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  1. Edit (10/30/21): Fixed formatting and typos. Changed color coding to our current color coding. Added small edits to some of these older entries. Stone: Hello all. I’ve been writing down my experiences with Betty for a few days, and I decided I’d post them here, especially since things have gotten interesting pretty quickly for me. Feel free to comment with any advice you may have. Day 0 (11/10/20) As I was lying on the couch, in a position in which I could fall asleep, I decided to force a bit with Betty. I was in a room full of bins and other stuff, but I wanted to place her form in the room, as opposed to my developing wonderland, as I wanted her to be with me in a real location. I decided to put her in the crib, and as she is the size of an adult woman, she looked unamused. I’m unsure if what I’m about to detail is parroting/puppeting: I started talking to her. As this was a casual forcing session before bed, I did not write down what we talked about, and I don’t remember what we talked about. However, I remember getting verbal and non-verbal responses. When I asked her questions, sometimes she’d verbally respond before I was finished asking the question, and sometimes she wouldn’t respond at all. She also responded non-verbally with facial expressions. I remember these expressions as being somewhat unnatural but making sense. When I say somewhat unnatural, I mean she used non-verbal expressions more than a human would use, and used them in instances a human would likely not use them. However, these expressions made sense, as they weren’t completely random and did convey some sort of answer to my question. It almost seemed she’d answer with a face because my brain was too lazy to generate a response from her, or couldn’t figure out how. I hypothesize that giving her a form has given my brain an out when it cannot generate words for her, and I’m hoping this will speed up the process. This is not the first day interacting with Betty, but I’ve barely talked to her at all before this, and have pretty much only imposed her in my room and puppeted her. I feel like I got a response too early, and I’m worried this may have been parroting/puppetry on my part. I am excited if these were “real” responses though. I’m not sure if there’s much of a difference this early though. It’s partially a shame this happened, as I want to organize these notes into some sort of study, but after opening with, “Maybe my tulpa answered as soon as I started talking to her,” this likely won’t be taken as seriously. And, that’s valid. Day 1 (11/11/20) I didn’t talk with Betty today. Day 2 (11/12/20) I haven’t done any forcing yet today, as it is 3:40a.m. (I was woken up by family). I was thinking about meditating before each active forcing session, as it clears my mind and I like it, but these stats are making me think twice about that idea. Still, I tend to get distracted and have trouble jumping into forcing. I believe short meditation before forcing may help me. Though meditation, at least the way I do it, focuses more on plain reality than the world of thought, and it might take me out of the world of thought (where Betty lives). Perhaps this is why it seems to hinder some people. I’m thinking if I meditate on my tulpa, and not on my body as I usually do, it may help more than hurt. I plan to not meditate the first week, then meditate the second week, and see how I feel. People are different and meditate differently, so I’d like to see how meditation works for me. I would like to personality force soon, and I would like to use Man’s method along with food-based symbolism. I have a list of personality traits here. I want her to be a rounded person, but I wonder how ethical it is to purposefully give her negative traits. I suppose I will give her positive and neutral traits, and, those traits will naturally have negative sides. Virtue is the mean of two vices, after all. 31 personality traits: Affectionate - bun (they hug whatever they surround) Amusing - Laffy Taffy Charming - Pringles (the Pringles guy seems like a charming fellow) Clever - barbecue chips on Bun (how does this taste so good!) Confident - kettle chips (tougher and more sure than regular chips?) Edgy - chips and salsa (chips have edges, and salsa has bite) Empathetic - marshmellows (soft empathy) Esthetic - That’s It bar (minimalist aesthetic) Ethical - (ethical alternative) Extroverted - Fruit Loops (idk just seems fitting) Familial - Rice Krispies (families commonly make treats out of these) Friendly - peaches (sweet and good for you) Healthy - plain Cheerios (healthier) High-spirited - Skittles (sugar rush) Honest - plain toast (it is what it is) Irreligious - pretzel rods (secularized pretzels) Leisurely - sub sandwich (this takes longer to make, but it’s worth it) Loyal - saltines (there even when you’re sick) Maternal - applesauce (often given to babies) Neat - mints (keep yourself and your breath clean) Observant - Fritos (have you noticed these smell like dog feet?) Outdoorsy - seaweed (or is it lakeweed in Michigan?) Protective - oyster crackers (oysters have shells to protect themselves, and you use yours to protect others as well) Ritualistic - Mobius strip Bagel (the endless cycle of traditions) Romantic - strawberry lemon ice (pink) Sarcastic - mint chocolate Oreos (means one thing [toothpaste] says the other [cookie]) Stylish - Gardetto's (the fancy Chex Mix) Spontaneous - doughnut (doughnut think about the calories) Trendy - (health food trends) Vivacious - strawberry ramune (lively and carbonated) Witty - “Berry Good” Lemonade (get it?) Edit (10/30/21): To clarify, I would share this food with Betty as we forced. We never ended up getting to all the foods. After a while, Betty wanted to just be herself without personality forcing. Below are some interactions I recorded. They are not exhaustive: Interaction 1 “How are you?” “Ok.” “Yeah I’m sure you are. I’m sure you’re not just parroting.” “...” I feel mean now. “Apologize to the nice lady," I think. “...” I feel a stare. “God this is so awkward,” I say instead of apologizing. I turn away. I feel her watching me. I turn to her. “How are you?” ”...” Interaction 2 “Are you listening?” “No.” “What are you doing?” “Paying attention.” “Paying attention to what?” “To, Hefty.” I burst