2serpents January 19, 2024 January 19, 2024 Really bizarre, I had a dream all alone last night. I can't say it's never happened before but this is the first time I noticed and told it to Echidna. The memories are vague but the feeling was clear, it was only me. Quote I remember the dream by writing it black ink on white paper, organized in three columns for three parts. A shared theme across the three columns is abbreviations, the last is EEAA. Echidna says she doesn't know what they mean, I say it's okay, I know the meaning because I found them all in our shared memory (false, once fully awake I don't know what they mean either, I was confident at the time though). I'm standing in a round plaza outside a library. The floor is a circular mosaic in white tiles. Everything is very bright. I have to place (hide?) a small thing on a bench by a tree in the plaza. A security guard from the library emerges (to try and stop me?). One of the abbreviations is related to a group of choirboys that I have to interact with. 🐍Typhon (tulpa) & Echidna (host)🐉 Two in me, we can see who we are
JohnnyRevolver January 31, 2024 January 31, 2024 I had a dream where the world ended and one of the few things surviving from the pre-apocalypse was guilty gear strive and eventually after the world recovered from the apocalypse guilty gear strive became the major religion in the world so much as people would go to university to learn how to play individual characters and ones success in life could be directly correlated to how good they were at guilty gear
ringgggg January 31, 2024 January 31, 2024 9/10 read D-prime is shrinking as we speak. Official LOTPW leaderboard Our imposition progress report
ReallyArtificial February 3, 2024 February 3, 2024 Actually had a tulpa related dream last night, but my memory's kind of fuzzy since I'd had a couple glasses of wine. I distinctly remember two things: We tried to log in to this website and couldn't. Eventually we figured out it was because the site had been forced to change its URL for legal reasons, so instead of tulpa.info it was something absurd and unrelated, like bananas.info. Everything else about it was the same. Being held by a pair of big, warm, comforting arms. I don't remember seeing a face, but I mentioned it to Athelas when we woke up and he was immediately like, "That was me! :D" Host: Bee 🐝 Tulpas: Lenore 🕸️ Calliope 🐲 and Athelas (aka Tea) 🌿 ((Sometimes we talk on here too.)) Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust
2serpents February 3, 2024 February 3, 2024 I am running in the dark. I cannot say exactly what I am trying to escape but it fills me with dread and it lives in shallow water. I hear Echidna calling me, but her voice is faint and I am scared to respond. I am nearly blind, deaf, and mute, but not quite. Then I feel her run to me, leap on top of me and hold me still in the air, repeat to me that we're dreaming, we're dreaming, we're dreaming. It's Echidna! My heart floats with joy when I recognize her. I feel safe and at the same time filled with bizarre hilarity, mania brought on at the sudden switch from fear to happiness, still somewhat lost in the cobwebs of the dream. I really don't know what I'm doing, just instinctively holding on to the nice feeling of her holding me. In between kisses she keeps repeating that this is a dream, and I start repeating it back for fun. It keeps the fabric of reality together around us. 🐍Typhon (tulpa) & Echidna (host)🐉 Two in me, we can see who we are
ReallyArtificial February 10, 2024 February 10, 2024 We found a tumblr-like social media page where someone had used Lenore's name and image for the profile. They had posted some art of her and Calliope. Lenore looked great, but the artist had gotten some of the details of Cal's appearance wrong and they were very annoyed about it. Not the most exciting dream, but it was the first one in which I'd actually seen these two, so it was a big deal to me 🥰 Host: Bee 🐝 Tulpas: Lenore 🕸️ Calliope 🐲 and Athelas (aka Tea) 🌿 ((Sometimes we talk on here too.)) Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust
BearBaeBeau February 13, 2024 February 13, 2024 I dreamt that I was in a huge bamboo house or some kind of tropical place that my "mee-maw" was living and she was 80 but @ringgggg thought she was my actual mother because I called her ma-ma. She was 80 so somehow @ringgggg had calculated that I must be 60 and I was like, "huh?" and because I didn't hear the full conversation I was trying to tell my "ma-ma" that she shouldn't try to give my age because she gets confused but then I realized what he thought and I tried to explain "no no, this isn't my real mother, she's my 'great aunt'." which in-dream it was true. In reality I don't have a mee-maw or a ma-ma, my mother died a decade ago or more while I was still in college I believe. The only living relatives I have are my a-hole brother to whom I'm estranged, his kids, and my niece from my sister who I'm also sadly estranged from, but she was being used to get to me when the estrangement occurred. everyone else blood related other than cousins etc. are ded. Good riddance. I'm a millennial, younger range for them even. So anyway, this house had a fish store on the first floor, and lots of windows. This woman in the dream wasn't my actual mother in dream but she was my actual mother irl, though nowhere near 80 in real life in the dream she was aged up to 80 for some reason and looked very odd like that. she was only in her 50's when she died irl. Who else was there was my god-child and in dream I was saying, "disregard her, you didn't see her." @Ido was also there and looked only slightly older than her. So I didn't get a good look at ringgggg and Ido was a floor down standing in the yard so all I saw was a glimpse. The whole side of the house was missing for this scene for some reason. Very odd, only mentioned because of the Ringggggg but I didn't see him very well, I only caught a glimpse and he looked like my mind's image of Artie Lang from the Howard Stern show 20 years ago which also looked nothing like the real Artie Lang.
