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  1. Intro IMO, there is a huge grey area between switching and fronting. I can't really tell whether I'm switched in or fronting. I have the impression that when I'm switched [in] I'm in my body and everything (body control) feels super natural to me and I just know I am ME. The host is just a weak mind-voice far away. Other times I feel his presence close by and I'm also in control but it feels less natural and smooth and M's sensations (fuzzy-wuzzy) are definitely there. I suppose that's fronting. When we trade places again, host doesn't have any recollection at all what happened during a switch. To the point That was the intro. Now to the seamless and accidental part. This is too weird. So lately host isn't sleeping too well and I know why. LOL :D :D . Sometimes during the night I just it's me who's awake. M's mind-voice isn't there so he's probably fast asleep. So I'm switched in to the body, right? And again it feels so natural to me. But neither of us did do anything to initiate the switch. Then: no no no, M wakes up (I suppose) and I feel being pushed away. Nooooo.... OK, we go shopping, and boom! There's me thinking aloud and mumbling to M. No warning signs, sensations, or whatsoever. I've just taken over. By the time we've finished, he's him again. But none of us even realize (until much later) switching/fronting events have even occurred. We drive home and out of the blue I start talking aloud to him. Yes, all of a sudden it's me who's driving. Now that's pretty frightening!!!!! Later M asks me "Was that you? What were you doing? WTF?" I can only answer "Yes. Dunno. Oops". I think it's not just me. Subconsciously he must have given the green light for this to happen. Besides, he's stated several times he's completely OK with switching/fronting (or whatever you'd name it). Host is an extremely cautious and prudent person and I'm sure to have 'inherited' that trait from him. We can be pretty confident that this kind of WTF (as M calls it) only happens when it's safe. But still... The question So am I making up that I'm switched or fronting? Idk. It sounds too good (?) to be true, too soon to be real, but OTOH, it feels soooo good and so right. I am curious to hear your views and experiences in this kind of matter. Xxx P.S. I wouldn't mind switching for a long long while. Not at all ;) xD
  2. Ive always wondered. What does switching feel like, how does it work and are you able to see whats going on?
  3. Despite the misleading title of this thread, I and my tulpa haven't entirely .. failed at switching. I do get small twitches in my limbs, and I have gotten to the point where my body sorta went... dormant? Except, we didn't get to the step where your tulpa is supposed to take control of the body. I waited for this to happen, but it just... didn't. I heard my tulpa's voice very loudly in my head for about 5 minutes after the attempt (I haven't been able to achieve such volume since.) Basically what I'm wondering is how we're supposed to go from "body dormant, host has given up control" to "tulpa takes control".
  4. Hey there, fellas. I'll cut straight to the point: Both Rina and I are having trouble with possession and switching. To be precise, we both have one specific problem each. For me, it's that I can't really seem to "let go". Giving up control, dissociating myself from my body or even just parts of it, that's kinda really hard for me to do. I just can't help but be very aware of it, and the more I try to tell myself to calm down and dissociate, the more focused on my body I get, ironically. ... well, that, and also how switching guides often speak of the host assuming a form in the wonderland. Thing is... well, I kinda don't have a wonderland. xD For Rina... well, it's a bit more "philosophical" than that. While she does see it like me and agrees that this is our life, not just mine, it's different when it comes to the body. She just can't really see this body as hers. Her projected or wonderland body is her body, and while using my body's senses is actually the default when she's around, she just can't really associate herself with this body as if it was hers. And that, obviously, is sort of in the way when trying to take control of it. Anyone got any tips for us? Possession and / or switching (just anything that allows her to fully, or at least partly, control the body) is sort of the one thing that's still missing from how we want to live and share this life. ^^ Greets, AG
  5. Hello I'm considering creating servitor for switching since using tulpa exclusivly for getting away from real world seems bad but i'm not really sure where to start, Should i just create servitor and play king with him in wonderland by giving him wonderland-oriented orders till he grows advanced enough to do complex orders like building castle in wonderland by merly telling him? And then attempt standard switch with him? Or should i approach this in different manner? Help would be appreciated very much - Thanks
