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Digital drug effects to tulpae


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I think that would be super!

Yeah,maybe have a certain "form"-ish sheet that you could fill out/post like, with information gathering questions.

Tulpa: Adryan Form: Anthro wolf-ish Stage: *sighs loudly*

Age: Looks 17, is actually 1 1/2

“Human beings can always be relied on to assert, with vigor, their god-given right to be stupid”

-Dean Koontz

“In the end, I worry that my arrogance shall destroy us all”

-Brandon Sanderson

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Agreed with Kaz, an organized sheet or form would be awesome ^^


Itll be a few days till my next trial btw, we’re driving back to the US all tomorrow and then getting settled and ready for school to start.




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I've been thinking about the "organizer", since I don't wanna be like 'What a great idea!...You get right on that.'

So I figured it could have like, five points:

-Beat Name (Drug)

-Session length

-Effects on Host (Visulization, heart rate, personality, pretty much anything of note)

-Effects on Tulpa (Speech, personality, maybe form? Again, anything worthy of note)

-After Effects (Do a mental check-up. Still feeling groggy? Laughing fit?)

Edit: -Notes (Though, I can't think of anything that couldn't fit under these categories?)

So, yeah. Anyone want to add anything? Maybe I'm forgetting something?



Pardon the typos, this was written on my Wii


Tulpa: Adryan Form: Anthro wolf-ish Stage: *sighs loudly*

Age: Looks 17, is actually 1 1/2

“Human beings can always be relied on to assert, with vigor, their god-given right to be stupid”

-Dean Koontz

“In the end, I worry that my arrogance shall destroy us all”

-Brandon Sanderson

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Quickening process, I doubt it. Helping with forcing, entirely possible. Biaural beats have been used for a long time for forceing, the added effects of these though would be good for people who don't actually want to use drugs (AKA straightedgers(respect) and plebs(wusses))

"The Question is not who is going to let me, its who is going to stop me"~ Ayn Rand

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Any reccomendations on the beat Adryan and I should try today? Having a hard time finding one that I haven't already tried/ doesn't look good.

Tulpa: Adryan Form: Anthro wolf-ish Stage: *sighs loudly*

Age: Looks 17, is actually 1 1/2

“Human beings can always be relied on to assert, with vigor, their god-given right to be stupid”

-Dean Koontz

“In the end, I worry that my arrogance shall destroy us all”

-Brandon Sanderson

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@Kaz with a K,


The best answer to your question is that you have to keep using certain binaural beats to get a certain effect. I noticed significant differences in being calm and focused with the Alpha Binaural beat, but all beats have some potential in working with practice.



Anyway, here's two more personal sessions I did:


- Adrenochrome (chemical compound)





Pastebin link of the transcript for the session:




Initial feelings before the session:


  • I was fairly relaxed and calm and ready to try this particular binaural beat, and I believe I did this during late afternoon or something like that.


Feelings after the session:


  • This binaural beat made me and Eva really annoyed, mostly because of how it was getting harder to tolerate the sounds, however, it's not as painful when I listen to it a second time in the recording.
  • During the tulpaforcing session I was typing down and describing what's going on, Eva was essentially running for her own life. This i-doser beat has some effect of people experiencing some weird stuff that might scare them, and I think what I was researching on that contributed towards expectations of that happening.
  • There was some entity that didn't look like Eva, but claimed to Eva, and she's trying to kill me..........Eva eventually comes in and says that's not her and we end up having to escape through a motorcycle (didn't double check the transcription I have of the session yet)



Next session involved using an Alpha Binaural beat and then a Datura beat.





Pastebin transcript link:




Initial feelings before the session:


  • I decided to be stupid and do this late at night (about Midnight-1 AM in my timezone)
  • I was feeling sleepy, but at the same time it wasn't hard to keep myself awake. It was mostly due to how I slept for a bit during the afternoon that messed up my urge to sleep late at night a bit.


