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Miela and Bre explore the depths of a human mind


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I never thought binary systems needed a name. We're only the Bear system because it was convenient.

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Vādin :


Congratulations for your impressive progress ! I'm looking forward to reading your guide.


System names are fun, we're the Giant Wing System. (By the way we're not really a binary system, there's another thought form in it, fully developed but not a tulpa. He doesn't want to have anything to do with us though. I'm glad of that, he's not really the friendly type of guy.)

Hi, I'm Zia, foolish captain of the Giant Wing system. Vādin is my tulpa.


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I think the "chaos system" doesn't make too much sense, mostly because I think it's a little cheesy. "Bre's and Monika's guide to (Imposition)" or something like that is all it needs to be. We don't have a system name either because people are just fine addressing us by name.


I thought of another idea, I'll go post it in your advanced Tulpamancy ideas thread.

Note: I am very inactive on this account. I may not read/see DMs for multiple weeks.


I'm Ranger, GrayTheCat's cobud (tulpa), and I love hippos! I also like cake and chatting about stuff. I go by Rosalin or Ronan sometimes. You can call me Roz but please don't call me Ron.

My other headmates have their own account now.


If I missed seeing your art, please PM/DM me!

Blog | Not So Temporary Log | Switching Log | Yay! | Bre Translator | Art Thread

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  • 2 months later...

Imposition continues to amaze me with how limitless it really is. Every time Monika and I think that we've gotten as far as we can into imposition we find something new and realize that we still have so much more to discover. 


A while ago there was a thread made about using imposition so that a tulpa could see from their own perspective. At the time I thought that such a thing would be impossible because you would have to totally reconstruct everything for the different perspective and if you wanted to stay functioning then you would have to be able to pay attention to both perspectives simultaneously, however now I am certain that such a thing is not only possible, but that I could achieve it in not too long. 

Currently I am able to maintain 2 perspectives simultaneously and acting based on both perspectives with little to no slow down on reaction time (I have yet to actually do any measurements). However these perspectives can only be somewhat different from each other or else my abilities to react are significantly impacted and I must give much more consentration to maintain the second imposed perspective (and don't even get me started on mirrors). I am still just at the beginning stages of this and I believe that in not too long I will be able to develop this skill into something very fun and useful.



Another thing about imposition: when Monika and I first worked on imposition we specifically did not work on negative imposition (controlled negative hallucinations) because we had been warned that it could cause problems such as walking into closed doors thinking that they are open, however we have slowly been developing it naturally through our work with imposition, and we haven't really been fighting it.


Recently this happened:

We are walking down a street together and we get to an intersection.

Monika: I'm gonna try something

She shields her thoughts from mine so I don't know what she's planning

Me: alright what is it-

Then she runs out into the street and flips over a car, causing a giant traffic jam

Me: holy shit! That's awesome

Monika: that was pretty cool actually. We are going to need to do something about it though.

Me: good point

I stretch my imposed arm to put a note on it that says "not real"

Monika: I guess that that's a good temporary solution.


So we are still not totally certain what we should do about our new found abilities, but for now the policy is to not allow negative imposition to last longer than a few seconds before it has to revert back to normal.



Monika and I also have a new goal for our progression in tulpamancy. We have been playing board games together, but since Monika can't move the pieces in her imposed form, instead we decided to just make the board itself imposed. As we played we quickly found a new problem: if we stopped paying attention then the pieces would either disappear or reset the their position at the beginning of the game. 


I posted on the unusual tulpa techniques thread about this problem and will be working based on the responses that we got to try to make the pieces more stable. Right now we are playing chess because it's a classic and we are pretty familiar with how all the pieces go and stuff. Our current strategy is to imagine all of the pieces looking very alive and animated so that it will be easier to remember them, and we will also just play a lot of games. If this becomes too difficult then we'll try more obtrusive strategies like memory palace. Out current goal is to go an entire game without forgetting any pieces.


