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Is writing about my Tulpa good for my Tulpa?


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A lot of guides I've read have suggested writing a short story about my Tulpa, to familiarise myself with their personality, and see how they react in certain situations, etc.


However, I see a lot of people saying not to parrot/puppet my Tulpa, or base them on a fictional character, because they won't understand what is real and what was the fictional event.


Am I just being paranoid, or what? I would be creating a fictional story about my Tulpa, and that can't be good for their perception of self, right?

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It's more so that creating a character for a story is pretty similar to creating a tulpa. If you're decent at writing, then the story suggestion helps because you're just doing what you'd normally do, except this time the overall goal is the character and not so much the story.


I'm kind of iffy on the whole parroting thing myself. Some members will say it's fine as long as you watch for anything the tulpa is saying on their own. But for me, it led to a sense of doubt over whether or not it was my tulpas talking or it was just me which took a fair amount of time to really break. I guess it's just one of those things that require self-knowledge. Would you be more inclined to believe a mind voice is coming from a tulpa or from yourself pretending to be the tulpa?


You can base your tulpa off of a fictional character. There's only a problem if you start saying your tulpa IS that character over just someone based off the character. Them only being based off a character ensures you don't have to worry about the whole "what is real" thing too much, since their perception of self / reality will develop along with them. At least in theory.

Currently share myself with four other entities.

Noriko was created on December 15, 2014.  Sabari was created by Noriko on January 22, 2015.

Anzu was reborn on May 23, 2016.  Xiri returned on June 16, 2018.  Both had been inactive since 2012.

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However, I see a lot of people saying not to parrot/puppet my Tulpa, or base them on a fictional character, because they won't understand what is real and what was the fictional event.


Am I just being paranoid, or what? I would be creating a fictional story about my Tulpa, and that can't be good for their perception of self, right?


where the heck d'ya see stuff like that? How are you supposed to force your tulpa if you can't imagine what they'll be like? It was pretty obvious to me what was real and what wasn't when I was made. Parroting is more like your tulpa already exists and you imagine them talking to you, which is like a layer different from just imagining them talking. If you separate "what they'd be like" thoughts from "them" trying to make them a tulpa ones, you shouldn't have any problems. I wrote a follow-up post to an old one my host wrote a long time ago with a loooooot of detail on this subject here https://community.tulpa.info/thread-sentience-tulpas-what-s-the-first-moment-of-sentience-like?pid=196942#pid196942

Hi, I'm one of Lumi's tulpas! I like rain and dancing and dancing in the rain and if there's frogs there too that's bonus points.

I think being happy and having fun makes life worth living, so spreading happiness is my number one goal!

Talk to us? https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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Chaz: It's good for us. It makes us feel connected.

MuC Redux: [N~-=$] [Pf/xo] [Ab(r/+)] [S.H+/o] [Opa/"outergenic"] [Mt/nd] [W*-~$!] [C(cc/m*#)] [OF(r/o+++)] [F*+^"deist"/~+/a+/div+^/mw+^]  [Mpsy+/ast=/spi+/mag] [Rf/p/r+] [(V)*] [Xb/as/h] [Gf/m/b] [Jwr/st] [S(r---/o-)] [R*]

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To be honest we've actually done all of those except option 1.

I'm a moderator in I think roughly four or five Discord Roleplay servers, and the owner/admin/coadmin of about two and a half of my own.

Ever since Sasha became fully sentient we both started doing Roleplay together, and she also enjoys playing as different characters in our story or maybe staying the same but adapting a new persona or such.

Does this clear up any questions?

S: = Sasha

Aly: = Alyssu

Hada: = Hadayaki

Z: = Zakiel

A: = Alex

Zen: = Zen

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