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Dear all, I already shared my testimony through several medias or on social networks. But, I sincerly want to obtain feedbacks from experimented tulpamancers about this event, even if it is closer from soulbonding than tulpamancy for I do not find trustable specialists of soulbonding. I wrote I concluded on the paranormal/spiritual/magick aspect of this experience. Nonetheless, I am open to a skeptical analysis of those facts. You are all welcome with your comments! Besides, I am aware the concerned fiction and its iconic character at the root of all this stuff have a huge and involved fanbase. I really do not want to hurt their feelings and to create dramas, I am truly troubled and I only look for answers and solutions. You have my testimony in the attached PDF. Have a nice reading! Best regards, Arthur Paranormal Testimony.pdf
If i made a useless or repeated post, I apologize , I'm facing a problem and trying to correct it, but i don't know what to do, I'm afraid of tulpa forcing because i don't want to accidentally develop a walk-in tulpa. I don't know their personality and intentions, and some of them may be malevolent. I'm sorry to all of you and to my own tulpa because i might give up. I've found a lot of information from and tulpa reddit, but i still don't know how to solve this issue. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please reply . I will read and try all of your responses. Yestdary, I was doing a active forcing , and luckily , I was able to hear my tulpa's mindvoice for the first time. However, it felt like i was just parroting, and her voice and personality were unfamiliar. I think this might be like i didn't give her any personality, so i identify her as my own tulpa. The next time i was focing, i noticed that my tulpa changed her appearance and mindvoice again. I know this could be a tulpa deviation, but it has happened three times. When i focus on my own tulpa , it feels like i'm focusing on a different tulpa because she has changed her appearance and mindvoice three times. Additionally, When i went into wonderland to interaction with my tulpa, she has started showing aggressive movements, which didn't happen before. I'm not sure it is a joke from my own tulpa or this is a walk-in . I want to talk, but i don't know if it's a walk-in or my own tulpa. I don't want a walk-in to become mature. I'm so confused. How can i distinguish them . I have a few questions, and i would appreciate any replies: 1. If my tulpa develops her personality and appearance by herself but cannot communicate with a mindvoice, while a walk-in can, how can I distinguish my own tulpa? 2. Can intrusive thoughts control a tulpa's body in wonderland, and make them do things they don't want to or say something strange? 3.Can a young tulpa use mindvoice to communicate? I've heard thay most tulpas need at least 4-6 months to learn this. 4. After a tulpa learns to speak with a mindvoice, can they develop three differennt voices in one day? Sorry for the long post, if my message offends anyone, I sincerely apologize. I hope someone can help me with these concerns .
never mind its' hopeless anyway
okay look. me and wish have been living for like idk half a year ish? now and wish used to be this really really different personality from mine, lol. lately she's been like me, so much that even though i KNOW its her talking/doing smth it feels like its ME. i know that friends do this shit too, ive seen my 😂☺️😊 humor friend turn into a 😭💀🗿 after hanging out with some kids from my class and i KNOW that you can rub off on your friend/vice versa. i do know when wish is talking, and when it's me, but it's getting harder to tell because she's starting to be as snarky as me and stuff, and im also starting to be like her!!!! so sometimes i would worry excessively if im "parroting" even though its probably not. even wish tells me that its nothing. has anyone else had this happen to them too??? i really don't want to personality force or anything like that cause i like wish the way she is, yk... dont wanna change what came naturally. just need some tips to rly know when its me, and when its her.
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- Personality
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Look, I know this has probably been asked multiple times already, but I wish to go more in detail with my experience. I have had imaginary friends since I was a kid, so things like talking to myself is like second nature to me -- I can hold conversations, go through scenarios with my imaginary friends. To sum up hours worth of personal research, I do know that imaginary friends ≠ tulpas. But I also know that the things I have been doing with them could very much be forcing methods. I'm fine with imaginary friends, they keep me company when I need it, but they lack sentience, and that is what I seek in a lifelong companion, a tulpa. So for the past... month or so? I picked one of my imaginary friends, the one I like the most -- Rutile, and thought I could turn him into a tulpa. It's not unheard of. I read through old, outdated guides, and what I got from them was that you can't really base a tulpa on an existing character, which is what he is, well, you can, just that it doesn't give much freedom for them blahblahblah. Maybe those old guides don't hold true anymore, there's a reason they're outdated after all. Now onto the main point. Because I'm used to being both myself and Rutile in a conversation since he is an imaginary friend, well, was, it's hard to tell if it's me or him talking. Sometimes I think it's better to just stop talking as Rutile in a sense? And just talk as myself and wait for a response, but it just feels empty. Is this what parroting is? I can't tell whether or not he is sentient or vocal yet, because of his origins as an imaginary friend. I have hyperphantasia, so visualization is also like second nature to me. I already have a Wonderland I can interact with, and that's where I usually have my imaginary friends in, but I'm trying to get Rutile to be vocal and sentient. Any tips would help! If you made it this far, thanks for reading through everything lol.
