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Lumi, 20 minutes a day concentrated visualization is definitely easy to accomplish, you could set a timer and do it any time. You can do both! Just don't expect immediate reaults, but in a year, you could easily bring the percentage up 20%. I feel like my original visualization skill was 40% or less, but this morning, it was a solid 60%, nicely immersed while exercising.

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Whew, well. I sure had a lot of dreams with decent substance last night. Technically, one of them was a lucid dream, possibly two - I can't really remember anymore. They were earlier on and I ended up having like four long and decent quality dreams afterwards, which made it hard to recall details of any but the last one. I'll note the ~important details of the lucid one(s).


First, I became lucid for some reason or other dreamwise, but my feelings (after the dream) on it were basically "I think I just became lucid because my constant readiness to recognize my reality as a dream is finally kicking in", plus it was somewhat vivid, not incredibly (WBTB) so. Unfortunately, expectations (very, very basic ones I can't do much about yet) and dream stability still play a huge part in my ability to do anything in a lucid dream. I mostly just ran around (not quite literally) trying to turn doorways into my wonderland hallway. I didn't have much success. Despite having forgotten the details now (I've been... "distracted" both by the forum and friends all day and it's now 6:30PM, plus the later dreams really got in the way), I know that it was probably the largest period of lucidity we've had yet. A lot of nothing went on, but despite the vague fear of waking up soon, it was a good amount of time. (Still a portion of a real dream, but far longer than 20 seconds dream-time at least)


I know I woke up, or at least the dream ended, and I ended up having another dream directly after in a similar scenario where I also had.. vague feelings of recognizing I was dreaming? I don't remember now, only that it was nowhere near the lucidity and attempted-dream-control it was before, only that feelings of lucidity remained/resurfaced.


Oddly though, the time "in between" - when I was "awake" - feels like it took place in an overarching.. dream? that they were both in. The feelings stayed the same. I was thoroughly convinced at the time something odd had gone on, otherwise with my own description I'd have said it was a false awakening into more of the same dream. But it feels more correct to say I "woke up" insofar as ended REM, but not enough to really open my eyes/acknowledge reality, just remained in the same sort of space/context mentally, until the next REM period.


Either could be right, I don't know. If it was all one REM period then it's the earliest I've become lucid in a REM cycle ever, by far, because it felt like forever (and was only some hours into the night, too, not like 8+). Anyways, I had some dreams after, all but the last of which I've mostly forgotten now. Well, I've forgotten the last one too, I only remember some of the ending. It sure was vivid, though. Almost realer at times than the lucid dream earlier in the night had felt (stupid shifty reality because I was trying to change the environment's details), but then, as opposed to ~4 hours into sleep cycles it was like 9.


Either way, heck of a lot more progress than I expected when I went to bed lol. Brief days or two of having great dream recall and vividness have happened in the past though, and despite our renewed efforts each time because of them we've been unable to get the same results the following days, so.. I won't say for sure this is going to continue. But I will as we've said before try and capitalize on it as best I can with lots of dream recalling and waking-life awareness.

Hi! I'm Lumi, host of Reisen, Tewi, Flandre and Lucilyn.

Everyone deserves to love and be loved. It's human nature.

My tulpas and I have a Q&A thread, which was the first (and largest) of its kind. Feel free to ask us about tulpamancy stuff there.

  • 2 weeks later...
at the end of my last dream, it had Reisen and Tewi (the Touhou characters) walking past "their"? house, which had a "spell card barrier" (not a thing) erected, and then Tewi walked inside to look at what chaos it was gonna cause and I woke up with that really clear picture of her in my mind, and it made my heart beat really hard for like 20 seconds after I woke up lol


I made sure to thank our brain/mind for having touhou characters in a dream, especially Reisen and Tewi, to try and encourage doing that more in the future.. for how attached to Touhou Lumi has been for 10 years, it sure doesn't ever appear in our dreams! (and us EITHER for that matter, what the heck)


seriously, just seeing Tewi (even just the Touhou character.. very emotive compared to our Tewi) so clearly actually made our heart beat really hard/fast lol, I feel like that says a lot but also there's not much to say about it


anyways I have no idea what's been going on with the lack of dream stuff, we'll probably go back to using the REM-Dreamer daily soon (sleep schedule has been messed up along with our brother's and we've been trying to fix it by staying up with him, started because he was only just getting tired by 3AM the first day lol) but yeah before that idek what we were doing


new bed is nice.. did we mention that yet? looks like no? we got hand-me-down'd an actually really expensive and only 4 month old mattress that's way, way way softer and nicer than our old one so that's been nice, nice!


obviously, the vivid dream recall Lumi mentioned was gone the next day and stayed gone, RIP, I'm remembering a little better than him or Tewi but nothing special.. only like one dream a night

Hi, I'm one of Lumi's tulpas! I like rain and dancing and dancing in the rain and if there's frogs there too that's bonus points.