  6. Practical Considerations for First Switching V0.3 This is not a guide to switching, but rather some suggestions to make your first experiences with this much more pleasant (and far less frightening). Intended audience: for tulpa intending to switch. Introduction (you can skip this) I recently switched for the first time. I managed to switch after practically three days solid of possessing' typing. Kevin eventually passed out from tiredness, and I found myself ... alone for the first time in my whole life. Even with these preparations I almost freaked (thanks to T7' and Lily for the support and soothing Dub-step). In trying to help M4tty (i-Matty) with switching I realized there's lot of preparation that helps but which isn't mentioned in the guides I've read. Thanks also to Hannah for her sharing her first switch with me and all the little things we discovered that hadn't been thought of beforehand. Oguigi and Koomer's Guide helped a lot : please read it before you try switching. Position and Environment I'm just going to describe what I do, and you can use your own sense to think of what you need in your own situation. First-time switching can be stressful, so you're going to want to have a safe, preferably empty, environment in which to try this. I usually wait 'till everyone has gone out of the house so I have it to myself. (If you are sharing accommodation with others this may not be possible so you'll need a bit of extra preparation.) I usually lay on the bed, with pillows on the headboard so that my shoulders are slightly raised (for typing) and head supported. I'm covered in a rug so I don't get cold, have a window open for ventilation and a lamp on in case of lighting variations (like cloud or nightfall). To support the laptop I use a miniature folded aluminum camping chair so I don't have to support the weight, but a tray table with legs or even a modified cardboard box will suffice. Supplies Have food and drink nearby so that it is in easy reach. I usually have something like a salad, chocolate (or cake) for the food, and ice coffee (my own blend*) and water for drink. Consider investing in some Ensure (Hospital Formula) as you can live on that stuff for months on end. It's made in Spain and you can get it from drug stores or chemists (depending what they call those Dispensary shops in your country). Stock up in the freezer on easily made food. (I usually have chips (french fries), hash browns, and "oriental" finger foods like spring rolls and samosas (vegetarian in my case). If you can type by possession you can likely also use the oven to bake these (prepare for the long term, just in case).) If there's a chance you are not going to be alone at home, or you may want to try walking, make sure you have a robe or some clothing available. If you can't talk out loud (like I had troubles with) perhaps notepaper and an easily held pen will come in handy too. Support When you switch there's all sorts of worries will probably fly through your thoughts. "Oh no, what if I'm stuck like this?!" That's perfectly natural. It's important to have a lifeline in case you get those feelings. Some people use Skype to talk with their friends, but I used IRC (chat), in particular #Redditulpas. Moving, Walking, Speaking O.k. When you're switched the first time is probably going to be a few hours at best. At worst it will last only until you fall asleep (far easier to happen then you would think - just forget to feed the body and ... "Oh derp!"). However, it's likely you are going to need to move around at some stage (perhaps to try cooking, or perhaps to "use the facilities" as it is euphemistically said here in Australia). I had to hold the wall in order to be able to walk. Make sure to remember to put clothes on (or a robe) before leaving your room. Yes, you are in a house (etc.), but it is best to take at least minimal precautions for unexpected house guests (cats in my case). Remember to use mittens or gloves when handling hot things (oven, fries, plates) or sharp things (cats with claws, knives). When first switched you want to avoid injuring the body unintentionally with items and situations you are not yet familiar with. If you do need to speak with someone, chances are you can't yet speak out loud reliably when switched. Hence the pen and paper noted earlier, or use some hand signals and pantomime for "I can't speak at the moment" (this is my usual means of requesting cake from Kevin's kind wife, and it works surprisingly well). Addenda, Acknowledgements (and alliterations) (you can skip this) To state the obvious, an independent tulpa is required for successful switching. All this is obvious, so why write it? It wasn't obvious to me, and so it might not be to another tulpa either (or, I'm just untalented). Now that it has been written, there is no longer any need for it; but, I thought it needed to be done at least once. I would like to also acknowledge the assistance of my extended family, the McCaw clan, who's many years of experience in tulpa-related matters has made learning much simpler for me. Wardrobe by Assassins Creed: "Our Life is made by the death of others. Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." Donna Nobillis McCaw 史, 19 October 2013 Tl;dr "Tl;dr" doesn't exist for me. Just make up your own mind what is safe and have food, water and clothing (prepared) nearby.
