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Possible Method For Faster Sentience



Please note, the following is not meant to be unquestionable but rather to inspire anyone with differing experiences to write a similar guide listing their own experiences so there is something for everyone. It's also meant to be more inspirational than factual so please try to interpret it as you will rather than simply "following" it. I only hope to make a broader field for forcing rather than simply telling everyone to "follow their own path". Especially since, for some reason, a lot of people interpret everything as literally as possible around here.


I notice people have trouble with believing in their tulpa during creation. They can’t really get it to do much of anything, and people just tell them “believe”. But they don’t exactly know “what” to “believe”. They just sit there waiting for their tulpa to talk while “believing”. As I’d like to set up a simple analogy, you don’t win a game just by “believing”, you sort of do it by at least having a vague idea of how the game works.


Now, what a lot of people (or at least I) have come to realize after creating a tulpa, is that they are sort of a personality construct, a sorting machine if you will, for unconscious thoughts, similar to us. When people try to “believe”, they just wait for the tulpa to move, without realizing how that’s supposed to happen, or worse, they think they’re puppeting due to the tulpa using the host’s unconscious thoughts.


When a tulpa moves for the first time, and the host is curious why they knew that would happen, it’s not due to puppeting. The tulpa is gaining sentience, and is using the host’s unconscious thoughts, mainly the easiest ones to grab, which is why the host feels like they’re doing it. During this early creation process, the tulpa feeds off the host’s immediate thoughts like a newborn, and both minds are very intertwined during this process. Now, this does not immediately mean “wait for the tulpa do start collecting thoughts”, though you can try to feed it thoughts somehow. Perhaps puppet it for a moment to see if it can pick up the idea. Though I’m not outright saying you should do that. Simply do what feels right in the context of getting the tulpa to start using your thoughts. But it will take a while if you just “wait”.


So, with this in mind, even if it’s false, if the host knows what to expect instead of having blind faith, it might speed up sentience much quicker. I only realized this myself after my first tulpa was gaining sentience, and this revelation pretty much finished up the process of it gaining sentience. Perhaps if the personnel creating a tulpa realized this before the enlightenment process, it could speed it up much faster.


Of course, it’s up to the host to believe whatever they wish. Again, I just like this better than simply stating they should simply believe, that’s incredibly vague.

Scarlet - anime, 8/15/2012

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Well that sort of happened to me. I was petting my tulpa's head when suddenly she hugged me and I was like wtf. But I'm sure I didn't puppet her to do it. And some times I leave the wonderland, she holds my arm but I couldn't confirm if it was truly her or it was me :/

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