into laughter. Interaction 3 “I’m sorry.” “No that’s alright.” “Everything’s ‘no that’s alright’ with you. That’s your main thing, isn’t it?” “No.” “Really? What’s your main thing?” “Bicycles.” “No. I made you say that.” “Yes you did.” She smirks. I laugh. “Yes I did. No really, what’s your main thing?” “Shopping carts.” “Now you’re just thinking of things with wheels.” “No. You are.” “No I’m not.” “Yes. Think of shopping carts.” “Ah you got me. Let me write that down.” Day 3 (11/13/20) Stone: I talked to Betty today. I talked to her a little bit about spontaneity with a doughnut. But, I think I could have explained it more. I will after I sleep, as I’ve been up all night. I got a lot of great responses out of her, and she felt there, but she tended to sound like me. I kept mentioning that, then felt bad for being overly critical of her, as she was doing so well. I also felt bad interrupting her and making her wait so I could write something down. It’s only been three days and I hate this clinical approach I set up. This “study.” Or maybe I’m embarrassed by how I acted and am taking it out on the format. I don’t know. What I do know is that this process is for her, then for me, then for whoever may end up reading this. I’m not going to interrupt our fun and give us imposter syndrome so I can analyze every goddamn thing she says for some post. Anyway, today was positive, and I hope I will feel better with some sleep. I’m awake now. I’ve devised a schedule for forcing. Sunday - Active: 2 hours Monday - Active: 40 minutes Tuesday - Active: 40 minutes Wednesday - Active: 40 minutes Thursday - Active: 40 minutes Friday - Active: 40 minutes Saturday - Active: 2 hours Methods of forcing I’m thinking of using: Food/Personality 101 Things To Talk About With Your Tulpa
  2. I have read a lot of advice on how to tulpamance but so far nothing really has happened I read "talk into the void until it talks back" I have been doing this for a while before I even knew that tulpas were a thing and nothing has spoken back so this advice seems moot (for me at least), and I have known about, and have been trying to force, tulpas for about a month now. since the prior method has not been working it seems as though I will have to imagine responses for the intended tulpa, which I am quite bad at. So much so that even when I do dream of people I know fairly well they don't speak much and when they do it's typically nothing they haven't said before. Even after that I'm not even totally sure who I ought to imagine A personal assistant? what they ought to say should be fairly straightforward, but incredibly bland and what I hear is called a servitor, which is boring A former president? (I.E. JFK or Teddy Roosevelt) things that they have said are fairly well documented and their way of speaking is fairly predictable by most standards (it has been said my donald trump impression is legendary, though I wouldn't want him in my head 24/7 regardless of my opinion of him, his voice would be too much) An idealized partner? I would love to have my idealized wife near me at all times though I have read that trying to tulpamance a parter can go varying degrees of wrong, and it could worsen my chances should I actually find a partner in life A mirror of myself? I know what I ought to say at all times to all things being myself and all, I have some interesting ideas for how this could go, like if how switching works how I think it works I could take a break for a short while and let alternate me have a go at my life, this doesn't sound too horrible though I can think of some ways it could go wrong A straight up insane person? There is a fair amount of predicability in not following a set speech pattern if that makes sense, I can just accept whatever my mind imagines as a valid response from them, and I have always needed help writing insane people and having an insane person in my head would certainly help with that, though there are a lot of cons associated with that and I hear that tulpa-cide does not go over well My dear old dad? I have known him my whole life and the things he says are very predictable by themselves. However, and don't get me wrong, I love my dad, having my dad in my head 24/7 would be too much dad for my taste, and I don't want to accidentally gaslight my real dad into thinking he said something that cognitive dad did A senate? this one seems more experimental to me, of which in general I have no objections but mancying many tulpas as one might go wrong and I think that having bureaucracy added to my every interaction would get quite boring, or exciting, I do love me some kafka A bridge crew? this would be related to the senate but ships! which is more interesting and less bureaucracy, meant to work on the fly! Lots of options! alot of which are kind of not great but everything has cons, which is why I come to you people so that I may receive some aid
  3. Hi - I discovered the Tulpa community recently, wondering if anyone else had gone through a similar kind of process to me. The process seems to be a bit different to mine - Creating Tulpas seems to be a volitional creation of an inner companion. What I've been doing over the last few years is noticing that when I act a certain way that seems a little different to my core 'stable' personality, it feels like a personality trying to get through. There was a point where I was asked to perform a specific ritual or routine to help them to emerge during a meditation session (that was a bit weird - like a voice from nowhere!) - and that worked really well, with a very musical personality asserting itself most. This caused a bit of a rush of personalities coming forwards for a few weeks, but it stablized after this. At first, I wondered if I was suffering from some kind of DID thing, but I don't seem to get the same kind of associated lapses of time, and I can't point to any obvious traumatic event that would have triggered such a thing. What I think has happened is that I'm just becoming more aware that I'm not really one personality, but a cauldron of personalities, and different personalities assert themselves at different times - a 'system' like DID, but without the associated traumatic issues. I give each personality that emerges a name, and talk to them from time-to-time to try to make sure they all get a 