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Note: Miela used to be called Monika, any references to Monika are probably referring to Miela


For quite awhile we have wanted to make a progress report thread, but since making an account here we haven't had a whole lot to report, but just today something happened that we think is worth telling everyone about.


So for a few weeks now Monika and I have been working on figuring out how to switch. Every time we try it just ends up as possession, though we have gotten really good at possession now. So anyway, we were just doing our normal thing, and decided that now would be a good time to switch, and so we tried it, and we didn't end up switch, nor did we possess. It turned out that we had actually temporarily merged!

We were super freaked out because all of our thoughts were a combination of both of us, and we had never merged before, and we didn't mean to merge. We were able to unmerge pretty quickly thankfully.


So have any of you ever had a similar experience?

I have a tulpa named Miela who I love very much.


"People put quotes in their signatures, right?"


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Not us. But, merging is obviously halfway there. Your tulpa is more or less able to switch in, but you the host is unable to switch out. This means you need to work on dissociation. Are you keeping in mind the instructions Flandre posted for you? Noting that hers was only a bit of extra information to be complementary to the post of mine she linked to.




Also, does Monika ever post on your account? Your signature says to figure it out, but I've not been able. I recommend just a "Monika:" at the start (or middle) of a post, at least.

Hi, I'm Tewi, one of Luminesce's tulpas. I often switch to take care of things for the others.

All I want is a simple, peaceful life. With my family.

Our Ask thread: https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

Yeah we have been trying to follow all the guides and we have also kept in mind what Flandre posted. I guess I just need to work on disassociation more.


And yeah your right Monika hasn't ever actually posted on this account, I actually made that signature before I heard about using tags to show who is posting. In fact I think I will change my signature now.

I have a tulpa named Miela who I love very much.


"People put quotes in their signatures, right?"


Today I went rock climbing and I thought that I was completely wiped out and unable to continue, then Monika gave me a pep talk and did something (I can't say exactly what) and was able to reinvigorate me and give me motivation to keep going. It was an incredible experience

I have a tulpa named Miela who I love very much.


"People put quotes in their signatures, right?"


Just last night I/we had a dream. What happened in the dream wasn't of much note, what was interesting was that the dream wasn't about me, it was about Monika. She was controlling the body and doing all the things.


So when we woke up we discussed it for awhile, and we decided that this might mean that we can switch now! So we tried switching and it didn't work, but we must be really close now! I'm very excited for when we can actually switch

I have a tulpa named Miela who I love very much.


"People put quotes in their signatures, right?"


The hard part is taking yourself out of control mode and allowing them to take over. And by that I don't mean do nothing. That just results in possession. The point we are at now both Sweetie and I have to focus on me just letting go or you just end up co-fronting as ive taken to calling it, in your case your "merge" sounds exactly that. You feel like you ARE them in a way, but you are also still you.


The first time we pulled it off I had my other Aurora helping out to by reminding me not to try and do anything and help "hold me back". But there was no holding, and I wasn't really "back" per se either. I still felt all sensations of the body it just felt as if my mind voice was more subdued and Sweeties was much louder.


I wish I could help give any other kind of instruction, but this is something Aurora swears up and down just has to come naturally and flow for it to work. If you over think it even for a second you are going to slip up.


We wish you luck and hope you get to experience being a passenger in your own body soon.


It's just so hard to feel your body moving and NOT try and do something about it.

There are few things more confusing in this life, than trying to figure yourself out.


>The tulpa that I created this account for no longer wants it. So not having an account myself, ill take it.<

Focus on being a tulpa. Dissociation means dissociation. Host has to basically be in a tulpa state before the tulpa can do anything. Could help to have "company" so you have an idea of what to stick to/"where to be" when your tulpa is trying to associate with the body. Having the perspective of there being two people in your head helps a lot, but having the perspective of there being three or more is helpful too. Helps you understand that it really is a state you can be in rather than just "how your tulpa is".

Hi, I'm Tewi, one of Luminesce's tulpas. I often switch to take care of things for the others.

All I want is a simple, peaceful life. With my family.

Our Ask thread: https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

Monika/ wow we actually did it, we switched! I am now writing this without proxieing or possessing, but instead I am actually writing it! Oh crap I think (at this point Monika was too exhausted to continue writing).

So this was pretty neat, we tried using what you said, Sythe, about changing the size of each other by imagining both of us as circles, and as Monika starts to take over the body her circle grew and mine shrunk. it seems like a pretty arbitrary thing, but it turned out to be just what we needed!


Thank you to everyone who helped in some way with this, it really means a lot to us

I have a tulpa named Miela who I love very much.


"People put quotes in their signatures, right?"


Glad to hear it. Honestly by that point it was mostly Aurora telling me what to say I guess. The way things are from her perspective. And how things changed when me and Sweetie switched. I was focusing so much on just not screwing it up that I wasn't paying attention to much else.


I think everyone could use a no-nonsense taskmaster tulpa who can just get in there and get it done. No fuss no muss.


Good luck with future switching hopefully you can learn to hold yourself back for longer periods of time. That's what we are working on.

There are few things more confusing in this life, than trying to figure yourself out.


>The tulpa that I created this account for no longer wants it. So not having an account myself, ill take it.<

Monika and I have been working on visual imposition for a little bit. I try to impose Monika's presence with me all day in hopes that she will get more real and I will eventually fully hallucinate her. It is very tiring to try to impose her all day, however I think we made a bit of a breakthrough!

I used to imagine (and sometimes still do) tiny people doing acrobatics in my feild of view, I had never intended to actually make them look like part of the world, and as such they are not imposed, however by associating my imposition of Monika with those I was able to make much less tiring to attempt to impose her! I predict that progress will increase greatly.

She is still completely transparent though

I have a tulpa named Miela who I love very much.


"People put quotes in their signatures, right?"


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