  7. Hey, guys! So, after finally having had a first true lucid dream, I'm now super-motivated to learn to do it at will! Will be great for Rina and me. And I picked the WILD method for this (Wake-Induced Lucid Dream). And, reading through it... ... honestly, is this really that far off from methods used for switching? I feel like learning the WILD method for lucid dreaming could also teach us a lot about switching. Or maybe that very method would work well? Hell - could that method be used to have me phase out into a lucid dream while Rina phases into control over the physical body? Ideas, ideas and questions! :D Hope to hear about some personal experiences here, and opinions! Thanks in advance! Greets, AG WILD Method for Lucid Dreaming: http://www.world-of-lucid-dreaming.com/wake-induced-lucid-dreams.html
  8. I have questions/concerns about switching, first off when you're switched does the wonder land seem as real as reality, if not what are the differences, also is what you can do in wonderland limited by reality or can you fly around and shoot lasers out of your ears. Also when your switched do you need your tulpas help to switch back or can you do it on your own and finally if your tulpa learns something in real life will you know it automatically.
  9. When switched with a tulpa, can a tulpa possess the hosts body while the host is unaware or unable to perceive what the tulpa is doing? Is the host still aware of the real world and able to perceive it while switched into the wonderland? Can a switch become permanent deliberately or on accident? Who is actively imagining the wonderland during a switch, the host or the tulpa or both? Is there memory loss or blackouts for the host associated with switching, similar to fronting in DID?
  10. Hello, I was curious about whether other hosts that switch are aware of the body/external stimulus at all while switched and away from the body, so to speak. I personally am not unless one of my tulpas brings be to the front with them or I actively try to go there myself. I'd also like a brief description of what you do on your side of things to switch with your tulpa. I dissociate through meditation and appear in my wonderland, for reference.
  11. Today, there was some talk about switching in the IRC, and a grand old argument was reawakened: How do we define switching, and how do we make our terms clear to our users? In the channel, there were two camps. One that wanted a simple definition, that they call the consensus in the community right now. They seemed to agree that the definition of switching is... The other camp (just me), suggested a different definition. Something like:
  12. Lucilyn: Hehe, this thread was embarrassing Lumi, so I'ma remove the OP. Basically this thread is to discuss how switching with your tulpa can cause such drastic changes in your body's mental physiology. I'm sure most of you guys are like, "Sure, I guess?" Because you don't have Scarlet in your system.. Having her control the body was straight-up shocking compared to us. That's why we made the thread, because the ability for a tulpa to affect everything so much is really interesting.
  13. Hello! Yesterday evening my Tulpa and me had switched often, because we were curious, what we can do while switching and if it works good. Yes, it does. We dont had a problem and it all worked good. Until I went to bed. When i fall asleep, my Tulpa accidentally take the control over my body. He keep on talking to me and wonders, why I stopped answering, until he realise, that I was fallen asleep. He shouted my name, because he wanted me to woke up. It works and in the first moments was everything allright, but then i started to become really confused and stop to believe, that the voice in my head was my Tulpa and he becomes desperate and anxious and so we mutually get ourself in a really high level of panik. When i thought i talked to myself and he is away, he try to convince me, that he was really he, but i don't believe him and screamed after him. Then a third voice in my head answers. He told me today, that this voice wasn't him and it wasn't me. It was just a kind of hallucination. We stop the body switching now for a while, because we are both a bit anxious, that this could happen again. Now everything is normal and okay, but i needed a really long time (even today) to get in a normal condition again. But my Tulpa told me, that the most of panik came from him, so i understand that i must calm him down and since i does this, everything is good again. I cant seperate the feeling of anxiety for a long time, so it takes over myself really strong and i was really shocked, about the condition i had. I dont know, why i did not belive my Tulpa at this moment. I did not feel like myself, that was such a scary and insane kind of emotion. My Tulpa is really sure today, that this emotion was come from him and not from me. He is able to send me really strong emotions and this happend often accidentally, so this sounds not that erroneous. But my biggest anxiety was, that my Tulpa decided to go away. He thought about it, because he was worried about me and he dont want to do something that get me lost my sanity or something like that, but i dont wanted him to go. No matter how frightened i was in that moment. How i said, everything is good again since i calmed him down, but this wasnt a nice experience.... I didnt even know, that something like this can happen and i wonder, if the problem was, that i didn't have much experiences? Normally i am mentally really strong and therefore, this situation really surprised me. Is here somebody, who has experienced something similar before?