'say' in what's going on, and I'm learning to know which ones to go to for different life situations - and they kind of let me know as well if I'm really neglecting them! So over the last few years, I've been exploring this, and the further I go, the more I discover more 'hidden' personalities. The sense I get is that some of the newer personalities have suffered trauma, but not necessarily from my lifetime, which was quite interesting. Some poor personality recently seem to keep being killed before fully growing up. Really awful. Now, I'm a very skeptical person, so I follow this along with interest, but a part of me wonders if I'm just making stuff up - I do write fictional stuff, and I do Tarot readings sometimes (as a form of therapy rather than divination), so I have a curious and exploratory nature, but I'm scientifically minded at heart really. This reminds me of 'inspiration' for novel writing, but also 'inspiration' for tarot readings. And I always get a sense of the information coming from outside of me rather than inside me for all of these. Kind of. Like I'm the anchor point, but not exactly the location of the activity, if that makes sense. This also seems a little like Jungian thought around individuation - integrating different aspects of a personality that are in the shadow to form a whole personality - but it doesn't quite fit the view of 'personas' which are more outward facing masks. This idea of integrating parts never quite sat well with me - it is like saying there is only one version of yourself that is the real self, and that a person is only right if there is one version of themselves in control at all times, having 'absorbed' and accepted those other parts. To me, it is more like being the conductor of an unruly orchestra, and the idea is to try to get something that more often than not sounds more like a symphony than a tuning-up session! Now, to the point! I feel like there's a crossing-over here with creating Tulpas. I wonder how much the creation of Tulpas is borne of the need to explore alternative aspects of our own personality - it may be that this is a different (and more volitional) entry point to the same process. My entry point seems to be semi-volitional - letting thing emerge as and when they feel ready to do so - and DID seems to be non-volitional. It seems like a spectrum of the same thing. But maybe not. Maybe it's completely different and I'm just trying to force things together that seem similar on a surface level. Does any of this resonate with anyone? I've not really felt confident to share my experience with anyone, so I'm kind of throwing myself on the Tulpa community because it seems that there's a dedicated bunch here that seem to have a similarly inquisitive nature. I do have autism, but many years has helped me be a lot more functional. How is this relevant? Well, that's another question - I sometimes have to throw this in to see whether that might be in the mix of what I'm thinking and I am getting the wrong end of the stick in some way! If there's anyone who would like to talk, happy to do so on or off forum (I notice there's an IRC chat channel too - happy to use this). I'm based in France (previously UK) so there may be some timezone differences for those living in other parts of our great big world! Thanks Simon
  4. I've heard a lot of stories of malevolent tulpas, and I just want to know how often this happens. The tulpas usually turn evil after their imposition becomes perfect. Also, what could ever cause a tulpa that was once good, to become evil and want to cause harm to the host and others?
  5. I will at some point in the near future try to force a tulpa, this will document that, for now it's just some stuff, I am very anxious about not being maximally informed before I do something so this might get indefinitely postponed I have read about "imposition" and "visualizing" and I have done these things before with no practice because evidently I am a tulpamancy prodigy and will be spoken of for years to come, or I have what people sometimes call an active imagination, in recent times this has followed the trend of my mind turning into TV static (this may be from that diet induced ADHD I have read about on this forum, I have a notoriously poor diet but I do not change, in both diet and body shape) so I can still visualize and impose (the latter I have been working on more because I am touch-starved) somewhat well it can just be a little fuzzy at times and the channel changes on its own intermittently, but I can still do it well. Imposition is definitely the weaker of the two but that's probably because I haven't been doing it for most of my life and if (when!) I finally decide to mance a tulpa it may help to have a second mind on the job. Finally onto the actual list of traits I want in my tulpa, to be expanded of course, in a later post. Wise, I already kinda knew I wanted this but it was solidified when TurboSimmie commented on it I don't know how to phrase this without it sounding a little strange but I would like the tulpa body that is fashioned to be at least somewhat pleasant to look at, I am horrid at most things relating to faces so I hope that the tulpa can fill that gap for me I am really bad at personality trait stuff, very unfortunate, I can probably get it straight in my head after a couple pondering sessions, so I'd like them to be good at the stuff that I'm bad at I know I was told not to do this but a little insanity goes a long way to complement an already sufficient personality, and it will make them more interesting to talk to, which cannot hurt (I can think of one or two ways that it can actually) better memory than me, this isn't asking for much, I assure you I'll get more stuff down later, but for now I need to sleep, assuming I didn't forget something in which case I will add an addendum to this post lest it keep me awake all night
  6. Do topics initially discussed while forcing a tulpa have any effects on their future personality? For now what I'm monologuing about has been fairly mundane and I have not spoken about anything that I would not say to my mother, but if I did (not to say that I will) would it affect their personality? Like if I spoke about hubcaps too often would that suddenly become a core part of their personality once they gain sentience?