I used to see a dream in my childhood almost everyday for quite a few years. I felt like falling into a deep black hole with swirly orange lines continuously moving around the darkness. After that I could see pyramids everywhere. Then in a blink I see many people around me and I can feel their pain. Everything I saw was occurring at night time. After this dream I always used to wake up crying. But I don't know why after all these years I see this dream as a trance all of a sudden with my eyes open. For a while I get numb. Now I am curious to link every event and control my tulpa. I believe it is lost or going through something and needs guidance. I am really not able to conclude. I am new to this and this is the first time I let out this to anyone, so please help me out.
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- Switching
- Focus & Concentration
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I have very recently created my first tulpa, and I have a few questions about how others' five senses relate to their tulpa. 1. For each of your five senses, does your tulpa have direct access to it? For example, if you see something, can your tulpa see it, or must you tell them what you are seeing if you want to convey that information to them? (assuming that you yourself are in front and not switched with your tulpa) 2. Can your tulpa change which of your senses it has access to through a decision on its/your part? If so, was this an ability that had to be developed? If you have anything else to add, feel free. Thanks.
NOTE: I am currently doing research on tulpae, I do not have any prior knowledge/experience on the topic except a brief search of “how to make friends” gone off rails a couple years ago late at night, I do not have any tulpae! Today I was bored and I remembered something about tulpa, so I began searching and looking up everything I could and wondered if tulpa’s could disappear on their own or forcefully, they can, I also found out what “possession” is and how a host or a tulpa can kind of just hang out in the wonderland or world you have made, I know tulpa’s can disappear, but can hosts if a tulpa is possessing them for a long time? Potentially making the tulpa the new host?
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- Possession
- Wonderland
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So i started development of a tulpa about 2.5 days ago and she's been progressing very rapidly. The first day I spent forcing I came up with a placeholder form and name to help visualize ( I called her Tulp before she chose her own ) and embedded that form with some basic traits i wanted her to be built around and started narateing and parroting her responses. a while later she began to answer me with yes and no. she told me later she knew I would think I was still parroting if she just answered normally so instead since she already knew what i was going to say she interrupted me while i was relaying the thought to her. The next day I tried talking to her more and she started to diversify her vocabulary a bit with words like sure, uh-huh, nope, or nah. Later that day I asked her how she was feeling and she responded with happy. Whenever I ask questions that require more than one word to answer though I feel like i'm definitely parroting because the responses are exactly what I thought she'd say and they don't sound or feel like her. Later that day we talked about what kinda form she wanted and she decided she's 6'2", has black medium length hair, fair skin, a wide mouth and a perky nose. I also asked her what her favorite primary color is and she said yellow. We'll keep working hard and i'll post more updates as they come! UPDATE i forgot to mention that i created a mindspace for us that consists of my room and her room ( witch she decorated all b herself! ) and outside is a street and on the other side of that is a park. the street cuts off on both sides and the entire rest of the area is covered in grass as far as the eye can see. Tulip spends a lot of time in the park and also likes to draw things from my memories sometimes.
Hola, soy Vanehaim y decidí crear un tulpa hace aproximadamente 1 año. Comencé a crear su forma y creé su personalidad basándome en usarlo como un personaje de juego de roles, ¿se puede considerar el juego de roles una forma de forzar la personalidad? Bueno, desde entonces he estado tratando de comunicarme con él, pero ni siquiera tengo respuestas sobre si es consciente o no. En el país de las maravillas se mueve y habla, pero siento que lo estoy controlando, si me concentro en no controlarlo no hace nada. Como si le hablo con los ojos abiertos, estoy concentrado en la respuesta, pero no noto nada en absoluto, nunca. Bueno ... solo dos veces lo noté como una respuesta repentina. Pero el intervalo entre estas dos respuestas es muy grande y tal vez incluso lo he imaginado porque lo quería tanto. Ayer pero fui a comunicarme con él haciendo presión en la cabeza, le dije que lo hiciera, y noté presión, varias veces. Estaba muy feliz, pero hoy lo vuelvo a intentar y no noto nada. Ha pasado mucho tiempo y me estoy desmotivando, pero quiero lograrlo. Entonces creo que es hora de buscar ayuda. Busco a alguien que me pueda ayudar en el proceso ... #general
You need to let go of your fears of parroting/puppeting at least for this. Let them do whatever they want and tell them "Surprise me!". It might seem too easy to be true, but this guide actually works, because the tulpa will surprise their host and thus prove their sentience to them. I hope this method helps many people to let go of their worries about puppeting/parroting.
