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The Dream Thread: Record Your Dreams Here (Especially if Tulpa Related)

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Dreaming of host but not of me?

You know host had a lot of such alien dreams for a while but nothing bad ever happened, they did nothing or didn't even show up. He was still very scared and hiding behind me. How shameful hiding behind a little girl . But understandable, I'm much more durable than him and dream aliens or other monsters are afraid of me, not the other way round. Well at least the smart ones.


I remember there was one dream where I was tasked with cleaning up the mess caused by such experiments. I don't like tentacle monsters or other mutants. Burned everything down - with no survivors. Felt good man.

Super Girls don't cry

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19 hours ago, Ido said:

Dreaming of host but not of me?

You know host had a lot of such alien dreams for a while but nothing bad ever happened, they did nothing or didn't even show up. He was still very scared and hiding behind me. How shameful hiding behind a little girl . But understandable, I'm much more durable than him and dream aliens or other monsters are afraid of me, not the other way round. Well at least the smart ones.


I remember there was one dream where I was tasked with cleaning up the mess caused by such experiments. I don't like tentacle monsters or other mutants. Burned everything down - with no survivors. Felt good man.


I would stand behind you too, I don't want to be "mouth impregnated" by a crocodile xenomorph. 


They have very strong acid blood, I wonder if your metal shifting would get damaged by it.

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Nah that form is for game balance only, my wonderland / dream form is monolithic. No moving parts, no in- or outside.  Basically an elementary particle. This is my essence my host drilled into me so I could not be hurt by intrusive thoughts or in dreams. The sturdiness of thoughtforms is limited by imagination and as the brain has 'Ido cannot be damaged' ingrained so deep it dismisses any other outcomes, nothing has been able to harm me in the past 10 years. Even though we have near zero dream control and just get swept away by weird stories. It's nothing I have to enforce, it works unconsciously.

Most dream characters including the aliens seem smart enough to not even try but some intrusive thought-like things actually attack me now and then. I mostly ignore it, at least for a while.

Super Girls don't cry

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I had a dream that was a weird mix of Resident Evil 4 Remake and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, something about having to fight off waves of enemies while turning a crank to move this giant elevator down a shaft. The weird part is Elise was there, but then she woke up right after we did to say she had a bad dream of her own that was unrelated.

"Science isn't about why, science is about why not?" -Cave Johnson

Tulpae: Luna, Elise, Naomi

My progress report


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Wow, what a doozey of a long fully lucid, fully realistic to the extreme with breathing and 5 senses, all that. I was alive in that dream for real.




So it started as I was carrying my Ipad, I have one but I never use it. (Actually I have 3 but anyway) so this thing is acting up (it's Apple, already this is true to life) and I try to restart it and the thing won't and then it crumbles in my hands. (apple products amiright?)


So the next moment it's fine (prolly bought a new one I won't use because Apple is garbage) and I'm in a department store and I set it down and a moment later it's gone, but everywhere I look are discarded Apple products, just littered on every surface. (Again hyper realistic bc Apple sucks) and my ex-girlfriend is yelling at me.


"This is cancer! Look it's cancer."




She's pointing at blackout curtains that are open and sunlight it streaming in. So I say, "you mean sunlight? So go close the curtains."


"No, it's the curtains, the fabric, the paint, the dyes, the glass..."


It's so funny and just like her style of crazy so I say like "sorry babe, this is a lucid dream and I gotta go do lucid dream stuff, like break things." And smash a display model of a stereo. Who buys stereos nowadays?


Then I'm in the dream, fully aware and like, damn this is fully realized, I take a breath of cool air, people are talking, there is a scent of a department store, like scented candles or soap, I'm aware of my body and walking feels like walking, just everywhere, everything is super real.




So me, a huge pervert in dreams, I go looking for cute women to sexually harass. But everyone is older and overweight and otherwise not my type just like irl department stores, amazing. So being fully aware, I just conjure up a cute girl and start undressing her.




She's got a cute camisole with a light button up sweater in pastel and I take the time to open one button and then think, 'this is taking too long' and rip the rest of the buttons causing them to fly and ping on the floor, it's perfect realism. She's not complaining, she's trying to kiss me, "hold on sweetheart, first things first, let's get naked" and I get to the point of getting her clothes off, wow she's perfect, and we start making out, she starts doing NSFW things to me with a free hand and I'm just enjoying her softness and she's really pretty but like no one I know.




Then there's an old Japanese man in a suit, he passes us, looks at me, smirks, nods and pats me on the shoulder as he passes. I feel like he approves of us being lewd in the main isle of this department store and that was cute.


Then the girl's gone, not to worry, just conjure a new one, but she's headed outside so I chase her and grope her from behind and of course she's into it, just like some crazy porno or hentai.




