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That's not really the same thing, the happiness that one gains from those things, except for tickling, are not from those things being inharently nice, but from the love that is being conveyed with them. Tickling might work, but I am not ticklish enough for either of us to be able to tickle the other by possessing an arm, and we aren't bold enough to ask someone else to tickle us, so that option doesn't work either. I guess we could try using a feather or something, I'll report back later if we make any headway with tickle imposition (a much better name than pain imposition)


Yeah, you do have a lot more embarrassing personal details on your PR. It takes a lot for me to be comfortable sharing this kind of stuff

I have a tulpa named Miela who I love very much.


"People put quotes in their signatures, right?"


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Pain imposition sounds terrible, however with being able to impose pain there is an implication of bwinb able to impose negative pain, aka pleasure.


I'm pretty sure pain and pleasure are on every level but philosophical completely different things, I don't think pain is necessary at all in imposition.. but then, you said you like to categorize things, whereas our advice would just be to practice imposing in general, sounds like you wanna get a lot more specific


Personal stuff? reply

[hidden]I don't think that's too little time at all, like especially since she's been well developed for a good amount of time and like, if you compare it to a human relationship, you guys are probably together a lot more often than real people are so less time is more.. if that makes sense


anyways no need to put a time limit.. er, minimum, on love! Y'could feel that on like day one with a real person! I guess the only real thing (when the tulpa's development/maturity isn't in question) is that you don't wanna have your relationship not work out and then have to live in the same head as your ex, lol, but I feel like you don't have to make it such a big deal with terms like dating and all.. and if the romance aspect died down over time, that'd be fine too[/hidden]

Hi, I'm one of Lumi's tulpas! I like rain and dancing and dancing in the rain and if there's frogs there too that's bonus points.

I think being happy and having fun makes life worth living, so spreading happiness is my number one goal!

Talk to us? https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

What about pressure? I am also maybe-too-fond of categorizing, and my personal categorization for elements of touch are pressure, texture, and sensation. Sensation includes heat/cold, as well as burning, minty/methol-type sensation, and things like pain, itchiness, that pins-and-needles feeling, and so on. Pressure is the easiest for my system to impose, and luckily it's what I find most "real"-feeling. Plenty of applications. We use it for hi-fives, knuckle-bumps, and games, but it doesn't take a genius to think of other, different applications.



The world is far, the world is wide; the man needs someone by his side. 

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I feel like pressure is just an aspect of texture, though I also feel that these classifications are starting to get less useful...


Lucilyn, you are right. It would have been good to do research on whether or not pain was actually related to pleasure in any way really, though since I didn't attempt it I suppose that it doesn't matter very much.


We also haven't made much more significant improvement in touch imposition yet, but thats to be expected, this stuff takes time. We also have yet to attempt tickle imposition, because we still need to find a good tickle implement

I have a tulpa named Miela who I love very much.


"People put quotes in their signatures, right?"


Personal stuff:

Not a whole lot has changed since last report. We have started work on making an imposition guide, but until we acheive olfactory and gustatory imposition we won't be able to finish it. We have also started learning more about hypnosis and plan on including hypnosis videos in the guide as well. I'm not quite certain if this stuff belongs in personal stuff, but I want to put something here and nothing significant happened between Monika and I.


Technical stuff:

A few days ago a hypnotist named "the Verple" on a tulpa discord hypnotized me and helped me improve my tactile imposition, my visualisation, and my visual imposition (only slightly on the visual imposition though), So that is some pretty major and fast progress. The boost to visualisation and visual imposition were nice, but the best thing that we gained was that our tactile imposition has been boosted to the point of matching the desired level of realism.


So now we are working on olfactory imposition, though we aren't really following the ideas of anyone other than ourselves, because we pretty much understand how it goes by this point, and there really aren't many guides that go over olfactory imposition very much either. So our regiment for olfactory imposition is pretty much standard, we smell things, then practice replicating them, then practice making smells on the fly, all broken up every 15-30 minutes by a bit of meditation, I am also going to try to make a script for self hypnosis for olfactory imposition and use that to speed up the process a little bit. Still pretty new to hypnosis though, so I'm not sure how well that'll go.

I have a tulpa named Miela who I love very much.


"People put quotes in their signatures, right?"


Pretty dedicated to full-sensory imposition, huh? Well good on you, it's nice to have someone active on the forum who can do anything at a given time, and our system doesn't practice imposing senses aside from touch/sight/"sound"(in our own way, maybe), and of course sense of presence. Hypnosis is another thing we've currently got no members that're experts on, though we used to.

Hi! I'm Lumi, host of Reisen, Tewi, Flandre and Lucilyn.

