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Guest Anonymous

Hi, everyone. I'm Thunder. We only play TF2 so I doubt you'd take great interest in that.

We have a Steam account, but the only games we have on it are Skyrim, Morrowwind, and FF14. Jason and I have been keeping Einulf and Lucia away from them for a week though, since they get too distracted to study or do our homework. Sometimes I wish we had at least one other body so we could do multiple things easier.

Current System: Ziya (Formerly Einulf), Mizan, Aura, Dark, Lucia, Rand, Jason, Akira

Here's our Tumblr, if anyone wants it

Guest Anonymous


Au contraire mon frier, I LOVE TF2. It's my favorite war-themed hat simulator!


We only really play TF2 to kick the asses of others. We have some very fancy hats! Even unusuals, which is nice! But Andy is trying to sell them now for keys :p

Here's a question. If you had a secret agent name, what would it be? I'd be secret agent Alpha Lion.

"It's all about synthesis, you don't have to be a real musician. You just synthesize your own reality, synthesize your own talents." -Klayton


My Three Mind Horses

Haven: Tulpa #1

Created on 10-28-14

Aphelion: Tulpa #2

Created on 2-25-15 

Chimera: Self Proclaimed Thoughtform

Created on: Can't remember. Sometime around Easter of 2017.


Warning: I am a huge nerd.

Hmmm... I guess I would be Agent Bubbly Ninja. Idk I like that name though lol. Me and my host like to play games too but it's on Xbox 360 not steam. So I can't play with any of you guys.

So, how's everyone's day today :). I hope it's all good!

Guest Anonymous

I guess it would be Agent Thunder, or Sword. Because cool analogies.

May: We don't have a Steam account, unfortunately, but, well, sounds fun. As for a secret agent name? Not sure. ...Not going to say what my mom suggested. Secret Agent...I don't know. Pfft.

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