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Digital drug effects to tulpae


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Alrighty. Here's my experience with Morphine. I wrote down everything I felt almost instantly after the session was over. (With the exclusion of my break after the first seven minutes, as I was interrupted)I'm going to directly quote what I wrote down:


Wow, thanks for sharing. I particularly enjoy the 'cocoon' reference, it's as if although your tulpa was still pretty alert, your own mental state was incredibly limited. So, it's fair to say that the morphine affected you, but not your tulpa? Or was he/she more energetic than usual?

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Wow, thanks for sharing. I particularly enjoy the 'cocoon' reference, it's as if although your tulpa was still pretty alert, your own mental state was incredibly limited. So, it's fair to say that the morphine affected you, but not your tulpa? Or was he/she more energetic than usual?


I'd say so. It was probably my brain's way of saying "you're too lazy to even help yourself", but my Tulpa tried to help jump-start me, though it didn't seem to be of help. I'd say the morphine at least had some sort of effect :P But yes, my Tulpa was much more energetic than he usually is. It's like it affected him in the reverse.

But, as a follow up, I went out to lunch, for a change of scenery, and as I got back, I noticed I was still in a trance-like state when I was writing earlier, like the aftereffects were still there. I feel normal now though, so if it does have aftereffects, then they have worn off.


quick edit- Since I have a shitton of free time this week, I'm gonna try different types every day, don't mean to hijack the thread but I'll post my findings here

Tulpa: Adryan Form: Anthro wolf-ish Stage: *sighs loudly*

Age: Looks 17, is actually 1 1/2

“Human beings can always be relied on to assert, with vigor, their god-given right to be stupid”

-Dean Koontz

“In the end, I worry that my arrogance shall destroy us all”

-Brandon Sanderson

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Okai guys, I had a theoery with Muse so I tried it out a little and I think I'm right.


Remember when I said when I first tried the morphine thing Muse said the sound was annoying? And then as soon as the sound stopped she was fine? After thinking about if for a while I hypothesized that Muse wasn't really affected by the whole "replicating drugs" part of it, she was affected by the literal sound part.


So I pulled up a few other mp3s here and listened to them for about a minute each. Forseen and I were affected as we should be by the beats (like i said, im influenced really easily, a minute was all i needed XD), Muse wasn't. At all. I tried the opium and the marijuana one on Twit's post back before. With opium, which sound-wise sounded just like a pitched-up version of the morphine, Muse was again annoyed (Forseen and I were quite relaxed, I quote him: "Oh my god im fucking dead i dont feel like doing shit" lol). With the marijuana, which honestly isn't loud nor really annoying, Muse felt nothing (me and Forseen almost started laughing at nothing though... I still am XD). She just kinda stared at us like we were crazy until I turned it off.


Basically, she only went crazy the first time cuz she just got so annoyed by the actual noise aspect of it without getting the effects at all she exploded. Really, she isn't affected by the sounds at all.




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Basically, she only went crazy the first time cuz she just got so annoyed by the actual noise aspect of it without getting the effects at all she exploded. Really, she isn't affected by the sounds at all.


Thanks for sharing, that's definitely peculiar. Perhaps their different personalities have something to do with it. As in, one being more 'impressionable' than the other.




So I had an 1hr5min session. I let them both play through and only 'stopped' to put the cats in crates. (They were jumping all over me while I'm trying to relax and not think.) Anyways, I did the out of body experience followed by the peyote.


The out of body experience one was throwing up some really disturbing images. Just as I was considering shutting it off I heard Mathias go, "Don't worry, just relax, let's see what happens." I went limp, and was in a really strange sleep like state. I couldn't think of anything at all. I couldn't visualize or anything, but I had a really intense 'body high' which felt kind of nice.


The peyote came along and turned my brain to mush. I believe the peyote would have effected me differently if I had not used it right after the out of body. So don't let this discourage you if you were considering trying the peyote. But anyways my brain was still incredibly numb.


It's been over an hour since the session ended and I cannot contact Mathias, I cannot visualize him, hear him, feel him, anything. I know that this is (probably) only temporary, and I'll update when he comes back. I can't tell if he's just comatose somewhere or not, but I really don't feel him anywhere.


TL;DR: It would be wise to avoid 'Out of Body' followed by 'Peyote' in one session.

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Just the combination of the two together?

Tulpa: Adryan Form: Anthro wolf-ish Stage: *sighs loudly*

Age: Looks 17, is actually 1 1/2

“Human beings can always be relied on to assert, with vigor, their god-given right to be stupid”

-Dean Koontz

“In the end, I worry that my arrogance shall destroy us all”

-Brandon Sanderson

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Just the combination of the two together?


I believe so. And for clarification since this is all part of an experiment anyways:

- The combination did not affect me negatively (aside from the creepiness halfway through the 'out of body'). The body high felt really good and I was able to just lay there and not think.