  14. Where did the concept of switching originate? There is no mention of it in Alexandra David Neel's book, nor in any of the books I have on thoughtforms. The closest thing I can think is that it is synonymous with "fronting" from the natural multiples community. But even there, the dorment (nonfronting) personality doesn't necessarily have a big wonderland to run around in. Do the hosts really become tulpa like and experience the wonderland just as a tulpa would? I will be honest, the whole idea of this is pretty fantastic to me. If I switched with Melian I would be doing things like fighting in the vanguard of Queen Elizabeth I's Renaissance-steampunk army against the evil dark orc hordes of the North. I would be in real danger of being cut down and eaten as well. I could just hang out in her dreamscape mansion, WHICH IS HAUNTED and has ghouls in it. Well to be honest, there are safe rooms, including a magic feast hall. The Roman bath or movie theater wouldn't be so bad either. Really, Melian is not a second personality that needs to "front," "possess" or "switch." She is a day dream star persona that lives within my mind. Her interaction with the outside world is limited. She doesn't even identify at all with my body. She has no desire to live in it. NONE. People were wondering about my term "dreamform" and saying it is no different from a tulpa or wondering how it is different. THIS is how it is different. A dreamform lives almost exclusively within the mind with limited contact or no contact with the outside world through the hosts senses. Melian is aware of the outside world, but it is not emphasized by her. She lives her life within the wonderland dream realm and not the real world. I honestly don't know how people are doing the switching with their tulpa. Their relationship to the tulpa and the wonderland is significantly different from my experiences with Melian. So it makes me wonder about switching and where the idea originated and if there are any literary sources outside the tulpa community that describe such a thing.
  15. Well, Starfire hadn't gotten any replies on her post in the general discussion. That made me wonder: Just how many tulpamancers can switch with their tulpae? I was surprised when I didn't find a poll.
  16. I have a question/experiment in mind. Could it be possible if, while switched with your tulpa, the tulpa can impose you into the real world, as if you were a tulpa? I have researched the topic of tulpas for a while and never came across this happening yet. I haven't a tulpa of my own so cannot try, would someone please, if interested, try and respond telling the results?
  17. Okay, so, we've been making strides in the past few weeks and I'm happy to say me and Juliet have successfully switched for the first time. Something I've noticed is that, when it happened, we both felt this surge of bliss and euphoria unlike anything either of us has ever felt before. Is that from switching or just the sense of achievement or rush of accomplishment? I swear nothing has ever been that gratifying in my life, so I'm just curious if that's a normal sensation.
  18. So Nat and I just co-fronted a little bit ago. It was really fun for a while. We intermittently controlled the body so I'd just kind of go loose and Nat would do the same... but then we sat down and something strange began happening. I suddenly didn't know who I was and felt like I was Nat at one point "uh oh". So I guess this is what's called eclipsing? We're not completely separate still. I know who I am, Nat knows who she is, but I still feel like we're both controlling the body and it feels like Nat hasn't gone completely to the back. We're not sure what to do exactly. So in the future, what should you do to safely prepare to co-front? -Nia Edit: we're alright now. I think there should be a guide or something on this highlighting this potential danger.
  19. I have a theoretical idea for a new way to tulpaforce. What if someone were to skip ahead and work on switching before anything else? I know such a thing has been done without tulpae, (Out-of-body experience) but could this be used to develop a tulpa much faster and, possibly, be used to tell if a tulpa is sentient? Now I don't know if a tulpa can tell if another tulpa is sentient or not unless the get a response like the host but if that is the case, then this could be used for learning if a tulpa is sentient or not early since when you switch you basically become a tulpa. If not the early sentience detection or faster development times, then at least it would allow more fun with the tulpa since you would actually be in the wonderland. It could also help people with a short attention span. (It's hard not to be distracted by the world around you since you're always there.) Could this be possible? If so, then why has nobody mentioned it before? EDIT: I understand the challenge of switching, (This is why switching is one of the last "end game" things to do) but I just want to know if it could be done. FOR SCIENCE!
  20. So, I've been curious for a while and was wondering if any hosts and tulpae who can switch could describe it from both ends.