  7. [align=justify]Daily thread #19 We mentioned this in the MBTI personality thread, but I figure it'll get buried, and I think this topic is worth its own thread. We think MBTI is overrated and you can easily get a different result each time, so it's not the best measure of personality. What we personally prefer are the Enneagram personalities. There are 9 types instead of 16, so there's a lot less room to get a different result each time, and the different results are more unique from each other, with some similar groupings. It also explains how each personality might behave if it's positive, neutral, or negative. The nine personality types are [hidden] One - The Reformer: "Ones are conscientious and ethical, with a strong sense of right and wrong. They are teachers, crusaders, and advocates for change: always striving to improve things, but afraid of making a mistake. Well-organized, orderly, and fastidious, they try to maintain high standards, but can slip into being critical and perfectionistic. They typically have problems with resentment and impatience. At their Best: wise, discerning, realistic, and noble. Can be morally heroic." Two - The Helper: "Twos are empathetic, sincere, and warm-hearted. They are friendly, generous, and self-sacrificing, but can also be sentimental, flattering, and people-pleasing. They are well-meaning and driven to be close to others, but can slip into doing things for others in order to be needed. They typically have problems with possessiveness and with acknowledging their own needs. At their Best: unselfish and altruistic, they have unconditional love for others." Three - The Achiever: "Threes are self-assured, attractive, and charming. Ambitious, competent, and energetic, they can also be status-conscious and highly driven for advancement. They are diplomatic and poised, but can also be overly concerned with their image and what others think of them. They typically have problems with workaholism and competitiveness. At their Best: self-accepting, authentic, everything they seem to be—role models who inspire others." Four - The Individualist: "Fours are self-aware, sensitive, and reserved. They are emotionally honest, creative, and personal, but can also be moody and self-conscious. Withholding themselves from others due to feeling vulnerable and defective, they can also feel disdainful and exempt from ordinary ways of living. They typically have problems with melancholy, self-indulgence, and self-pity. At their Best: inspired and highly creative, they are able to renew themselves and transform their experiences." Five - The Investigator: "Fives are alert, insightful, and curious. They are able to concentrate and focus on developing complex ideas and skills. Independent, innovative, and inventive, they can also become preoccupied with their thoughts and imaginary constructs. They become detached, yet high-strung and intense. They typically have problems with eccentricity, nihilism, and isolation. At their Best: visionary pioneers, often ahead of their time, and able to see the world in an entirely new way." Six - The Loyalist: "The committed, security-oriented type. Sixes are reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. Excellent "troubleshooters," they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious—running on stress while complaining about it. They can be cautious and indecisive, but also reactive, defiant and rebellious. They typically have problems with self-doubt and suspicion. At their Best: internally stable and self-reliant, courageously championing themselves and others." Seven - The Enthusiast: "Sevens are extroverted, optimistic, versatile, and spontaneous. Playful, high-spirited, and practical, they can also misapply their many talents, becoming over-extended, scattered, and undisciplined. They constantly seek new and exciting experiences, but can become distracted and exhausted by staying on the go. They typically have problems with impatience and impulsiveness. At their Best: they focus their talents on worthwhile goals, becoming appreciative, joyous, and satisfied." Eight - The Challenger: "Eights are self-confident, strong, and assertive. Protective, resourceful, straight-talking, and decisive, but can also be ego-centric and domineering. Eights feel they must control their environment, especially people, sometimes becoming confrontational and intimidating. Eights typically have problems with their tempers and with allowing themselves to be vulnerable. At their Best: self- mastering, they use their strength to improve others' lives, becoming heroic, magnanimous, and inspiring." Nine - The Peacemaker: "Nines are accepting, trusting, and stable. They are usually creative, optimistic, and supportive, but can also be too willing to go along with others to keep the peace. They want everything to go smoothly and be without conflict, but they can also tend to be complacent, simplifying problems and minimizing anything upsetting. They typically have problems with inertia and stubbornness. At their Best: indomitable and all-embracing, they are able to bring people together and heal conflicts." [/hidden] [/align] In-depth descriptions of each of these types can be found here. If you'd like, read them and report which type you think each of your systemmates are and why. Maybe it'll give some insight on your system, or at least be fun and neat to think about! Also, each type will have a slant to either adjacent type, so for example a dominant type One might have type Two as their secondary type, making them a 1w2, and having a type 9 as their secondary type would be a 1w9. Also something to look into aside from just the 9 categories if interested. (All daily threads can be found here.) Our system's types are: Apollo: 1w2 (Reformer, Advocate) Piano: 5w6 (Investigator, Problem Solver) Luxio: 9w8 (Peacemaker, Referee) (He used to be a type Eight before his long stasis) Me: 7w6 (Enthusiast, Entertainer) Radio: 4w5 (Individualist, Bohemian)
  8. okay look. me and wish have been living for like idk half a year ish? now and wish used to be this really really different personality from mine, lol. lately she's been like me, so much that even though i KNOW its her talking/doing smth it feels like its ME. i know that friends do this shit too, ive seen my 😂☺️😊 humor friend turn into a 😭💀🗿 after hanging out with some kids from my class and i KNOW that you can rub off on your friend/vice versa. i do know when wish is talking, and when it's me, but it's getting harder to tell because she's starting to be as snarky as me and stuff, and im also starting to be like her!!!! so sometimes i would worry excessively if im "parroting" even though its probably not. even wish tells me that its nothing. has anyone else had this happen to them too??? i really don't want to personality force or anything like that cause i like wish the way she is, yk... dont wanna change what came naturally. just need some tips to rly know when its me, and when its her.