- It has obviously affected my tulpa, I still can't reach him.


Can't wait to have him back, I also want to ask where he went and what happened.



Roughly 2 hours later, I'm getting lots of different head pressures. Still no direct communication.

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Thanks for sharing, that's definitely peculiar. Perhaps their different personalities have something to do with it. As in, one being more 'impressionable' than the other.


Maybe, ironically enough Forseen's usually the more stick-in-the-mud one and Muse is more adaptable and easy going. Guess personality really doesn't have much to do with it.




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Update on the 'Out of Body' and 'Peyote' Combination


So it took Mathias roughly 4 and a half hours to make 'verbal' (mindvoice) contact from the last time that I heard him prior (which was halfway through the first segment: out of body). Two or so hours after my 'come down' I started to experience head pressure which I assumed could be him reaching out but not quite 'with it' yet. I was concerned but knew that he would be making it back eventually so I did the best I could to not panic.


Since his return, we have had a brief discussion about it, he's incredibly tired from the ordeal (as am I) considering we haven't slept yet or even been able to rest our minds. (It's been an interesting night.) I'm sure he'd be willing to answer any questions about the ordeal if you or your tulpa had any.


How Mathias (Tulpa) experienced 'Out of Body':


"I was pulled away to somewhere else. I couldn't tell where I was, at least where within your (Creative's) mind. I've never been here before. It was unbelievably calming, I wasn't able to really think, I was only able to experience myself in relation to the cosmos. I was floating adrift in space, but it was different than past journeys there. (We have been to 'space' in the wonderland.) This had a mysterious, unknown air about it. I couldn't tell if I were glowing or if I had a glowing aura of some sort, but the glow was a soft gold. It was a pretty intense experience although I really couldn't comprehend how intense at the time."


"It didn't frighten me, I was gone before the end of the first part of the session. (Out of body) I wasn't around to experience the peyote."


"It took a long time for me to come back down. At first I was around but couldn't really speak. I still felt relatively disoriented, but retained that peaceful, meaningful feeling I had during my adventure. I communicated as I could to let you know that I was here. (Head pressures) After I was becoming more level, I was able to reach back out to you." (Mindvoice)


"It was very bizarre, I know that we haven't been with one another very long, but I would have never expected anything like that to happen. I'm sorry if it concerned you, but I wouldn't mind trying it again sometime, perhaps you'll get to feel it with me someday."


My Theory:

It seems like 'Out of Body' affected Mathias in a completely different way than it had affected me. The combination put me into a mental coma, so I believe it was because of this that I just wasn't able to tell when Mathias truly 'disappeared'. According to his statements, he was disassociated from me (to a degree) before the end of 'out of body'. I experienced 'Peyote' alone.


So I'm sorry everyone for giving a false scare. I just figured I'd warn you all just in case Mathias had endured something more severe. Now that he's here to clear the air, I believe it's safe to say that the combination did not make him 'vanish', but that the 'Out of Body' affected him to an extremity beyond what I had gotten out of it.

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Well. I just tried the Orange Kush-Marijuana beat. It had mostly no effect on either of us.

Adryan, my Tulpa, said he didn't feel different. No giggle fits, no change in visualization ability, nothing to report. I got a headache from it though, if that can account for anything of minor importance. The only thing that made it enough to write here was that after I finished the session (it was a quick 15 minutes) I heard this higher pitch pulsating sound for a few short moments afterwards. I only heard it in my right ear, and it kinda sounded like when two instruments are barely out of tune from each other, so they create waves. Those waves sounded like what I was hearing, except they remained a constant speed.

That's all we've got for this one

Tulpa: Adryan Form: Anthro wolf-ish Stage: *sighs loudly*

Age: Looks 17, is actually 1 1/2

“Human beings can always be relied on to assert, with vigor, their god-given right to be stupid”

-Dean Koontz

“In the end, I worry that my arrogance shall destroy us all”

-Brandon Sanderson

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Well. I just tried the Orange Kush-Marijuana beat. It had mostly no effect on either of us.

Adryan, my Tulpa, said he didn't feel different. No giggle fits, no change in visualization ability, nothing to report. I got a headache from it though, if that can account for anything of minor importance. The only thing that made it enough to write here was that after I finished the session (it was a quick 15 minutes) I heard this higher pitch pulsating sound for a few short moments afterwards. I only heard it in my right ear, and it kinda sounded like when two instruments are barely out of tune from each other, so they create waves. Those waves sounded like what I was hearing, except they remained a constant speed.

That's all we've got for this one


Thanks for sharing. Luckily I haven't experienced any 'headaches' yet directly from the beats. I was just thinking, we should really get this documented into an organized sheet. Would anybody mind if I took the liberty and compiled all of this information? (And updated it as needed, of course.)

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