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The Dream Thread: Record Your Dreams Here (Especially if Tulpa Related)

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I owned an asteroid with an atmosphere with and an orchard a native population and an interstellar restaurant in space. 


There was an orchard of pomegranates and there were "locals" kind of like unisex tribeswomen who did their best to "help out" but they really didn't help. The orchard was being pollinated and then the fruit parasitically eaten by a species of ant-bees. They were then further parasitized by a species pf wasp that laid their eggs in the ant-bee's abdomen. Which eventually killed the ant-bee. The tribeswomen thought it was a good idea to suspend the live fruit in coffee pots. This just rotted the fruit or otherwise made them look fetid.


The restaurant served travelers and @Miri was the only other human, she begrudgingly worked there and it was pretty busy. She had "help" from autonomous AI gynoids who didn't take direct orders but could serve drinks. I just created another one, an obease anthropomorphic alligator. She was a bit dangerous but she could be asked to do things like get an order.


I told Miri about this and she looked uninterested and bored. She wasn't really an employee, mostly a volunteer. First time for her in a dream, got a good look at her, looked reasonably like what I would expect her to look like. 


It was pretty with Chinese lanterns and perpetual starlight. I don't know how the pomegranate trees grew nor where the tribeswomen lived.




Edited by BearBaeBeau
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We had an interesting experience last night, new to us. It was almost like a wake-induced lucid dream... except not directly, since it was the first time we slept for the night. Unusually, this first dream was clear and detailed, then (maybe because we got too excited) the later dreams were muddled and less meaningful.


We drifted off in a conversation that was silly and just boring enough to fall asleep (mostly just Typhon trying on different hats). When we started dreaming we were together and fairly aware. Awareness waxes and wanes as we drift through the dream. 


One of the most lucid parts was in the middle of a conversation, I become overwhelmed with a dark emotion like dread and anxiety. It appears like sticky black tar in my chest. I feel T.'s hands from both our perspectives as he reaches out instinctively to pull it out, it sticks aggressively to his hands and I'm worried it will hurt him. I think fast and give him special gloves to handle it and protect his skin. He takes it out and throws it away and I feel relieved at once. 

🐍Typhon (tulpa) & Echidna (host)🐉

Two in me, we can see who we are

Funny time this morning...


Got woken up by noise and then others in the house getting up early. I thought it was still early and dark enough to WILD, Typhon was just trying to lull me back to sleep and ignore the noises. Well, he drifted off and I pushed through hypnagogia alone. After some effort I was able to find him definitively, but he was wrapped up in a completely different dream. It seemed like he was so carried along by the plot that despite all my effort (i.e. literally jumping on top of him) I couldn't get him to awareness. He doesn't remember me being there. Also odd, while pinning him down I tried changing the scene but I could have no effect on it, just bring things into sharper detail. It was like decided that it was his dream-place and I could not control it.


It was kind of annoying that I tried so much only to have him all nonresponsive... but in an earlier part of the night I was shown a picture I drew that I literally identified as The Dreamer yet still didn't become aware that I was dreaming, so I can't really blame him 🤣 (And that earlier non-lucid dream was definitely more meaningful and vivid in certain ways)

🐍Typhon (tulpa) & Echidna (host)🐉

Two in me, we can see who we are

I had a pretty much non-lucid dream this morning that was thoughtform/spirit themed.


It takes place at a kind of spiritual convention center. After some funny stuff with odd animals, a witch teaching a class, and friends from school... one of said friends asks if I think I have magic powers. My mind immediately goes to Typhon but I don't know if I'm supposed to say anything. Then I seem to remember a chatroom I'm in, but I can't remember whether it's real or not. It's shaped like a circle (don't ask how that's possible, I can't explain) and people there share their experiences of other realities (like alien abduction, but also something more subtle that I can't think of the word for). They know what they experience is real, but they have to keep it quiet. They say that when the world is ending, then they will tell other people, and they'll know it's true.