I think being happy and having fun makes life worth living, so spreading happiness is my number one goal!

Talk to us? https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

at the end of my last dream, it had Reisen and Tewi (the Touhou characters) walking past "their"? house, which had a "spell card barrier" (not a thing)


Funny how the brain takes existing concepts and randomly modifies them in dreams.


new bed is nice.. did we mention that yet? looks like no? we got hand-me-down'd an actually really expensive and only 4 month old mattress that's way, way way softer and nicer than our old one so that's been nice, nice!


Ayy, sounds great. How'd such a soft and new-ish mattress end up as a hand-me-down already?

Yo, my name is Sean and I'm the host of 2 tulpas: Sente and Mae. You'll know when they're talking because Sente talks in yellow text and Mae talks in blue text.

family member with back problems decided it wasn't good enough, apparently

Hi, I'm one of Lumi's tulpas! I like rain and dancing and dancing in the rain and if there's frogs there too that's bonus points.

I think being happy and having fun makes life worth living, so spreading happiness is my number one goal!

Talk to us? https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

  • 2 weeks later...

I feel like this is the longest we've gone of not even necessarily trying lucid dreaming/dreaming stuff, and while I'm not sayin' I'm going to be trying really hard (idk what to do and our sleep schedule is waaaay screwed up), I am trying to try to remember bits of dreams in the middle of the night we normally wouldn't (I'm using a little metaphor, like remembering just little bits of dreams is gaining valuable XP in a game or somethin')

but.. things tend not to go places, and idk what the heck to do about our sleep schedule (on roughly the same schedule as our brother, ie waking up at 1PM l0l) so it could be a bit still

Hi, I'm one of Lumi's tulpas! I like rain and dancing and dancing in the rain and if there's frogs there too that's bonus points.

I think being happy and having fun makes life worth living, so spreading happiness is my number one goal!

Talk to us? https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

I had an idea, like for a month straight you should keep a systemmate in mind, shower them with attention, lavish them with compliments, see to their every desire like a baby or a newly-wed. I read that you 'try to check in every day' well, huh, i also understand that who's in a dream seems to be preloaded with those who you interact with most. I'm telling you, I had a dream with one on my soulbounds maybe once a year, but my tulpas weekly at least. It's because their drama, their desire, their essence is preloaded in my mind all the time. They're likely to be in a dream as I'm likely to be in a dream.


Don't you dare say, 'I've tried that, it doesn't work.' I know you say sometimes the fronter of your system has the dream. Well the co-fronters of my system are sometimes with me. I find it a lot easier to become lucid once one of my tulpas are already in the dream.


If you can't do this now, then wait till summer. I want your every post to be about one particular systemmate, i want you to argue with them, compliment them, cause drama then treat them like a princess, do anything you can to get that brain to be thinking abour them in some way worthy of devoting time to them. Tell us about their history, their wishes, their memories from the last five years, convince us they're the best and the worst.


Write stories about them, draw stick figures of them, study their voice and pictures on the internet, print them and trace them be obsessed and believe it, have them be your addiction, depend on them.


You been doing it for 9 years, but I've been a bear for only 1 year, i have a hunch this is why my lucid dreams increased tenfold this year.


Be the bear, try it!

Aside from that being very out of character for how we work as a system/family, I'm not really sure it would be worth the time and effort involved. Or rather, it's better spent elsewhere - Lumi's goal is not to dream of his tulpas, but to lucid dream with us. And I think the lucidity needs far more establishing than the tulpas part - lucidity is far more likely to naturally lead to meeting us, than seeing us is to lead to lucidity, given past experiences.


You are right that mixing up our goings-on to focus more on each other or dreaming would be helpful, though. Also I think it's a safe bet to say "who's having the dream" (not in "claiming" the dream, but being themselves in it) is influenced by time spent fronting, while seeing each other is influenced by time spent interacting with each other. Too bad Lucilyn's "months of fronting" equate to only a tiny, tiny fraction of Lumi's life, apparently. Because she doesn't show up often. Nor do I, for that matter.


Getting back on track after quite a while of being very off track, I think we'll be continuing to try and recall snippets of dreams throughout the night, and probably using the REM-Dreamer again as was intended. I'm not a hundred percent sure how we got so distracted in the first place, honestly, but we have been rather busy. Less actively checking .info, less playing with one of our friends, less staying in practice in K-Shoot MANIA - where we spend our time has moved around a bit and we can't exactly place where it's been going. Daily Pokemon Go has been one of the factors though, for sure. It gets us to go outside (and better yet, on long walks) consistently, so I'd like to keep that one up at least. But there's little excuse for interacting with each other less, and really no excuse for the dreaming front.

Hi, I'm Tewi, one of Luminesce's tulpas. I often switch to take care of things for the others.

All I want is a simple, peaceful life. With my family.

Our Ask thread: https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

Sometimes people stumble upon a method that works too, good luck guys. At least when you do find the right method, you'll definitely be able to help others mimic it.

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