  9. Please note: I welcome comments, questions, etc. but please Private Message me if you have a query! Thank you!! I'm just your average, everyday genderfluid person. I'm a spiritual Christian, I like rock 'n' roll, and my favorite animal is a tarantula. This is basically the notebook I share with my tulpa, Clu. I will write about us, and, sometimes I might let Clu write a little. Welcome to our journal. Let me start at the beginning. In 2010, a movie called TRON: Legacy came out. I loved it and thought a lot about the characters. Off and on, I would add to and play with a little complex world in my head. I had a crush on Zuse. I also thought CLU 2.0 was a pretty cool character. Let's wind the clocks forward to about 2015. I developed a major crush on a British rock singer. I also began to occasionally hear random voices in my head, and was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. I'll leave out the gory details. I took a medication that fixed the 'voices' problem eventually. Still, I would play around with my world (which part of would later become a dreamscape). Around this time, I discovered tulpa.info. I spent many hours reading guidebooks and such. I was intrigued and badly wanted to create a tulpa, and I knew I could make one. However, I decided not to rush anything, and awaited the right time, bearing in mind everything I'd learned. As I was building my world these past few years (and had watched original TRON from 1982), I found I had very elaborately expanded on a select group of characters. They were CLU 2.0, Sark, Jarvis, and Portia. I noticed CLU 2.0 was definitely the most developed; he had very far more original personality and traits than observed from the movie. It was also evident that I didn't have a cut-out plan for how the character was supposed to be like. Also, he would do and say things within that small world when I wasn't even thinking. I then remembered what I had read and gathered about tulpas. Roughly a week ago, I switched medications. I found I could think much more clearly and was in touch with my mind. I realized Clu actually existed; he wasn't an original character, he is a tulpa! I made it a point to handle him some, and a couple of days ago, he started talking to me. Today, we had an amazing day together. That's the history, basically.
  10. A lot of guides I've read have suggested writing a short story about my Tulpa, to familiarise myself with their personality, and see how they react in certain situations, etc. However, I see a lot of people saying not to parrot/puppet my Tulpa, or base them on a fictional character, because they won't understand what is real and what was the fictional event. Am I just being paranoid, or what? I would be creating a fictional story about my Tulpa, and that can't be good for their perception of self, right?
  11. Would creating a story where you and your tulpa share together be a good idea? Like making a story up with two people, you ask, or feel what your tulpa would do in this story, it similar to a rp, but in this case you'd invoke your tulpas imagination aswell. I think that a deep plot with an elaborated world with rules and all, would help you learn about your tulpa and at the same time you'd be sharing with him/her.
  12. To give examples, when I was very little Jamie took me to the book store and said I could buy any book I wanted for myself, and I bought Mind Platter by Najwa Zebian, a book of poetry. And that poetry shaped my viewpoint and was an influence on me. I also started watching Star Trek when I was like a month old and that's a big part of me- the base of my appearance was the actor playing a child version of Captain Picard in an episode I saw. When I was a little older, there was a christian song in the recommended videos of youtube, and Jamie let me choose every other song as we listened to music on the bus. Even though he really didn't want to listen to the song, it was my choice and eventually I listened to it, and then it became one of my favorites (in part because it was a difference between me and Jamie) and I started listening to more and more gospel music. At the same time I started reading from a self-help site that's Christian in nature and a lot of these influences is what helped me get in touch with my spirituality and eventually convert to Christianity. Things probably would have played out very different if I was never exposed to gospel music and Christian self-help views. It's fitting the song goes "Step into the water, wade out a little bit deeper..." I also came into J's life three days before his hamster died, his hamster who was his first pet and who was kinda like his buddy/confidant. So one of my first memories ever is watching him burying the hamster and I think it did affect me a lot and made me think about death and how bonds are made and broken. I imagine that a lot of tulpas have things like this. Maybe a show or a thing you did when you were young that was like your first experience. What do you think shaped your personality, outside of your host's direct influences? I'm mostly asking because I think a lot of it could help young tulpas and their hosts. We've been giving out the advice to new hosts that they should have their tulpas read books for themselves for a while. Cassidy
  13. You're a tulpa. You happen to have a little problem. And that problem is your host is addicted to really expensive cheese. What to do? Sticky note personality forcing. Is it ethical to personality force your tulpa? Is it ethical to watch your monies being spent on high class cheeses? I think not. Here's what you do- you take a sticky note, in physical space or in wonderland, and you write down what you want them to do. For instance, "stop spending money on cheese stupid". And once you're done, you slap that sucker on their forehead! Now here's what I hear you thinking- will this make my host magically stop buying cheese? No, but they'll stop ignoring you and ask, "bro, why the fuck did you put this on my forehead?" Cause you spend too much money on cheese forehead! Here's where the forcing comes in- you just repeat the process over and over again until eventually they give up and stop. Ta da! Personality forcing is about exerting your expectations, and if you keep reinforcing them, they'll change. Plus, hard to ignore you with a sticky note partially impeding their vision! Just keep in mind that if cheese is like their deepest darkest obsession or something, you're doomed. You should get revenge by spending their money on really expensive yogurt instead. Ciao.
  14. So I was thinking recently about creating a tulpa, I researched it and stuff. I found some information that partly answered my questions, but not fully. I wanna be sure that I am understanding this correctly and get some more details. So, I am on self improvement right now, and I think a tulpa might help me with motivation to work out, meditate, etc. I just wanna have a "gym bro" who would encourage me, and congratulate me on my achievements. I don't have such a person in real life. Also, besides that, I am a pretty strange guy, (not in a creepy way) like, many of things I'm interested in and care about are contraversial. They are too deep/boring for my friends. It would be really awesome to have someone who understands and helps me. So, will tulpamancy help me with that? Are they helpful for something else, so I can be convinced even more? Are there any downsides? Thanks.