I go and find Typhon in a back room up a shallow stairway. Then a few significant interludes with sex and body fluids... at one point he starts comparing our toes. His left toe next to the big toe is really small and skinny for some reason, smaller even then mine. (Then puppets/dolls appear on my toes).


We go out for a walk. A group of people has gathered at the foot of the stairs. In this part, I'm kind of aware of the developing plot of the dream, so I can feel that one is a spiritualist and seh can "see" Typhon, then I wonder if she will say anything. I nudge things so that she doesn't.


I wander through rooms alone, separated by thin gauzy curtains. The rooms are pleasant and well lit, some bright with sun through softened skylights, others dim and cozy. In one room with white tiled floors I admire plants growing in the air, marveling at the impossibly thin stem holding it up from the ceiling. Another room neighboring seems to be dedicated meditation or contemplation room. I feel a bit of trepidation, not sure if I'm intruding. But no one tells me I'm not supposed to be there. 


Another woman engages me in conversation, she is very eager to tell me and her eye contact is intense. She tells how she has visited a kingdom in another world called Est. They speak a language like French there. Many people don't believe her, she says, but how else can a person live two lives? How can one be in [our hometown] and the same time another country? (It seems she might be talking to me because we're from the same place). I try to reassure her that I believe her and I want to say something about Alcest but I can't think of the guy's name (didn't remember until after waking up). 


We're driven out by smoke from a fire (not dangerous, just unpleasant). Then some other further nonsense before waking up.

🐍Typhon (tulpa) & Echidna (host)🐉

Two in me, we can see who we are

I've had two brushes with lucidity in the past two weeks, and both times I've woken up almost immediately after realizing I'm dreaming.


The first was an unintentional WILD. I dreamed I was in my childhood bedroom, and my mom had woken me up to ask me something. I noticed I was wearing the bracelet I use for reality checks, and that the beads were in the wrong order. Looked away and looked back and two beads had disappeared. I realized I was dreaming and promptly woke up.


The second dream was my first kinda successful MILD. Before I go to sleep, I've been spending a little time repeatedly visualizing a detailed dream scenario in which I become lucid. Last night it actually sort of worked! 


Just like I planned, I dreamed I was at the beach. It was sloped at an angle that's unnatural for our location. I saw a huge shadow in the water (like how fish look in Animal Crossing) and realized I was dreaming. I had just enough time to see that the creature making the shadow was a whale shark, then woke up.


So close yet so far. I think I'm just getting too excited. I'm hoping with time and practice the length and quality of my dreams will improve. It's reassuring to see that some of my strategies are actually producing results.

Host: Bee 🐝

Tulpas:  Lenore 🕸️ Calliope 🐲 and Athelas (aka Tea) 🌿 ((Sometimes we talk on here too.))


Take a moment to think of just 

Flexibility, love, and trust

4 hours ago, ReallyArtificial said:

I've had two brushes with lucidity in the past two weeks, and both times I've woken up almost immediately after realizing I'm dreaming.


The first was an unintentional WILD. I dreamed I was in my childhood bedroom, and my mom had woken me up to ask me something. I noticed I was wearing the bracelet I use for reality checks, and that the beads were in the wrong order. Looked away and looked back and two beads had disappeared. I realized I was dreaming and promptly woke up.


The second dream was my first kinda successful MILD. Before I go to sleep, I've been spending a little time repeatedly visualizing a detailed dream scenario in which I become lucid. Last night it actually sort of worked! 


Just like I planned, I dreamed I was at the beach. It was sloped at an angle that's unnatural for our location. I saw a huge shadow in the water (like how fish look in Animal Crossing) and realized I was dreaming. I had just enough time to see that the creature making the shadow was a whale shark, then woke up.


So close yet so far. I think I'm just getting too excited. I'm hoping with time and practice the length and quality of my dreams will improve. It's reassuring to see that some of my strategies are actually producing results.