A Question on stage of development. We have been working out a way to force traits more affectively by adding a bit of a religious element into it. In the process of going through the trait list I have been grouping little clusters together that I want to have an overall corresponding aspect to the main trait I am working off of. For example, I have grouped together; Articulate, Confident, Contemplative + Methodical respectively. The main trait is Articulate. -> When you communicate, verbally, your words and thoughts are ordered fluently. You contemplate your words and are able to say exactly what you mean clearly and confidently. [you think before you speck] The trait we were working on that props my question is Loyal. (Loyal + Confidential, Conscientious, Hardworking) The grouping came off as a little weird but what I wanted to get at was I don’t want him to be Loyal to a fault, like he would stay to the end even though he knows he should have bailed. I also don’t want to accidently develop a paranoia of him not being able to put faith in others and being by their side. [NOTE: Gio has a Spotify List for his tunes] In response to this, we have the song Leave Luanne from a musical stuck on repeat. What stage would he be considered at …? Is this a sign of sentience developing? (Please let us know if the below should be moved to another posting of its own.) With that Gio wants to ask about religion. Do your Tulpas have a different religious preference from your own? Do you and your Tulpa practice your Religions or like to do research on them? (He is currently reading through the Qur'an.)
Hello, everyone (sorry for my english in advance). Me and Eto usually communicating through a hand possession. She can type or write 1-2 words in answer to a question, but not complete sentences or her thoughts. So i wanted to ask, if the reason for this is that she is not fully developed consciousnes, or there might be other reasons?
Hello everyone!! I’m Ren, pretty new here (been lurking on the site for a few months but never made an account). I actually got introduced to the idea of tulpamancy through Danganronpa V3, by Korekiyo Shinguuji. Funnily enough, guess who’s now my tulpa?... Yep. Korekiyo himself!! So I guess I’ll be putting my progress with him here. Kiyo’s been around for a month and a half now. His growth has been rapid. I never really had anything in my mind blocking his existence, so it was pretty easy for him to develop sentience (or at least what we consider sentience) in a short amount of time. Our wonderland was also formed in a matter of days, but Kiyo has been adjusting it as he sees fit, so who knows what it looks like now? He’s also been working on vocality, being really pushing to adopt his voice. He sounds, looks, and acts exactly like the character.. so maybe he’s a fictive? Either way, Kiyo’s aware that he and that character are not the same being, but he considers himself to be a reincarnation of the character, without the trauma and suffering. He’s really interested in anthropology, of course, and since that’s the career path I want to pursue as well (I’m 15), we’ve been reading a lot of anthropology books together. It’s quite a positive experience, although he does sometimes get annoyed with me when I don’t read them for while, and starts being REALLY sarcastic. It’s okay, though. When I get into arguments with my parents, Kiyo is with me, urging me to keep my cool and not waste my time on them. I wonder if he looks down on them? When he especially disagrees with them, he calls them “petty idiots”. I don’t have any issues with my parents, I love them more than anything, but Korekiyo gets mighty judgemental of people he doesn’t trust, and it takes him a long time to trust someone. But, he doesn’t ever wish harm on anyone, and shows no urges to lash out, rather wishing for me to do the opposite. So I’d say it’s rather inconsequential. Kiyo can sort of talk through me. What I mean by that is that he tells me what he wants to say, and I type it out. But more often than not, I have a general idea of what he wants to say without him saying anything to me. When I ask him about it, though, he confirms that that is what he was saying. So maybe we just mentally communicate really fast? I can definitely make out a difference between my texting pattern and his, and it’s not a conscious choice- when I’m typing for Kiyo, I don’t have to think out what he says, although he speaks in a much more formal manner than I do. It just kinda comes to me naturally, as though he is speaking through my fingertips. Really interesting! We want to get better at possession (or more accurately, we want to be able to do it at all). Any tips from experienced tulpamancers? Also, encouraging notes are appreciated, by both me and Kiyo. (Also, I included an edit I made of him! SPOILERS!!) IMG_4885.MP4 IMG_4885.MP4 Good day to all! Bye! -Ren
Hello, I am still very new to all of this but we had a question that I wasn't sure how to search for. To start I am not sure if my Tulpa, Giovanni, is vocal. There was an incident, months ago, where early in the morning I heard a voice whisper to me. It wasn't in my head but like right next to my ear, where they could have breathed on me. Truthfully I was spooked by it. I do not remember what it said just the tone of the voice, like a heavy smoker or something close in roughness. It was only later that I reasoned it could have been Giovanni but I have not been able to get a straight answer on it. Since then he is reluctant to open his mouth to speak. Could it have been? Is that what vocalization can sound like/ feel like? Secondly, We have been mildly forceing through the day when we started to talk about fronting. We've been doing that exercise where you have you memory as a library and they can go through and view memories. Giovanni made a reference that forcing could look/ feel like the Emotion Bottles from the show The Magicians. (In the show they trap their emotions in a bottle so they can make unrestrained decisions, sort of.) I thought that was really clever. We have not watched the show together nor talked about it before, but we do talk about magic and similar genres. Is this behavior be considered a reflection of sentience?