After the session:


  • Like the Adrenochrome attempt I did before, me and Eva eventually got annoyed (but not as much for the Datura) and was too sleepy to continue doing so. Apparently with the actual ingestion of Datura, one might fall into a deep sleep, and then repeated ingestion presumably would lead to more extreme cases (death, etc.). Of course, that's just for acutally eating or injecting the Datura, not the Binaural beat that presumably gives similar effects to the lighter stages of it


Personally, the effects for me for the Alpha Binaural beat I attempted before kicked in longer sessions (1 hour+). I might do a 90 minute session or even 2 hours if my hands can keep up with the typing. Just have to make sure I have them in the proper position to reduce chances of cramps and aches on the wrists and hands.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another session with the Alpha beat




Effects Before:


  • Awake, Perfectly fine and prepared for an hour long session


Effects After:


  • More calm
  • breathing slow and relaxed
  • Eyes were a bit watery, but nothing too concerning just like the Adderall session below



And one more in the same day with the Adderall beat:




Effects Before: Since I took a 30-45 minute break after that previous Alpha Binaural beat session, I'm not too sure if that primed me to be more proficient in the Adderall beat attempt after that. But I do know that I felt like myself again after that break before going into the attempt.



Effects after

  • My head started feeling lighter and a soothing sensation made me want to keep my eyes closed naturally
  • My eyes were a bit watery, but nothing too concerning, that's probably because I was moving my eyes fast for a bit.
  • Increased concentration towards the tulpaforcing



I can tell you guys from personal experience here that the Adderall beat can be very relaxing and useful for tulpaforcing. I found that the effects still carried on AFTER the session was over, and before I took a nap after that exhausting activity of over 2 hours with a 30-45 minute session in between that, your concentration may be increased for a good bit.


This helped when I was resting and focusing on Eva's and Ada's voices. They were more clear to me, and I started getting that warping sensation that I felt when I first heard Eva say "I'll be fine" as if I were doing an auditory imposition exercise. I realize now that how I can sustain that level of sensation is by making sure I get captured in the moment by it, because once I focus too much on external noises, the sensation will be diluted for a bit and disappear.


It's a weird sensation that's very hard to describe, but it's definitely getting me excited in listening to their voices better. As for them, I didn't ask, but I do find that they're more at ease with each other. Although I may not have taken Adderall in the past, and that I only have the experiential truths from friends of mine and countless of college students who cram for exams with that drug, the effects are pretty close.


And I'm considering using this beat more than the Alpha simply because of the presumed effects for better concentration (and it's more pleasing to hear compared to my masochistic attempts to tolerate the Alpha beat sound), only this time I don't need to suffer the effects compared to other people who use them more than just a prescription.


I freaking love this Adderall binuaral beat. I look forward into getting used to it in the near future.

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  • 4 months later...

- Lucid Dream (30 Minutes)


Effects Before: Was in a relatively calm state, a bit mentally active, couldn't really focus on one particular thought for too long of a length of time. Was later at night, probably around 11:30PM.


Effects After: Felt relatively calmer, thoughts weren't moving anywhere near as fast, went to bed straight after to see if it would help transistion into a lucid dream, which unfortunately it did not, however I'm not normally one who has a lot of dreams, nor remembers them, however I had either 'multiple dreams' or a 'scenario changing' dream, and I remember them quite vividly. One of them was an old church I used to go to as a kid, but in the dream I felt like skipping out on the service, so I did. The second one was, for some reason, I had no pants and I was looking for my college dorm room, but didn't know where it was or it no longer existed. I'm not in college.


Nowhere in my dreams did I have any 'lucidity', nor did I have any encounters with Vinyl, but due to recollecting dreams easier and possibly having more, it might be something that I should do more often to see if results vary. May try different .drgs to see what may help out on forcing.

My Gaming Channel


Tulpa: Vinyl

Stage: A bit of everything, primarily right now imposition.

Appearance: Pony (originally styled similar to the MLPFiM art style, but lately has been shifting to a more anime-ish appearance)

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