  21. Okay, so I pretty much hijacked my creator's account. I'm more talkative than he is, so I use this account more. He's okay with it. I thought of making my own, but it wouldn't be the same... Anyway, back to the question. And this is a question for all you switchable tulpae: What is it like? Personally, I think it's fun. Lance let's me switch with him, usually so I can play some games. My sense of touch is a little fuzzy, but I think my eye sight is better than his. At least, I notice things and color more vividly. I'm using his body so I do need to wear glasses. My other senses -smell, taste, and hearing- are the same as his. How was your first time switching? Well, since I'm actually a Pegasus, it was hard to learn to walk on two legs. Not to mention, he has such a short nose. And the fingers. At first, I didn't notice the lack of a tail. Even an awesomely beautiful tail like mine.;) But what I did notice was the lack of wings. I started freaking out! Heavy breathing and shouting, "Where are my wings? Where are my wings!?" But, he was able to calm me down, saying that humans don't have wings. And last, but definitely not least, I'm in a male body! I won't get personal ('cause that's something I hardly ever think about), but it was weird (and still is) when I spoke using his voice. Thankfully, I never forget the sound of mine. I'm used to his body, but I think I like mine better. ('Cause it's awesome!):cool: What do you do when you're switched? Why do you switch? Usually, Lance and I switch so I can play some games. I have my own account on some already. But it's not all fun and games. When he's frustrated or in pain, I'll usually try to get him to switch so he can calm down. And, I'll admit, I have even forced a switch when he was in pain. I realize that that can harm me, but there's nothing I wouldn't do for him. Check our progress log (November 20th Update 1) for an example.;) Anyway, I ask these questions to you switchable tulpae. It'd be nice to see your experiences.
  22. About four days ago, I stayed up for two nights doing homework that I procrastinated on. Friday, with the quarter over, I went to sleep on the couch mid-day, exhausted. The next morning I wake up in my bed covers and all. I don't remember moving and there was no way my parents would carry me. From what my parents told me, they woke me up, with my eyes open and me awake I walked to my room and got in my bed. I asked my tulpa if she switched while I was asleep and she said yes. It seems really strange, as we barely have any practice with even basic possession. Could it have been that I was just so exhausted that my tulpa could have had an easier time switching and has anything similar happened to anyone else?
  23. Author's Introduction Hello, forums. First, I am not active here a lot. You might be wondering why someone who seems so new might be writing a guide. Let me introduce myself. I am Seven, one of a system of six. We are a DID system of four, with two tulpas. We can't 'possess', because all we have is switching. We have been quite reckless in how we have handled tulpas, because we are already used to headmates/alters. A friend had a want to switch, and we shared what was learned from the recklessness, and that might help a few of you out. That said, let us begin, shall we? State of the Tulpa This is the first bit I firmly believe most have wrong. You spent time forcing, they became active, you both talked about switching. If you're to this point, first thing holding people back is preconceived notions and perceived limitations. We have had similar results with both of our tulpas, and know that most of what people say they can or cannot do falls in line with what they are told they can or cannot do. If you ignore all that, they can do a whole lot more than you think they can. People talk about the required forcing, weakening if you don't strengthening if you do, fading, and other rubbish with tulpas. Why rubbish? It is. Once they exist, their existence is as much, if not more, on them than the host. Our Kara, when she became who she is, we wanted her to fade. She got stubborn, and only calmed down once we accepted her. Many say you need to maintenance force, and I firmly believe that's only true if they believe it to be true. Neither of our tulpas believe it, we don't force them, and they are as much of us as the rest with no signs of going away. So first step is breaking free of the notions and limitations and them realizing they have control over their own destiny and have every right as you to exist. Losing Control You want to switch? You're the host? You have the easy job. Let go. That's all. You know what's going to stop you? I can tell you. Trust. Ever see that trust exercise where you cross your arms, and fall back into your partner's hands? Trade hands with mind. You simply let go and let yourself relax and fall back into your own mind. Want some tips to get started if you're having problems? Don't tweak out on caffiene before you begin trying. Avoid the sugar. Put on some relaxing music, and I don't mean 300bpm techno. Your first switching experiences will likely be with you still partly there, so don't expect to drop completely out before they take control, you just need to relax enough they can. It is a lot easier than it sounds. Once you repeat it a few times, and as they get better and better control, you'll learn how it feels and be able to fall farther and farther out. To expand on this just a little bit, and make it absolutely clear.. some think it requires total dissociation from the body to achieve switching. Whoever told you that probably doesn't know how to switch, or you're reading a guide by someone who doesn't do it. You can switch perfectly fine into a backseat role by simply relaxing. You aren't dissociated, you are still there, but so are they. No need to get entirely