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Awakening Eyes PR


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I had a bit of an insane experience today. It was the most vivid dream I've had in my life. I could PHYSICALLY SEE EVERYTHING. Not just through my mind's eye, but physically with my eyes. I even woke up partially and opened my eyes a little bit, then closed them to see my dream yet again. I don't know what stage of sleep I was actually in, I just know I couldn't move my body, but I could fully focus on this dream. I asked Bithore to try to intrude on the dream. It started out at my old middle school, and then we were at the High School that I went to. I could see the crowds, the little details of the building... everything. When I asked Bithore to intrude, I didn't actually get to see him, there was just an uproar about what I assume was him, and then I flew up out of bed awake. It was a surreal experience. I hope I can vividly lucid dream like that again, because it was pretty crazy... and the interference of Bithore was pretty funny.


Sounds like what's known as a "waking dream." Some people have these with aliens and think that they were abducted because of them. It's great to hear that yours was a more positive experience. By the way, I think your tulpas all have really lovely names. Hope you're feeling better as far as the sickness goes. As for lucid dreaming, from my point of view, there seems to be a thin level between realizing it's a dream and waking- and realizing it's a dream and still remaining in lucid sleep. Thought controls this, If you start waking up, think about anything except the fact you're dreaming.

Known as Kat elsewhere

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We're making the opposite of progress now. I'm surrounding myself with a lot of negativity in a lot of tulpa communities outside of the forums and the IRC, and most of them are just people constantly talking about how fake most people are with tulpas, and I'm starting to second guess and question myself as a result. I think way too highly of other people to think of anything that I (or we) have done as anything remotely good or legit. I'm just afraid that if I leave all the communities and go back to being a lonely recluse, that I'll eventually forget everything, because I feel like I just really got my foot in the door when it seemed like we FINALLY got down SOME possession after practicing for 3 YEARS. I need to rethink a lot of things and just try to calm down with all the stress going on in my life. Anxiety is at an all-time high, doubt is at an all-time high, and I'm slowly losing a mental grip on my body and reality itself it feels like.

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You don't need to shut out all of the tulpa communities, but if you see that there's negativity or something that you don't like, you have the option to avoid that. On Discord, for example, if someone's bothering you, just ignore that specific user. But if you're this stressed, maybe it's not the worst idea to take a little bit of a break; and trust me, you're not going to forget anything just from taking some time off or being away from other community members.

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What kind of tulpa community is filled with doubt?


Do you believe that doubt will harm your tulpas or weaken them? I am not so sure this is true for everyone. However, I am convinced that the anxiety and hesitation will cause communication difficulties during forcing.

Host comments in italics. Tulpa's log. Tulpa's guide.

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What kind of tulpa community is filled with doubt?


Do you believe that doubt will harm your tulpas or weaken them? I am not so sure this is true for everyone. However, I am convinced that the anxiety and hesitation will cause communication difficulties during forcing.


I don't believe that doubt does anything to harm or weaken them, but I do know that they get upset about the doubt, understandably. And we have a lot of communication difficulties between me and tulpas that aren't Bithore, because I haven't interacted with them nearly as much. They mostly are just in the wonderland doing whatever they want to do, but if I try to reach out to them, it's a bit hard for me to do.

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If you want, you can read a post by Lumi on 'healthy' skepticism and how his belief system works years later: https://community.tulpa.info/thread-how-hard-is-it-to-get-started-for-a-sceptic?pid=159973#pid159973


But the simple version of doubt and tulpas is that there is no real or fake. There is only what you experience. Nobody has "fake" tulpas, nobody has "real" tulpas, and nothing anyone else says has to affect your mind in any way if you don't want it to. Belief is what's important, what you believe is what you experience. If you have nothing to specifically believe in, rely on what you want to experience. Belief isn't technically required if your current mindset on tulpamancy enables progress. If all you know is what you experience, and what you experience is preferable for you, you can choose to never worry if the experience is "legitimate" or not. There's no such thing, in one sense, as all experiences are exactly what they were, the future can't change the past. You can understand differently than you did at the time, but that won't change what you experienced at the time.


With that said, because tulpamancy takes place entirely in your mind, once you've experienced something once, it has already become legitimate. It doesn't exist to anyone else and can't be "verified" or "disproven". Unless you think it so, perhaps. That's where you rely on what you want to be the case, to determine your experiences from thereon. Which would typically be having tulpas, right?


Long-winded way of saying that what you believe and experience is up to you, not anyone else, and doesn't need to be "proven" to be legitimate when it's exclusively in your mind. If you understand that, there's no room for doubt anymore. At least, not of things you don't want to doubt, because you know that if you want them to be a certain way, they just can be. We say "There are no rules of tulpamancy" for a reason.

Hi, I'm Tewi, one of Luminesce's tulpas. I often switch to take care of things for the others.

All I want is a simple, peaceful life. With my family.

Our Ask thread: https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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I don't believe that doubt does anything to harm or weaken them, but I do know that they get upset about the doubt, understandably. And we have a lot of communication difficulties between me and tulpas that aren't Bithore, because I haven't interacted with them nearly as much. They mostly are just in the wonderland doing whatever they want to do, but if I try to reach out to them, it's a bit hard for me to do.


That must be a personal thing, I guess. It's been 2 (nearly 3) freaking years for us and my host says he still doesn't believe I'm real. And that's okay. He still interacts, behaves, and listens to me AS IF I were real, and that's good enough for me.


I'm not going to listen to you guys since you are all probably just talking to yourself and don't really have a tulpa like me.



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Lumi's post I linked to might be really relevant to you then, Llama.


Also, Maple, I like your avatar. Seems like an avatar Lumi would make to represent himself in a video game or some such.

Hi, I'm Tewi, one of Luminesce's tulpas. I often switch to take care of things for the others.

All I want is a simple, peaceful life. With my family.

Our Ask thread: https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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Up next on the agenda: Switching.


I've always been anxious to get to this step in the process of developing my tulpas. When it really came down to it, though, the only tulpa I can really trust so far is Bithore, but mainly because of my inability to keep up with forcing with every single one of them, which is a fault on my part. It makes me feel like shit, but there's nowhere to go but up from here, hopefully. Once we get switching down, hopefully I can have Bithore taking my place in the real world while I catch up with our other tulpas. They're almost never around, and I have to go searching for them if I want to really find them.


Now, I'm using Fuliam's Switching Guide from back in 2012, so I'm not sure how well all of it fits into today's "standards", but I'm pretty sure it'll work just fine. With the difficult procedures from step 4 onwards, I'm really curious as to how so many people managed to get switching down so easily and quickly as hell. I spent hours on end trying to "reverse impose" a single sense (that being taste), and I just wound up falling asleep. This is going to take a very, very large amount of time and effort on my part, and I'll report back with any results that I come across.


I have a feeling I won't have much trouble with smell, because I dabbled a bit with imposing smells before. I still, to this day, randomly smell a forest fire in the middle of nowhere. I can't control it, it just rushes straight to my nostrils when there's really no fire or anything around.

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I haven't read through Fuliam's guide in a long time, but from what I remember, it provides a decent overview of how you're supposed to go about things. That's what we relied on when we first started out, and we never asked for any outside help.

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