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Ringgggg's somewhat-comprehensive foxgirl imposition log


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2 hours ago, ringgggg said:

Like, actual visual hallucinations? That’s super cool either way. You’ve piqued my curiosity, could you describe your experiences further for me?

Sure, happy to.


It's not a true hallucination because it doesn't seem real. I'd describe it as a wispy presence. It's always transparent, so it can't keep me from seeing anything behind it, but I can pick out all the visual features. Since it's a product of my head, I can control anything about it - make it taller, shorter, color it green, turn it into a bird and have it fly around the room, etc. I do exactly the same thing when I interact with my tulpa, but I allow her to decide where/how she appears to me. She's discovered she can make me laugh by having her visual representation do something silly, like grow a giraffe neck or or become 8 feet tall.


Is there more I can tell you about this?

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On 12/16/2023 at 12:25 PM, SeekingMyPlanet said:

It's not a true hallucination because it doesn't seem real. I'd describe it as a wispy presence. It's always transparent, so it can't keep me from seeing anything behind it, but I can pick out all the visual features. Since it's a product of my head, I can control anything about it - make it taller, shorter, color it green, turn it into a bird and have it fly around the room, etc. I do exactly the same thing when I interact with my tulpa, but I allow her to decide where/how she appears to me. She's discovered she can make me laugh by having her visual representation do something silly, like grow a giraffe neck or or become 8 feet tall.

That sounds a lot like what Lumi likes to call 'presence' imposition, which is one of the main ways people choose to interact with their tulpas in the real world. I'm sure hypnosis has played a role in adapting your mind to better accept the general circumstances that presence imposition presents you with, at least that's what I'm guessing anyway.


It's fun what you can do with presence imposition, and it's what I like to call a precursor to visual imposition (or at least representing visual imposition spatially). Whatever you can do in presence imposition will just carry over to visuals if you work to attain it.

Edited by ringgggg

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2 hours ago, ringgggg said:

It's fun what you can do with presence imposition, and it's what I like to call a precursor to visual imposition (or at least representing visual imposition spatially). Whatever you can do in presence imposition will just carry over to visuals if you work to attain it.

I'm not really sure how presence imposition, which I'm hearing you say is the way I'm interacting with Lavender, is different from visual imposition. Since I experience her visually. I "see" her in pretty much the same way I'd see anything, why would it just be a precursor? 

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On 12/5/2023 at 9:09 AM, ringgggg said:

I'm just gonna ride this one out for as long as it takes, which hopefully will be sooner rather than later.

I really have to stop ending my posts like this, lol


It's almost like an annoying bad habit of mine to assume that things are gonna stay the same when there’s always one or two curveballs thrown my way right after I post. I guess it helps make the process more interesting. Or, rather, I make the process more interesting for myself by psyching myself out. I dunno.


I've been all over these past few weeks. I took a break from imposition over Christmas, and I've really been regretting that decision more recently, especially now that the break's over. I don’t know if I’ve already mentioned this analogy already or not, but it almost feels like how painful it feels to put your retainer back on after two weeks of not using it. Yeah, that's the feeling.


Keep in mind that it’s never been an intention of mine to really quit imposition wholeheartedly. This was more of like a lazy hiatus that I fully expected an ending to at some point.


Regardless of where I was before, I’m back and ready to keep on posting.


On 12/19/2023 at 3:53 PM, SeekingMyPlanet said:

I'm not really sure how presence imposition, which I'm hearing you say is the way I'm interacting with Lavender, is different from visual imposition.

It's not, at least not on paper. They both involve "believing that you can see something that isn't a part of objective reality," it's just that one reflects that on a greater scale than the other. They kind of feed into each other because of that.


On 12/19/2023 at 3:53 PM, SeekingMyPlanet said:

why would it just be a precursor? 

It's because presence imposition involves actively building up the belief that you can see things that aren't truly there. More progress pertaining to that belief means more proof that it works, which tricks your brain into thinking that the excess noise is in line with the visual stimuli your actual eyes are receiving. Seeing is believing? Believing is seeing.


I guess my use of the word "precursor" is moreso just personal preference to make it more memorable for myself. I say this to admit that this is all just based off of observation of the process, and jargon helps to make things less arbitrary even if it sacrifices their objectiveness in the process. 