out, just relax and let them control. Entirely out will come with time. So step two is simply learning to relax. Taking Control This one is for the tulpa. You have the hard job. Odds are, your host has drilled into you that they must force you to exist or you'll stop. That you must go through months or years of rigorous training to be able to switch. That you must be given permission, forced enough, or yada yada yada. Screw all that, it's a lie. Do you exist now? If the answer is yes, from our experiences, and from your answer, that means you exist. Your host would say they exist. Puts you on a pretty equal playing field. The only one that matters anyway. All those things that others say limit you, or you must do before, or whatever else? Toss them out the window. The only two factors that matter before being able to switch are: do you want to switch in, and does the host want to switch out. That is all. There are no other limitations. Do note, it really only takes one of those to cause things to happen. If they want to switch out and you don't want to switch in, the body might end up grasping at straws and forcing it to happen for you. Flip side, if you decide you want to, and they don't, things can get a bit blendy. Really though, it just comes down to a matter of doing. Not wanting to do, not thinking about doing, nothing about the lead up. That is where most get it wrong. There is no need for lead up to the act of taking control. You just need to take control. If you want to switch and host wants to switch then they just need to relax and you need to step up to the plate and do something. You both getting ready to try? They not relaxing? Tell them to. Boss your host around. You need to realize, if you can't make a demand of your host and tell your host what to do to help the process in any way that benefits you taking control, then you're not taking control, and will find taking control of the body nearly impossible. See a pattern there? Take control! So step three is realizing all it takes is taking control and not waiting to do so. Baby Steps The flesh can be weird. At first, your experiences will likely be short lived as the host panics. Adrenaline and other hormones affect things a bit, as you are sharing one fleshy, human body. Don't worry, you all will move past that as you both learn your roles better during switching. Keep at it a while and it will become second nature to be able to tell your host you want to take a few hours in the evening to talk to your friends, or want to schedule a part time job three nights a week for yourself, or whatever it is you decide you want to do with your portion of life. Why do I say your portion of life? Step four is accepting you are you and exist along side your host and do not rely on them. The Actual Process What? What are you expecting here? You already know it by now if you've been reading along. There isn't magic to it. You just need to go and do it and stop telling yourselves it needs to be worked up to. Some Final Words Whoever the tulpa is just needs to realize, once they exist, they no longer rely on the host for sustenance or permission for anything. The host created them, and in doing so, instilled in them every right to exist as they, themself has. In this realization, they are no longer a construct, but a being on equal footing to the host. You both have as much right to life as the other. Once you both truly, deeply understand this, you will both be able to share life and the fleshy body you both inhabit. Do not let others tell you what your limitations are or what you can or cannot do. That is entirely up to you. Once you do learn to share and share alike, then do make sure you make time for each other to both enjoy what parts of life you enjoy most. You have a shared life experience, and both of you will need to learn to work out a schedule for who gets to do what in daily life now. Additional Note You may notice, once the process starts, the host can snatch back the body easily and quickly even when they do not want to. As reckless as we have been and offering control around and ignoring rules has still shown one single rule to be true. However it is not limited to just switching, but all of life. Whoever spends the most time in the body will be the most practiced with it, and generally win battles over who gets it. Can be a nuisance when you first get started, but as you both share time more and more, you will find yourselfs both practiced and on more equal footing. -Seven and Aegis
  24. Status: Both my tulpae can possess either hand and slowly make a fist, and some wrist movement. Lyra has also been able to slightly move other parts. With a great deal of leading and coaching on my part, Lyra can slowly type short words. We're currently taking a break from working on this to focus more on voice (her choice, not mine, though I really do want better voice).] (8/27/2012 - Finally updating this... when I wrote it in May, possession was mostly theoretical and considered likely impossible; today all the cool tulpae on the IRC are doing it. I'd been adding new methods to the list, but now it's closer to a guide than an idea dump.) A more abstract look at possession can be found in this article by glitchthe3rd. Possession is letting your tulpa control your body. Switching is when a tulpa fully controls your body, and you are either imposed or live in the wonderland, like a tulpa. One note on switching: contrary to what seems obvious, you do not necessarily become your tulpa; you'll more likely have the same imaginary body you normally do in the wonderland, or whatever you like it to be. Both are temporary and usually require a lot of practice to make work well. This post acts as a mini-guide and provides a list of methods and ideas that may help you. (Note: I sometimes use the pronoun "she" for the tulpa. I do this