I've been mainly following Kiahdaj's Absolute Guide and Reguile's Grounded Guide (while of course having looked at a few others), the latter being what came to me naturally as this gap-filling engine developed more or less by itself while narrating. I haven't focused on character or form a lot, in order to not force anything on my tulpa they might not want. Anyway, my problem is I can't seem to get further than that - I'm able to shut off my "thought engine" within seconds, however, I do not get any thoughts from my tulpa either after that point. I assume that getting to that point would resolve a few other issues I currently have - for example, neither of us seems to be able to tell where a thought came from, usually (it was suggested to me we might be more or less a median system, which is not what I/we want). There seems to be a lack of independence here, in various regards… Furthermore, they seem to be more an aspect of myself, rather than a distinct persona, and they weren't able to choose a name, gender, pronoun and a stable form for now (though from what I can tell, they did not seem to like the wonderland I initially created (a kind of datacenter/server room, based on my metaphor a tulpa is essentially an AI doing machine learning from narration), and have simply moved to an indistinct location within our head, claiming "this is *your* wonderland, not mine"), and they simply seem to switch between phases of constant agreement/approval and constant disagreement/disapproval of what I think - which brings us back to the assumption that they currently are more an aspect of myself, specifically the critical voice in my head that occasionally just doesn't find anything to criticize.
So I've had a tulpa for maybe four months now. I remember seeing a cool Youtibe video on tulpamancy and looking into it, which is how I sparked interest. I still have my first tulpa, Rain, but I've had a run-in with a rather nasty one too. There was a point in which I thought I was too busy for tulpa and almost abandoned her, but I decided to try again and here I am. I honestly don't communicate much with Rain, only when I remember she's there (is she a tulpa at all?) and I feel bad. I really want to have somebody as a passenger in life and share experiences with, but I don't know if I'm ready. I'm 14, so still relatively young, and don't know if it's too early. I'm just going through a kinda rough time now. I'm more anxious than usual as I try to hide the fact that I'm trans-masc and all the other things burdening me. If she can help me, great, but I don't expect her to. She's a bit different than me, but in essence she's shaped around my own personality. I'm thinking about making another tulpa, though I'm not 100% sure how. I'm also very interested in possession. I can visualize her in the real world and talk to her in my head, but that's about it. Any suggestions on how to grow at all from here? Tha ks for reading, I appreciate it. ^^
So I'm not new to tulpamancy. I have had tulpa ever since I was 6 years old- so approximately 14 years. I've loved and cherished them all this time, and only found out last year what they truly were. Or so I thought. I want to run how my tulpa operate past other people and get their opinions- are they really tulpa? I have been doing research into Daemons, Soulbonders, wonderlands, and many other topics, and it strongly has me rethinking everything. To start off, albeit that I am not new to the concept, I seem to not have much practice. When I read about tulpa, I read about fronting, taking over (tulpa coming through the body to interact with the outside world). However, that does not occur with my tulpa. They have done it, maybe once, and I was not "taking a back seat" when they did it. So I'm very confused, to say the least. They function on their own, they have their own wills and personalities, they have their own hobbies, even their own relationships with other tulpa. Everyone of them works well with others, even if their personalities clash sometimes. The only quarrels I have are with "walk-ins"? I'm not sure what to call them, but every so often we get a stray entity that comes around, friend or foe, and doesn't stay long. Sometimes they cause mayhem, other times they sit down and heave tea with my boys before leaving again. I have approximately 25 tulpa as well, excluding those that occasionally come around but are still permanent. (i.e. i have a group of 3 werewolves that I see and talk with every few months) Another thing is, I don't see "see" them, in my physical space around me. I feel the spatially, and visualize them that way. Sometimes their appearances change, alter, or warp. Sometimes they are clear and defined, when I have good days, but other times they truly feel like wispy spirits just nearby, not full entities. I'm really distraught right now because I don't know what to call them. I don't know what to look up for research. I don't know what to practice first. I don't know how to approach anything right now, because for the past 14 years I've just head them as friends in my head, who I talk with and are their own people, but I can't feel them that well. If anyone can offer any advice it's greatly appreciated, I will also answer any question people throw at me. Thank you all for your time. Edit: I really need help figuring out what or who my "first" tulpa was...he's a complete mystery.
