Pleeb June 5, 2012 Author Share June 5, 2012 >rushes into tulpa thread mid-March with a completed tulpa, which took him 170 hours to finish (Vinyl's apparently imposed at this point) I've seen him on /mlp/ before the tulpa threads came up, he would just casually bring up his tulpa. Evenutally, I invited him to, I think it was the second or third tulpa thread made. >does some experiments in the threads (which were fairly decent and believable, although they were either mostly based on things already known) and a lot of attentionwhoring, since he was the only person aside from FAQ and Irish that claimed to have a finished tulpa and frequented the threads a lot Won't argue with this, he did so quite a few experiments in the thread. However, he mentioned something about imposed tulpæ that nobody else knew or even understood. This statement is what convinced Dane that Vinyl & Jake were legit, since before this, nobody has actually described this: Well its like there are two Vinyls. One i can see and one in my head. The one i can see takes directions from the one in my head. Like if i took your brain out but it could somehow remotely control your body. About a month later, Dane was trying to explain this very same concept, so I posted that quote, Dane's response was, "YES! EXACTLY!" I think that was the point when Dane was convinced that Vinyl & Jake were legit >nevermind that it was previously all around accepted that changing any visual stuff on a tulpa after imposition takes many many months even if the tulpa wants it too, Vinyl undergoes a complete form change in less than a day I should point out that it was all around accepted by Dane. I believe it was simply Dane's belief system that his tulpae couldn't change after imposed that caused that to happen. Because iirc, Alice gets haircuts and minor changes done to her; I'd be curious to see if she'd be willing to make some big changes to herself. We'll probably have to wait on more tulpæ to be imposed to actually test this more. And perhaps if someone asked Vinyl nicely instead of crying that she doesn't exist, maybe she'd be willing to explain a bit more about what happened; both Vinyl and Clair have already talked about it quite a few times in IRC. >nevermind that FAQ outright said that he made up the whole sex makes your tulpa addicted to it thing, Vinyl feels that her whole existence is threatened when they stop with sex for a few days; the only things that supports this theory are creepypastas, on the other hand around the time FAQ admitted to making this up, Irish contacted some people who have had sex with their tulpa and they reported no issues whatsoever (there's Lyranon too, but he fucked his tulpa even before it was finished, what the hell how can you think that it'd be a good idea to do that?) This is a matter of, "Do tulpae really get addicted to the orgasm?" I can let someone else theorize on this whole thing, or see what happens when more people start (then stop) sexing their tulpæ. >suddenly the previously supposedly-proven-to-be-immature (sex addiction) is super-mature and can do mind control, which is something even RPers have claimed to require a whole lot of time and practice - in a matter of minutes This is why I posted this very topic, to confirm or deny J&V's experience. Those with vocal tulpæ can try it, and we can see if it's actually true. Jake and Vinyl have explained the process to both ThatOneGuy and I, and what they did is actually very plausible and makes sense with what they did. Unfortunately, the two of them are still upset about the whole thing (and some lasting aftereffects that Vinyl doesn't know how to stop) and don't want (nor do they want TOG or I) to post the method. I can say right now, with their method, at the very least, I doubt Vinyl would be able to get Jake to do something he deeply doesn't want to do, and I know Vinyl wouldn't be able to force Jake to do something that would mortally harm him either. I personally have confidence that Jake and Vinyl are not roleplaying. But that's also because I'm usually always chatting with them (especially recently, since they've finally gotten their asses into IRC!), bounced advice and theories off them, and have been following them since before tulpæ were really introduced to /mlp/. Further, Jake has been able to describe things about having a tulpa that most without tulpæ wouldn't know or be able to describe, and moreso, he described these things first, before Dane talked about it. Heck, even this morning in the IRC, Vinyl and Clair were talking about experiences when someone tulpaforces and falls asleep (check Sock's topic for Clair's rant). Vinyl used an analogy to best describe the experience, and it was the same analogy that Clair used to describe it to TOG one time. So yeah, can Jake just be roleplaying or trolling? Yeah, it's possible, but from things I've personally seen, I don't think it's the most likely. Spoiler An image in a signature behind a hidden tag! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatOneGuy June 5, 2012 Share June 5, 2012 Also yeah, that whole 'One in my head and one on the outside' blew my mind. Sort of like the mind of Clair is just moving around the form of Clair on the outside, just like we move our physical bodies. Honestly it should have been obvious to me, but I wasn't really thinking it through fully. Orange juice helps with concentration headaches. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Slushie June 5, 2012 Share June 5, 2012 It's also possible he's only been making things up or embellishing recently, and has been truthful for the most part. But ultimately it's irrelevant, as people should be trying these things for themselves, not taking anyone's word for granted or dismissing it outright. That's the best way we can collectively learn. Also not to be a smartass, but I think I'm missing what makes the whole "one in my head and one I see" thing so mind-blowing. It seems fairly self-evident to me. We have a form residing in the physical world we manipulate with our mind; they have a form residing in our perception they manipulate with their mind. Astral project on my face, brother! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatOneGuy June 5, 2012 Share June 5, 2012 I'll admit that I should have saw it before. But I saw Jake say something and I was just like 'HO FUCK YOU'RE RIGHT'. Orange juice helps with concentration headaches. