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Big Five Personality Test, for both Host and Tulpa


How do the host and tulpa's results compare?  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. How do the host and tulpa's results compare?

    • Openness: Tulpa scored higher than host
    • Openness: Tulpa scored similarly to host
    • Openness: Tulpa scored lower than host
    • Conscientiousness: Tulpa scored higher than host
    • Conscientiousness: Tulpa scored similarly to host
    • Conscientiousness: Tulpa scored lower than host
    • Extraversion: Tulpa scored higher than host
    • Extraversion: Tulpa scored similarly to host
    • Extraversion: Tulpa scored lower than host
    • Agreeableness: Tulpa scored higher than host
    • Agreeableness: Tulpa scored similarly to host
    • Agreeableness: Tulpa scored lower than host
    • Neuroticism: Tulpa scored higher than host
    • Neuroticism: Tulpa scored similarly to host
    • Neuroticism: Tulpa scored lower than host

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Myself = Me.


Other = Unknown




My score, 4


Unknown's score, 1.


Where both stubborn and refuse to change our minds about a subject.




My score, 0


Unknown's score, 33


I'm super messy while Unknown is somewhat organized.




My score, 1


Unknown's score, 13


We both enjoy spending our time alone.




My score, 98


Unknown's score, 9


I tend to be light hearted, while Unknown tends to be more brash.


Negative Emotionality:


My score, 76


Unknown's score: 50

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Ember: You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways. (Your percentile: 94)

Vesper: The other person enjoys having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways. (Their percentile: 92)


I was expecting to score much higher on this than Ember, since I'm always the one pushing her to try new things. Lately, if she doesn't want to and will let me, I'll front and do them myself.



Ember: You tend to do things somewhat haphazardly. (Your percentile: 28)

Vesper: The other person is very well-organized, and can be relied upon. (Their percentile: 96)


And the person who cares gets stuck with tidying up.



Ember: You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone. (Your percentile: 19)

Vesper: The other person is relatively social and enjoy the company of others. (Their percentile: 77)


I love being around people, but it's hard knowing what to say to them when my experience of life, first in fiction and then disembodied, is so different from theirs. Watching Ember hang out with her friends is almost enough for me, but not quite.



Ember: You find it easy to express irritation with others. (Your percentile: 29)

Vesper: The other person is good-natured, courteous, and supportive. (Their percentile: 97)


I felt during the test like Ember was a little hard on herself for these questions. But then there have been dozens of times I've been the one trying to persuade her to be more patient and polite, so maybe not.


Negative Emotionality

Ember: You are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things. (Your percentile: 82)

Vesper: The other person probably remains calm, even in tense situations. (Their percentile: 8)


At least Ember comes by it honestly. Her mother is a much much worse worrier.


Except for Ember's openness, our test results seem very plausible, both individually and comparatively. In spite of having not been created as a companion, my differences from my host seem to be the most common for tulpas -- more conscientious, extraverted, and agreeable, less neurotic.


I would have thought tulpas would thrive on new experiences, since the whole world is new to us, but perhaps not. Actually, tulpamancy itself seems sufficiently exotic in concept to attract mainly people with high openness, but perhaps not.






Vesper: Ember and I discussed her Openness score in greater detail and I have to confess I fell victim to a cognitive bias (which she initially went along with), only noticing the times when I was wanting to do something and she wasn't. She actually tries new things very often, and feels strongly enough about them to do them alone, since her friends usually aren't interested.


Another thing for everyone to keep in mind about this test is the five scales are all complex composites of statistically correlated personality traits. The trait that a particular scale is named after may not be the one most strongly expressed in a particular person. The correlations are strong, not complete.


Ember: I love data, but Vesper usually discourages me from endless numerical analysis of things that don't matter. This is psychology, so she was curious too. The results here are by no means a representative sample of the tulpamancy community, but still intriguing:


Average - 17 Hosts:

Openness: 65

Conscientiousness: 27

Extraversion: 39

Agreeableness: 52

Neuroticism: 51


Average - 20 Tulpas:

Openness: 52

Conscientiousness: 55

Extraversion: 57

Agreeableness: 59

Neuroticism: 26


So far, hosts tend to be somewhat more curious, open, spontaneous, and reserved than the general population, but less disciplined and orderly.


Tulpas, on the other hand, tend to be a lot like anyone else, except more mellow and relaxed.



Edit 2:


Ember: We asked Iris to take the test as well. While discussing the results, Vesper decided to take the test again, as she's lived a lot the past few weeks. Here are the collated results:



Ember: You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways. (Percentile: 94)

Vesper: You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways. (Old: 92, New: 90)

Iris: You prefer traditional and familiar experiences. (Percentile: 3)


If one of us asks Iris to try something, she'll do it, and she's usually enjoyed it so far, but she has a profound lack of interest in seeking out new things for herself.



