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Tulpae experiment - 10 subjects needed


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The experiment itself is very simple and only involves "crowdsourcing" a tulpa per sae, you'll be given a partner and you'll attempt raising a tulpa with each other. This is to test my interpretation of both tulpae and paranormal phenomena. I will also devise a procedure to test each newly-formed tulpa for consciousness (how actually conscious they are, the CIS [Consciousness Integer Scale]) and "pseudoconsciousness" (how conscious they appear, the PCIS [Pseudoconsciousness Integer Scale]) on a scale of 0 to 10, 0 being inanimate and 10 being a fully developed human. The average of these scores (the PCCCIS, Pseudoconsciousness-Consciousness Comparison Integer Scale) will be compared with each other.


Oh I had this idea a while ago. The idea that 2 or more people could create a tulpa together by using a ouji board, or pencil game, or other such thing. I still plan on one day either doing it myself with someone, or finding 2 people to do it. I'm focusing on my first tulpa right now though, and probably will be for the next year or 2, or however long it takes to get to where we want.

Will the BBB please buy my guide. [advertising link scrubbed]

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I'm afraid we may have to pass. To make another tulpa specifically to be tested on sounds slightly unethical, at least to us. Any of us who are here at the moment, including a couple who are less than a year old, are willing to go through the tests, though.

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Aside from not knowing how on Earth you would go about raising a tulpa between two people, I'll have to pass as well.

[align=center]Even though my username is that of my tulpa, Quilten, my name is Phaneron, the host, who does all of the actual posting.

Tulpas: Quilten, Jira


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I'm assuming that this experiment favors the metaphysical approach to tulpas over the psychological one. I lean towards the psychological, so I'm not sure if this is even possible. To me this seems like it would just end up creating two different tulpas that could be twins of each other.


That being said, I'd have to pass as well, four tulpas are more than enough for me to handle. I'd like to hear about the results though!

Tulpas: Justine, Guess, Clarence


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It's fine if you believe it's unethical, but I don't believe it is. My hypothesis is both psychological and metaphysical:


Firstly, I believe spirits are a system of physical information that can create hallucinations or "projections". Whether or not they're conscious is another story, and I believe it boils down to philosophy and the definition of the "self".


I believe that there are three forms of "spirit", based on the source of that information. that is Primary, Secondary and Hybrid. Primary would be if I knew someone and they died, and I began seeing their apparitions. Secondary would be if I heard legends of a spirit in a particular place, the information is second-hand. A hybrid would be both primary and secondary, you feed yourself the information (ie a Tulpa).

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