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Concern with the community


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I'm really concerned about something, I and many others have seen this happen many times over and over again for little logical reason.


It's people accusing others of roleplaying. This always happens when something unusual happens. This includes the time when we discovered that a tulpa can go to the subc, that a tulpa can possess, switch. This also happens when someone posts about their unusual experience like Tess and Glitch did.


I AM SICK OF THIS. All these "RPers" have helped us to understand tulpae more and better. And what people do when someone comes with a new discovery? (S)He get's called "RPer" without any proof. Continuing doing this will only lead to people not talking about their unusual experiences, which will only slow down the rate at which we discover new things about tulpae.


I have already seen few members getting this attitude and they probably won't post about anything unusual because of people that would call them RPers. So THANKS everyone who calls others RPers, you have made people not speak up about their new discoveries. All you need to do now is just find a bug in the code to help you take over the site and soon we can get back to the old tested method of our unquestionable god FAQman/Dane.

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i agree 100% with OP.


I agree that everyone should be given the benefit of the doubt, but if someone calls you an RPer the most effective way of dealing with them is to ignore them. Otherwise you're just feeding a troll.

It's easy enough for an established member to just say "ignore it, otherwise you feed the trolls", but much harder when you're a newbie reporting incredible events and someone with a few hundred posts who's been here since May calls you an RPer.

And if you are lucky enough to actually have a tulpa, instead of crying if someone happens to not believe you, be happy that you have a fucking tulpa.




also these.


That being said, the community is never going to grow if everyone has a stick up their ass about progress.


and this.



Nice time travel, 412.

Yeah , about that , the main reason i do that is basically because i don't really think what i've got to say is worth of having it's own post. so yeah , i just post once and edit that for a while if i don't have anything special to say.

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So why isn't name calling and dramallama topics not locked or frowned upon if it causes such a big problem? I understand that aforementioned thread has a moddisclaimer on it. But really the whole point of having a thread, accusing people of RPing and not being 'valid' enough in it - isn't going to end well. There seems to be no consequence for it as a far as I can tell (again, I'm new so I've only seen slight things in action, but when I saw this thread I really expected fucking something to happen as its essentially a personal attack on forum members). I perceive this to be a generally "safe" environment outside "rest of internet" as there are common interests, and if you're being friendly enough to talk about shit that's in your head to someone you could at least be polite them as well.


That being said, the community is never going to grow if everyone has a stick up their ass about progress.

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Nice time travel, 412.


Ignoring RP accusations is fine, but something still needs to be done about those making the accusations. It's easy enough for an established member to just say "ignore it, otherwise you feed the trolls", but much harder when you're a newbie reporting incredible events and someone with a few hundred posts who's been here since May calls you an RPer.

Lyra: human female, ~17

Evan: boy, ~14, was an Eevee

Anera: anime-style girl, ~12; Lyra made her

My blog :: Time expectations are bad (forcing time targets are good though)

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Guest Anonymous

Just for the record, I don't support ALL of Albatross's accusations, but I do have my own theories relating to a certain "11 year old girl on the internet".


Anyways, this community is based off an easily role played idea. By saying that the issue is just surfacing is silly, as its been old as fuck. Just my 2 cents.

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The issue is that it's coming up a lot lately, like in this thread, and we've noticed that more people are now keeping their distance from writing progress reports, reporting any odd findings (the kind that can change views on the process and the community as a whole) and such, just out of fear of being accused of roleplaying.

We want to put a stop to the issue because simply throwing the accusation around is enough to hinder people's progress and stifle the growth of the ideal and the community.


The community is founded on us being able to trust that we're actually experiencing what we're saying we are. I'm not saying role play doesn't happen - I'm sure it does. So I thought I'd share this here, since people seem to believe I'm "definitely legit."


I'm a nerd, and as such I'm immersed in a lot of tabletop role playing games. I've done character creation more times than I can imagine counting. When I play these games I like to be in character, so I go through a rigorous process of defining that character - figuring out his personality, his habits, how he talks, what he acts like, how he moves, and so on. I do this until I'm intimately familiar with the created character in order to accurately emulate how he would act, so the game choices are based on his personality and not mine. Therefore that character has its own sense of autonomy.


Does this sound familiar? As in, does that process have many similarities with how people define characteristics of the tulpae they create? Because those are essentially the exact same guidelines that most people follow. Those same habits I'd use to come up with a character are how I defined every aspect of Juno and Sarah before sentience and deviation occurred.


I understand there are differing methods of role play and that what I use as a creation tool aren't necessarily what people are complaining about. But I believe role play has constructive roles that can help creation. It can be something that bridges a gap for you, or teaches you how to interpret something you're having trouble with (like how a brief puppeting phase can help you learn how your tulpa moves, or how small amounts of parroting will get you in the habit of listening for your tulpa's voice.)

I easily see roleplaying being the next thing added to the list of things people are always worried that they may be doing subconsciously, and I find it silly.


So. Here's what I recommend (which may make its way into the rules in some form or another.)

1. If you're roleplaying, make it constructive.

2. If you think you're roleplaying and worried, ask. We can help make it constructive.

3. If you're not roleplaying but paranoid about being called a roleplayer, don't be. Have some faith and confidence in yourself and your tulpa.

4. If you feel the need to call people out on roleplaying, stop.

We don't get much in life. But we do have this.

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4. If you feel the need to call people out on roleplaying, stop.


"While I agree that this is generally unproductive, someone (I'm unsure if they are comfortable being named) actually brought up a good point to me. If someone is genuinely role playing (whether it's for fun, shock value, or what have you), and claiming things about their 'tulpa' or having their 'tulpa' claim things about themselves, they are technically spreading misinformation that could be harmful to someone unaware.


That being said, in the end, there just is no proof to back up anyone's accusations, making them rather meaningless- save for maybe a sort of self-gratification that you 'called them out'. Just my two cents."

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