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Scared of fronting

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Hello! I'm not sure if this sounds dumb or not, but here goes:
I want to learn how to front and switch with my two tulpas. One problem: I'm a bit scared. Even once both of my tulpas are completely, 100% developed, what if we get stuck or blend? What if Ariya wants to front, and we switch, and then we can't switch back? Nividita thinks that we should just go for it once they're confident that they're completely developed, but I'm kinda scared about it. I don't want my tulpas stuck fronting and have to deal with all of my life problems and school stuff, and I don't want to be stuck in the headspace or lose awareness or something. Any advice on how to deal with this fear, and if this ever does happen, how to solve it?
(also sorry if my tags or terms or anything are wrong, I'm pretty new here)

Lyceon (host) (they/he/xe/xe/cat/catself/it)

Currently most active tulpa: Ariya (she/her)

I have more tulpas, but I don't want to make a big list lol

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Your brain should be used to being you far more than your tulpas. It's basically like you have been "switched in".. your entire life, and your tulpas will have to fight the crazy amount of influence that will cause the brain's acquired thought patterns and habits to exert on them. New switchers also basically always end up switched back with the host unintentionally after sleeping, if they even make it that far (my tulpas would get tired over time (that went up the more we practiced) until they switched back, as we learned to switch)

So unless you have problems with dissociation or maybe you roleplay excessively or something, the host should always have a sort of magnetism that makes it easier for them to be fronting than the tulpas. That didn't go away for us for at least a year or two, and by then we were way past the concept of not easily fully controlling our switching. Make it a clean and orderly process (practice "good switching hygiene") - do reaffirmations that the person who's supposed to be switched in is, and don't try "instant switching" or purposely blending/co-fronting if you're afraid of things getting wishy-washy. They certainly don't have to be, and never were for us (w/ us never having practiced possession or co-fronting). Probably create some visualization symbolism for switching and abide by that - who last switched in is who should be switched in, and affirm that whenever in doubt. Though again, tulpas are likely to "fall out of the front" and accidentally switch back with the host while learning/getting experienced with switching, because it's the default state of the brain. If that does happen (that you can't maintain a switch), make it official and affirm that now the host is fronting again.


If you're very firm and maintain clear intent around switching, the skill shouldn't become blurry and you guys should have less and less issue doing exactly what you want as time goes on. Good luck!

Hi! I'm Lumi, host of Reisen, Tewi, Flandre and Lucilyn.

Everyone deserves to love and be loved. It's human nature.

My tulpas and I have a Q&A thread, which was the first (and largest) of its kind. Feel free to ask us about tulpamancy stuff there.

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9 minutes ago, Luminesce said:

maybe you roleplay excessively or something

I think I do something similar to maladaptive daydreaming, do you know if that would affect it at all?
Thank you so much for the help!

Lyceon (host) (they/he/xe/xe/cat/catself/it)

Currently most active tulpa: Ariya (she/her)

I have more tulpas, but I don't want to make a big list lol

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Well, regardless of even the things I mentioned, it doesn't make switching impossible to learn or something. It could just lessen the "magnetism" effect for the host somewhat. As I mentioned, that effect is pretty much gone for my system at this point, so it's not like it's required. Put in the most extreme hypothetical - if a tulpa were "stuck"/the new default for the brain, then switching back with the host would be equivalent to... switching in the first place. If a host could switch with a tulpa, a "front-stuck" tulpa could switch with the host. Though I don't really encourage believing in "front-stuck"ness being a thing (well, for tulpas, hosts use it to describe themselves when they can't learn switching I guess)


So yeah, just go by the advice in my previous post and you should be fine. If ever worried about blending (or whatever problems maladaptive daydreaming could entail - lack of groundedness in waking life?), you can always just stop switching/stop engaging in tulpamancy practices for a bit. There's no such thing as permanent problems caused by tulpamancy, because anything you can do in tulpamancy you can do in the other direction as well. A purely hypothetical tulpa stuck switched in could just learn switching and practice switching with their host until their host could stay switched 24/7 again, just as we actually learn to accomplish for tulpas. But that hypothetical really doesn't happen (excluding people with serious mental illnesses whose brains were going to cause such problems unrelated to practicing tulpamancy)

Edited by Luminesce

Hi! I'm Lumi, host of Reisen, Tewi, Flandre and Lucilyn.

