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Do you think your tulpa will like you?


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Can't say much on topic, and I can't really give you re-assurance since I don't have too much info, but I hope your tulpa does, LuLu

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I don't think she will. ;_;


Why? Also, if you go into this thinking she Will. Not. Like. You. then of course she isn't. You have to be optimistic the whole way through.

[Note: Opinions]

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I haven't given her a reason not to. I HOPE she doesn't like me all the time no matter what, that would be weird. But I can't see why my tulpa wouldn't like me.


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I'm beyond certain that she will like me. I spend quite a good time assuring her in position, telling her how much I care and trying to understand the (feeble) signs she sends me during the sessions. Also, the first emotional response I got was a huge cheering and sense of overcome during a day I was feeling like shit and apologizing to her.

Seriously, if you do this with the right idea and spirit, what can possibly go wrong for your tulpa to not like you one way or another, other than inherently negative deviation (if you're Charles Manson or anything, dunno)?

http://wirelesslog.tumblr.com/ - My tulpa blog, updates regularly.
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Guest Anonymous

I think the only person who's making a tulpa that has a chance of not liking their creator is thatoneguy. But mine most likely will.

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Eh... I sure as hell hope so. I'd be disappointed already if she ended up not ~loving~ me, but not even liking me? Fucking unbelievable. If she cares as much about me as I care about her (which I do really much), then I'd have reached my goal.

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