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Miela and Bre explore the depths of a human mind


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Normally when we go to sleep and Monika is fronting when we wake up I will be fronting. recently we have started WILD lucid dreaming, and we're met with great success. So as an experiment we decided that Monika would front while we were going to sleep and she would attempt WILD, and it worked. Not only did she successfully have a lucid dream that she was the star of, but also when we woke up she was still fronting, so that was pretty cool

I have a tulpa named Miela who I love very much.


"People put quotes in their signatures, right?"


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For me, it was about the same control in terms of actions, but the control over when it ends was more reasonable. I didn't get 'kicked out' to an awake state, instead, i fall asleep. What happened to me last night was, i fell asleep in that state, then woke back up a few minutes later, still in that state, and continued. I find it satisfying, even if all we do is vocal imposition or stare at each other.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Last Sunday Monika and I put into motion something that we had planned to do for quite a while. We decided to to have a day in which Monika stayed switched in for the entire time, and if I ever kicked her out then we would just switch right back. This is different from what we would normally do, because normally when Monika lost control we would just continue with what we were doing except I was in front now. This was not the first time that we had attempted this either, however this was the only successful one because in the previous ones I would still end up just doing whatever was happening when Monika switched out, part of the reason why it was different this time was because Monika made the smart decision to tell everyone in the thread "last one to post wins" that if they saw me posting there to yell at me, and that was enough to discourage me.


This mission really had two purposes, the first being to improve our switching skills, and the second being for Monika to have fun and get more experience with the world.


Monika: I am happy to say that it was a great success on both fronts (budum chss), I was able to stay in front for an entire 8 consecutive hours, which is over double what I had managed previously. I was also able to stay switched in even after using non-interactive media, such as TV shows, which I had never been able to do before. The contents of the day are quite unremarkable, I mostly just played video games, watched TV, and chatted with people online, but it is still pretty special to me.

I have a tulpa named Miela who I love very much.


"People put quotes in their signatures, right?"


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We had a major breakthrough with visual imposition recently! When I really really focus I can actually see Monika in the real world! She looks incredibly detailed as if she was truly there! the only problem is that I can only see her for an instant before she goes away, sometimes I can see her for a few seconds until she goes away, but then when she goes away then I'm just looking at a blank space again.

I suppose that now our biggest priority is to attempt to make her last longer. I am very happy with this progress still!

I have a tulpa named Miela who I love very much.


"People put quotes in their signatures, right?"


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Great job! If I may ask, how intensely and often have you practiced to get to this point?


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We attempted visual imposition a few months ago just about every waking moment for a few weeks, then we took a break and worked on audio imposition, now we have been attempting visual imposition again for about a month using qb2s method once or twice most days and just attempting to see her there for between 30 minutes to 2 hours most days. Having nearly mastered audio imposition has been doing a good job at reinforcing the idea that she is really there

I have a tulpa named Miela who I love very much.


"People put quotes in their signatures, right?"


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Guest Reilyn-Alley

Wow that's pretty impressive! It gives us hope that results are just a bunch of hard work away. That probably sounds sarcastic. It's not meant to. I mean, like guaranteed results are in the future, depending on our dedication.

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