Everyone deserves to love and be loved. It's human nature.

My tulpas and I have a Q&A thread, which was the first (and largest) of its kind. Feel free to ask us about tulpamancy stuff there.

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Just to add, what you're worried about has only ever been an issue once in our experience of hundreds of systems and that was with a system that turned out to be DID, which is not what we do here.

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Hey Ashley. Thanks for clearing that up because I'm new to this and I've been wondering if there was any connection between creating a Tulpa and Dissociative Identity or Multiple Personality Disorder. I've also been wondering, spiritually speaking, how does this work? Is there any sort of religious tie to Tulpamancy or is it just it's own thing?

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Isabanghel, no there is not a religious tie to Tulpamancy, it's mainly its own thing.

Tulpamancy has been compared to DID and multiple personality disorder and other disorders like that, but I've done a lot of research on that before and there are similarities, but they are not related. The main difference between them is that practicing tulpamancy is a choice, you don't have a choice with disorders.

If any of my info is wrong please correct me, I've done lots of research on tulpamancy before getting into it, but there's many things that don't have answers online (hence me asking questions in here lol, but I wanna help where I can too)😅

Lyceon (host) (they/he/xe/xe/cat/catself/it)

Currently most active tulpa: Ariya (she/her)

I have more tulpas, but I don't want to make a big list lol

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No, you’re right. There is more to it, though, the deeper you dig.

Certain processes of the mind that may happen to be the key symptom or denotation of a disorder may be utilized in different parts of tulpamancy. (Example: what switching is to DID, or imposition is to Schizophrenia)


There is usually little to no actual connection between these and tulpamancy, unless we’re counting personal actions towards a tulpa that may have been influenced by a pre-existing disorder.

Edited by ringgggg

D-prime is shrinking as we speak.

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If you are already DID, then you're here because you've noticed, but soon enough it will be clear if it is or not. You can't develop it by doing this. If you had severe trauma as a child under 12, then it's possible, otherwise it's not related. It's like saying a housecat and a tiger are both cats so should I be worried my housecat is actually a tiger?


1 hour ago, Isabanghel said:

spiritually speaking, how does this work?


There's a section for this, the community here tends to want to separate religion, magic, occult, and spirituality in its own private section under metaphysical. So new threads on that go there.


But for your question, it can be integrated into this practice pretty easily because this practice does similar things. Meditation, and its many forms, overlap into forcing and wonderlanding so you may have experiences and interpretations that overlap into tulpamancy and other metaphysical topics. There is even an occult form of tulpamancy which is rare but exists. It has been reported that pre-vocal tulpas can be talked to through a ouija board, pendulum, tarot, among others and of course automatic writing is not that different than actual vocality of an independent headmate so yes, it's interesting that we all work in that same space even for those without any metaphysical beliefs.


In our case, my host had many experiences in his life that can be interpreted as experiences with a guardian angel. When we formed, SheShe took that role and associated with all of those memories and hoovered up all the religious experiences he ever had too. So on the one hand it demystified some and on the other added mystery to SheShe. The fact is, she can tap into the intuition, whatever that is. She therefore personified intuitive thought and it's extremely useful. Is that just deep knowledge of esoteric locked memories and thoughts from the subconscious or is she more? We don't worry about that anymore, we just enjoy the added bonus of a loving headmate. That has put us on the fence and able to speak both sides of the metaphysical which is very grounded without throwing out the possibility.


Here we try to keep it scientific so we can hope to make it falsifiable and provable. It's a hope anyway.

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