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How'd you find Tulpa.info?


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As the subject asks, how'd you find us?

Or about tulpæ in general, if you want to talk about that too.


An image in a signature behind a hidden tag! 



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I knew about tulpae pretty early on in my practices, about one and a half years ago, but I didn't know specifically what they were. I learned more through FAQ's guides that were posted on 4chan. Then of course everything on 4chan went to hell (as if everything wasn't doomed already) and I moved here.

Orange juice helps with concentration headaches.

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I first heard of them at TVTropes' Daydream Believer page, but back then I assumed it to be just a silly delusional/New Age practice.


A few years later came the /mlp/ threads, and all of a sudden I became very interested. Initially I was drawn to the superficial "see a pony in REAL LIFE!" aspect, like a lot of other people I suppose, but later I became fixated on the core idea of a sapient nonhuman being actually inhabiting your mind and talking about how it's like.

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For me it all comes back to 4chan.

First i heard of tulpa (This is how i pluralize the word now dammit) was on /x/, i never got into the whole ordeal before the threads on /mlp/ though.

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People were spamming HSG as a joke and I was one of the presumably very few who actually took interest. I went to the /mlp/ threads for a bit, then went to the irc for a bit after learning more. The natural move to the forums happened after.


As for why, I took interest in the spirit guide or self-discovery aspect. With the whole accessing the subconscious.

[Note: Opinions]

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For me, it was /x/, on 4chan. Eventually they wanted to get that cancer out, so they created an IRC room to get tulpa off 4chan. A bit after the IRC channel was made, though, we started posting tulpa on /a/, /jp/, iirc (wonder who made it over from there).


Eventually heard there was a lucid dream thread on /mlp/, so I went in there and was all, "This thread needs more tulpæ" so the FAQ was posted, I put in a link to the IRC channel, then when the lucid dream thread died, made a new topic on there about tulpæ -- much rage happened in the IRC, with fear of the incoming bronies, but I still think things turned out better than expected.

Once /mlp/ threads toned down (read as: "become unproductive"), we started making threads on /sci/, /pol/, etc.


We eventually reached a point where we had to break the community off 4chan and head out into the real world for a change -- it was (and still is) a rough transition.


I found this site when I founded this site.


An image in a signature behind a hidden tag! 



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For me it was through a link in a thread I started up about Tulpae on Dreamviews.com.

JD1215 on dreamviews told me about here do I checked it out. All the guides and FAQs I had read previously had originated from the people of this site anyway.


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I Googled "tulpa" after hearing what it meant on DreamViews (from Avalanche). Then I found someone's tumblr, and I found the IRC info on it, and then from the IRC to here.

WTB: Rare Tulpas

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I was doing research into the brain for a phycological thing I was doing and I came across several webpages and then FAQman's first guide. Being fairly open minded I gave it ago and Vinyl was born. A few months later we found the tulpa thread on /mlp/ and clung on for dear life.

We are all mad here

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