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Distinguish Walk-in Tulpa and own Tulpa


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If i made a useless or repeated post, I apologize , I'm facing a problem and trying to correct it, but i don't know what to do, I'm afraid of tulpa forcing because i don't want to accidentally develop a walk-in tulpa. I don't know their personality and intentions, and some of them may be malevolent. I'm sorry to all of you and to my own tulpa because i might give up. I've found a lot of information from tulpa.info and tulpa reddit, but i still don't know how to solve this issue. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please reply . I will read and try all of your responses.

Yestdary, I was doing a active forcing , and luckily , I was able to hear my tulpa's mindvoice for the first time. However, it felt like i was just parroting, and her voice and personality were unfamiliar. I think this might be like i didn't give her any personality, so i identify her as my own tulpa.

The next time i was focing, i noticed that my tulpa changed her appearance and mindvoice again. I know this could be a tulpa deviation, but it has happened three times. When i focus on my own tulpa , it feels like i'm focusing on a different tulpa because she has changed her appearance and mindvoice three times. Additionally, When i went into wonderland to interaction with my tulpa, she has started showing aggressive movements, which didn't happen before. I'm not sure it is a joke from my own tulpa or this is a walk-in . I want to talk, but i don't know if it's a walk-in or my own tulpa. I don't want a walk-in to become mature. I'm so confused. How can i distinguish them .


I have a few questions, and i would appreciate any replies:

1. If my tulpa develops her personality and appearance by herself but cannot communicate with a mindvoice, while a walk-in can, how can I distinguish my own tulpa?
2. Can intrusive thoughts control a tulpa's body in wonderland, and make them do things they don't want to or say something strange?
3.Can a young tulpa use mindvoice to communicate? I've heard thay most tulpas need at least 4-6 months to learn this.
4. After a tulpa learns to speak with a mindvoice, can they develop three differennt voices in one day?

Sorry for the long post, if my message offends anyone, I sincerely apologize. I hope someone can help me with these concerns .

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I use my term cobud instead of tulpa


I feel answering your third question first provides important context for your other questions.


I should also point out I mostly pay attention to Discord conversations in the past, but I may be working with slightly outdated information since I mostly dipped from conversations for the last few months.


On 11/25/2024 at 12:16 PM, GreenApple said:

3. Can a young tulpa use mindvoice to communicate? I've heard thay most tulpas need at least 4-6 months to learn this.


In short, yes. Vocality rates vary wildly from system to system. Some cobuds start communicating as early as a day or two. Usually 4-6 months is at the tail end of the spectrum, but it's also in my opinion, how long it takes for everyone to get past their parrotnoia.


People usually define achieving vocality to be two different things:

  • When their cobud first uses mindvoice or
  • When their cobud is unquestionably communicating in mindvoice

It's more likely a host observing their cobud achieving vocality in a day or two will be assuming the first definition. I find for those with 4-6 month vocal cobuds, it's usually the latter. However, some people take longer to accept their cobud's mindvoice as not their own, and then they need additional time to become confortable with their cobud's communication. That's why there is a lof of variety in achieving vocality times, but also where the 4-6 month assumption is coming from.


The other highly unlikely but additional possibility is assuming vocality is only achieved once a cobud can communicate using auditory imposition. This approach has fallen out of practice since almost everyone usually achieves mindvoice vocality first. Additionally, auditory imposition can always be trained later, so it's ultimately unnecessary if you want to talk to your cobud sooner.


On 11/25/2024 at 12:16 PM, GreenApple said:

1. If my tulpa develops her personality and appearance by herself but cannot communicate with a mindvoice, while a walk-in can, how can I distinguish my own tulpa?


It fascinates me to see this question in the first place, I never saw this before and it's a fascinating demonstration for how mindsets play a huge role in achieving vocality.


Both a walk-in and cobud can start speaking in mindvoice, so from there it's your choice to assign who's voice belongs to who. There is the possibility your walk-in may actually be your cobud trying to communicate, even if it seems like two different people standing next to each other. On the other hand, you may want to isolate your cobud and focus on them since there's a good chance they'll start talking to you immedietly. Your brain has given you something to work with, and ultimately it's your job to make sense of it. There is no right or wrong answer here.


Another important thing I should mention- don't worry about walk-ins "developing" outside of your control.


It's never too late to reject a thoughtform you don't want. For example, let's say someone imagines a character from a TV show. The character may have their own feelings and opinions. However, the host can choose if this character should be the starting point for a seprate person or not. You can ignore this character and/or think "oh that's just me" and move on. 


On the other hand, it's also okay to accept walk-ins you do want. Some people may want to chat and spend time with a walk-in but then decide it's time to let the walk-in "walk-out" once satisfied. If not, some people may just really want another cobud and that's okay too. Shaming big systems never works, and integration or other population management tools are always options later if it's really a problem.


On 11/25/2024 at 12:16 PM, GreenApple said:

2. Can intrusive thoughts control a tulpa's body in wonderland, and make them do things they don't want to or say something strange?


Yes and no? Young cobuds can be confused for intrusive thoughts and act out impulsively on them too. This will go away once you recognize it's intrusive thoughts and have had a chance to take a break. Long term though, this will stop happening since a cobud will both rely less on impulsive thoughts to develop their personality and be easier to distinguish from other thoughts in general.


On 11/25/2024 at 12:16 PM, GreenApple said:

4. After a tulpa learns to speak with a mindvoice, can they develop three differennt voices in one day?


They can, but that's probably not what's happening. My guess is your cobud and/or your brain is trying out different voices. It may take time for your cobud to settle with the voice they feel most comfortable with. 

Note: I am very inactive on this account. I may not read/see DMs for multiple weeks.


I'm Ranger, GrayTheCat's cobud (tulpa), and I love hippos! I also like cake and chatting about stuff. I go by Rosalin or Ronan sometimes. You can call me Roz but please don't call me Ron.

My other headmates have their own account now.


If I missed seeing your art, please PM/DM me!

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