"Presence imposition is a precursor to visual imposition" is still a theory at its core, but it's one that I'm very, very confident in based off of what I've seen in my sessions.

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On 1/2/2024 at 11:09 AM, ringgggg said:

I wear this nice bracelet on the regular, and whenever I take it off, I forget that I have it off. It still feels like I have it on even if I look down and it isn't there. Weird


There was a similar instance during a party game the other day where I had to balance a plastic cup on my head, and could still feel the rim of the cup on my hair even after I lost

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Let me get my thoughts out about my first proper imposition session of the new year, because I have a few I’d like to put down.


First of all, it was nothing special. I had an expectation going in that it would be lower-quality, and while I was admittedly right, it still kind of irked me that everything was difficult again. Thankfully, though, even under these circumstances, I noticed that all my habitual knowledge had stuck. I felt some qualities of the sessions before the break come through around the 20-minute mark, so if there wasn’t already a silver lining it would fit the bill nicely.


I think the main thing that I need to focus on again is my own capacity to accept impositions into my own vision. Regularly talking with A3 helps a lot with visuals. Or maybe it just benefits my willingness to impose in general, either-or. I think I just need to reserve some time for us in general.


I’m gonna be honest, it’s pretty easy to tell that I’m in a rut right now. I’ve been blown way off course from where I originally expected myself to be a couple months ago. Maybe I’m just being tested or something, but I’ve made peace with it knowing that it’s all just part of the road regardless

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I've been thinking about this for a while, but it looks like I haven't expanded much on Box Imposition yet, at least outside of what I mentioned much earlier in the PR.


I had realized a shift in focus with my imposition around a month ago. It all clicked in my head when I realized imposition is just one big expectation fest; a test to see if you could manifest your thoughts in visual perception just by having a strong enough belief that they were there to begin with. I took a look at what I had been doing up to that point and saw what I had uncovered for myself with Box Imp. It wasn't so much as presence imposition exercise as it was exercising my ability to expect that A3 was there.


It was harder to do open-eye imposition later in an average session if I hadn't done Box Imposition earlier on, and I think this is because open-eye isn't a very good expectation builder in general. Face it, you have your eyes open, exposed to your environment. You try to impose onto it, yet you have "proof" that it isn't integrated with objective reality. It's transparent, so it's fake. Ironically, while it's a crucial part of vis imp, it doesn't do that much justice to the objective that it's trying to achieve. This is the thing that Box Imp compensates for. Box Imposition makes up for the fact that "yOU cAn't SeE sHit" by actually making you not be able to see shit. 


If you close your eyes and try to move around in your environment, you rely on two things: one is the more minimal input from your other senses as you try and feel around, and the other is EXPECTATION. You have to expect things to be where they are, because that's just the way we function as human beings. So if you were to artificially impose an object, it would be easier to do in a pitch-black environment because you were already spatially expecting things to be where they were in the first place.


Implementing both tools used to see in the dark (the other senses, mainly tactile visualization/impostion, as well as expectation) is the strat to effectively trick your brain into more effective open-eye imposing later down the line. I highly recommend you do it along with your regular open-eye practices if you are interested in doing what I've done.



Boxes before foxes, dawg


Edited by ringgggg

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Hey, I realize that this PR has taken more of a subjective approach when it started to shift towards my more recent motivation/belief/expectation ramblings. I know some of y'all want descriptions of my objective personal experiences doing visual imposition and not a diary filled with Sun Tzu quotes and sobstories.


Anyone can do an analysis on the premise of imposition, but there's so few willing to describe their actual experiences that even I had trouble finding something that I could go off of in the beginning. Sorry 'bout that. Things have just been the same all throughout, probably even worse at the moment, now that I think about it, lol. It's only been now that I've gotten back on the wagon, so we'll see what develops


I'll do my best to develop on what I'm seeing, but don't expect my unhinged ramblings to stagnate, either. Just felt like there was stuff to improve on with the general presentation of info on this thread, so I'll do that how I see fit :/


Wow, two entries in one day, make a wish!

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Been reading through some old threads yet again and some of them line up with whatever’s in my head when I think imposition. 

I’m considering making an addition to the first post with some pretty good imposition threads anyone can glance at for some additional clarification. Contrary to popular belief, there’s actually a good amount of those on here. I wouldn’t be afraid to just look around, provided you don’t take any of the posts at face value (please).

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