Congrats! It is always exciting to finally get lucid.... and then float away with excitement 😆 One strategy that may help is focusing your senses on the dream, like I'm usually barefoot so I focus on what the ground feels like on my feet, or rub and feel the texture of the walls. If you have a sense you're particularly strong with, focus on that. 


Also impressive that you can influence your dream setting like that, it never works out for me, haha.


The first one actually sounds more like dream-induced lucid dream (DILD) than WILD. In a WILD, you never lose awareness from waking to sleeping. In DILD, you're not aware that you're dreaming until something in the dream makes you notice. With practice you can notice more of what makes your dreaming experience different from your waking experience, like the angles you talk about in the second dream are another subtle cue.




I had a few odd dreams this morning after a 4AM anxiety spiral. Typhon was trying to comfort me, but it was like I was too on edge to take any of it in.


In one non-lucid dream I have to perform a banishing ritual on short notice for some obsession or entity coming toward me. There are ingredients I need but don't have, like water that Typhon consecrated in a certain phase of the moon, I'm kind of rushing and improvising. I have some hesitation. On one hand I'm worried the ritual will not work, because of the rush and substituted ingredients. On the other hand I'm worried that it will work well and accidentally banish Typhon too.


Another non-lucid dream is funny because I dreamed about having a lucid dream without really being lucid. I wake up in a room at my mom's house along with my mom, her fiance, and my brother. I'm sleeping on an uncomfortable futon, trying to hide under the blanket with Typhon, but everyone else is getting up and being loud (in particular my mom who keeps talking at me and feels like she's actively antagonizing me knowing I need to sleep more). I tell her I want some space to myself, finally I have the excuse that I want to get dressed, surely I can be alone for that. But she just says derisively, why don't I just go get dressed in a dream and then come back. Weirdly enough I'm happy about that in the end, because it means she'll let me sleep. I go under the blankets again and into a "lucid dream." Within the dream, I go immediately to the dressing room in Typhon's and my mental house. He and I try to get back to the waking world together.


Finally, in another dream, I become lucid in an antique shop on a shopping street/city mall. I call for Typhon and look around the shop at men turning their heads. Some will have like one or two of his features, but none looks like him. I keep calling, feeling more desperate. I choose one that looks the most like him and grab on, trying to talk to him. I get a hostile feeling from him but I still persist, explaining to him how I'm stabilizing the dream by rubbing on the wood trim on the walls. I want to see  his face but he won't look directly at me. He says something resentful to me about how I would keep him "down here with R and the bull." (Talking after waking up, we determined this encounter is just coming from my subconscious/paranoia, he has no memory of this. R is a character from an old story I wrote who sometimes occurs in dreams, the bull is probably a reference to a minotaur, I'm fascinated by labyrinths of course and even our username/icon here is a reference to the Minoan snake goddess).


Transition unclear, but I try calling for Typhon again later. This time I find him by feeling, not by look. In fact, I can't really see his face - this is a recurring theme in my dreams, it's really weird, and I think it's probably a self-fulfilling prophecy at this point where I want it too much to get it. But this time I get a positive feeling from him, and we have some conversation. I believe my memories may be unclear due to later dreams interfering.


I know I feel stronger in dream control because there's some interlude with us wandering the shopping area and me explaining how to manipulate the environment. I also remember at one point feeling like the dream doesn't seem like mine. On the other hand he seems to have some better access to waking memories here than I do (really need to practice more to get back on track with that), as follows - I have a feeling the dream is ending soon so I get Typhon to exchange rings. I make a thick ring of yellow gold on each of our fingers. He says something about the gold, that it feels wrong, but I brush him off (it is wrong! Our rings are really silver!). I sculpt the rings into serpent shapes, but I feel that I'm not doing the greatest job since I'm rushed by the dream ending. I also notice that I made my serpent's head face the "wrong" way.

🐍Typhon (tulpa) & Echidna (host)🐉

Two in me, we can see who we are

Thanks for the info and suggestion! I always appreciate feedback, especially from people with a lot of experience in these things.