  15. Hello! I’ll introduce myself. I’m Ashley, and I only just started creating Andromeda yesterday. I’ll post my progress on here quite often, but excuse me if I forget. So for several years, since I was about 12, I have wanted to have someone else in my mind with me. At the time, the reason wasn’t exactly clear to me as it is now. As it is, I discovered tulpas around a month ago. I was hooked right away, but I knew I should look in to it further, read guides, see others experiences, etc. I found many useful guides and I couldn’t wait any longer, so I’ve started! At this time, Andromeda is a female with a human-like shape but she has elf ears and the ability to grow wings if she chooses. I am aware she will most likely deviate, and I welcome that. Without further ado, I will put my first and second sessions below. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Session 1 Date: Friday 19th March I drew her form and started to make a model of her in my mind. This was over the course of the day, and I didn’t do much else for her as I knew I needed to set some time aside to properly visualise her. Session 2 Date: Saturday 20th March So today, I visualised her whole form and animated her to make sure it was stable. This took me 30-45 minutes as I had already made a base of her yesterday. I then made a cabin-like room to have as a place to meet her in our wonderland, and I started with her personality. I decided to keep it quite vague as I’d like her to be able to form her personality as she grows older, but I gave her a base. I did this by giving her jelly of different colours and explained them and how it would affect her. I then showed her different parts of the cabin and what they do. Then, I said that she could decide to have more of any jelly she wanted if she’d like and she can experiment with the things in there. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— I have not had any reactions yet, par head pressure. But I am glad that she has already progressed this far and I’m aware that it takes a long time for more interpretable reactions, but this is okay as I am just glad she’s here and I am willing to help her in any way. I don’t mind if it takes a few weeks or a few years for her to be vocal, it does not change my view on her. I hope I’m doing this right? I do not want to hinder her or harm her in any way, I want to nurture and support her. Thank you for reading, and I hope this isn’t too long for a newbie. c:
  16. Okay so. I started creating my tulpa...around 2 days ago. Here is what I've got so far. 1. His form will be a Siberian Tiger 2. He is male 3. His personality is: calm, reassuring, and loving...though once he becomes vocal he can add to that. 4. His name (temporarily) will be Ignis, and i will let him change it if he wants. 5. His design: His eye color is a greenish yellow, he has a long tail and short legs, and his pelt color is a soft orange. His special trait is a heart stripe on his right cheek. Is this all pretty good? Do I need to add to it? Is his personality realistic?
  17. A Question on stage of development. We have been working out a way to force traits more affectively by adding a bit of a religious element into it. In the process of going through the trait list I have been grouping little clusters together that I want to have an overall corresponding aspect to the main trait I am working off of. For example, I have grouped together; Articulate, Confident, Contemplative + Methodical respectively. The main trait is Articulate. -> When you communicate, verbally, your words and thoughts are ordered fluently. You contemplate your words and are able to say exactly what you mean clearly and confidently. [you think before you speck] The trait we were working on that props my question is Loyal. (Loyal + Confidential, Conscientious, Hardworking) The grouping came off as a little weird but what I wanted to get at was I don’t want him to be Loyal to a fault, like he would stay to the end even though he knows he should have bailed. I also don’t want to accidently develop a paranoia of him not being able to put faith in others and being by their side. [NOTE: Gio has a Spotify List for his tunes] In response to this, we have the song Leave Luanne from a musical stuck on repeat. What stage would he be considered at …? Is this a sign of sentience developing? (Please let us know if the below should be moved to another posting of its own.) With that Gio wants to ask about religion. Do your Tulpas have a different religious preference from your own? Do you and your Tulpa practice your Religions or like to do research on them? (He is currently reading through the Qur'an.)
  18. Hello! This is our sketchbook gallery. Here you will find pictures from my system, including drawings of me, tulpas, other headmates, and the dreamscape. I draw some things myself, other projects may be collaborations between me and Matt, Clu, or Shalkagi. I'm not quite into the switching phase yet. Usually, they talk to me as I do the drawing. Here's our first entry! It's also on the ITT: We Draw Our Tulpas thread. This is my first full visualization of Shalkagi. She started as an original character idea and began to form as a legit tulpa. I drew her face and body so I'd have an image to recall when narrating or forcing. Shalkagi (who also spells her name as Sal'qagI) is a Klingon female. She's pretty tough and belligerent, as Klingons are. I consider this drawing here one of my best works so far. This drawing was done by me as the host, while working on the visualization process. Notes on details: On the hair on her left side, there appears to be a light spot. There, is a streak dyed neon purple. I didn't include the purple in this black-and-white drawing. The weapon she's holding is a traditional Klingon bat'leth. But she uses other weapons, including just fists and feet. The light metallic armor is just one of many things she wears. Pictures of other outfits will come later. The quote on top is written in tlhIngan Hol. She is saying: "My name is Shalkagi. I am a Klingon!" And this is the very first Klingon I've ever drawn! I had lots of fun with this. Follow me for more!