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest June 5, 2012 Share June 5, 2012 TOG, you missed my points almost completely and even failed at reading comprehension at points, I won't comment on that. I should point out that it was all around accepted by Dane. I believe it was simply Dane's belief system that his tulpae couldn't change after imposed that caused that to happen. Because iirc, Alice gets haircuts and minor changes done to her; I'd be curious to see if she'd be willing to make some big changes to herself. We'll probably have to wait on more tulpæ to be imposed to actually test this more. I agree that it was something Dane believed, but nobody ever said otherwise either, and everyone talked about it as if it was something universally accepted (actually this is true up to this day for the most); perhaps it was everyone just believing it and too few people with finished tulpas around to prove it. Vinyl is the only one I know of that has changed this much in such a short time though, again, I'm not claiming that this is the only instance, (baseless assumptions) but to me it makes a lot of sense that after finishing a body that took a tremendous amount of time and effort to create, making a new one should require at least the same amount of time, visualizing it, working on textures, the way it feels, etc.(/baseless assumptions) And perhaps if someone asked Vinyl nicely instead of crying that she doesn't exist, maybe she'd be willing to explain a bit more about what happened; both Vinyl and Clair have already talked about it quite a few times in IRC. This is not going to help my argument, but at least I'm being honest I guess - from the threads I got a very bad impression of Jake, simply put, I considered him a borderline moron. Vinyl wasn't quite there but (what a surprise) they shared a lot. And "crying that she doesn't exist"? Really? One post (okay two), where I'm trying to be as reasonable as I can be? I did not understand why was everybody taking everything Vinyl/Jake said at face value, there were very few posts going "But how is that even possible?" either ITT or in his progress thread. You and TOG claim to have good reasons to believe him, I guess I'll just accept that. For the rest of the stuff you mentioned, yes, that's why I actually used to believe that he had a tulpa - absolutely honest, I found him too dumb to make up lies like those, so I just assumed that he was telling the truth. These recent events made me reconsider. In addition this debate is, at this point, completely pointless, and I will not comment on this issue any further, I don't want to derail the thread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatOneGuy June 5, 2012 Share June 5, 2012 Because I'm poor at debating ;_; Anyways, yeah, judging from the current information on the techniques that Jake used this is incredibly believable to a great extent. Just going to say that and leave that there. And yeah changes were really unexplored territory, so who knows about that, right? In any case, poor at debating, Jake is legit, fuck you guys I'm going home etc. etc. Orange juice helps with concentration headaches. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest June 5, 2012 Share June 5, 2012 >talking to tulpa >"blah blah blah, what do you think, fox?" >except it came out as >"blah blah blah, what do you think, wolf?" >be confused and correct myself Over and over.... The name has changed a few times before, always like this. So if that's possible, it might be possible for the tulpa to do more.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pleeb June 5, 2012 Author Share June 5, 2012 And "crying that she doesn't exist"? Really? One post (okay two), where I'm trying to be as reasonable as I can be? I did not understand why was everybody taking everything Vinyl/Jake said at face value, there were very few posts going "But how is that even possible?" either ITT or in his progress thread. You and TOG claim to have good reasons to believe him, I guess I'll just accept that. Sorry, I wasn't trying to point you out specifically (it's why I used the word "someone" instead of "you"), but rather in general. Everyone pretty much saying Jake is roleplaying is essentially saying Vinyl, a sentient being, doesn't exist. Such a statement could be hitting said sentient being pretty hard, and there are several people saying such statements constantly. People also have said it about TOG, and while I'm not sure how much it's gotten to Clair, it's not something TOG enjoys hearing. Anyway, I wish Vinyl and Jake would to come in here and actually explain the process they used for themselves, but they're both afraid doing it their method could screw up someone's subconcious, so they're just like, "People shouldn't be doing it." It's why he freaked out in the second post; I told him I'm making a topic, and he was all, "PLEEB, NO, YOU FOOL, TAKE IT DOWN!" :cool: EDIT: >talking to tulpa >"blah blah blah, what do you think, fox?" >except it came out as >"blah blah blah, what do you think, wolf?" >be confused and correct myself Over and over.... The name has changed a few times before, always like this. So if that's possible, it might be possible for the tulpa to do more.. You're not the only one this has happened to, same thing for me. Spoiler An image in a signature behind a hidden tag! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest June 5, 2012 Share June 5, 2012 Sorry, I wasn't trying to point you out specifically (it's why I used the word "someone" instead of "you"), but rather in general. Everyone pretty much saying Jake is roleplaying is essentially saying Vinyl, a sentient being, doesn't exist. Such a statement could be hitting said sentient being pretty hard, and there are several people saying such statements constantly. People also have said it about TOG, and while I'm not sure how much it's gotten to Clair, it's not something TOG enjoys hearing. Anyway, I wish Vinyl and Jake would to come in here and actually explain the process they used for themselves, but they're both afraid doing it their method could screw up someone's subconcious, so they're just like, "People shouldn't be doing it." It's why he freaked out in the second post; I told him I'm making a topic, and he was all, "PLEEB, NO, YOU FOOL, TAKE IT DOWN!" :cool: I wouldn't take it that hard. There are eliminative materialists who don't even think consciousness exists, that is, they don't think *you* or *me* are capable of thought, we're only capable of reported thought respective to them. The solution is to keep our own experiences to ourselves and that's all. If Vinyl is real, she knows that as she is thinking and there's nothing anyone could do to convince her otherwise. Same is true for me and you. We'd all just laugh it off when someone told us we don't exist. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatOneGuy June 5, 2012 Share June 5, 2012 Yes, the roleplaying comments get me butthurt in the extreme. "So, yeah, the life long companion that you've slaved hours over and love dearly doesn't exist." Clair takes a more passive aggressive approach to it, but it makes me rather pissy. Orange juice helps with concentration headaches. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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