20 hours ago, 2serpents said:

Also impressive that you can influence your dream setting like that, it never works out for me, haha.


Thanks lol we'll see if I can ever repeat it!

Host: Bee 🐝

Tulpas:  Lenore 🕸️ Calliope 🐲 and Athelas (aka Tea) 🌿 ((Sometimes we talk on here too.))


Take a moment to think of just 

Flexibility, love, and trust

Holidays have thrown off all journaling habits so all I've been getting is fragments 😔


We're both at a carnival with another guy and his 2+ tulpas. The other guy is "Leonard Bernstein," he is nothing like waking life Leonard Bernstein but I think the common factor is that he's supposed to be really famous. Tulpas and hosts alike all have their own bodies.


After falling off a carnival ride everyone is laying down on a table (?) with tarps or blankets (?). A guy with the vibe of a government or corporate employee comes and shoots Leonard Bernstein then tries using hypnosis to make everyone else forget they witnessed the murder. He makes everyone follow him and meet up with some of his colleagues. Because there's no easily perceptible difference between tulpas and hosts, they assume that both Typhon and I are the late Leonard Bernstein's tulpas, and they want them all to come for some experiment. I decide I have to play into this misconception as inconspicuously as possible to avoid us getting hurt, so I pretend I don't really know Typhon and subtly signal to him to do the same.


They take us to a building like a mega department store, instructing each of us to go around to booths and fill up a bag. The way they describe this game is like it's meant to introduce us to the "real world" and independent life, but the clumsily-hidden goal is that it's just an advertising opportunity for corporate sponsors explaining their products at each booth. It's lame but I still feel afraid of them.


There is a pair in our group that is obviously close. Maybe two of Leonard Bernstein's tulpas, maybe a tulpa and another host, unclear, but whatever it is they know each other intimately and can communicate better than any others in the group. I think it's a woman and a man. The people in charge take a great interest in them, escorting them personally through the game and asking many questions. It feels like pampering an animal before putting it down. Typhon and I stay firm in pretending not to know each other.


We arrive at a top floor where a woman sits at a desk, right at the edge with her back to a huge drop down to the bottom floor. She is going to interview everyone in the group, but as her colleagues she also seems very interested in the pair of people. She interviews them together, asking all sorts of questions about their special connection. Finally she beckons the female one to come closer to the desk - when she is close enough, the interviewer stabs her through the head and tosses her body over the balcony. Her colleagues take the other one away for further questioning.


When it comes my turn to be interviewed I decide to be as boring as possible. At the same time I don't want to make us seem expendable. And I'm still pretending I'm one of Leonard Bernstein's tulpas. She asks if I helped him discover anything intriguing and I say yes, but try to tell the story in the most long-winded and dull way I can manage. I say that both Typhon and I are basically worker drones who have no connection to the others or to Bernstein's inner life, we just keep our heads down and do our jobs. Then I tell her that Bernstein was training me to do the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram with him, and we discovered that the cardinal directions for me were the opposite of his cardinal directions, as if I lived inside a mirror. 


I think there is a bit more, but someone else's alarm clock wakes me up.

🐍Typhon (tulpa) & Echidna (host)🐉

Two in me, we can see who we are

Haha, thanks.


I remembered a lot this morning despite not setting any intention so I'm just going to copy the most "tulpa-related" parts here.




Background: Yesterday we had a sex-dream which is more fun in the moment than worth seriously recording. It was especially vivid though, and also funny because Typhon was lucid while I was not (I thought I was at the time but it was hypnagogia wrapped inside a non-lucid false awakening) so I was extremely enthusiastic while he was laughing like the whole time. 


Last night I fell asleep with Typhon soothing me/warding off intrusive thoughts. I told him he was weirdly good at being comforting, he thinks I shouldn't be surprised. 