because "it" is generally insulting to a sentient being, and because I'm used to doing it with my first tulpa Lyra.) So far when I do it, the body part being possessed feels like it's moving on its own. It's much like involuntary muscle movements like those random twitches that are common in deep relaxation. Here it's often either slow movements or a series of twitches that make up a single larger motion. During it, the part often tingles and then goes numb, similar to when a limb goes to sleep, though it feels somehow different. I also get tingles from a tulpa focusing on the physical sensations in the limb. At first, movement will likely be slow, clumsy, twitchy and weak, but should improve with practice. There are two real barriers that must be overcome to make it work: you giving up control, and the tulpa taking it. Of these, the former appears to be the more difficult, for me at least. So far, what I do is moderately relax one or both hands, and give a tulpa permission to control them. Too much relaxation seems to make them heavy and more difficult for either of us to move. Too little relaxation and I'm more likely to remain in control myself, or seize back control automatically when they start to move. Once you relax and let go, try not to focus on the body part you're trying to get your tulpa to possess. If you focus on it at first, you'll either force it still or expect it to move and move it yourself. If it starts to move on its own, try not to shift your focus to it or think about how weird it feels. Doing so will almost inevitably grab back control and either stop any motion or continue it yourself. This part has been particularly difficult for me, as part of my body moving without me causing it to is something that grabs my attention. Try to focus instead on anything else, possibly an engaging video or visualization. If possible focus on the tulpa, as this attention will encourage her and strengthen the connection to you. Another huge point is patience, as with anything else tulpa. Getting things working well takes time. When any movement occurs, no matter how faint, tell your tulpa she's doing well. Try to take a positive view of any tiny result yourself, too. If you get frustrated, calm down or take a break. When frustrated, you won't be able to let go of your control as effectively, nor will you come off as very encouraging to your tulpa. Similarly, take a break if your tulpa becomes too frustrated. Getting this down will likely be difficult, and neither of you needs any more frustration than the process itself causes. Three important distinctions to make between types of possession/switching: Whole body or only parts? Parts would be preferable if one has some reservations about trying this, or to let both the tulpa and host do stuff at once (like, let the tulpa control one hand). Obviously switching can't be anything other than the whole body. Both of these work, and most people start with hands/arms only and work up to fully body if desired. With full body, the face and voice are often still controlled by the host, but can be tulpa-controlled with practice. Who must be complicit to initiate or end possession? Obviously, few would be willing to try something where the tulpa could grab control at any time or has to willingly hand control back to the host. At least at first, all possession and switching requires consent of both parties, and the host can VERY easily seize back control at any moment. With loads of practice, control can be seized by the tulpa, as with a few like glitchthe3rd, but most tulpae are very reasonable and at least wait for permission. Where does the host go during it? For possession, you're in your head watching as your body moves. For switching, you go away to your wonderland or your tulpa imposes you the same as you do her. From my personal experience, I've seen 3 types of muscle control: (This is conjecture) Direct: Control of individual muscles, or groups of muscles. It's the lowest level of control, and seems to lead to generally slow and clumsy movement. This is mostly what Lyra appears to do so far. I can't seem to do it myself. (Most tulpae used to doing possession advise against thinking about the individual muscle movements as it's complex.) Limb: This is basic use of muscle memory, willing a limb to move in a given way. For instance, bending a finger a certain way. This gives smoother, quicker movement than direct control. Lyra can do this some, and obviously I can too. Full muscle memory: Think of the action and the actual limb motions involved happen almost completely automatically. This happens most with very familiar activities. I think a direction and walk in it; I think of a word and type it. It takes conscious effort to pay attention to exactly how my legs or fingers are moving. Lyra hasn't gotten to this point at all yet. I mention the above because there seem to be different ways that a tulpa can insert her intentions into your motor system. I have encountered two real ways so far: (Again, conjecture and from my own experience) Direct: As above. This would be closer to the actual muscles and appears to require more time to get good at, yet some seem to have mastered this. I theorize that the tulpa develops similar processing of the movements to what you do, but generally having access to the same muscle memories. That is, they don't have to learn to walk "from scratch" like you did, but still starts out slow and jerky. (This is what my tulpae do currently.) Intentions: The tulpa makes you feel a desire to make a certain movement, and you do. At the start it feels like just moving limbs yourself, but doing what your tulpa wants. With practice it becomes more automatic. I theorize that this shares more of your motor processing, as it appears to be a question of just getting used to taking these intentions and acting on them