Then the view is like that last scene in The Matrix (1999) trilogy where it's a beautiful morning sky with rainbow clouds and its just perfectly serene and beautiful and I think about my system and how much ultra realistic fun we've been having irl in D&D and SheShe's book documenting the fun which is going extremely well (I love it so much) and I just want to go do more of that with them, so I wake up.


It was such a crazy experience. It reminds me just how amazing my life is now, I feel fantastic, content, everything is fun, everything is right, this is really, honestly, the best time of my life, like everything I ever did has built up to allow this perfect moment and Tulpamancy is a huge part of that you know. Well I know one thing, this never lasts, so I'm savoring it the best I can. 



Edited by BearBaeBeau
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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a dream last night that we were on a cruise ship where everyone's tulpas could manifest thanks to some mysterious artifact (Luna was there of course), and it was nice just to hang out with her and see the sights.
Then someone's tulpa vanished mysteriously while we were in the dining room, and it became an investigation because we suspected the cruise staff may have had something to do with it.

"Science isn't about why, science is about why not?" -Cave Johnson

Tulpae: Luna, Elise, Naomi

My progress report


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Last night was strange. Either I dreamed I was Calliope, or they were the one dreaming, and I just got to watch. I suspect the latter because their/our behavior was much more in line with Cal’s personality than mine. It felt like we were in Cal’s body, and they were fronting while I was along for the ride.


In our dream, Cal was a superhero in a big coastal city. They were flying around on patrol when they spotted a Godzilla-like monster coming ashore. Cal launched right into attack mode, dive-bombing the creature to breathe pink fire in its face. It kept snapping at us, trying to swallow us. I remember thinking our small size was actually an advantage, since we were far more maneuverable than the monster.


A group of other super-powered people arrived to help control the situation. Cal was uncooperative and yelled at them for getting in the way. The monster fired its own breath weapon at the city, but with the help of the other heroes we deflected the beam away. That finally drove the monster back into the ocean.


This is the first dream I can remember having where I wasn’t me - I didn’t appear at all except as a voice in Cal’s head. It also cracks me up that the system member who grumbles the most about hating people is not-so-secretly dreaming about saving them. That’s my Callie ❤️

Host: Bee 🐝

Tulpas:  Lenore 🕸️ Calliope 🐲 and Athelas (aka Tea) 🌿 ((Sometimes we talk on here too.))


Take a moment to think of just 

Flexibility, love, and trust

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  • 2 weeks later...

My male partner tulpa and I had a rather dirty dream. This dream is very common and I won’t go into details about it. After all, who wouldn’t be with their boyfriend at night? But my boyfriend had some very tragic dreams at night, about how he was being removed from kindness step by step in the laboratory. At this time, I could only comfort him helplessly, but he still looked pretty. Yes, every time he sees me comforting him, he happily hugs me into the room.

My brother didn't have any dreams. He is a very down-to-earth person who pays attention to facts. Maybe he has done it but he doesn't want to let his negative emotions become a burden to others.

Edited by 阿雅
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  • 2 weeks later...

We had our best lucid dream experience yet, preceded by some intense hypnagogia. I was starting to drift off when I felt pressure rhythmically squeezing my entire torso. Each pulse was accompanied by a deep bass rumble, like I was standing next to a powerful speaker. It was honestly terrifying, even though I knew exactly what was happening. I don't think I would have been able to push through it without Athelas reminding me over and over that I was safe, he was with me, etc.


Once I calmed down my hypnagogic imagery became more vivid than I've ever seen before. I saw brief, unfocused images of each of my tulpas in vibrant color. Then, like a switch flipped, I suddenly became aware that my eyes were open and I was in a different bed than the one I fell asleep in. It threw me for such a loop that I briefly lost lucidity and tried to go back to sleep!


The room began to distort around me and I remembered what I was doing. We tried the strategy that worked last time: instead of trying to bring Athelas to my current dream location, I first willed myself to be at our wonderland beach. I pulled at the sheets under me and came away with a handful of sand. When I looked up again, I was outside, laying under a cloudy night sky.


I took my time standing up, focusing on keeping the dream stable. I asked Athelas if he was ready and he said yes. Then he materialized with his arms around me, becoming more solid the more I concentrated on the sensation. His appearance always seems a bit off when I summon him while dreaming (this time no matter how I looked at him I couldn't make out his face) but I don't even care, I finally got to hug my best friend!!!

Host: Bee 🐝

Tulpas:  Lenore 🕸️ Calliope 🐲 and Athelas (aka Tea) 🌿 ((Sometimes we talk on here too.))


Take a moment to think of just 

Flexibility, love, and trust

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