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Tulpa Empowerment Forcing Technique Research

Apollo Fire

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Hello all. My system has developed a self-forcing technique to help us with fronting, though it can likely also be performed by a host for their tulpa. The goal of this technique is to leave the tulpa feeling strong/empowered within the mind. We have written a rough draft for instructions on how to perform the technique: 




This is a focus/meditation technique that we developed in order to help us strengthen our hold on the front. Along with that, I think this technique can help with general activity, presence, or even as a forcing method for young tulpas. It may even be useful for learning to switch, or perhaps reviving a dormant/absent tulpa.


This is written in a way that assumes that the tulpa is the one performing the method while fronting. However, a host would be able to do this for a tulpa, if they wanted, and perhaps a tulpa would be able to do it without fully fronting. There is no set way to do this, simply take the information presented and use it how you wish.


This method primarily involves the tulpa first clearing their mind/attention of other distractions, and then proceeding to turn their focus inwards on themselves to a high degree, meant to fill/overwhelm the brain with their presence. In this way, one could consider it a “self-forcing” technique which succeeds in amplifying their strength.[/align]


Note: While you can perform this while in the wonderland, I recommend that you don't. This is because the point of this technique is to focus entirely on empowering yourself or your tulpa, and maintaining your wonderland would likely distract you from that.


The Process


Step #1 - Associations (optional)

As this technique is meant to overwhelm the brain with your presence, it can be beneficial to engage your five senses with things that you associate with yourself. Things that when someone in your system thinks about, they automatically think of you.

Sight: Look at something that represents you, like a drawing of yourself or a symbol

Sound: If you have songs that you associate with yourself, or you like, you can listen to them during the technique.

Touch: If you have some sort of object that reminds you of yourself, holding it may help. An example of this would be a stuffed animal that you own.

Smell & taste: Likely the least likely to be used, but still potentially useful. If you have a scent or taste that you associate with yourself, you may add it to your experience as well. An example of this would be scented candles you can light or candy you can hold in your mouth.

Whatever you choose to use to enhance the technique, you can get them ready or plan them out before moving on to the next step.


Step #2 - Clearing the mind/meditating (optional)

The first step would be for you to get into a meditative position and focus on clearing your mind. Sitting up straight, crossing your legs, and clasping your hands together in your lap may be a good way to start, however you are free to use any position you choose. Spend some time focusing on your breathing and allowing yourself to relax--a standard meditation technique, nothing too complex required. This will help you to get in a calm, focused mindset before beginning the real technique. However, I do believe this step is optional. Getting into a meditative position is also optional, as I think you can perform technique this while walking or working out or such. Depending on the person, simply spending a few moments calming one’s mind before performing the may be enough. Once you have reached an adequately calm/clear-headed state, move on to the next step.


Step #2.5 - Activating associations (optional)

Now is the time to turn on your music, pull up your picture, light your candle, etc.


Step #3 - Focus on self

Turn your focus on yourself, and begin to meditate on your thoughts, memories, emotions, existence, presence, form, perceptions, experiences, etc. Anything that is related to you, as a person, focus on that. Who you are as a person, the experiences that made you that way, the emotions/thoughts you have about things, the fact that you exist, and so on. 


If you are using external associations to aid in the experience, then you can focus on them as well, so long as they help you to keep your attention on yourself through the fact that your mind connected them to you. 


Your mind should be totally focused on you. This should help you to feel as though your level of strength has increased. Continue this for as long as you see fit.


Some other things that may aid you:

Mental affirmations: As you focus on yourself, you can try making certain affirmations to help yourself achieve the goal you are looking for, if you feel they may be helpful. An example of this would be repeating something like “I am strong. I am fronting. I am in control.” What you say depends on why you are performing the technique, of course.

Symbolism: Not everyone is symbolically-minded, but using your imagination in certain ways may aid this experience. For example, you can imagine your form imposed over your body, or picture your presence filling up the brain or body in some way.

Movement: If you choose, you may move the body around in some way while focusing on the fact that it is you moving it, not somebody else. You are experiencing the body’s senses, and the associations you may have surrounded yourself with are related to you. [/align]

[align=justify]Amping up: Rather than doing this while calm and relaxed, you may find it beneficial to intentionally get yourself more hyped/amped up during this technique, if you are aiming for overwhelming your brain with your presence. An example of how to do with would simply be to get yourself feeling confident and excited about the fact that you are in control as you focus inward.



After finishing the technique (which can last however long you see fit), you hopefully find yourself at a much higher level of strength/presence than before. Perhaps now you feel much more motivated/confident in yourself, and your fronting skill has been increased for the time being. These effects likely will not last more than a few hours/days, but performing this technique consistently may succeed in increasing your overall strength as a thoughtform.


