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How'd you find Tulpa.info?


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Guest Anonymous

Don't recall if I've posted here before, so fuck it I'm gonna do it anyway.


I happened to come across a creepypasta named "Tulpa" listened to it, and thought... "eh, it's okay." (nothing beats The Russian Sleep Experiment... NOTHING). After a while, on a hot summer day, I came across the story again. This time however, I swore I'd seen the word somewhere before. After listening to the story a second time, I wondered if this "tulpa" thing was actually a thing. Not conciously, but rather on a whim, I googled "tulpa" (not sure if I was looking for the story again), and eventually come across a Wiki article I didn't feel like reading... and eventually the site.


Back then, I didn't pay it much attention, because of how bland I originally thought it looked. I figured it was just like another short article or some bullshit. Eventually I found my way to Bluesleeve's blog, and from a few articles from there (perhaps it was the fact there was a pony smoking a fucking pipe that convinced me to use my eyeballs to read the pages... a fucking pipe, man...) plus a testimony from Methos, I was like "Fuck my summer, I'm making a tulpa." for many reasons I shouldn't get into (mainly because this post is already long enough).


After I was continuously dragged back to this site I figured "alright, this shitty ass site must be a little important. Maybe I'll just look-" And then I found guides. And the diagrams. And the otherwise off topic bullshit, and like that, I was hooked.

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I admin a facebook pony group


One day some members were duscussing something, and tulpae came up in their dissussion, i asked what a tulpa was and they linked me to this site


After a few months of lurking, i started work on aura on oct 30, 2012. After six months i got him vocal, and made an account for the site

i am forever banned from drinking orange juice because my tulpa hates it with a burning passion


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  • 3 weeks later...



Heya Guys,


I am Thymian and I am from Germany. My real name is Domenic but you all can call me Domi. I am new here, and I hope my english dosn't suck that much. I'm here, because I want a tulpa. I want it with all of my heart, with every single heartbeat I want a tulpa.



I found this site on a discussion between bronies. This discussion was about tulpas and I was kinda interested on that thing, so I searched for tulpa and found this page. After I read all, what a Tulpa can do and what a tulpa is, I thought my dream of love can come true, and now I'm here and I'm glad to met you all guys :3


Btw: First Post, Yay :3


Edith: Oh, I see. Spoilers are deactivated.. never mind. I still let it there, so everybody can see, it's offtopic.

Tulpa: Luna/Schattenlied(Shadowsong) /Whatever she wants.

Age: 20-25

Form: Pony/Elf

Sentience: Nope

Mindvoice: Nope

Work in progress: Try to force her in my mind

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Just take away "=Offtopic" and it'll work.

"If this can be avoided, it should. If it can't, then it would be better if it could be. If it happened and you're thinking back to it, try and think back further. Try not to avoid it with your mind. If any of this is possible, it may be helpful. If not, it won't be."


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Nah, spoilers work fine. Just delete "=Offtopic" from the spoiler tag. Unless you meant to use [spoiler=Offtopic] as a collapse tag, which this forum doesn't have quite yet.


All that aside, welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay!


EDIT: Damn, you beat me to it.

My Tulpa

And then it cuts to a scene where you're sitting in a padded cell.


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I thank you so much guys :3 Anyways I am at the start of the tulpas and tonight I gonna try it to foce my tulpa again.


Anyways, I have to thank you guys :3

Tulpa: Luna/Schattenlied(Shadowsong) /Whatever she wants.

Age: 20-25

Form: Pony/Elf

Sentience: Nope

Mindvoice: Nope

Work in progress: Try to force her in my mind

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I found out about the tulpa phenomena through a friend on an Otherkin board. At some point a discussion came up that had my friend asked me if I heard about tulpa and zie showed me this site, including FAQ_Man's guide. This was about a month ago, but I just read over everything and did my own outside research before starting on the creation of my tulpa and finally joining this forum.

Tulpa Information


[align=center]Name: Quill

Sex: Male

Form: Human

Stage: Visualization


Arawn's Progress Report[/align]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Um... well, I found it cuz I was poking around somewhere with people who have DID. Some personality was wondering if she was real, another person, or a tulpa, and I had no idea what a tulpa was. So I googled it and found this place. The end.




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From someone who turned out to be a massive roleplaying liar oddly enough.


Found the site, found the .info IRC, started tulpa, made my way to the 4chins and st up shop there for months, then to an IRC, then I finally gave in and made a proper account here a bit back, posted a little, left again, came back with new vigor and intent to help people when I can, and here I am.

The original edgelord gone soft.

I have a guide, check it out here if you want:




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