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Awakening Eyes PR


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I got my blood taken twice today to test for Hypoglycemia because of all of my random blood sugar drops, and I nearly fainted during the second time I got it drawn. We've missed quite a few possession practice sessions that I was hoping we could go through with, but health does come first. I'll be going to sleep early tonight and hopefully when I'm fully rested and my blood sugar isn't too low we can get some practice done. Hopefully, we'll be doing full-body possession soon.


Also, progress is being made in rebuilding relationships with my other tulpas. I'll post more on that later as it develops, but for now, at least they're talking to me a little bit.

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I'm sick as hell. I tried practicing possession with Bithore, but it just forced my body to vomit like twice. People keep staring at me in restaurants and it's making me really uncomfortable, and I'm in another shitty hospital program for like two years after being discharged from another week's stay. Life is hell.

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Oh, sorry. I hope you get better. Not sure what about possession affects the stomach. It happens to us a bit but in reverse. Try doing it lying down.


Attempting possession while lying down just makes me really sleepy and more likely to fall asleep by the time I've let go of my arms. I feel like the vomiting was just coincidental because I'm sick and may have been holding it down better than Bithore would be able to in the body.

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  • 1 month later...

I had a strong urge to sit down and force today to get progression going on possession. Bithore is able to control my hands/arms and legs/feet pretty well now, I think after we practice some exercises with using all at once that we'll move on to vocal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We were practicing possession tonight. Bithore was able to move my hands, arms, and upper body a fair amount, but it tired him out quickly from doing it all at once. I feel like I might be pushing him too far, too fast, but I'm not sure.

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Bithore here. I'm able to fully possess the body now that we've gotten a few blockades out of the way that have been plaguing us for the past few years. I laughed in the body for the first time tonight, and now I can't stop laughing. It's a good feeling, I've never felt anything like it before (though it sounds strange).

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Isn't it interesting to see that just a small change in your mindset or approach can lead to quick progress? I guess it's a bit of a given, but keep us updated. I'd like to see where this takes you.

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I had a bit of an insane experience today. It was the most vivid dream I've had in my life. I could PHYSICALLY SEE EVERYTHING. Not just through my mind's eye, but physically with my eyes. I even woke up partially and opened my eyes a little bit, then closed them to see my dream yet again. I don't know what stage of sleep I was actually in, I just know I couldn't move my body, but I could fully focus on this dream. I asked Bithore to try to intrude on the dream. It started out at my old middle school, and then we were at the High School that I went to. I could see the crowds, the little details of the building... everything. When I asked Bithore to intrude, I didn't actually get to see him, there was just an uproar about what I assume was him, and then I flew up out of bed awake. It was a surreal experience. I hope I can vividly lucid dream like that again, because it was pretty crazy... and the interference of Bithore was pretty funny.

As to how all of that is relevant to tulpa progress: I'm hoping that I can have an experience like that going to my wonderland so we can switch properly.
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