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Wonderland...related stuff I guess.


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Hey all.


I'l get right to it. My wonderland being a Tardis. When i'm "in" my wonderland for instance, how do I keep my mind from thinking about somthing, then doing it. As in, Ok, im gonna walk over here...then my mind kinda teleports me to that area, is that supposed to happen? I cant quite grasp normality when I'm in the wonderland basically.


While I know normality isnt...well normal in a wonderland. I'd still like to be able to "do things" without having my mind do it instantly. Is this somthing that just takes time to perfect? Anyone have any imput to this? Sorry if it's worded oddlike.

Name: Blue Bolt

Form: Cutie Pony

Sentience: Yes

Working on: Imposition


Name: Princess Ayamiss

Form: Changling (mlp)

Sentience: Yes

Working on: Imposition

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Oh boy, yeah i understand where your coming from. this is basically a lack of visualizing skill. sometimes even i get confused... "Oguigi did you really do that" cause in my wonderland am basically half blind. am mildly aware of my surrounding and can't examine details without focusing. My mind eye is pretty poor.


Visualizing is one of my weakness, it doesn't affect my tulpa at all (I keep telling Oguigi how am jealous I am that she can see wonderland as vividly as reality), am pretty much handicap in my own wonderland lol, go figure.

pix: Link

Diary: http://ponystasha.tumblr.com


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xD I hear ya. I can see the wonderland well. Its just (me + wonderland) dont mix. I can see myself, from first person at least, hands/feet all that just fine and my surroundings. But I have to pry to actually move and not just teleport. :/

Name: Blue Bolt

Form: Cutie Pony

Sentience: Yes

Working on: Imposition


Name: Princess Ayamiss

Form: Changling (mlp)

Sentience: Yes

Working on: Imposition

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You know i have the same issue, i make a very specific point of making my moves deliberate and almost focus more on doing what i want, the way i would outside of the wonderland, instead of it just happening.


It is pretty god damn frustrating i have to say.

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It is pretty god damn frustrating i have to say.


Aye. It takes up 75% of my brains processing power. And my ADHD takes up the other 26%. -.- Tough as hell to do anything in my wonderland right now, i'd really flippin like to as well. Its hard for me to do touch related things right now. Due to me always being very conscious about how I look. And me petting and feeling something no one else can see is... well, you get the idea, so i'd love to do it in the wonderland.

Name: Blue Bolt

Form: Cutie Pony

Sentience: Yes

Working on: Imposition


Name: Princess Ayamiss

Form: Changling (mlp)

Sentience: Yes

Working on: Imposition

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So, anyone have any ways they've overcome this?

Name: Blue Bolt

Form: Cutie Pony

Sentience: Yes

Working on: Imposition


Name: Princess Ayamiss

Form: Changling (mlp)

Sentience: Yes

Working on: Imposition

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They're Ignoring us!


xD I just wanna keep the thread bumped up. ^^

Name: Blue Bolt

Form: Cutie Pony

Sentience: Yes

Working on: Imposition


Name: Princess Ayamiss

Form: Changling (mlp)

Sentience: Yes

Working on: Imposition

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My visualizing is pretty good and i also have the same "problem".

I can still do all the things in slow but it takes a big amount of focus.

For me its mostly a matter of patience to wait for certain things to be done instead of just insta-do-it.

And since in wonderland we don't really need to wait, we just go the lazy way.


I always try to not go the lazy way and over the time it's getting more easy to do so.

Mediation before forcing in wonderland also helps me a lot.


Practice is the key. :)





this is basically a lack of visualizing skill.


No offence, but please stop to just claim stuff.

They say great science is built on the shoulders of giants - not here.

At Tulpa.info we do all our science from scratch; no hand holding.

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This doesn't really happen to me, I move around pretty much constantly in the wonderland.

My opinions are all subject to change.

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