Everyone deserves to love and be loved. It's human nature.

My tulpas and I have a Q&A thread, which was the first (and largest) of its kind. Feel free to ask us about tulpamancy stuff there.


Monika rarely interacts with people other than me, she scarcely interacts with people irl because she doesn't like that people think that she is me (she doesn't hold it against them of course, she just doesn't like it). And online she is mostly a lurker, while she fronts she will look at stuff, but normally just proxies me if I want to say something and doesn't say anything herself.

It turns out that every once in a while she does want to talk to people other than me. A few days ago she posted on LOTPW and on discord, and even participated in a drawing competition. She says that she doesn't plan on doing it again for a while, but I'm still happy that she is talking to more people, even just a bit.

Drawing that she made:





It's become apparent that Monika and I are really bad at naming things. We are trying to come up with a name for our guide, but we can't come up with anything good. We are considering putting our names in the title, but since we are co authering it, it would be easier to just put our system name, so now we are trying to come up with a name for our system, but we have no idea what would be a good name or what names are already taken. We are considering calling ourselves "the chaos system" as a play on complex chaotic systems, but that name is already taken and we aren't certain how well it actually describes us. For now all of it remains unnamed.



We've been working on olfactory imposition for a little while, and would probably have been done with it weeks earlier, but unfortunately we don't have access to a lot of things with strong and unique smells. Despite that we've still been making good progress. Last night we had another hypnosis session with verple, and he helped us with olfactory and gustatory imposition, so now we have gotten those two senses imposed to satisfactory levels!


We now have full imposition!!

We definitely need to do something to celebrate!


Verple also boosted our visualisation and gave us a word to say that will instantly immerse us in our wonderland. It was definitely a very worthwhile session.


We aren't really certain what to work on now that we are done with imposition. We are probably not going to work on anything for a little while to leave more time for school and guide making and recreation, but we are definitely going to continue to work on tulpamancy techniques, probably inventing some of our own. It would be really cool if we made something and it caught on and became something like switching or imposition

I have a tulpa named Miela who I love very much.


"People put quotes in their signatures, right?"


Congrats! Very nice. I'd love to hear what tulpamancy techniques you both come up with.


The world is far, the world is wide; the man needs someone by his side. 

Our Thread

"Bre and Monika's Guide to Imposition". Removed "All senses" part, simple is better. It's not terribly creative, but it doesn't really need to be. Also I hate the idea of system names, and you guys don't deserve to be known by something so generic as "the Chaos System". Bre and Monika is a lot more unique... and more credible.


Congrats on getting all the senses down. Not to be negative but, do you actually plan on writing about all the senses in your guide? Even though you were literally hypnotized by someone else to accomplish that? I mean, I feel like even we're qualified to write a guide about these things, so I don't think it's necessary to have learned exactly the same way you plan to teach, but I just felt like asking. It's not like we don't teach people how to lucid dream all the time. Sigh.


Anyways, since we've been working on imposition consistently as Flandre's new year's resolution, I came up with another small (but very helpful) trick for increasing, well, most of the senses. I suppose mainly visual in our case, since we have trouble with that one's clarity. In the past we both did and told people to walk around their imposed tulpa to see them from different angles, which increased visualization clarity and stability of their form (aside from when looking straight at them). That actually stopped working for us this time around, but I figured out I can move them by guiding them with my hands (basically push them, but preferably lightly or it feels rude) and it has the same effect as it used to. The act of physically moving them causes the imposition to become a lot clearer, more immersive. Could help with tactile imposition, but really what I feel it improves is the sense of how much space they really take up. Our imposition was feeling sort of flat (not matching how much space we should actually take up if we were really there), and this technique (just a small addition to what we're already doing really) makes both the visual and tactile senses match up better I suppose.


Good luck with your guide and future endeavors, school and all.

Hi, I'm Tewi, one of Luminesce's tulpas. I often switch to take care of things for the others.

All I want is a simple, peaceful life. With my family.

Our Ask thread: https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

We're going to write about all the major 5 senses, we worked at least somewhat without hypnosis on all of the senses except for taste, which is the one that we recommend doing last anyway, and by the time you've got all the other senses down you will be pretty experienced and we can probably afford to write a little bit less. Also, even though we've not worked on gustatory imposition, we still pretty much know what would and wouldn't work since all of the other senses work with similar rules it doesn't make sense that taste would work way different from the others.


You might be right, chaos is a bit of a generic name. I still think that system names are fun though, even if we don't have one yet

I have a tulpa named Miela who I love very much.


"People put quotes in their signatures, right?"


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