while doing so. Noriko usually makes up for it at bedtime though. And it's not like I'm complaining about the way she distracts me really. Currently share myself with four other entities. Noriko was created on December 15, 2014. Sabari was created by Noriko on January 22, 2015. Anzu was reborn on May 23, 2016. Xiri returned on June 16, 2018. Both had been inactive since 2012. Progress Report | Ask a Question Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest March 15, 2019 Share March 15, 2019 Misha and I are specifically using a mouse setup just so we can stay in the big poofy recliner. Pencil drawings were done on a dining chair because my desk is in a dark room. I can't wait to see them! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akinkinit March 28, 2019 Author Share March 28, 2019 I did try using a mouse originally just to see if it was worth practicing with. But man, if my line work looks bad with a tablet, it looks so much worse with the mouse. I cannot argue with being able to keep using a big poofy recliner as a drawing area though. As for drawing practice, I've moved on to shapes. Which basically involves sketching a shitty version of the shape, making a new layer, and then drawing it properly over said sketch. It's actually a somewhat involved process just to make something simple like a square. Maybe one day, I can just do it live with no sketch, but that day is not today. Something that came to mind lately is that each of the head ghosts have a favorite song. Like the urge will come to listen to it and I can sense it's coming from one of them. Not because I recognize their voice or see them say it. It's just that having shared an organism with them for so long I can just understand when one of them reacts to something. Noriko's favorite song is the same as mine ( ). Which makes sense because we both think of each other when we hear it. Sabari really likes , and often comes up with images to go along with it that usually involve messing around with time. If that makes any sense. Xiri likes imagining various bullet hells to the tune of . And Anzu has liked for as long as I can remember. Be warned, though, it's kind of spooky. Thinking about it, it's kind of weird that she still likes that the most since I usually get a reaction from her seeing concerts and stuff like that. It's more something I would associate to her back in the day where she was a shadowy raven god over a tulpa. She says it's because "there's a lot of memories to this song." Can't really argue with that. Currently share myself with four other entities. Noriko was created on December 15, 2014. Sabari was created by Noriko on January 22, 2015. Anzu was reborn on May 23, 2016. Xiri returned on June 16, 2018. Both had been inactive since 2012. Progress Report | Ask a Question Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akinkinit April 2, 2019 Author Share April 2, 2019 I was browsing a thread earlier today were people were talking about how their tulpas do their own thing on the internet. Mine don't do that, partly because none of them can do full body possession, so it would have to go through me anyway. What was interesting though is that each of them had a different reason for why they wouldn't want to do that anyway. I considered making this a reply to the thread itself, but Noriko pointed out that knowingly misinterpreting the topic of a thread is just an advanced form of shitposting. So I'm putting it here while I'm thinking about it. Noriko used to dictate stuff to me for putting on the internet. Nowadays, though, she thinks that doing that is a kind of larping and kind of cringey. Not that she (or I for that matter) think it's cringey when other hosts do it. You do you. But she would hate herself the entire time she was using my organism to do any sort of direct interactions. She also mentioned that she doesn't want to stick her hand up my ass and use me like a puppet. Another reason would be that she considers herself to be a sort of mechanic to my brain's inner working, and "throwing you out of the driver seat is just going to fuck things up." Sabari thinks that just using words is too limiting. She talks to me using words / pictures / sounds / whatever else she can scrounge up. And until my drawing abilities improves there's just no way to adequately express everything she wants to express without the equivalent of a novel with several buckets worth of footnotes (Her image was pulling up pails of letters from a sea of footnotes, except the sea was also on fire for some reason). There was also an incident some time back where she had a big argument with Noriko concerning possession and how it was "intentionally messing with the hardware." And none of us want to relive the days where her and Noriko get into arguments all the time. Anzu would consider it rude to use any of me for her own purposes. My hands and such don't belong to her and she doesn't feel like there's anything she would really want to talk about that couldn't just go through me first. She also "very much enjoys being female", and the feeling of projecting herself directly through a male organism just seems weird to her. Xiri just flat out doesn't care if she can talk to people directly or not. Plus, putting herself out there in a definitive form and such "just sounds like a tremendous pain in the ass and you couldn't pay me to do it." There's also a running joke in our system when I make a mistake where Xiri mentions "she could fuck it up better". It's probably wise to take that as a warning. Currently share myself with four other entities. Noriko was created on December 15, 2014. Sabari was created by Noriko on January 22, 2015. Anzu was reborn on May 23, 2016. Xiri returned on June 16, 2018. Both had been inactive since 2012. Progress Report | Ask a Question Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest April 2, 2019 Share April 2, 2019 We were 100% right there with you until recently. We inadvertently learned how to switch, no one necessarily wants to, but due to necessity, we have done it successfully. It's still entirely need based, but now that I know how to let go of the front, I find it quite relaxing. When I return after the short absence, say they nedded to deal with a certain situation that bothers me, i feel rejuvenated. Only two of them actually can do it, Misha has still requested not to take action in meatspace. Also, now that I know how to let go of the front, partial posession is a total breeze and things like the hands have become more of a system asset than something I would use to proxy. Consider them they're own servitor that proxies for everyone, even me. It could also just be a different way of thinking about the body, a shared resource, whatever is most effective. I'm not dure what thread you were talking about, but we always love to hear your input. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ido April 2, 2019 Share April 2, 2019 I considered making this a reply to the thread itself' date=' but Noriko pointed out that knowingly misinterpreting the topic of a thread is just an advanced form of shitposting.[/quote'] Practicing advanced forms of shitposting is the ONLY valid reason for posting anyway. But yeah, I don't do it anymore either, there's way more important stuff to do than online presence. Also pls post drawings, no matter how insignificant. Super Girls don't cry Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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