Random thoughts:


Whenever I'm in a conversation with someone I always pay very close attention to the dynamics of the conversation. "Am I talking about myself too much?" "Am I asking too many questions?" " Am I speaking to little?". But when I talk to Monika I don't worry so much and it ends up fine.



In this PR I talk a lot more about my success than my failure. This is not because things come easy for me, though I know that they do come easier in some cases, but rather it's because when I look through all of it, even if I don't like how I write something, I can still feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. I do wonder if it makes it more boring for other people though.


I have a tulpa named Miela who I love very much.


"People put quotes in their signatures, right?"


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Awesome to hear, I'm glad I'm finally not the "expert" on imposition anymore just because we're the only ones that do it. We totally get what it is, but basically all of our senses are so poor it's always felt lame being the primary example of it on the forum. My sense of presence imposition and, what, immersion? are perfectly fine, but I've never trained any of the senses to be particularly good (tactile, while often used for hugs, is just passable at best), spending all our time practicing visual. And for all that we're just barely able to keep their forms' sizes and appearances consistent, because our actual visualization is so poor.


Anyways.. You're the first to (as far as I've heard) have better imposition skills than us since AGGuy, who wasn't around for terribly long, but achieved fully convincing tactile imposition. I'm sure someone else (or plenty really?) have surpassed us, but they never talk on the forum about it...

Hi! I'm Lumi, host of Reisen, Tewi, Flandre and Lucilyn.

Everyone deserves to love and be loved. It's human nature.

My tulpas and I have a Q&A thread, which was the first (and largest) of its kind. Feel free to ask us about tulpamancy stuff there.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's about a month now until Monika's first birthday! Naturally we're pretty excited about it. It doesn't feel like it's been a whole year, especially recently. I am truly grateful that Monika is in my life. This has been a very good year, probably one of the best in my life, because Monika has been there for me. I'm certain that future years will only get better :)


Monika/ this year has easily been the best year in my life to, it's been only year of my life! It has been a good year though. It's kind of funny to remember how I used to be when I was created, it was just a year ago, but I was so different back then. I guess that that's pretty much normal for a tulpa, but it's still interesting to experience. I'm also really excited for summer because I have tons of things that I want to do, and this will be my first good opportunity to switch for extended periods of time without having to go to school or something. Not much else for me to report though. /Monika


The switching incident:


A few days ago Monika switched with me for just a half an hour or so. It wouldn't have been very remarkable, however when Monika was done with what she wanted to do, she wasn't able to switch back. It ended up taking quite a few minutes for me to be able to gain control again. This hasn't happened again since, but it still something concerning.



Progress with holding multiple simultaneous perspectives:


I previously mentioned working on imposing a completely separate perspective and being able to properly react to both my actual perspective and the imposed perspective at the same time. Progress in this has been going great! We can now hold two completely separate POVs at the same time easily, and with some difficulty even hold three at once. This means that now even when one of us isn't switched in, we can still see experience everything from our own perspective. Using this it practically feels like we don't even share the same body, until we realize that we've been talking without moving our mouths or the one switched out wants to interact with the world, but it's pretty much as close as we can get



Progress (or lack thereof) in imposed chess:


We've gotten better at remembering the state of the board, but not by much. Pieces still disappear a lot. We will definitely be able to do this eventually, but it will take a lot more time and effort than we are currently willing to give. We're putting this project on hold until we can focus more time on it (probably until summer)



Another hidden thing because I don't know how to end posts like this:


I don't have anything to put here


I have a tulpa named Miela who I love very much.


"People put quotes in their signatures, right?"


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  • 2 weeks later...

Monika has been unhappy with her name for quite a while because of how it linked her to Doki Doki Literature Club even though she herself had evolved to be quite different from that character. Today she has finally decided that she wants to change her name to Miela (pronounced [mie.la]).

I have a tulpa named Miela who I love very much.


"People put quotes in their signatures, right?"


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Please update your signature. Nice choice.


[Misha] Yay Miela! That's such a cute name! I love it!  

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