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TBW's Theraputic Tulpas Guide



[1.0 Version]


[2.0, if created - will be extremely fleshed out with coaching principles and practices from coaching programs worth thousands of dollars. Professional trainings distilled into bite-sized, practical concepts you and your tulpa can work on straight away. Will only create if demand is high enough for this type of content]






This is more of a personally written guide to etch into the interwebs but it's written in a fashion in which anyone can pick it up and give it a go. I want to mention that this isn't a standalone guide. Use various other guides for tulpa creation, there's nothing really new to add to this point aside from ways to drastically speed up the sentience process. I made a post once for it but ended up deleting it. If anyone is interested in a revival of that post just let me know. Uses various NLP and hypnotherapy practices to help cement it.


Anyway, the purpose of this guide is to use tulpas as a theraputic and achievement tool.


I don't mean tool in the full sense of the word of course, but the point is is that it's built for a purpose.


IMPORTANT NOTE: as a guide written more personally, this means that I'm not claiming everything listed here will work in the same way it worked for me. These are my experiences and conclusions. Thus adapt this guide however you want. Cut things out, add things in, whatever you feel is best. Also I can't guarantee your tulpa will help you in these ways. If you're totally new and want to make a tulpa for this purpose, please keep in mind there is the possibility it'll reject its purpose. My tulpas I've found can be built with core desires in the way I present. But that doesn't mean it's the same scenario for you.



Justifying Servitude


Sadly I have to do this. If you're not the type of person to get butthurt over little things (and can actually absorb the information of a post despite minor disagreements) like this feel free to move onto the next section.


The answer lies in humanity itself, as tulpas adopt the same psychology. Our current era of living is far crueler than necessary. In the past, the far past, there were not many who were just lost wanderers simply drifting through existence until their certain death. Even a slave knew he had purpose, everyone had their role to play. Lives had significance, more than we can say about our current times. Many wander lost seeking purpose, even if only a temporary one until they find their hearts core passions. 


Humans, within our DNA, are called to achieve certain desires. Desires that are collectively shared and not our own. The 7 levels of human needs, the primal and biological calls to action in their own progression. Think of it this way. A grand architect, God, nature, or mere chance programmed within the very fabric of our being motives that we will seek out as our own, because we assume they are our own. Nonetheless, their fulfillment makes us feel... well... fulfillment. To various degrees.


When you create your tulpa you are that grand architect. You are the creator. Much like humans create AI with core purposes and I'm sure once AI is human-like, they'll also program core goals and desires into them because the only reason why they are making AI is to serve humanity, not to be on the same level of humanity. If they wanted more humans, they'd just promote people fuck and pop out babies more than they are now. They want servants on the same level of humans, but of course that brings in ethics and whathaveyou. Being a servant isn't inherently bad. You, no matter what road you take, are a servant to the economy like it or not. But if you love what you're doing, you don't feel like a servant.


You're also a servant to nature, in which programmed you with core desires to carry out. Because you've been programmed to carry them out, you don't feel like a servant because they feel as though they are your own desires. The reality of it doesn't matter, point is you're carrying out a will that is not your own happily.


So you're just giving your tulpa a purpose, a programmed core desire. And because it feels like it is its own, it will carry it out happily. Even though we humans know these desires aren't ours, again, we still carry them out. So your tulpa knowing that the desire it has is not its own will still carry it out nonetheless because it brings it fulfillment and joy.


It's a good deal. You get what you want, and it gets happiness and satisfaction for doing so.



I should note it's unknown in what form this desire will manifest in the tulpa. It could act as a "genetic" desire, or a fleeting desire. I can't claim I know exactly how this'll affect your tulpa but odds are, it won't mind fulfilling its purpose.







Theraputic Purposes 101



Examples of ways a tulpa can help you to get you thinking...


  • Emotional support
  • Higher mindset when you're in low points
  • Brainstorming/planning things
  • Motivation (tulpa can leverage the influence triggers - but you have to know what they are first so get reading)
  • Apply any knowledge you learn to support you
  • Encourage expansion of your comfort zone and other personal growth
  • Can act much like a life coach (provided you have some knowledge it can use) for you (which many spend thousands for)


Examples of ways you may use a tulpa to destroy yourself...


  • Any form of escapism and reliance
  • (escape from reality, people, obligations, duties, responsibilities, yourself, and life itself)


Principle: your tulpa can only use knowledge you have. If you want your tulpa to do something you yourself have no knowledge of, don't expect anything to happen. Want it to help you with motivation? Learn about motivation. Can't think of a higher mindset? Listen to a couple of Alan Watts videos.