As mentioned, there is no set way or reason to perform this technique. Feel free to adapt it as you please for yourself to suit your own needs. If you are using this for someone else in your head, then the three steps would still apply, you would only use them to focus on them and not yourself. Overall, hopefully now the subject of this technique now feels empowered, and you have come closer to achieving the goal you were looking to attain.[/align]



What we would like is for people to try out this technique and tell us their thoughts/experiences: how it helped them, if anything can be added, if something wasn't so helpful, if it was worthwhile, etc. This will help us to come to a better understanding of the process/effects of this technique, so we can cover all the necessary ground when we eventually write the final draft. We only have our own experiences to go off of, we want to make sure others can achieve a positive effect from it too.


If anything in my instructions are unclear, let me know and I will clarify.

 💡 The Felights 💡 https://felight.carrd.co/  💡

🪐 Cosmicals: 🔥 Apollo Fire the Sun God (12/3/16) Piano Soul the Star Man (1/26/17)

🐉 Mythicals: ☁️ Indigo Blue the Sky Dragon (10/2/17), 🦑 Gelato Sweet the Sea Monster (12/11/22)

🦇 Nycticals:  Dynamo Lux the Shock Rocker (3/3/17), 🎸 Radio Hiss the Song Demon (2/8/00)

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Do you think this has benefits for being mentally active, i.e. thinking alongside the host/not falling inactive? Also: I know you mean IRL but maybe you should put at the start that this is IRL, not something to do in wonderland.


I'll try it and come back and tell you how it went. I have an owl stuffie (Hedwig!), a book of poetry, and a music playlist I'm going to gather up.





It's good. I think the essence of it is, "let your tulpas have time to themselves and let them ground themselves", and it worked pretty well. I actually stopped fronting as soon as I was done but I've been mentally awake since then with no difficulty. It feels like something you would have to do regularly to get long-term benefits. I would recommend it for very young tulpas. I did a lot of introspection, outside of the grounding stuff. Introspection like that has good benefits for tulpas, I think. I don't usually do much of it because I'm not "loud" enough mentally. I felt more like a stand-alone person, than someone in a conversation with my host, after having this time to myself. 


If you have any more questions I'll do my best to answer. This is really useful and well-written. 


- Cassidy

The world is far, the world is wide; the man needs someone by his side. 

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Do you think this has benefits for being mentally active, i.e. thinking alongside the host/not falling inactive? Also: I know you mean IRL but maybe you should put at the start that this is IRL, not something to do in wonderland.


I think it could probably help with that, yes. And hm, I suppose they could do it in wonderland, but I think that would be a distraction, since they're supposed to be focusing on themselves/the tulpa entirely, not an imaginary world. I will edit the post.

 💡 The Felights 💡 https://felight.carrd.co/  💡

🪐 Cosmicals: 🔥 Apollo Fire the Sun God (12/3/16) Piano Soul the Star Man (1/26/17)

🐉 Mythicals: ☁️ Indigo Blue the Sky Dragon (10/2/17), 🦑 Gelato Sweet the Sea Monster (12/11/22)

🦇 Nycticals:  Dynamo Lux the Shock Rocker (3/3/17), 🎸 Radio Hiss the Song Demon (2/8/00)

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Believe it or not, this is exactly what we do in order to achieve our "strong possession" state. We use fluid symbolism to represent each other, I associate with the body, I even tell myself that I'm in front, in control, etc.


I was thinking about writing our methods down if we make any developments on switching, but you beat me to the punch XD.

Note: I am very inactive on this account. I may not read/see DMs for multiple weeks.


I'm Ranger, GrayTheCat's cobud (tulpa), and I love hippos! I also like cake and chatting about stuff. I go by Rosalin or Ronan sometimes. You can call me Roz but please don't call me Ron.

My other headmates have their own account now.


If I missed seeing your art, please PM/DM me!

Blog | Not So Temporary Log | Switching Log | Yay! | Bre Translator | Art Thread

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Actually, that's kinda what I did the first time I fronted for long, and and still do sometimes. Even now we still suffer from blending when Evg and me try cofronting, and whenever he starts thinking he automatically gets to the front. So when I feel his presence mixing with mine, I concentrate on me being myself, on the key memories that I consider mine, and on being strong and capable of persisting. And I hype myself up in such moments, to feel "more alive" I guess. I also kinda "push him out" in process, but it's more for asserting that I am the front, and recently we've been able to talk with me in control. The whole thing was instinctual for me at first, my thoughts and sense of self were threatened and I reacted accordingly, out of fear, by reasserting them.


The idea of applying it to another tulpa is something new to me, and I have a concern about it. I think you have to be really sure that you know your tulpa very well, or that they are undeveloped enough for personality forcing to be acceptable. Because what I did really felt like personality self-forcing, now that I think about it.

