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Tulpas in New York Times

Guest Anonymous

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Or they might split the pole with it. Thinking it's a way to "talk to God" but only if your tulpa is made the way they say you can make it and what not. Highly doubtful it would work out like that, but I agree it would take them time to catch up anyway.

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Just wait until the Vatican in the catholic church find out about this then the satanic abuse will come.Although judging by their usual delay in current event's even if tulpa forcing became a well known practice throughout the world in 2014 they would respond to it in 2018.


Satanic Abuses...?

Trust me, you have far more to fear from Hollywood calling Tulpa Creation satanism than the Church. :P


By the way I'm sure this is totally the conversation you guys would like to have in a thread new members from this story are likely to visit.

Totally not


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Well, I came directly from the NY Times article, and I don't think we're nuts (obviously). Of course, I also joined IRC almost immediately and wouldn't shut up asking questions :p

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This is what makes me sad about how this community responds to a thread like this. Welcome new people who found us because of this article? Finally a mainstream media mention and it doesn't portray us as freaks and demon-summoners? Nice mention but not much detail? No. Instead we complain about something that didn't happen and that the article didn't imply happened. We may as well stick a banner at the top of the forum: "Welcome to Tulpa.info. Leave your optimism at the door. Abandon all hope ye who enter here."


To be fair, of all the communities I've seen in my life, this one probably has the best justification for being afraid of publicity. If the mainstream culture becomes aware of this community we're almost guaranteed to get portrayed in an incredibly bad light. Sure, this article was positive but what about the next one? Or the one after that? What do we do if a news report comes out claiming we're nothing but perverted lunatics and that report becomes the way that most people in our culture learn about tulpas?


We're just afraid of what's going to happen if we're pushed into the limelight. I'd love to live in a world where people looked at tulpas the same way I do, but it's not worth the risk that things would turn bad.




Also, grats to Biotech for getting interviewed by the New York Times and welcome to the force, Gamma.

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Well, I came directly from the NY Times article, and I don't think we're nuts (obviously). Of course, I also joined IRC almost immediately and wouldn't shut up asking questions :p


Nothing wrong with questions. ^_^

Curiosity's always good. It's why I got so grabbed by this stuff a month ago myself.

And welcome. :3

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Hmm, Bacn, perhaps... if not at least being portrayed as crazies, which doesn't change anything about the description of the practice itself, just saying that we're crazy.

My lip hurts.

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"Sees half the community immediately assume that the member mentioned in the article is a depraved pervert."


This assumption is pretty much correct, whats the problem?

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Wrath... idk if that's a joke or not, but you definitely read the member's response wrong I'd think, if not. I'm pretty sure he specifically cleared up that he's not a depraved pervert.

My lip hurts.

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We may as well stick a banner at the top of the forum: "Welcome to Tulpa.info. Leave your optimism at the door. Abandon all hope ye who enter here."


Sure they can. You just have to use the right analogy. Compare it to the way a parent loves their child or the way a kid loves their dog. Imperfect comparison sure, but it gets across the idea of a very strong and caring love with (hopefully) no romantic or sexual overtones.

{Kevin says: to use a computing analogy, I see Nobillis like a daughter, much as in a computer a daughter board is an offset from the mother board. I'm married, to a woman, for more then a quarter century - so my relationship to my tulpas is not romantic, closer to watching the development of a favored child. I think she's doing pretty well for a 1 year old. I'm pleased with her progress, and her honest "just wanting to help" attitude (which I didn't pick for her, it's just the way she's grown).}


Just wait until the Vatican in the catholic church find out about this then the satanic abuse will come.Although judging by their usual delay in current event's even if tulpa forcing became a well known practice throughout the world in 2014 they would respond to it in 2018.

[possibly metaphysics?] {Kevin says: making a tulpa is a practice with origins in Tibetan Buddhism. My tulpas are christian, and I'm a Baptist (just not a very good one). Ironically, if someone wanted to try exorcism on Nobillis she'd probably ask how she could help. She's very ardent in her beliefs, and recently lectured me for almost two hours solid on being a better christian (I was so pleased at hearing her clearly). She also insisted that she be baptized. It just shows me that I can't predict what my tulpa are going to do. At least we have a few apologists that can argue our case in theological terms if it comes to a Vatican debate.}

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Oh god, two hour lectures. I would choose that over sitting in church (not my cup of tea), but I'd have to block them out. I don't think mine will be christian at all so it can't talk to me about such things :P.

My lip hurts.

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