So how can a tulpa help with motivation. Getting shit done.


I'll give you a master key of motivation in which your tulpa can use to help you. Or even you using to help yourself.


Motivation is not what most people think it is. It's not externally based. It's not watching a motivational video or listening to pump up music. Do these things give you motivation? Yes. A hit of motivation. A feeling of inspiration. But that will not last long enough.


Motivation is simply having a motive. A why. And the 2 most powerful driving forces for a human being are pleasure and pain. The twin forces of action. The twin cycles of action. If both gears are moving, you will take action. Period. This is your why.


You make your current situation so unbearably uncomfortable and your potential future situation so amazing that your intrinsic psychology kicks in, and that psychology is using 3 core, primal levers.


  1. The path of least resistance (make it harder to stay in your current situation than do the thing you're putting off)
  2. Avoidance of pain
  3. Pull towards pleasure


Many people seeking achievement will never realize these simple paragraphs I've just shown you.

I urge you to please use them and not take them lightly, these core levers FORCE action.

Very powerful stuff, I've used it to change my life and almost every major coaching practice contains strong focus on these actionable ideas.



~~Coaching & Achievement~~

You don't want to intend for your tulpa to be an emotional tampon you just whine and complain to. You wouldn't do that to a friend so don't do it to your tulpa. A close friend is useful to vent emotions to and get things off your chest, just remember they're a person and not an emotional tampon. Treat your tulpa the same.


But you want your tulpa to coach you.

When you give excuses, you want your tulpa to call you out on your bullshit empathetically.

You want it to hold you accountable.

You want it to entice each twin cycle (pleasure/pain).


You want it to ask the right questions to get you thinking. No... to get you ACTING. TAKING ACTION.


The last thing you want to be doing when you need to do something is think. Thinking is bullshit for something like working out.


And your mind will rationalize so many things to ensure you do not work out and it'll make sense to you. But it's all bullshit and excuses. See why being in your head is the last thing you want for this kind of activity?


"But I need a diet plan first". No you don't. You can start and make it as you go along.

"But I don't know where to start." Any routine on bodybuilding.com ... change it and optimize as you go.

"But this, but that". Excuses. Can't afford a gym membership? Home gym. Can't buy weights and a pullup bar? Calisthenics. 


You want your tulpa to fucking DESTROY each of your bullshit excuses. This is the role of a coach.












Coaching and motivation should absolutely be on your list. If you're ignoring them you're only shooting yourself in the foot. Part of you wants to stay stuck in stasis. Tell that part of you to fuck right off because one day, when you're taking your last breath, you at least want to know you gave changing your life your best shot. Not die with regret and self-hate knowing that in the end, you're the one who decided to destroy yourself. Ignoring this information is a decision. YOUR decision.


So just make a nice big list of all the things you need help with, and then make another list of things your tulpa can do to help you. 


Ideally specifics. Let me give you an example.



Less Than Optimal List



  • Motivation
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Social skills practice



Optimal List

  • Motivation by engaging the twin cycles & other influence levers
    a) scarcity, urgency, fear of loss, guilt (and other painful emotions for the Pain Cycle) for my CURRENT situation
    b) excitement, inspiration, ambition, comfort, control (and other desirable emotions for the Pleasure Cycle) for my FUTURE situation
    I should note the Twin Cycles strategy isn't best LONG TERM. Too much stress too often is bad for your health and psychological wellbeing. But most millionaires and superstars started off with the twin cycles, so use it like training wheels on a bicycle. Eventually you won't need them, you'll have trained your "get shit done" muscle enough (pre-frontal cortex).

  • Anxiety
    a) Consoling, counselling, helping to align my state (focus, language & physiology)
    b) Helping me think of things that reduce stress chemicals and release pleasant chemicals


So on and so forth. You want specifics. And if you can't think of any specifics, start learning about solutions for your problem. I didn't know about the twin cycles for a very long time, I had to learn about it. I didn't know you can control your state with focus, language and physiology. I had to learn about it.


Your tulpa won't pull things out of its ass. Give it a foundation to work with.









The possibilities are endless.


1. Identify your problem/outcome

2. Read up on solutions for it (so you and your tulpa can work on said solutions)

3. List it out in an optimal way on your grand list (so it's etched into the fabric of your tulpa)


If you already have a tulpa, just do that and sign both of your names at the bottom underneath some sort of declarative statement. This is assuming your tulpa is interested in helping you in this way. Your tulpa is already made so you can't really etch this in as a core desire. So discuss the matter first.