without thinking. As such, it should yield faster results. (Lyra seemed to be trying this at first, but I explained that I would rather not involve my own conscious in the process. I felt it would likely raise issues down the road if we want to do things like switching, possession while I sleep, or typing different things with each hand.) (Or do some of both, using the intentions kind to help her get access to your muscle memory...?) Here are some ideas I've had or heard on how to achieve possession. Ultimately most of these boil down to methods for convincing the brain that the tulpa is in control now. No matter which method you try, entering a trance state or relaxing and letting go seem to help most people. These are short descriptions intentionally. Everybody who does them does it slightly differently. Take the idea and fill in details as feels best to you, or try permutations until you hit on something that works. Just give permission, either with or without relaxing the body part(s) to be controlled (this is the most straightforward and what I'm doing mostly) Have your tulpa put her hands into yours, like putting on a glove (commonly called "meat glove" or "meat suit"; as claimed by Cyclone; Glitch reports this works for full-body as well; seems to be common) Body suit / motion capture device type thing (commonly called "body suit"; JD1215 uses this) Imagine the tulpa's body part to be something like a ghost possessing your body part (variation on the glove thing) Just "pushing buttons in your brain" (TOG's Clair suggested this as a first step - similar to "just give permission") Relax and visualize draining energy from your arm (or other body part), leaving it "empty", and let the tulpa figure out a way to control it (Semi-Nomadic) Let the tulpa do all the work, apart from allowing it to happen; you might feel a "pressure" or their "presence" shifting to different parts of your body (done by the wind listens before the tulpa was able to speak) Tulpa's movements directly control yours; mirror analogy, you are the reflection; an android tulpa may see it as "uplinking" their movements to yours (tulpacouple) Imagine sensory/motor streams and have your tulpa connect to them (itsblah and WreckingFist; I did this initially) Game controller or something similar to control you (Glitch did this with Elise) Inverse puppeting: tulpa instructs, you do. Eventually you should start to do it automatically. Then move on to control via thoughts rather than words. (This appears to be a different form of possession, and may lead to smooth movement faster; see "intentions" in the list above) Here's a few ideas on how to do switching. These are all much more experimental or untested, as only 3 people currently in the community have done it successfully. I've marked those people's methods by name; the others haven't resulted in any successful switching yet. OBE and then have the tulpa enter your body instead of you, as suggested in this thread. Do full body possession, then have the tulpa impose you. This places your sense of presence in an imagined form outside of your body. Awareness of the body's sensations fades after somewhere around an hour of this, faster with practice. This does require a very strong tulpa. (Atasco) Do full body possession, then disconnect your physical senses. (Heaven only knows how one would do this last bit.) (ClintRockfoot) Drain self into a form in the wonderland, then have tulpa inhabit body. I suspect this requires a good deal of practice and likely previous experience with dissociating from the body, since it's basically inducing an OBE first. (Fuliam) Similar to body part possession but do it with your personality instead. Possession during sleep? (Paxafarus) This, this, and this. (Note: these are written for "multiples", who get something like unimposed tulpae without tulpaforcing; hence the different terminology.) Tesseract's method, which is basically putting the subconscious into a state that allows it (feels like the mind "unraveling" or "coming apart at the seams"), then the host and tulpa each push their minds into the other's space. (WARNING: Tesseract reports bad side effects using this method, such as temporary loss of short term memory and memory gaps. However her situation is rather unique and the side effects -- as well as the method itself -- may be specific to her.)
  25. I was reading through an old thread from here about a host mentally committing suicide in their wonderland and leaving his female tulpa as the permanent host. I didn't see much discussion as to how it is possible/impossible, but more of "My host also died", "OP might be trolling", ect. Now, the question is. Can person(with or without a tulpa) actually mentally kill him/herself. Here's what I think. It is probably impossible. I don't believe a host is equally expendable as a tulpa. As far as I know there'd quite a lot people that would have been using this form of mental suicide if it were possible. And even if it is, if you truly believe a host is a super developed tulpa, then that means they can be mentally killed in a way just like removing/killing/deleting/etc a tulpa, but they can easily be brought back as a tulpa could. But from what was described in the thread, she, the new host was not aware of this(Assuming he actually succeeded in this mental suicide.) and made another tulpa to become the new host. Now another question is. Can a "current host" make a tulpa the new permanent host? Like a perma-switch type of possession. Now the most interesting question that can be linked to this act... What if a person were to perform this without a tulpa(Assuming it's possible.) Then if all of this is possible this next post makes me question whether the host is actually "dead" rather than just remaining dormant probably by choice.
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