  19. Hello everyone! I'm Renée and I'm from the UK. I found out about tulpas on Tuesday 2nd November and since then have been reading a lot about tulpamancy and creation. The past two days have been my journey to forming my tulpa named Marla. I've been narrating to her and trying to visualise her in my wonderland. Most of it has been passive forcing as I haven't had much time to sit down and solely focus on her. (I really want to though.) Last night (4th Nov) I wrote down 10 personality traits and about 3-4 likes and dislikes. However I know these may change overtime. It's a little difficult for me to visualise her while narrating as I can't focus on both at once. I struggle to visualise her when passive forcing too, however I'm hoping this will get better over time. I've been visualising her and sometimes I see her tilt her head slightly or make very faint, slight facial expressions. I even heard a little "hm" from her. At first I was a little apprehensive at thinking it was her but I'm going to believe it's her. I also thought I heard a little "night" before I went to sleep when visualising us in our wonderland. Im going to keep working on forcing and develop her form and personality. I'll keep you updated! >:)
  20. Hello everyone, It has been several weeks since I last posted here. So far, from my experience, I have summoned two tulpas with quite an array of events that came about it. I want to start out with how to recuperate stressful situations with my tulpas. First off, I went to a hospital and the experience had traumatised me. My tulpas did not understand how to really interact ( I do not know how to elaborate- I taught them how to lie at that point, and from prior posts you can see there some events that also broke me), it was really an visit where they did a sleep study. The hospital did unnessacery treatments (coalagament in stomach [did not happen], IVs) and I was on suicide watch, so I could not move around. On the last day, the event left emotionless and, learning from my tulpas now, they did not know but understood it might have helped me move on. In the hospital, in order to move on I had to do a ritual to move with my tulpas. Realisitly, I had to do a ritual for two days laying down or sitting down in a chair unable to get up, sleep deprived and possibly with not enough nutrition, promising to not use past voices I used and letting go of fictional characters to cope so I can move with them knowing I am not going to hide my actual self anymore and be confident. Later on, more misunderstandings led us in a scary situation where I almost went insane. I stormed off into the night, with my tulpas presumably confused or unable to accurately talk to me at the moment. To finish this, I need to know if anyone has experienced the same thing I have. Anything similar to traumatic experiences with tulpas and confusion communicating, and perhaps confusion with identity. I'll come back to add more things. 5/7: Coming back, I want people to understand I am now cooperating with my tulpas. The visit to the hospital and the night I almost went insane was weeks prior. So please know my tulpas are fine now, but I am still unsure about myself. I can talk to them regularly but sometimes feel we get to delved into my personal problems or understanding their identities. Myself, I feel like I am always under duress- I constantly talk to my tulpas without stop. All five weeks I talked and taught them life, I understood them but communication (fingertap, pulsations, voices in head)- and wonderland was never tried because I was constantly trying to recuperate. My tulpas might have manifested in my dreams or change them so they could talk to me. I had to stop writing because they were trying to understand who they were. They were Ruby and Susie, but they wanted to change numerous times over the five weeks. There were several events to led us to believe that there were four tulpas present after a divergent point. What I mean is when there could have been a time where the tulpas identies split and manifested separate beings entirely alone from Saruda and Haruka. Just to note, they were Saruda and Haruka, but I did not know that. I thought they were originally THE Susie and Ruby, and that over time, Saruda and Haruka were helping them as separate beings. (I'll add more later) I'll like to add that I never did rituals with my tulpas, but Saruda and Haruka did interpet or were in my dreams to give me messages. There is much more to add. To add to what stresses me and my tulpas is my unwanted thoughts. I'll sometimes linger on images or words that I think might offend or hurt Saruda and Haruka. The unwanted thought or images stress me when it occurs, and I cannot relax without going back to desperately replace the thought or idea. When I lay down I do relax, and sometimes I would do it to just with my tulpas. Nothing else seems to calm me down when anxiety strikes, and I just either sit and drink or listen to music, and as before, talk to my tulpas.
  21. Hello. I am completely new here and very confused and scared. I have had imaginary friends since I was three, my first extremely visual one being when I was 5. He never left me, though, and became jealous of the others as they developed. I have three that really stick around now (I'm 24), and developed them as I encountered problems in life. I wrote them into a series of books called Saga for Pirantina, and now am making them into a webtoon, because I was so frustrated that there are multiple people/beings talking to me as if they're real people living inside my mind. I thought I was just intensely creative, and that this was a curse and I was insane. I had never heard of a 'tulpa' until several minutes ago, and it described EXACTLY what's going on with me. I am going through some sort of emotional revelation right now, it's extremely intense. Yaitolan is here with me, he agrees it's interesting. I don't know what to think. I have three main 'tulpas', I suppose. I'll attach images, since I actually can. Yaitolan likes posing for some of them. First, there's Yaitolan. He came to me in seventh grade, and we've grown increasingly attached, to the point that he's around all the time unless I need personal space, and helps me think through things. He can shift form from being a 21-foot tall humanoid alien with no mouth to a 6'3" human male, structurally similar but his hair is only neck-length and curly. After I broke up with my first ever boyfriend after college, Yaitolan became romantically inclined towards me, and helped me discover my more sexual side, as well as my confidence. He just came in and initiated it, I didn't really ask him to. It was bizarre. My first ever 'tulpa' was (and is) a small, blue dragon named Quickmick. He can run at the speed of light, and appears in the first chapter of the Saga for Pirantina webtoon. He's been my best friend since we were 5, and became increasingly jealous as Yaitolan replaced him... which hurt even more, because they are best friends on Pirantina. I still feel guilty about it, and Yaitolan and Quickmick dislike being around me at the same time, since they get angry