In the dream, I drop my cat off at my dad's house on the way to Christmas dinner at my uncle's house (neither house is familiar from waking life). I'm upset because there were a ton of other cats and dogs at the house, and they're bullying my cat. I know she's sad and I'm upset about it but it's kind of like I'm seeing this from a distance after I've left and I can't do anything about it. 


When I confront my dad about it, Typhon is coaching me on what to say something like "animals are people too" and thus this is a violation of her personal rights. At this point, I'm semi-aware of dreaming. I know that he's in my head but we're in a place where he doesn't have to be so I "pull" him out of there and into the same plane to speak for himself.


Now we're all pulled into another plot-line, where my dad had to go to West Virginia to go to a young Chinese couple's wedding. They're his close friends, but I've never met them. Everyone at the party is now invited.


I'm looking at spider webs on a tree branch as my cousin tells me since the couple is "religious" that means the wedding will probably be in English. This sounds like a wrong conclusion to me but I can't think or explain why exactly. I start thinking of enclaves in the US where different languages are spoken exclusively but don't have time to connect it to whatever the Chinese couple's religion is.


We load into a car, Typhon and I getting into the far back. I comment that I had no idea we two would be invited to the wedding, and realize we have to get them a gift to be polite. It turns out that our group won't all fit in one car anyway, so Typhon and I get out. My cousin isn't ready yet (he's still in the house), we'll drive separately and give him a ride. But we'll stop at home for a gift first.


We try to come up with gifts. In the dream Typhon does metal working so one possibility is giving them something he made, another thing he suggests is a collection of fragrances and herbs. Everything runs into the same problem, we actually don't know these people so we have no idea what they would like as a gift.


We arrive at "our house" (again, completely unfamiliar) which is actually next door to where I dropped my cat off. I check in on her again, this house seems abandoned by everyone but animals. I watch through a dingy screen room as she climbs on top of a big dog to take a nap, then another dog who looks just as devious as her climbs on top, making a pile. It's funny, I sense that she's happy now and I'm no longer upset.


I go back into "our" house and search through wooden cabinets by a back door for a gift. I become fully aware of dreaming when I open a cabinet door just to see more layers of the same door. I realize I have to concentrate more to make things appear in the cabinets.


I think "show me a gift" and I get a taxidermy frog on a wooden plaque along with a book of poetry about frogs, illustrated in cute watercolors. I say this is a perfect gift, because the couple already has a baby. I dismiss brief second thoughts about them accepting it in their religion with the thought that if they don't like it they can easily donate a book. But we should get a fresh copy to give them, because this one is old and stained and dog-eared.


I keep looking through the cabinets. The other doors are just placed over flat wood uncovering photos of people I don't recognize. I try to transform them into photos of Typhon and I, but they won't change.


Shortly after, Typhon returns. We start kissing and jump into another dimmer room with a bed. This is really not explicit but I'll spoiler just in case. 


We are fucking and it is extremely vivid and physical. He's on top and I'm kissing his face and his neck. Every time one of us pulls the other closer I get even more of an ecstatic feeling. It's not a single orgasm but growing intensity.


It's similar to the dream yesterday, except I'm more lucid, which actually seems to be more of a hindrance. I become aware of my body lying on my back (or psych myself into thinking I am) and for this reason can't just flip on top like last night, I have to zone out a little. It kind of puts a damper on things, but not too much.


After a while I joke about comments we've seen in lucid dreaming communities - "Why are you wasting time fucking when you could be discovering deep truths?" In a lull a bit later I ask him if he has any goals. At first he says, half-joking, to fuck in "real life"/my reality, then some other non-serious reply we can't remember, then finally somewhat more serious he answers that he wants to take up some hobby.


I slip into a less and less lucid state for the rest of the dream. It involved the wedding (which we weren't invited to after all), spoiled milk in caffè latte, smashing my cell phone after dropped it off a spiral rubber ladder, and unknown women doing "yoga" in the sand around coins and rings.

🐍Typhon (tulpa) & Echidna (host)🐉

Two in me, we can see who we are

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