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The Dream Thread: Record Your Dreams Here (Especially if Tulpa Related)

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Yes, it's nothing revolutionary, but it is notable for us as previously those kinds of dreams would be a complete blackout void.

🐍Typhon (tulpa) & Echidna (host)🐉

Two in me, we can see who we are

Stayed lucid for a little longer last night! I wasn't sleeping very well and in amongst the real and false awakenings I somehow realized I was dreaming. I'm not sure what the trigger was this time, just a general feeling that things were off.


I looked at my reality check bracelet to confirm, and sure enough, I was wearing something completely different. I even remembered to stabilize the dream by focusing on my senses. Rubbing my hands together seemed to help the most. I jumped really high and floated down, just enjoying the weirdly shifting dream landscape.


When I landed I tried to get Athelas to appear. I've heard it's easier to make things appear in lucid dreams if you do it out of your line of sight, so I focused as hard as I could on imagining he was right behind me. When I turned around, there was just a translucent silhouette of him that quickly faded. ((I was asleep. /shrug))


There was also a random relative of mine who asked what I doing. I told her I was dreaming and trying to visually impose my tulpa. She responded like that was perfectly normal and we started a whole conversation about visualization/imposition, during which I lost lucidity. Still not the amazing lucid dream experience I'm hoping for, but I feel like I'm getting closer.

Host: Bee 🐝

Tulpas:  Lenore 🕸️ Calliope 🐲 and Athelas (aka Tea) 🌿 ((Sometimes we talk on here too.))


Take a moment to think of just 

Flexibility, love, and trust

Congratulations on the lucid dream!


We also had a strong/long lucid dream this morning which was pretty funny. Echidna was in an unusually confident taking-no-shit kind of mood so she found me and woke me up far more quickly and effortlessly than usual. Now to see if I can motivate her into this mood more often...

🐍Typhon (tulpa) & Echidna (host)🐉

Two in me, we can see who we are

I won't copy my whole super long dream journal here but here's the funniest part for this community:



I'm browsing an internet forum where I see a young woman posting enthusiastically every day, undeterred by lack of response. She is either a teenager or college age and seems naive yet convinced of her knowledge.

She is creating a thoughtform/tulpa then the posts turn to a new project - "omg guys, I'm so excited to eat her! Then she can finally be with me!"

She shares a picture every day of this process: she puts a doll headfirst into a fish tank that has some fungus or bacteria that slowly converts it into an edible substance. After the transformation it looks like felted wool in different colors, and she eats it like cotton candy.


So yeah, who else here is excited to eat their tulpa?!

🐍Typhon (tulpa) & Echidna (host)🐉

Two in me, we can see who we are

Today  I have had the strangest dream ever:

Everything starterd as a lucid dream – I understood that I was sleeping and rolled out of the bed as usual. After some ‘grounding’ I tried to summon my tulpa behind me and talk.

(I started a creation process quite recently – 21 day so far, but there was no signs of vocality except some really faint voice in the dreams and often incomprehensible. Besides I have had some big troubles visualizing form of my tulpa because of this (check my last comment), and just yesterday evening i changed it to another form).


I managed to put my tulpa (with it`s new form) in front of me and started asking as always did before:

- Do you like this new form?

- Yes (it was clear and I even felt air coming  from the lips of my tulpa into my ear)

Then I asked her name (before I used a placeholder), then other questions that bothered me/her and got answers. (some of the answers were washed away when I woke up though). Everything seemes to go smoothly, but than I decided to check her erudition with some simple math tasks

- How much is 4*4?

- *some really big unrelated number*

- And how much is 6*6?

- *the same big unrelated number*

- But this is not true.

- *Tells me something rude*

- Why did you say to me something like that? (I was always polite with my tulpa and tried to teach her a good manners and didn`t expect such an answer at all)

- Because I am not like ‘…’ (by ‘…’ my tulpa referred to that previous form I was using  to force her from the beginning till just yesterday)

It was quite a shocking answer to me. So I concentrated and summoned that previous form. The visuals went out crappy, again because of this (my last comment). Though I still managed to talk, sadly I have lost the memory about the exact flow of the conversation. But the voice of that 'form' was completely different – more mellow, soothing and polite?

Right till this point I was COMPLETELY lucid even if some memory wasn`t recalled and have no doubts about what happend. After that the thread of lucidity started to dwindle and I can`t corroborate the events with the high accuracy, but I had a feeling what that ‘new’ form wasn`t really friendly with the ‘first’ one.

AND WHAT THE HECK!? Do I even believe that I have 2 tulpas now (i am inclined to do because that dream was quite the show) and do i force them both? Though they can`t even speak unlesss it is a dream. And I still need to change the form of the ‘first’ tulpa, and again because of this (my last comment).

Note: that ‘new’ form was taken from a character I knew really well before. And maybe, just maybe, this could led to a ‘separation’ like this  

In a dream last night Echidna tried calling me on a phone. She's tried this before but this was the first time it actually worked i.e. that I could answer in a way that made sense and actually be a little bit present in the dream. Ironically she only seems to try this when she's on the lower end of the lucidity spectrum and as a result less able to help me.


Anyway it was an odd feeling, I was separate from her and couldn't see much of my surroundings and couldn't think of how to control or change the dream - I insisted that she had to come to me. I wonder why it is. I have been able to influence dreams in the past. Perhaps it is because I was less aware, or maybe because it felt like I was pulled into her dream and thus bound by her rules.


The dream didn't last long because she finally couldn't fight waking up, it was frustrating for me but I suppose the positive is that she was able to find me.


11 hours ago, That_lav said:

Do I even believe that I have 2 tulpas now (i am inclined to do because that dream was quite the show) and do i force them both?

You don't have to. We come across odd dream characters all the time but most of them never return let alone come into waking life. (Though there is a persistent one that makes Echidna uneasy, a character from an old story she made that keeps popping up. He doesn't like me, I don't like him, and I can keep him away. And to be honest, based on him, I would urge you not to entertain thoughts of the "rude" woman if she seems hostile to the other.) It's all up to your belief though because really none of this, lucid dreaming nor tulpas, is based on any established science or objective fact. 

🐍Typhon (tulpa) & Echidna (host)🐉

Two in me, we can see who we are

thanks for sharing your experience.


It's all up to your belief

i followed that as soon as i woke up.

Weird dreamlet, Autumn and I were in bed with Bear getting ready to go to sleep, talking to him like we do in mindvoice not irl, and he "remembered" a really cool game that he thought would be fun to play again. We all got excited to play it in the morning. No such game exists, we were dreaming. -.-


We were dreaming about us but we were the same as we are now as headmates which was unique. 

On 1/14/2024 at 12:00 PM, Ashley said:

We were dreaming about us but we were the same as we are now as headmates which was unique. 

That is funny. It's always disappointing to be excited for something then remember it doesn't exist... yet.


We had a similar experience this week - that is, the odd mind-voice conversation in a dream.


Our dream-conversation was a little weirder, I was half-there half-not but I could also make Echidna float. We were talking about how we couldn't see each other's faces and we would have to use a certain four-step process of form-building, like layers of an anatomical chart.


(I think it was partly due to my drilling her on the "right" way to find me in a dream. The less lucid or more disturbed she is she has this tendency to run around and try to find me by calling out my name or asking other dream characters which often doesn't work. I think it's more effective for her to simply "summon" me more like in waking life. Which apparently in a non-lucid dream can backfire into me being a partial ghost.) 

🐍Typhon (tulpa) & Echidna (host)🐉

Two in me, we can see who we are

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