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Old Mindset

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   What exactly do you mean by "the old mindset?" I feel like a lot of the way people used to talk about tulpamancy was kind of a cultural thing back then; it was less about having fun with tulpas and casual conversation, and was more about being serious and a bunch of teens and young adults acting like scientists. You could also attribute a lot of the attitudes back then from how we didn't really know a lot about tulpas at the time, so it was new. 


   It's hard to foster that way of thinking nowadays without anyone else to discuss it with. You can write in-depth journals documenting your experiences, setting up a dedicated forcing schedule, or constantly work towards a new "tulpa achievement" (possession, switching, imposition), but most of these things have been well documented or experienced before. While we could always benefit from more accounts of these things, it's harder to find reasons to maintain the scientific or serious look at them. Why make a strict schedule or rules for these things when you could make it fun for you and your tulpa? That's the question I always end up at when I try to become more serious about it. 


   Speaking of which, I think it would be very useful for people using more modern tulpamancy methods to find easier ways of switching and imposition. There really is no reason to go back to the old ways aside from that.

Slipper (cringelord host) and Mordecai (the brain gremlin).


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3 hours ago, Slipper said:

What exactly do you mean by "the old mindset?"

Sounds like you answered your own question to me, I might be wrong.


3 hours ago, Slipper said:

Why make a strict schedule or rules for these things when you could make it fun for you and your tulpa?

I don't know why it wouldn't be fun for anyone. You're thinking of stern professional scientists, not random people on the internet who found this concept and most likely didn't have degrees in anything at the time of finding out about it. From what I read from old posts, they seemed to have fun and goof around with their tulpas and friends. The things that I've been looking to do experiment-wise and forcing-wise are supposed to be designed to be fun and interesting for both me and my tulpa. You can get things done while having fun, I'm sure 99% of people who've reached those achievements did it in some way that's fun for them. So if doing what sounds boring is fun to them then good for them. I'm experimenting and finding my own way to experience unknown "crazy stuff" (Stuff I could never imagine happening. I can read about it all I want, but I'll still be shocked when something "crazy" happens. Just like when I started forcing two years ago and didn't expect the sensations that my tulpa brought me back then.)

Edited by Gloomynoon
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22 hours ago, Gloomynoon said:

You can get things done while having fun, I'm sure 99% of people who've reached those achievements did it in some way that's fun for them. So if doing what sounds boring is fun to them then good for them.


   That's fair and likely true.


   Outside of how serious things seemed to be back then, I think the only thing they did differently was schedule forcing sessions and do more meditation type things. I don't think things have changed too much since then at a base level; just how we talk about our experiences and expect our tulpas to develop. I hope you find the results you're looking for! 

Slipper (cringelord host) and Mordecai (the brain gremlin).


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  • 2 months later...

I've actually wanted to do the same thing. That was a unique time period and things have never been quite the same since in the community. I've made more progress by abandoning some of the expectations I had back in 2014 (For instance we can now switch because I no longer expect my consciousness to go somewhere else or stop being present when Alex fronts, which was a more common expectation back then) but I think I could benefit from some things of the overall mindset in the community back then. Mainly the dedication and the almost magical feeling of endless possibilities. When I want to get in that sort of mindset, I listen to music I enjoyed back then, use old houses/other places as mindscape locations, and read through forum posts from 2012-2014. 

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Mmm, it's a shame. I still feel like there's so much out there we have yet to discover with tulpamancy. With something as amazing as the mind, there's no way we're not scratching the surface.


I haven't read old progress reports, but I have spoken to someone who reported having intense experiences himself that sounded similar to what you would expect from a "past tulpamancer". His experiences sounded like parallel processing, but he was open to trying new things and even played with merging when we were playing with that ourselves. There was one idea that seemed to stick out to me-


Ultimately, there were a few who went to hide from the community, had intense experiences, and bragged about it later (if they came back). There is actually a whole other thread on this on the pros to imagistic views.


On parallel processing anyway- the short bits is I believe it's a stronger form of dissociation and a specific mindset. What and how to achieve those I'm not sure yet, although I do wonder at times if we haven't achieved it simply from strongly wishing we don't want to right now given our mental health. Parallel processing being real or not doesn't matter if you can recreate the experience. And the next part is vocal imposition- instead of doing that first, I expect it's possible to build up to it.

Note: I am very inactive on this account. I may not read/see DMs for multiple weeks.


I'm Ranger, GrayTheCat's cobud (tulpa), and I love hippos! I also like cake and chatting about stuff. I go by Rosalin or Ronan sometimes. You can call me Roz but please don't call me Ron.

My other headmates have their own account now.


If I missed seeing your art, please PM/DM me!

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Wow it’s amazing you guys decided to reply after all this time! I have trouble being social on the forums and on Discord. So I sadly do not update my progress report much anymore. It’s going better though! I’m shifting more towards what I think was missing when I made that post. Also I’ve read a lot of past posts and old tulpa blogs since then and I still agree with the idea I had back then.


I’m far from scratching the surface of what I can do, but I allow my tulpas to do a bit more and they are starting to do a lot more. The magic I had from a couple years ago is coming back for me, it’s amazing. 

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