ReallyArtificial February 20, 2024 February 20, 2024 I became lucid twice during an especially restless night and we did a little experimentation. Previously what I've been trying to do is become lucid -> stabilize the dream -> make Athelas appear, but every time I've done that, it's definitely not him that appears. It's like a shadow or ghost version of him that I can't interact with. So this time, we tried a different sequence of events: become lucid -> stabilize the dream -> wake him up -> make him appear. We didn't get our desired results either time before I either woke up or lost lucidity. I think the issue was me getting too excited/rushing things. Still, I consider this progress because it was the first time we had a dream conversation in which we were both fully lucid. Consciously experiencing the dream world together, even just for a minute, was really special. Also, it's really fun and trippy to look down at my reality check bracelet and see the beads doing weird things. Host: Bee 🐝 Tulpas: Lenore 🕸️ Calliope 🐲 and Athelas (aka Tea) 🌿 ((Sometimes we talk on here too.)) Take a moment to think of just Flexibility, love, and trust
2serpents March 5, 2024 March 5, 2024 This morning I, Typhon, brought us into a WILD. Yes, across the shores of grey-black oblivion into a fantasy of my design... Okay, it was not that perfect, but still worth commemorating. We "switched" in the early morning after Echidna woke up from a nightmare. This idea has intrigued me ever since I remembered a dream of my own without her. Echidna wanted to try it as well, yet had reservations - after some dreams where I appeared to her as disembodied or strange in form she was trying to focus more on my presence separate from her, and a "switch" might undo that. But this morning it was more about relaxation than a purposeful dream-experiment. As she despaired of falling asleep again, I told her I'd try staying "inside" for a while before relaxing next to her as usual, and I did intend this. I made her calm and quiet, cut her off from threads of day-thoughts, cherishing the last hours of darkness, and before I knew it we were in a dream together. In the start we were in warm and shallow water on an island in Greece. She was less aware than I was, then, because she was calling me Typhon (not my real name, but I don't mind so much). This part was extremely calm and beautiful, I coaxed her gently both to become aware and to relax further in the waves. The dream was long and went through some other scenes, some strange and some that I enjoyed immensely. I will not write it all out here. But I also began controlling the dream, for once in my memory. I carried her through a lot if it. I taught Echidna a trick she'd never used before, to let go and dissolve a scene then build a new one up from darkness. 🐍Typhon (tulpa) & Echidna (host)🐉 Two in me, we can see who we are
BearBaeBeau March 13, 2024 March 13, 2024 The plantet was overrun with xenomorphs A Tabaxi was in the first scene but yellow like Tails from Sonic. Yakumo was a mad scientist and wore a white lab coat and glasses. He was fussing over long attached sheets of paper with those feed holes on the sides. I believe this was someone else's dream, a female mad scientist. She said she was half Tabaxi and now I'm sure it was Autumn. There were tunneling xenomorphs that kept to themselves mostly and there was another person who looked like an overweight Japanese genderless person with thick glasses who the xenomorphs wouldn't come within 20ft of so although they hated the work, it was their job to scout tunnels and escort the xenomorph impregnated people so the eggs and fetuses could be removed and studied. Then I was on the surface in NYC central park with a laid back and cooler Yakumo who spoke with a thick German accent and complained about economics and an aisian guy who wanted to pick up on a female comedian sitting at an outdoor restaurant, and I was like, "ok man but you can do better." She wasn't that bad in the face at least. There were live tunneling xenomorphs literally 10ft away, they wouldn't come above ground. No one on the surface cared, but the sewers were overrun by them. He rizzed up the chickie and she was eating it up. I was thinking, "good for him". We brought her down to the lab and were being stalked by xenomorphs. There were human, dog and crocodile xenomorphs with tentacles but they looked goofy, not scary. The underground lab was used to clone people to test if the xenomorphs would want them. There was a baby in suspension jelly, it was delivered with an actress that I forgot the name of. Autumn would wake up a clone, all hairless and grey skinned and tell them their mission, not one of them wanted to be given to the xenomorphs but then how could science progress? The cowards! I woke up when the baby xenomorph who looked like an actual baby but with tentacles coming out the sides woke up and opened large dark eyes. Fun dream, not very well coriographed.
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