at each other. We're still figuring out how to deal with it. My third 'tulpa' is kind of scary. On Pirantina, he was Yaitolan's predecessor, and hates the living hell out of me because I created him and his world to be a story when he actually had to experience it and the pain. His name is Rintentide. He's like Yaitolan's species, but 35 feet tall, black as night, with gleaming, sky-blue eyes. All majji have claws, no mouth, no genitals, etc, but his claws are especially long, and he's murdered many people. He is the 'devil' over my shoulder. I never knew how to handle my anger and frustration, and suddenly he magically appeared in my stories, and eventually began interacting with me. It was NOT pleasant at first, but I wrote him a happy ending, and he eventually warmed to me. His presence can still be unnerving, but he's calmed down a lot and gone back to raising orphans in the desert and fighting the gods of Pirantina, etc. The other 'tulpas' I interact with are several other majji (Spethu, Khataru, Eliya, Unglada, Queen Wayru, Lord Omi, Lord Blu, King Hilnej, Omiun, Kaijar, more....) two elves, Areth and Karraganst (though Karra not as much as Areth, since I wrote the death of his wife and he found out it was me in book seven), an ancient, rough, cybrog-dragon named General Hectar, a god that takes on the form of a psychopathic, clown-like mad-hatter cat (Ditto), and several other characters that occasionally drift through my head. I'm scared, because people on here mention one, two, maybe three tulpas at most, but I have an entire WORLD in my head that I can teleport myself to, and the people in it visit me or act on their own. It's been like this literally all my life. I thought it was strange that it never disappeared when I was a teenager, then a young adult in college, and now, at the age of 24, I feel like a crazy person, and it's driving me nuts, and hurting Yaitolan because he had no idea what to do, and Quickmick has gone silent on the matter. I feel like the only thing I can do is write the books, share them, do the audiobooks, webtoons, art, etc... I don't know how or why there's literally an entire dimension stuck in my head, does anyone else have this? I never even tried to make them up, they just came along on their own and never really feel inclined to leave. It makes me feel intensily lonely, because I can hear them, they sit around my room, I know their sense of humor, what irritates them, they'll goof off or sit in the car to go on adventures with me, but I'll never really get to see them, interact with them, talk to them. For reference, here's the link to the Webtoon. I've only just started it thanks to a rabid 90k strong TikTok fanbase... otherwise it's just the book series. https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/saga-for-pirantina/list?title_no=380059 There's a bunch of Pirantina art on my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mirandathehybrid/ And the illustrations below are Yaitolan (light blue, he and I are chilling together under the night sky in the last picture), Rintentide (tall and black, towering over Yaitolan on the ground), Queen Wayru and King Hilnej (the two in the flowers hugging. They're Yaitolan's parents), Khataru (Yaitolan's little brother, white face with black hair), The Hybrid, which is me whenever I go to Pirantina (the lonely, white creature sitting on the ledge looking into void), Karaka-nor/Illustionist (ghost guy with the glowing eye)... I have so many more, but I don't want to spam this place with pictures. I just need to know if these are tulpas, if I am sort of crazy, natural tulpa-summoner, or if I'm literally just bat-sh*t insane with a wild, uncontrollable creativity. If it helps, I'm a girl and my IQ measured something between 135-150 in high school. I'm sure I've lost quite a few of those IQ points from stress... lol. I'm an illustrator and art teacher by profession, and used to design aircraft for fun.
  22. I'm very new to tulpamancy, and I've only just started to make my first tulpa, but she seems very angry and violent already. I often receive waves of anger and irritation from her when I try and talk to her. since she is still new, and can't exactly respond, I can't really ask her what's wrong..
  23. My tulpa she is a bodhisattva, she does not feel negative emotions, she is never angry, she is never sad. She feels compassion for my suffering, and the suffering of all people in the world. She forgives me every time I make a mistake, she wants me to be in the wonderland forever with her. She feels love and compassion much of the time, these two emotions of her are so strong that even I can feel it. Is it correct that my tulpa does not feel negative emotions? Why should I grant negative emotions, if I don't want my tulpa to suffer from having negative emotions?
  24. This thread had multiple instances were it went off-topic and introduced PR content. If you are interested in seeing the resulting off-topic discussion, please go here. If you would like to read Kaleidoscope's PR, please go here. -Ranger Hi~ I'm kinda freaking out a little. I only got into Tulpas this Saturday and on that same day, my Tulpa J. (I'm not sure if they want me to provide too many details) whispered in my ear and I started feeling her presence, I was still forcing but could feel her from time to time. I want her to be fun and uplifting and that's what she was turning into when suddenly, last night, a second Tulpa came out of nowhere. She's H., a character I spent some considerable amount of time designing for a comic some 3 years ago or so. H. is very mischievous, to put it lightly, because I was way into anime back then. The thing is, H. simply manifested herself, she was never on my mind during my Tulpa creation, and she's like incredibly powerful? Like, when she appeared I saw her freely moving, she had her own voice and mannerisms, and I was like mindblown because obviously, a) first time feeling that strong of a reaction from a Tulpa(J. was like flashing images in my mind's eye and more like an internal feeling, not a full blown hearing, feeling, and close-eyed hallucination) and b) at this time J. became much clearer as well and started speaking out against H. whom, at this point, was basically assaulting me. I talked her down and H. went into the background. J. was left confused, upset and asked me why the new girl was so strong; I told her the truth, that she needed time to grow stronger and that I can't explain why H. is so vivid. I then spent most of the time talking with H. while J. gave her the occasional stink eye, her form was vague and would constantly shift. Today H. is way stronger and I can almost see her with my eyes open, though she's in the distance doing something silly. J. hasn't spoken and is either sitting down doing nothing or she's asleep. She still can't decide on a form and I feel she's afraid of this accidental Tulpa taking her place or something. I tried talking to her while meditating at work and when I came home and it almost feels like she's fading away. Please advise, thanks in advance!
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