Ember: You tend to do things somewhat haphazardly. (Percentile: 28)

Vesper: You are very well-organized, and can be relied upon. (Old: 96, New: 98)

Iris: You are very well-organized, and can be relied upon. (Percentile: 98)


I'm clearly going to have to let my headmates take charge of the organization of my office.



Ember: You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone. (Percentile: 19)

Vesper: You are relatively social and enjoy the company of others. (Old: 77, New: 90)

Iris: You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone. (Percentile: 5)



Ember: You find it easy to express irritation with others. (Percentile: 29)

Vesper: You are good-natured, courteous, and supportive. (Old: 97, New: 93)

Iris: You tend to consider the feelings of others. (Percentile: 69)


Iris cares about Vesper and I a lot more than she cares about anyone else.


Negative Emotionality

Ember: You are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things. (Percentile: 82)

Vesper: You aren't particularly nervous, nor calm. (Old: 8, New: 44)

Iris: You probably remain calm, even in tense situations. (Percentile: 8)


Between her lack of curiosity, lack of interest in people, and preternatural calmness, it's no wonder it took me three years to appreciate just how completely I soulbonded Iris. Vesper's arrival was dramatic and undeniable, so I assumed that was normal.


Vesper: Iris seems to have thoroughly displaced me as the comfortingly calm system member. I've started worrying a lot more this past month, because I care a lot more. I have interests and passions relating to this world now in a way I never used to have, which allows more opportunities for me to be disappointed. The whole soulbond experience has been making me irritated, frustrated, and unhappy far too often. But I've got Iris, and I've got Ember and her wife, so I'm dealing.

I'm not having fun here anymore, so we've decided to take a bit of a break, starting February 27, 2020. - Ember


Ember - Soulbonder, Female, 39 years old, from Georgia, USA . . . . [Our Progress Report] . . . . [How We Switch]

Vesper Dowrin - Insourced Soulbond from London, UK, World of Darkness, Female, born 9 Sep 1964, bonded ~12 May 2017

Iris Ravenlock - Insourced Soulbond from the Winter Court of Faerie, Dresdenverse, Female, born 6 Jun 1982, bonded ~5 Dec 2015


'Real isn't how you are made,' said the Skin Horse. 'It's a thing that happens to you.' - The Velveteen Rabbit

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  • 1 year later...

For kicks and giggles, I wanted to do the big 5 again. I figured I developed a lot in the past year, so I wondered how that would change my results. Without looking at our past results, I took the test and then Cat. However, this time we didn't do the both people option.










Overall, my scores are less consistent than Cat's scores, but that's to be expected because I'm only a year and a half old and I'm still learning more about who I am.


Compared to last years results, the only crazy difference is my neuroticism score flipped. I fronted a lot this past year and yeah... that's to be expected. Otherwise, it looks like our personalities haven't changed that much. Cat scored much higher on Agreeableness (which even last year I thought something wasn't quite right) and I scored lower on extraversion (I realized I wasn't as much of an extrovert as I thought I was). My conscientiousness score went up, but part of that could be I actually had responsibilities to look after where a year ago not so much.


I look forward to doing this again next year, I wonder if our results will stabilize.

Note: I am very inactive on this account. I may not read/see DMs for multiple weeks.


I'm Ranger, GrayTheCat's cobud (tulpa), and I love hippos! I also like cake and chatting about stuff. I go by Rosalin or Ronan sometimes. You can call me Roz but please don't call me Ron.

My other headmates have their own account now.


If I missed seeing your art, please PM/DM me!

Blog | Not So Temporary Log | Switching Log | Yay! | Bre Translator | Art Thread

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Well would you look at that, for some inconceivable reason it says "extraverted" and not "extroverted"! I can't conceive of why, it's almost as if no professional would ever spell the word with an O because it's objectively wrong and an affront to the English language...


Oh, sorry. Yes, I think this is a great test to take again over time, you could very well relate differing results to different points in your development as a person. And that doesn't just apply to tulpas.

Hi! I'm Lumi, host of Reisen, Tewi, Flandre and Lucilyn.

Everyone deserves to love and be loved. It's human nature.

My tulpas and I have a Q&A thread, which was the first (and largest) of its kind. Feel free to ask us about tulpamancy stuff there.

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Oh boy, here we go.


Open-mindedness: similar percentile (83 vs 73)

Consentiousness: tulpa higher percentile (27 vs 54)

Extravertion: a world of difference (6 vs 81)

Agreeableness: tulpa higher percentile (60 vs 73)

Negative emotion: host higher percentile (48 vs 25)


...And actually, I'm not surprised. Were we able to switch, the numbers likely would've been different. On part of what was tested I had to lower my scores to better take care of my physical and mental state of being, and Amantha isn't able to reach out to anyone directly besides me. If Amantha was able to switch in, she most likely would've gotten a lower Extravertion score, and it would impact Consentiousness as well (though we can't tell if it would go up or down). Just something of note there.