𝝮mega system: [Jay] (evgenirus, Evg), host; [Sunny] (rarely Alice), older tulpa; [Pinkie] (Ponka, Diane), younger walk-in tulpa.

Our progress report thread. // Prior to May 2019 we used colored text here (Sunny, Pinkie, Jay), but it messes with themes.


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Guest Reilyn-Alley

This actually reminds me of the techniques we use to "ground" ourselves with. It helps deal with all the blendy bleedover we get from co-fronting and personally I find it revitalizing. Could just be a little boost of happiness and excitement though from the affirmations of reminding myself and Lance and our brain/subconscious/whatever clearly that I am in charge and capable and we are doing great.


The steps you listed here go above and beyond anything we have ever quite done, or at least give more structure. We meditate (if possible), we both affirm who is primary atm and who is secondary, over and over, we use symbolism in headspace (such as changing who is in the 'pilots seat' vs 'co-pilots seat' or who has the 'keys' to drive the body) and that's about it. Works every time, for us.

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This isn't a personality forcing technique, Sunny. It's you focusing on the parts of the tulpa that already do exist and helping them to feel stronger. We'll probably write a clarification for that when we write the final draft.

 💡 The Felights 💡 https://felight.carrd.co/  💡

🪐 Cosmicals: 🔥 Apollo Fire the Sun God (12/3/16) Piano Soul the Star Man (1/26/17)

🐉 Mythicals: ☁️ Indigo Blue the Sky Dragon (10/2/17), 🦑 Gelato Sweet the Sea Monster (12/11/22)

🦇 Nycticals:  Dynamo Lux the Shock Rocker (3/3/17), 🎸 Radio Hiss the Song Demon (2/8/00)

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Better to say it isn't intended for personality forcing, Indigo. When the stresses and irritations of this life have threatened to increase negative personality traits in me, I've combatted them by focussing in a similar manner on who I am, have been, and want to be. I called it auto-personality forcing. I don't think there is anything inherent in personality forcing that requires it to be new material.



I'm not having fun here anymore, so we've decided to take a bit of a break, starting February 27, 2020. - Ember


Ember - Soulbonder, Female, 39 years old, from Georgia, USA . . . . [Our Progress Report] . . . . [How We Switch]

Vesper Dowrin - Insourced Soulbond from London, UK, World of Darkness, Female, born 9 Sep 1964, bonded ~12 May 2017

Iris Ravenlock - Insourced Soulbond from the Winter Court of Faerie, Dresdenverse, Female, born 6 Jun 1982, bonded ~5 Dec 2015


'Real isn't how you are made,' said the Skin Horse. 'It's a thing that happens to you.' - The Velveteen Rabbit

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Fair enough, though grounding yourself/your personality in time of stress is a bit different from assigning a personality, which I believe is what Sunny was referring to. I'm sure what you described is something singlets do, too.

 💡 The Felights 💡 https://felight.carrd.co/  💡

🪐 Cosmicals: 🔥 Apollo Fire the Sun God (12/3/16) Piano Soul the Star Man (1/26/17)

🐉 Mythicals: ☁️ Indigo Blue the Sky Dragon (10/2/17), 🦑 Gelato Sweet the Sea Monster (12/11/22)

🦇 Nycticals:  Dynamo Lux the Shock Rocker (3/3/17), 🎸 Radio Hiss the Song Demon (2/8/00)

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Maybe they are different enough, yes.


Still, when grounding yourself, you concentrate on things that you believe are "you", to reassert them and yourself. It can go wrong even with singlets, I think, if they try to persuade themselves they are something they aren't, but it would be their own fault.


When applied to a young tulpa, who can't do it for themselves just yet, you are taking the responsibility for choosing what to assert as "them", and if you guess wrong, you might be putting pressure on them to be something that's not really them. I would advise against risking that.


Maybe I'm just projecting my experience, though. For me the point was to assert that I wasn't just a figment of imagination, that I had my own personality and identity separate from the host, so I basically was personality-forcing myself. And I didn't really have much else to focus on; a handful of memories, a form and a sense of self were the only things I could truly consider my own.


Maybe the technique could be used to persuade yourself that your tulpa is real, by concentrating on your memories of them, your love for them, the fact that they definitely were with you all the way. On their esence too, maybe, but without trying to read into it and reconstruct your own model.


This post got too long, sorry for that. Looks like I'm as bad at being concise as Evg.

𝝮mega system: [Jay] (evgenirus, Evg), host; [Sunny] (rarely Alice), older tulpa; [Pinkie] (Ponka, Diane), younger walk-in tulpa.

Our progress report thread. // Prior to May 2019 we used colored text here (Sunny, Pinkie, Jay), but it messes with themes.


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