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Tulpas in New York Times

Guest Anonymous

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>“While the idea of God may be intuitively plausible…belief can be brittle.” Sometimes, as she says, “keeping God real” is hard work. You’ve got to bring out the smoke and mirrors.

Oh boy, that's funny. Let's all get on the differing opinions train! But honestly, kind of good that god was mixed in with this, as people always like to argue their opinions, which is the reason why you see it now popping up in other articles.



'I say 'soul making' Soul as distinguished from an Intelligence- There may be intelligences or sparks of divinity in millions- but they are not souls until they acquire identities, till each one is personality itself'

-John Keats, 1819

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But honestly, kind of good that god was mixed in with this, as people always like to argue their opinions, which is the reason why you see it now popping up in other articles.


That and Christians are jumping on the band wagon. It's really a good thing because if the Christians are looking at it in a positive light, we have less of a chance as being labeled as crazy Satan worshipers.

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That and Christians are jumping on the band wagon. It's really a good thing because if the Christians are looking at it in a positive light, we have less of a chance as being labeled as crazy Satan worshipers.


They need to get their own band wagon rather than use tulpa to create mini-gods CX (or maybe angelic assistants, barf). I'd just ignore the close minded people that dismiss it as Satanic. Besides, other Christians doing it hardly budge them much when it comes to "Satanic" things.

My lip hurts.

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Honestly I'm just looking at it from the stereotypical American Christian point of view. "If Christians say it's good, it must be good!" Not being Christian, that's how it kinda feels from my point of view anyway.


I agree with you though, Chupi, much rather make my own mini-gods XD

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As someone else mentioned in this topic, the God comparisons refer to how some evangelical Christians claim to have a personal relationship with God, more often than not in tulpa form. And certainly, through the use of smoke and mirrors, a tulpa can make herself out to be godlike (as I've experienced). Think the man behind the curtain in Wizard of Oz.


It's definitely a good thing that we're finally receiving some mainstream media attention, though I suspect it's only a matter of time before America's news outlets catch wind of this and start spreading a bunch of misinformation on the topic. When that time comes, we will have to be ready.

"Science isn't about why, science is about why not?" -Cave Johnson

Tulpae: Luna, Elise, Naomi

My progress report


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I'm not getting ready for anything. If I told anyone about mine and they heard misconceptions in the news, I'd just tell them that's not what I do/that's not what she does/etc. >.<


I've heard about people claiming to have a personal relationship with God too. Some seem to just say that, and some claim they get messages from him via mind, but I think it's just self-generated. I wouldn't call it tulpa-like since they're generating messages that are supposedly from someone else who isn't messaging them, like believing that Jack Black (random celebrity name) is communicating with you when he isn't.

My lip hurts.

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It's not just evangelists though, I mean the concept isn't exactly new. The gnostic used to believe that god was in one's self and that your godself might differ from someone else's godself but the same basic idea remained the same. God is good and you should try to be a good person because god wants the world to be enlightened and happy.


Also, Yori, I think what Glitch meant is that we, as a community will have to prepare for when the misinformation starts to weasel it's way to us. And please correct me if I'm interpreting what you said wrong, Glitch.

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