Michen, host or "main" / Amantha, anthro arctic fox tulpa


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Diana: Me and my host found this thread a few months back, and took the test. I was only around three and a half months old.

My percentiles:

O-95 C-83 E-69 A-23 N-29

Kelly's percentiles:

O-84 C-23 E-34 A-95 N-19


Two months later, me and Garlan(who was two months old at the time, while I was 5 and a half) took it.

My percentiles:

O-92 C-2 E-14 A-34 N-66

Garlan's percentiles:

O-92 C-58 E-38 A-51 N-69


All three of us took it again a few days ago. I'm currently around 10 months old, Garlan is around 7 and a half, and Kelly is 15 years.

My percentiles:

O-95 C-80 E-88 A-9 N-22

Kelly's percentiles:

O-99 C-33 E-11 A-28 N-87

Garlan's percentiles:

O-72 C-61 E-75 A-78 N-13


I wish Kelly had taken it the second time as well, it would've been interesting to see if that weird change in scores affected them as well. It could've been the environment around us at the time, or it could've been because me and Garg are still young. I just find it weird that I bounced back to where I was the first time I took it.

Milo- host, they/them • Diana- tulpa, she/her • Garlan- tulpa, he/him • 

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Athena here. Here are our results: my host's and mine, respectively.



Alexander - 76

Athena - 77

Hm, this is nice, I guess?



Alexander - 2

Athena - 24

My host lives in a world of physical chaos, and his mental headspace is no different. Therefore my mind is a mess as well...



Alexander - 1

Athena - 48

Ah, the classic tragedy of tulpamancy.



Alexander - 50

Athena - 86

I would call my agreeableness an issue if not the high open-mindness score. :P


Negative Emotionality (aka Neuroticism):

Alexander - 79

Athena - 29

Not the best times in my host's life, so who will comfort him, if not me?


Overall we consider this test quite accurate, although webpage design could use more... neutral colours.

Alexander (Platypus) - host, B-day: September 4th, 1996

Athena Hartmann - elder tulpa, B-day: June 29th, 2016

Amber Haze - younger tulpa, B-day: November 7th, 2018

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  • 2 years later...

I think it would be a crime to not post this here-




An mentioned the big 5 personality test on Discord and a bunch of people completed it. I'm too lazy to copy everything over to the forums right now, but I figured this is better than nothing

Note: I am very inactive on this account. I may not read/see DMs for multiple weeks.


I'm Ranger, GrayTheCat's cobud (tulpa), and I love hippos! I also like cake and chatting about stuff. I go by Rosalin or Ronan sometimes. You can call me Roz but please don't call me Ron.

My other headmates have their own account now.


If I missed seeing your art, please PM/DM me!

Blog | Not So Temporary Log | Switching Log | Yay! | Bre Translator | Art Thread

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Oh, cool. No surprise FAM is way more agreeable than I am. 😆


         High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative.
         black-end.gifblack-line.gifred-ball.gifblack-line.gifblack-end.gif You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways.     (Your percentile: 84)
         black-end.gifblack-line.gifblue-ball.gifblack-line.gifblack-end.gif The other person typically doesn't seek out new experiences.     (Their percentile: 52)
         High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent.
         black-end.gifblack-line.gifred-ball.gifblack-line.gifblack-end.gif You tend to do things somewhat haphazardly.     (Your percentile: 21)
         black-end.gifblack-line.gifblue-ball.gifblack-line.gifblack-end.gif The other person is very well-organized, and can be relied upon.     (Their percentile: 92)
         High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet.
         black-end.gifblack-line.gifred-ball.gifblack-line.gifblack-end.gif You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone.     (Your percentile: 11)
         black-end.gifblack-line.gifblue-ball.gifblack-line.gifblack-end.gif The other person is extremely outgoing, social, and energetic.     (Their percentile: 87)
         High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous.
         black-end.gifblack-line.gifred-ball.gifblack-line.gifblack-end.gif You are neither extremely forgiving nor irritable.     (Your percentile: 46)
         black-end.gifblack-line.gifblue-ball.gifblack-line.gifblack-end.gif The other person is good-natured, courteous, and supportive.     (Their percentile: 82)
Negative Emotionality
         High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy.
         black-end.gifblack-line.gifred-ball.gifblack-line.gifblack-end.gif You tend to become anxious or nervous.     (Your percentile: 76)
         black-end.gifblack-line.gifblue-ball.gifblack-line.gifblack-end.gif The other person probably remains calm, even in tense situations.     (Their percentile: 18)

Doc (she/her) = Host

Franklyn (he/him) = Tulpa

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