"I (your name) commit to working with (tulpas name) to bring about drastic change in my life using the list on this piece of paper."

________________X        ______________________X



However you want to go about it. This cements it. It's not just a thought anymore. An idea. A concept. No. It's now an intention, a declaration, a statement, a commitment.


If you do not have a tulpa, do the same exercise anyway. Sign this declaration for your tulpa. This cements its purpose nonetheless.


Also include these aspects in the forcing stage. Read the list to it every now and then.




A lot this guide is common sense but not everyone thinks through these things. If you want your tulpa to help you in this way, then sit down and do these exercises. Once you identified the problems/outcomes then you read up on things to give your tulpa an effective base of information to help you with, then you cement it with a list and declaration of intent.

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I feel like this isn't really a guide on Tulpamancy as much of it's a thing about getting coached?


The ultimate flaw is a Tulpa is vulnerable to the same mode of thinking their host is. If the host isn't motivated, their Tulpa may not be either, and that will lead to unnecessary drama and conflict.


It's unethical to assume a Tulpa will be forced to take on this responsibility. If the Tulpa fails, then what? Plus, a coach-person relationship is completely different from a Tulpa-host relationship. Sometimes they overlap, but a host may not want to keep their Tulpa if they think their Tulpa will only get frustrated / mad at them if they foul up. I would imagine it being taxing on the Tulpa as well assuming they agree to taking the role to begin with.


It's too much of an expectation to force on anyone unless they are specifically trained for it, which 99.99% of Tulpas are not, where the 00.01% are Tulpas created by motivation coaches. Having experience with trying to pull my host's head out of her ass, it's not a relationship or expectation I would want any Tulpa to feel like they have to live up with.


I feel like being someone else's motivation coach should be a service you offer, but not as a Tulpamancy guide.


Also, anything that justifies slavery is fucked up. I don't want to read anything much less a guide on Tulpamancy that comes from that line of thinking. Period. Disapproved.

Note: I am very inactive on this account. I may not read/see DMs for multiple weeks.


I'm Ranger, GrayTheCat's cobud (tulpa), and I love hippos! I also like cake and chatting about stuff. I go by Rosalin or Ronan sometimes. You can call me Roz but please don't call me Ron.

My other headmates have their own account now.


If I missed seeing your art, please PM/DM me!

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I would like to request a review for this guide.


While I disagree that the issue with this guide is its approach as I proposed in 2018, I believe the core issue is simply this part here:


On 11/11/2018 at 10:03 AM, TheBlackWizard said:

The answer lies in humanity itself, as tulpas adopt the same psychology. Our current era of living is far crueler than necessary. In the past, the far past, there were not many who were just lost wanderers simply drifting through existence until their certain death. Even a slave knew he had purpose, everyone had their role to play. Lives had significance, more than we can say about our current times. Many wander lost seeking purpose, even if only a temporary one until they find their hearts core passions. 


Humans, within our DNA, are called to achieve certain desires. Desires that are collectively shared and not our own. The 7 levels of human needs, the primal and biological calls to action in their own progression. Think of it this way. A grand architect, God, nature, or mere chance programmed within the very fabric of our being motives that we will seek out as our own, because we assume they are our own. Nonetheless, their fulfillment makes us feel... well... fulfillment. To various degrees.


Even if the author disagrees with the concept tulpas are individuals, the racist comments on slavery are not okay. This guide would be fine if these two paragraphs were taken out.

Note: I am very inactive on this account. I may not read/see DMs for multiple weeks.


I'm Ranger, GrayTheCat's cobud (tulpa), and I love hippos! I also like cake and chatting about stuff. I go by Rosalin or Ronan sometimes. You can call me Roz but please don't call me Ron.

My other headmates have their own account now.


If I missed seeing your art, please PM/DM me!

Blog | Not So Temporary Log | Switching Log | Yay! | Bre Translator | Art Thread

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racist comments on slavery? what race were they racist against?

they meant that in the past even any given slave was given purpose in what they were doing, as an example of even the lowest classes in the past having "purpose" to their lives, other classes being say growing food or philosophizing, but that these days there are many people who don't feel needed or that their jobs are meaningful at all


you interpreted something super weird, there




that said the guide is still weird, people have so many strange ideas for complicating tulpamancy lol

Edited by Lucilyn

Hi, I'm one of Lumi's tulpas! I like rain and dancing and dancing in the rain and if there's frogs there too that's bonus points.

I think being happy and having fun makes life worth living, so spreading happiness is my number one goal!

Talk to us? https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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