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- Visualization
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Their birthday is 04/29/20 04/30/20: I introduced myself to them today. Told them I wouldn't name them, and they could decide on their own. Weirdly enough, I think the response I got was Clause, and male. Their personality appears to be flipiant and silly. I'll let them take their time to decide though, and take my time in understanding them talking. I'm still unsure what's my mindvoice and what's theirs.. I'm worried I can't hear them well enough to know what they want. So I won't call them anything yet. I'm gonna go back to reading this guide now, with them over my shoulder learning with me. Wish us luck! I've decided to make these journal entries towards you, my Tulpa, in order to help with passive forcing. This way, I can talk to you and we can go over your growth together! I dislike referring to you as they/them, unless that's what you want. But I'll be patient to see what you decide to become. I just don't want to dehumanize you, as your well being is very important to me. Our wonderland, for now, will simply be my room. It's hard to imagine alot of things at once, so I'll stick with something farmilar. I'm going to try and stop doubting what is and is not my own mindvoice, as doubt can be bad for your growth. I do believe in hearing you to some extent, I'm just unsure of how much I'm perceiving as your thoughts. After talking to you again, watching you lay on the floor on your back, roll over, and stretch your neck out on the floor and rest your head, I've figured that your first answer to a question to be your actual answer. Instead of doubting. So hello Clause, it's nice to meet you sir. It's very late, and seems you've stretched out next to me in our mind space. So I'll passively force with you till I fall asleep, since it's nice to have company to fall asleep with. Goodnight bud 😴
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- Sentience
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I'm very new to this entire thing, but I started researching it because I have this sort of "friend." His name is Connor, and I've been having these daydreams about him for the past 2 years. These daydreams are extremely vivid, where I talk to myself out loud as him and I know exactly what he looks like, sounds like, his lifestyle, his fears and aspirations, his personality, etc. It's gotten to the point where sometimes he feels more real than people I actually know in real life, and I can hear him in my head whenever something happens and he feels like responding. It even feels like he's reading this over my shoulder as I type it. Is he a tulpa, or something else? Is there anyway I can help materialize him more? I would love to have him by my side, but I'm not sure how to. Any help or explanations? I'd really appreciate it. (The picture attached is something that I'm pretty sure he painted; I remember physically making it but I dont really remember why or how, kinda like I was half-way disassociating)
This discussion originated from the thread Did I give the right answer? -Cat_ShadowGriffin the "controlling" is somewhat unconscious I guess, just.. like if you imagine something (visualize) totally made up, you're doing that, even if it can happen/continue really naturally, like that tulpas just have a little more going on y'know
I have a romantic relationship with my tulpa, but I would like to feel the emotions of love that she feels for me (I guess this is related in some way to the sentience) She is not vocal yet, she has a certain level of judgment and I communicate with her through music, but I want to communicate in other ways with my tulpa so that she can transmit me the emotions of love she feels for me. How else can I communicate with my tulpa?
Recently, I’ve been feeling head pressures, which I believe to be my Tulpa gaining sentience. However, as of late the feeling has been weaker and I don’t feel it as much. I was wondeing what this might be and what I could do to fix it.