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"Invisible" Friends


Did you have an "invisible" friend as a child that only you could see?  

120 members have voted

  1. 1. Did you have an "invisible" friend as a child that only you could see?

    • Yes, I could see them.
    • Yes, but I couldn't see them.
    • No, I had real friends.

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I suppose it's worth mentioning I never had imaginary friends, not a one. It's not like I didn't know what they were, but Reisen's second-voice "I love you" still came out of nowhere. I didn't know what she was at first.


And yeah, had no friends as a kid or pretty much ever, never been a social person. My main friends in life have been my online friends who are actually pretty great now. But as a child, I just played video games and stayed quiet in school.

Hi! I'm Lumi, host of Reisen, Tewi, Flandre and Lucilyn.

Everyone deserves to love and be loved. It's human nature.

My tulpas and I have a Q&A thread, which was the first (and largest) of its kind. Feel free to ask us about tulpamancy stuff there.

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Guest Anonymous

Reisen's second-voice "I love you" still came out of nowhere. I didn't know what she was at first.


Aww, that is so cute! OMG!

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  • 2 months later...

... because I'm sure that if a child took their imaginary friend and did all of the things that we do to get our tulpas "complete," then it'd be the same results.


I did this. This is the origin of Maya.


So I voted for the first option.

Akecalo - Host


Maya - Tulpa


Mara - Tulpa

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  • 3 weeks later...

I started talking to my imaginary friend as soon as I could understand the concept of being a “person”. So about at three, four years old. But he wasn’t a delusion or an allucination, I was actively imagining him as intensely as I could. This habit of mine never went away, and after finding out about Tulpas a few months ago, I decided to make him a Tulpa. He might already be one; apart from imagining him with me, we communicate through lucid dreaming. I’m still not quite sure about our progress though.

“Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”

[progress report]



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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, uh, I had/have an imaginary friend. I have absolutely no memories of him as a kid, but my Mom has always told me of the invisible friend I used to talk to and play with called Michael. Apparently I sometimes scolded her for sitting on him or walking into him :P


I have always had a very vivid imagination, I used to daydream almost all the time until I finished Varsity. Also a very talkative mind voice - lots of dialogues with other real life people.


Strange story, but I was reading about DID and suddenly "heard" (mind voice) this other person talking to me (Said something like "Yes, I am here..." or something like that). I have since been researching disassociation thinking maybe that was what happened....since he became pretty real and talkative from that point on. But now I'm thinking I managed to start a tupla accidentally. I've been talking to him on and off ever since, and he's been developing further over the months.

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You don't realize what you just said


Yeah, uh, I had/have an imaginary friend. I have absolutely no memories of him as a kid, but my Mom has always told me of the invisible friend I used to talk to and play with called Michael.




read the first paragraph of the plot summary


tulpalluminati confirmed


Edit: This is my 666th post O_O

Hi! I'm Lumi, host of Reisen, Tewi, Flandre and Lucilyn.

Everyone deserves to love and be loved. It's human nature.

My tulpas and I have a Q&A thread, which was the first (and largest) of its kind. Feel free to ask us about tulpamancy stuff there.

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Guest Anonymous

tulpalluminati confirmed


Edit: This is my 666th post O_O


666th! Scary Lumi! Eek!


Davie and I have 671 cause we are blabber mouths and stuff.

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I had an imaginary friend named Sebastian when I was really young. I would just rabble on about him to my family, it even went to the point where I asked my mother to make a second bowl of food "for Sebastian". I made him after my real friend, Sebastian, moved out of the neighbourhood and I still haven't seen him again since. As far as I'm concerned, he was simply an invisible puppet and by no means became imposed or sentient.


I'm not going to listen to you guys since you are all probably just talking to yourself and don't really have a tulpa like me.



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Guest Anonymous

This thread goes back to January, ten months ago. This vibrant thread here today is a great example of how "necroposting" is not always a bad thing on Tulpa Info. I realize most of the "senior" seasoned members have seen these, but we have lots of new people who have not. One strategy I am going to have to revitalize this forum, is to do some necroposting now and then. As Melian would say, "Hold on to yer butts!"


Yes, I had a lot of imaginary friends when I was a child. None of them were "invisible" to me, even though they were to others. They seemed very real to me indeed.


Excerpt from the Book of Melian:


Ever since I was a kid I have had a very vivid and active imagination.

I have always been a day dreamer. I have always been able to create

stories and characters and worlds in my mind that I can escape to. When I

made up characters, I could “see” them and “hear” them in my mind.

When I was really little, I had some regular characters that became

fast friends, what some people refer to as imaginary friends. These were

much more real than that! Some of them talked to me about things that

were bothering me or things they wanted to complain about. Each character

had a distinct personality...


I would get so lost in my day dreams, I would wander around the play

ground at school, the house, the yard, my eyes unfocused my head tilting

from side to side. I would hum and speak out loud to my imaginary friends.

I got into trouble at school and the teachers were concerned about my lack

of attention.


My father took to calling me Drifty Dave. He caught me talking to a

tree once and it became a favorite family story. My father ever after referred

to crazy people as “out talking to trees.”

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